Wednesday, June 30, 2021

What the Guiding Darkness Revealed About Detroit

 Detroit was given time and space to repent, but their government system didn't repent of their election fraud. If mortgage lenders were just, they would also demand that flood insurance be purchased for any house they loan money toward. Detroit homeowners should know enough about their property to get not only comprehensive insurance on their automobile but also to get flood insurance for their house. The fact is that 30% of Detroit population NOT having internet access is good, since maybe 30% of the people don't want the internet demons in their household OR don't want to budget for internet access.  It's not a sin nor a right to have INTERNET access, no matter what speed you think you desire. 

Biden the beast already fined the USA taxpayers trillions of dollars to 'bail out' Detroit, and such forfeitures are unconstitutional so Biden is treasonous and anti-defense since he won't even defend out GROSS income.

Could Yahweh have deterred the heavy rains? Sure, but Detroit people could have repented and properly put John James into his proper government position.  Does Detroit continually vote 'Democrat' and continually have terrible results? Yup, since they refuse to repent of their corrupt ways.  Now a 2-headed beast combo of Whitmer and Biden are meeting up to discuss more ways that they desire to be anti-Yahweh.  Some people think that the total solar eclipse of 2017 was the start of the tribulation, but I suspect it was the midpoint.

Portland, Oregon has a horrible attitude toward good law and holy orders, and are they buckling up under extreme heat?   They had time to repent, but they haven't done so and if Yahweh never changes, a low count of 10 righteous people within a local government ( voters are part of local government) can deter disaster from overtaking your area, though nearby disaster may have struck.  

'A HOUSE DIVIDED' is best represented by 1 Border Patrol unit M88031, and whether or not a human occupies that vehicle does not change the code on the vehicle which is nominal value according to Stuart Rottier's financial audibles.

A pump failed in Detroit's system? That's no different than having a heart attack after smoking cigarettes without even trying to quit.  Donald Trump did seem to want Detroit to improve, but the election officials of Detroit are to blame for the lack of mercy shown to their turf from the Dave Rexroth group of weather heads.

Some people predict failure, and some people prefer to incite repentance.  I rather incite repentance in Michigan  even if that means Whitmer has to start antagonizing Biden by changing her position on abortion as well as demanding that election fraud in Michigan gets investigated properly. I refuse to incite riots in my neighborhood or in Portland, Oregon like the Democrats and the totally depraved enjoy doing.  Some Democrats don't get EVERYTHING wrong, since even the Nazi party of Germany was trying to counter the homosexual agenda that WCSX's Dave Dahmer and Jeffrey Dahmer have been promoting to their neighbors. 

Dave Dahmer's voice is a curse in Detroit, and any man influenced by a witch is unable to properly repent, which is why Yahweh allowed Goliath to 'play through' on his course against a real shepherd boy that eventually learned to repent and accept punishment for his lawlessness.

There is a huge difference between a George Strait jacket and a Columbus Bluejacket.  If you don't realize who the best men are in spiritual warfare, you'll end up with a stupid Brooks 'g' on your head rather than a D that equals 500, and let Matt Bissonette and Gregg Bissonette think about THAT comparison even if they do not understand brotherly love yet.

Montfake is the opposite of Montreal.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Bo Horvat and Ryan Longwell Vs. Bill Horvath & Whitney Swenson

 I suspect many people have been forced into situations they rather not be in. For instance, Justin Best decided to advise people on what to do if a grenade lands at your feet and he has real experience in that area. Now. lets look at 2 teams consisting of  Team O, namely Bo Horvat, Terry O'Neill and Bodo Gajevic vs. Team 0 consisting of Bill Horvath,  Jarob Ortiz and Whitney Swenson of Woodlands Church on Hoover Avenue in Plover, WI. and see who would score higher on this 22Gray test:

Q1:  If you are being coerced by a political enemy to expose your private information  on unofficial business documents not covered by medical privacy regulations, should you:

A: Put your name and real phone telephone number down, knowing that people like Sam Little or dangerous strangers have access to that document without verifying their identity by fingerprints

B: Use a familiar telephone number and an alias such as ' Sally Holmes',  'Adult Ruth' or 'Anne Back Stir'  to resist the coercion and keep wicked people in derision .

C: Stop going to business you want to support where you have been known to them in order to avoid releasing valuable personal information on a very insecure document to prove you are fearful of making a serious mistake during times of tyranny and  modus operandi of  an unjustified 'dictatorship'. 

Q2:  Knowing the people such as drug dealers, paid fakes in movie roles and legitimate military forces often use identities other than their legal name in order to complete a mission, whether good or bad, which of the following is good advice against your enemy:

B:  Never give false information to people who you realize represent your local government law enforcement agencies and who ARE not fake names such as 'Anne Officer' or 'An Office Sir' in the process of their questioning of you for their or your safety.

C: Do consider it fair but maybe not always perfect to use your past legal name  or nicknames on unofficial documents  IF you are not under deposition or filling out baptismal forms.

A:  If in the process of a mission you seem unable to resist such as Judas Iscariot in a silver transaction after his neighbor 'Jesus Christ' didn't try to prevent Satan from entering into him, tell others you are unsure of your current title but are human with the ability to generate proof of identification sufficient to vote in the USA  in an emergency,

Q3:  When looking at Tigray in 2021 rather than in 79 AD, do you see:

A) BBC as a pure and reliable witness

B)  22Gray, in code like Milwaukee Tech Trojan David Ortiz might use when near Miss York

C)  Not Gary Osgood

D) Utter  or wrote the phrase:  'Words mean places and sometimes Ti means Titanium when skies are gray areas.'

Q4:  When the difference between 344 and 261 when followed by 1413 is 87, what or who do you use as a  constant  to test Squad 87?

A)  Francium

B)  Anthony Wickersham 

C)  Sidney Crosby  of the Pittsburgh Penguins

D)  Acquine Jackson, who has been told he is a security expert at the Milwaukee public schools

E) 715-370-4668, with 46= the obviously confused Joseph Biden Jr. who obviously isn't able to INDEPENDENTLY care for himself or others because he has signs of dementia 

F) The largest physical point of reference for 44.95 North latitude  and -89.61 longitude, with .61  equal to  Captain Stone #61 of the Las Vegas Knights

G) the most recent sighting of unleaded gas price per gallon of $2.17 in Michigan during the Whitmer era ( the prophecy constant)

H) James  Strong's Hebrew 1165

I) Richard Belmore in 1987

Q5:  If questioned by friend, foe or family about the use of a variation of your legal name or your method of securing your own unlisted  telephone number, what is the best response for an Izardist or mythologist can answer in the presence of a Yahwehist:

H) Hey, I was writing in tongues and speaking in codes that I learned from my public security guard. Do you want me to call the  unlisted number of a police officer before I decode what I wrote?

Y) The LORD watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another.

V)  Vegas Viper, Bald316 and Digital Frog started a new religion based on the freedom to choose our personal identity options while not under arrest and not conducting business in the lending and saving industries, especially when we haven't yet heard our Samatha warnings from Miranda Stroik.  I'm testing the spirit of that old age religion until someone tells me my name isn't Mystery Babylon.

W)  I think I may have had a condensed version of the Simon Bourne headache which caused me to think of my friends and past acquaintances rather than of myself under pressure, but isn't that better than a Cuban missile crisis and a drug-induced anxiety attack? 

B) In my mind I was clear as to what I was thinking. Aren't you thankful I'm not married to Alex Pietrangelo on a Honda commercial and appearing as though a mortician did a make-up  test on my face?

C) I sometimes list my next of kin or a friend who has a SMART phone and knows how to contact me with a string and a soup  or a mailed paper letter can since I'm suddenly considering becoming Amish.

As Mrs. Christ's mythology class , Leah Picciolo's science fiction class or Firefighter's Local 215 representative Robert DeLeon would know, only the giver of the test is able to determine which team submitted the best answers during an average case scenario known as 'suspicious telephone calls' or a unique Armada musical case scenario of 'Sweet Tea' test sites, since Lindsey Swenson and Bo Horvat  are equally able to determine what 'rated G' means in public gatherings.

When using the internet or with audibles, people typically use nicknames or code names in chats, on blogs or in other  unsigned electronic documents since those should never be considered as weighty as a copyrighted book, a set of  fingerprints in a police chain of command and parental identification for REAL sensitive crime solving purposes involving civil divisions.  

If government officials can use code names such as 'renegade' or surnames such as 'Wilhelm' or 'Klink' to protect themselves, so can we the people, in order to protect ourselves from people like Sam Little or Jeffrey Dahmer,  use code names or choose to use our original legal names since what is reasonable for the honest elected official is acceptable for the legal tax-paying citizens who are being coerced and sometimes harassed by horrible government officials.

Did you know that whoever submitted falsified votes for Joseph Biden Jr, actually CURSED him as well as defiling their own body?  Rebuking a sinner or obvious wickedness is not a curse, but is a non-disguised blessing.   

I'm thankful the robotic, suspicious telephone call from ' an office sir'  I received didn't come from Whitmer or Wickersham's office, since I rather provoke them to do good and not evil.

For those in the 3rd year of tribulation practices, recall that the answer for #815 is POINTB according to USA Today's April 28th, 2019 crossword puzzle and my questionnaire for this day is only counted as being completed on day 812.

Roy W. Allen got into life-threatening trouble when he was doing puzzle works.  Why file a report with  Bill Horvath's office when Horvath doesn't have any power nor authority to correct or forgive a suspicious telephone call from his area that wasn't directed at Michigan 5211?

Some Getzel guy in the state of Georgia claimed it is a sin for a follower of Yeshua to  be unhappy; that man must not believe the beatitudes mentioning those who mourn and I suppose he  thinks that the rules for feast days of Sukkot are supposed to apply every day. Does the phrase from Revelation 6:10 sound like it is coming from the staff of 'Happy Feet'? I disagree with Getzel's edict demanding that we be happy during a difficult battle against liars, whoremongers, murderers, thieves and morally depraved neighbors. 

Is it the 'happy people' who get sealed or those who are vexed and cry out against  abominations as Ezequiel 9:4 indicates?

Well, that's all, disciples!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Worst Fingerprint Technician Gets Dishonorable Mention

I always tried to obtain excellent fingerprints from arrested humans in Milwaukee when I was employed within the police department since a good  detailed set of fingerprints sometimes clears people of accusations. However, after watching 'The Blue Gardenia', not only was Raymond Burr's behavior as repulsive as nasty Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell, whoever slopped Anne Baxter's fingerprints onto paper should never have been hired by the movie industry.  The jokes sometimes end abruptly at lines with people like Mark Vasquez, Thomas Klusman, Roy Benford, Robert Skardzynski, Chester Ulickey, Patricia Schnell and Denita Ball, since those people know what it feels like to be in huge, non-fake battles with or without me.

And now, 'Birmingham Bounce' has become the theme song for Shane Battier, with 'Midnight Flyer' slipping in as a great non-secret Cole connection for Paul Coffey or Jeff Hackett.

Idaho State's chemistry department doesn't own Squad 55, even though they keep toying with elements like Cs with no regard for more practical tests of human responses to important non-electronic messages..

Who's going to call Michigan 5211 or Madison50025 instead of praying to Angelic Leader Yehovah, who never has been identified by gender?  I actuallu said 'Thank Satan I didn't lose power last night', since I do realize that some angels such as Satan do get permission to make situations difficult rather than nothing to be concerned about.

Some people suspect that the Feast of Weeks is going to be on June 25th, since that group thinks the regular sabbath is always on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day of the month that resets after the crescent moon appears; I am not one of those people since I opt for the Friday dusk start of the weekly sabbath, but at least those people are TRYING to behave according to what they claim to believe.

Did Tommy Bedford obtain excellent fingerprint sets when he worked at 749 W. State Street in Milwaukee? I suppose Officer Bedford did much better than the flop of 'The Blue Gardenia', a movie which happens to have a real Pabst advertisement in 'Bill's Beanery'. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Fiery Serpent Possibility: Thomas More vs. William Tyndale

William Tyndale made a mockery of the marker of the 7th day sabbath when arguing against Thomas More , but  some reports indicate that Thomas More did NOT believe that the sabbath could be moved around like a idol in the hands of Martin Luther, a Bemidji 'Nanaboozhoo puppet' or the Vatican from Saturday to Sunday. England's Henry the VIII was a wicked man indeed.

When I see  חנוך as a water-loving Canuck as being a more accurate translation than 'Enoch' after looking at the bronze serpent who was unable to provide a clean meal, I then can see H3346 in a different darkness.  Bill Cloud always like to take people to a Berlin Hotel wall  it seems, but I refuse to get stuck at his intrepretations. In Daniel 7:11, a 4th beast is destroyed by fire, and on this Shavuot eve, I have no problem denouncing the works of Tyndale and reconsidering what Thomas More really had done that the Roman Catholic Thomas High high school fools in Cudahy, Wisconsin seem to have forgotten while they were busy twisting their income into nasty Carrie Underwood pamplets.  

Malachi 2:14 might redirect a few hardened hearts of heathen men to reconsider who their first bride was and is now rather than plopping some more cash into some stupid box of chocolates in February. Did your first wife who you mistreated become someone else's slave because you refused to behave as an honorable man and support her and your children? 

H2277 now becomes a significant female historic bride, not a variant 'other' or a 'Large Goose Backed To Quails' and only worth 40 Kuhandel points stuck in a filthy, defiled LGBTQ cage.

הברת    isn't an  אתו  . Mr. William Cloud.  Every valley of decision doesn't lead to Calvary Hill on St. Lucia of the West Indies. What William Cloud translated as OTO, I would have translated as ATV to distinguish between the א and the ו.  Lousy, inconsistent translations have to be challenged and CHANGED to a system that is more stable if trying to go from English back to Hebrew.

It does seem that Psalm 103 and Psalm 86:15 is connected to 396 G's, not 895 Social Security $ projections as a tiny monthly 'settlement', and I have typed that  חנון in Soo Greyhound Code 8.  

Who decided that the A  key would convert to the  ש ?

Rechecking the 17th Degree Freemason Split@Ibleam

 At 2986, you might need a female  burden bearer  , not a lazy, willfully ignorant political sluggard  such as Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama.  As the 50th day of the counting of the omer draws within hours, is Ibleam the opposite of Abaddon? Ibleam is a misleading KJV translation of  יבלעם which does not quite indicate the ingathering or grouping of the people of יבל   as  יבלים   would.   Thus, a written word is always weightier than an audible.   the KJV is SO inconsistent in their translations, since sometimes they converted a י  into an I and sometimes into a J, but the best conversion would have been to a Y.

I have been unaware of who or what  'Ibleam' is, but today I will research that name in the non-Reese scriptures.  After learning that Yebusy (Jebusites) were occupying turf now called Jerusalem die to arriving at the Y words diligently for well over over 2970 post-divorce dusks , I still recognize Russia being in the center of Yerushalem, rather than  in the center of a Tootsie pop. 

I suppose Ibleam might be connected to 'Jebulum' at the Freemason's 17th hole.  

Fort Meigs is real! Georgia's speaker of the computer mouse, Esaac Israel, is  very wrong if he thinks only his ancestors built up the USA when in fact, people of all races and creeds struggled to build the now crumbling infrastructure of the USA. Many creeds and races were mistreated as they worked the land and worked up sweat equity in their housing.  As it was in Johnstown at the time of their flood, many people who then gathered excessive wealth bought recreational lodges that they DID NOT NEED to amuse themselves on 2 day weekends and lengthy summer vacations, and when they did not properly UPKEEP their housing investment or were as absurd as those trying to maintain a city below sea level in New Orleans, LA, natural forces of water overcame the entire area that did not resist the influx of pompous recreational housing that was more often unoccupied than occupied by the owners.

I never desired to own 2 homes because that just doesn't seem to be the proper protocol for people walking humblly with Yehovah,  However, being a lifetime renter also doesn't fit into the mindset of people who are supposed to plant gardens in the land that they have purchased at a just price.

Repeating mistakes is not learning from wicked results. Too many churches are starting to look like 'The Dandelion Club' in a movie called 'Four Boys and a Gun', where they dance and shove money around on Saturdays and Sundays, and they become more like King Herod than like a son of Elizabeth eating locusts and wild honey, warning his neighbors tp not rise up and dance as they did around the golden calf before an earthquake swallowed up Dathan and his carnal 'dancing queens'.


JUST procedures are always better than FAIR warnings, David Teske.

Friday, June 18, 2021

On Behalf of Peter Salemi: The NFL Can Resist Theresa Tam Scam BEST

 After seeing a wayward leaf ruin Matthew Southgate's score, consider why I do think that forcing people to become GMO's ( genetically modified outpatients)  is a high probability of being the spot and blemish that prevents most from being considered presentable when the bridegroom (messiah figure) shuts the door on his opposition.

First, unless the government of Canada is going to allow unvaccinated people into their big house of England's horrors, they are going to try to force ALL professional and amateur athletes to take the mark of Allison McGeer and Theresa Tam, a 2 headed beast who looks more unhealthy than my pet scorpion would inside of Maverick Anthill. Will Canada's hypocrites allow pro-hockey players, MLB and NBA players into Toronto  to go to and fro into Canada state of  dictatorship even though they are unvaccinated?  If they do, then it is a crime of unjust scales not to allow unvaccinated people to  visit their family and friends in Canada. If they don't allow them in, aren't they trying to force athletic businessmen  to comply with Canada's demands, which means they are really bowing to the nasty Prince Charles?

Allison McGeer looks sick herself, and I wouldn't want to be in her office.  Theresa Tam looks like a sample of fair dental care rather than good dental practices AND her skin certainly looks as unhealthy as an  frog who didn't eat enough flies. So, what will Eric Lindros and the NHL players union do? Will they comply with the 100% vaccination demands of Canada or go the way of Dustin Byfuglien and QUIT before they take the unclean spot in order to buy and sell in Canada or in the Japanese Olympics?

I'm convinced that  although Biden is a killer worse than Putin since he considers unborn infants to be HIS enemy and deserving of death by abortion, there are enough intelligent people in most of the USA states to resist 100% compliance with a very non-kosher injection. Let;s face facts: people who never stopped eating swine, snakes and oysters have already rejected the instructions from Yah so they had no chance of being without spot or blemish. But what about all the residents of the state of Israel who folded under pressure and blasphemed by claiming the mDNA injections were clean and permissable for the elect of Yahweh?  

Maybe I'll need to file a lawsuit against Canada if they won't permit me to visit my dear friends there because BASED ON MY HUMAN BELIEFS guided by the division of clean and unclean animals, I do not trust in injections to resist diseases of the flesh. Let's see if Cooper and DeBoer's sliders all agree to be jabbed with a couple of doses to comply with Justin Trudeau's orders like the Dakota indians decided to eat dogs and the French decided to ingest snails instead of eating Grubauer?

At least the NFL, the stubborn guys who like working on Sundays, won't be forced into Canada's vaccination demands .  What kind of tyrant would demand all their employees take an injected mark without knowing the long-term effects or the commandments,  that spots their ensaved like a feline LEOPARD line in prophes?

June 19th is nothing in the sight of Yehovah's people, since Kamala and Biden's chemical warfare agents are still coercing people of all races to be experimented with by causing the to be fearful and more ignorant than a goat?  Actually, it would be interesting to set a bowl of the OPERATION WARP SPEED government fluids being dispersed  and see if a goat, a dog, a rat, a monkey or an alley cat would lap it up voluntarily?

I saw a sick boxer named 'Thunder' with cancer resist injections at the University of Wisconsin veterinary clinic until he was too sick to resist the injections and preferred to die. 

Read Yeremiyahu Chapter 13, notice the word H2272 in verse 23, and decide if a tattoo is more like a problematic spot of the wrong empire that the current push of experimental concoctions that people are waiting in lines for.  H2722 looks like it adds up to 417, but the dispenser of that mark isn't Laurence Marks.  How do I slip into Shavuot weekend flippantly? By recalling Robert Crane and despising Paul Stanley in the following scenario:

What if Robert Crane, while in unit 116 in Scottsdale, AZ really had made up his mind to stop his whorish ways and then shortly after he had a real change of mindset, he was murdered? In such a case, he is no different than the thief on the cross who was murdered shortly after having a change of mindset toward 'Jesus'.   If Mark Carpenter didn't want to stop sinning but Robert Crane did, Mark Carpenter is a more like Shane David Hendrikson and nothing like me, who has been allowed many years after a sorry 'Attic' process to do good works after rejecting lawlessness.

I wonder if buying gift cards in advance for myself is a good father's day present to me, since I did have to fill the role of a mother and a father for many years, though only 1 of my 2 children appreciates my wage-earning role after the nephew of Milwaukee's overpaid Acquine Jackson decided he wanted to abandon me  and his son so he could pursue marijuana and try to be a Michael Jackson clone.

I surely have planned over 59 years for this Shavuot weekend.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Red Heifer Audibles

 Suppose I only heard words from Mikell Clayton mentioning a creature being taken outside of a camp to unclean areas and 38 years have gone by for a segment of unclean people who have refused to adjust their behavior after a fact has been established: I don't want to refuse to adjust.

Since this was the 1st year I followed the 2nd month keeping of an unleavened bread week, consider the reports about the crucified son of Mary and if they are accurate, there was no way he was able to keep the 1st month feast of unleavened bread and thus he was indeed 'cut off' from Israel UNLESS he kept the 2nd month passover option  after he supposedly rose up from the tomb. That keeping of the 2nd month week of unleavened bread  is not mentioned specifically, but within 40 days of the resurrection reports, the son of Mary would have had an opportunity to keep the WEEK of feast of unleavened bread  in the second month, setting an example for his followers. Now it is apparent how few people really have decided to follow the son of Mary, since not only do they refuse to keep the feast of the week of unleavened bread as his mother Mary would have done, they also put no effort (good works) into the 2nd month option in the USA or in any place while clearly surrounded by unholy and unclean areas.

I don't understand the red heifer stuff, but I do understand the problems that occur when 38 years go by and person does not regard the instructions passed onto him or her by a saint or prophet determined to be aligned with Yahowah. Arguments occur and as Mikell Clayton mentioned, we lose people in our life that we still miss but grief should not prevent us from  obeying our Creator's instructions not only for first or second month pesach week, but also for the observance and respect for the day marked as Shavuot after counting 50 days that are based on 7 weeks of regular 7th day sabbaths.,,,, not Sunday sabbaths followed by a Monday Pentecost.

Mikell Clayton is not going to be observing Shavuot on June 20th, 2021 but I will be trying to set that day apart according to my understanding of the instructions from Yahowah the LORD of hosts,  I suppose the LORD of hosts will judge how well people host one another during important times.

Every work day is also as important as a weekly day of rest, and refusing to work 6 days a week also show you do not really believe the Creator.

Janet I. Dunn and her Macomb library builders certainly do not believe the Creator of heaven and earth and keep setting themselves up as an unclean idol in their own expensive mirrors .  At a time when a political figure of Utah is asking people to pray for rain during drought, has he ever considered that the Mormon Tabernacle is a curse that has led many astray?  Who does that political figure pray to?  I wasn't interested in going into the Mormon's monstrosity after observing the haughty, rotten fruits of Catholicism rise up in St. Josaphat's basilica in Milwaukee in 1995.  Now, Janet I. Dunn is trying to create her own little Babylon in Michigan....don't be deceived by people who WON"T work in the fields, however small their clean food crops may be. 

A flogged heifer would not meet the terms of a peace agreement and Mikell Clayton should believe that fact but he and billions of others reject that fact.  Did Yeshua, the son of Mary, actually keep the 2nd month feast of unleavened bread? If he didn't do so before the report of his ascension 10 days prior to Shavuot, he was not 'Torah pursuant' since he clearly was unable to keep the feast of unleavened bread in the 1st month in the year that Pilate redirected him to a death camp.

The final place I want to end up is 'heaven' since that does sound like a good final destination to see how the war between Michael and Satan is going or how it get's completed.  I know heaven's number isn't 1-715-372-5425, nor is heaven located in Las Vegas and it certainly will never be a Macomb library full of literary apostacies and unclean, unholy spirits.

38 years was pivotal according to Numbers chapter 20-22.   Is last the same as final? Was your last breakfast your final breakfast?  Your first mother is always your real mother, no matter how many liars try to convince you that your first mother isn't real.  Have you been told your true mother doesn't exist by the unholy person you choose to call your 'father', who then also deceives your children? 

In sorrow and pain, we real mothers have brought forth children, though their fathers loved us not and viewed their vows as trivial audibles. Such a thought brings to mind  Hagar, the maid of Sarah and the mothers of Asher, Dan, Napthali and Gd.  Scattering seeds and not caring about nurturing their offspring is what a whorish man does, and there are plenty of whorish men who have been causing divisions and derision in and out of courtrooms.

Day 47 of the omer count is waning as dusk is nearer than dawn.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Otto Slips Between Mark Grow and Bruce Kirby!

 Wayne Bloom matters.

The concluding trio in the 1st annual 'Wild Things Bowling Tournament' comprised of a dog, a cook and a marine animal. Here are the scores:

Hot Soup Maker          157

Sea Monster                124

Lower Level Canine   267


Scratch total: 548

This team, anchored by a canine unit, won the tournament  by outscoring the 2nd place White Goat Face team by 55 points. It still has not been determined who actually made the hot soup that was delivered to Max's room.

If I had to do a remake of 'Hogan's Heroes', these would be the FEMA Zone V similar versions of the original actors:

Robert Crane = Stephen Basting

Bruce Kirby = Mark Grow

Howard Caine = Raymond Trudell

Larry Hovis = Andrew Shier the Milwaukee Admiral

Robert Clary = Cole Caufield

Nita Talbot =  Marie Hendrikson (me)

Harrold Stone = Sergei Krivokrasov*

Ivan Dixon = Dustin Byfuglien

Kenneth Washington = Kenneth Munson

Werner Klemperer = Jeff Blashill

Richard Dawson = Visanthe Shiancoe  due to English accent constraints

Bob Hastings = Phil Dawson  ( NFL kicker)

John Banner =  Thomas Stigler

Monte Markham = Doug Zaworski

Cynthia Lynn  =  William Kimball * of Armada, Michigan 

* Looks can be deceiving.

By the life lines, Mary Kapusta can't equal Clint Cabbage and Clint Cabbage can't equal Joshua Cebula.

( Suppose Bednar's  Grubauer 31 was substituting for Eric David Hendrikson in Gambler circles? Grubauer took in six, but 29 and Ashley Maria Hendrikson only took in 3...theoretically if age is an indicator of affiliations. Now, Carey Price is 31 going up against 29. Hmmmmmm.... worse than a Max Cole  sketchy vision control scenario !!!! )

Otto Delgado can't be Otto Bismarck, by the truth.

As anyone who has done editing knows, dialogue in films can be altered as easily as Peter Cetera can explain what  musical bias is or DNA manipulation in the middle of BEDNAR.

 I promise never to make a Gonchar later again.... for Lila's sake on June 14th. It's Patrick Roy ESPN numerology at 804 that is going to give people as much trouble as Chris Chelios at 151, especially if the 40th month of the tribulation actually starts this weekend, which is also the 3rd month of the year to those who decided not to begin their year in winter.

Lastly, would you be worried if autumn did not arrive in Michigan until March and the seasons completely shifted due to portal testing and repositioning of earthly powers?  I would suppose that was a good way to mess up major league baseball and a possibility sometime in the future, and I certainly wouldn't get an anxiety attack over something that natural occurring.

Randolph 'Randy' Bullock isn't a Robin in 29th place.

% matters.

Steve Young Vs. Steve Peck

Sloppy bookkeeping leads to derision at best and deception at worst.  Steve Peck calls himself  the Vice President of Operations of DISCOVER cards student loan section, yet he clearly has wrong information about the whereabouts of Richard Hendrikson.  It's better to have no information than have and pass along wrong information.

Is the Book of Mormon false information?  I suppose it is false information no more useful than a Latin mass at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church where the paid maintenance man never heard of Israelites preferring a Saturday gathering.  I suppose the Latin gang is willfully ignorant of Yehowah's method of operation.  What St. Joseph are they representing on Romeo Plank Road in Macomb County? Could it be  Joseph Raczek, the dead uncle of Thaddeus Raczek? It certainly wouldn't be Joseph the brother of Benjamin being respected at St. Joseph's church in Macomb County, Michigan.

Steve Young is like Max Pacioretty since both have lowered their moral standards enough to be surrounded by strumpets in the workplace AND get paid millions of dollars to be no better than King Herod in behavioral science show-ups.   If only 1 of 2 'rich men' could get into the kingdom of Gd, would it be Max Pacioretty or Steve Young AFTER they repent of representing cities more depraved than Indiana, Pennsylvania by cutting their umbilical cord from such horrid employers? 

Does anyone want to or NEED to see 2 attorneys coach NHL teams for a Stanley Cup, namely DeBoer's whore lines vs. Cooper's rubber slippers?  56 games isn't 82 games, so it's not even a true test that Jonathan Toew's Stanley Cup winning team earned a few years ago.  However, decent hockey fans might like to see Montreal Byron vs. New York Nelson to that Ben Hogan can rise in peace.

I am a decent hockey fan, and Steve Peck is incompetent. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

The Tail of the 2 South African 'Code 27' Woodchucks

 For lack of a less interesting title, I don't want to forget how unthankful a couple of Wausau Woodchucks were even though I had prepared a place for those 2 'Christians'.  Maybe they were Marine Oliver North and Boykin, not understanding how harsh the Lord of Hosts could be.

Setting Marine Oliver North's viewpoints aside, think about what it means to be a host and having a Lord that would critique you regarding your hospitality.  Would you pass a test from the Lord of Hosts or be declared inhospitable toward parents, siblings and church of Philadelphia members who aren't like Oliver North's Sunday schoolers?

As I observed 3 young men, I noticed that 2 men who claimed to be from South Africa were sitting peacefully with a colored man, but the colored man looked the most nervous. He was chomping on gum, a an activity that wasn't prevented by his tattoo. I asked the men who a famous person from South Africa is and AFTER they consulted their cellphone they suggested Nelson Mandella, but I openly rejected their Mandella suggestion knowing Mandella wouldn't pass a test from Yehovah. Secondly, they came up with Gary Player, and I suppose I rather go into a battle with Gary Player than with Nelson Mandella. 27 is the communications code for South Africa, so the 3 men ordering papadam became persons of interest in the diner we had chosen in what might be the 27th month in a 7 year course of action and reactions.

How about that Kraut line that the Boston Bruins used to have set up by Art Ross?  Does the Kraut line sound like a racial slur or is it clean enough for Eric Furlatt as a neutral zone topic?  A Donut line is no different than a Kraut line or a Lefsa line, so don't be too irritated if another Halal Duck line starts up   somewhere  beneath the pale sunlight.

I postponed the bowling results of 3 more of Maurice Sendak's characters in a wiser fashion than the overpaid Kamilla Harris, so you can know read the results from Lane 14 where rendevous point 14X occurred again without Madame LaGrange:

BACK UP WILD THING            164


WOLF SUITED MAX                 150


                                        Scratch Total  466, which is +13 over 453 but -27 from  493 

A final trio of Sendak characters will take part in this challenge this weekend and will include the hot soup maker, outer darkness dog and  marine life swimmer.

Have an alert day 34 of the omer, and remember that the FAST line went 71 with the Carolina Hurricanes rather than to  the QUICK sand  boxers. Without Philadelphia's Roy W. Allen to pray to, maybe it's time to request information from Jeff Hackett, the tower of London.  Let's not forget this is D-Day weekend, not Canadian Flag Day.


Intelligently recall that my definition of a colored person means that he has a tattoo, which means I have colored people on my slow current bowling team.

♠♠♠♠♠♠♠  What's Black Forest cake next to  Art Ross's Boston Kraut line? 1959 was an interesting year in Milwaukee, even if Bob Crane AKA 'Hogan' was nowhere near Milwaukee then. 2021 has been absurd thus far.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

2nd and Local 21 Bluemound Road Walkers : Ezequiel's Bowl Role

 I have heard some people feel better when they hear the sound of velcro dismantling expensive body armor after s work shift. The sound of velcro is not music, but I know what it sounds like to remove body armor.

While some males like Michael Lyons are contriving skits and fake conversations in Bemidji, deceiving others with unsound advice, real men are working hard repairing houses, planting gardens and producing products that are needed that were never intended to be provided by an unstable, financially ruined USA  government body.  Today does feel like the end of the second and last opportunity to behave like the tail end of the line of Yoshua and Kalev rather than as a  stubborn Catholic, an atheist or protestant  who pretends like 'Mr. Nanaboozhoo'  stuffed with Michael Lyons, the male who is not yet a man because he does not want to work by the sweat of his brow and prefers to be a weak and beggarly element whom I won't return to.

Returning to a leader with a holy spirit within his flesh can mean contributing to financially for a rate of return on that leader's investments. Other times I suppose it means returning to the instruction manual of that trusted leader whom you may have lost faith in during times of losses and discouragement such a divorces or other uncivil wars. Abraham Lincoln never lead a Civil War, since that war was very uncivil and many have been deceived by the word CIVIL in and out of courts.  

Righteous, courageous, holy and truthful is more important that being described as civil or a civilian during a battle. I saw Montreal Canadien 15 standing next to Montreal Canadien #32 standing with only a bit more than 50 seconds left in a non-civil battle in Canada while pursuing  a trophy, not even a Michael Brophy. That 15+32 combo of Montreal was not Marie Xavier 1532 the police officer who caused the sound of body armor velcro to be heard in her home so that she could prevent herself from becoming like Michael Lyons, the master of plastic toys and Paul Stanley fanatic in a system that has no room for the keeping of 2nd passover weeks. There is no sense in writing to Michael Lyons, since he prefers not to hear directly from me, but maybe a remnant still needs to be warned against the traps that have been set by media cults and religious sects for the weak and the lonely and the spiritually ill.  Jake Evans #71 didn't slow himself down in a race toward a puck that might as well be labeled 'Bathsheba'; he was causal in his injury like a downhill skier who takes too much risk. Conversely, I observed Max Pacioretty, while on a team suitable for a prodigal son while away, physically defend his body during a battle and only got penalized for 'roughing' after another player was trying to arrack his body like Cheryl Lee Brown attacked my household in 2011, and then she caused division to occur with her unholy intentions. I am not related Cheryl Lee Hendrikson and never will be, but wrong records have supposed me to be connected to her. Such false reports often cause more damage than what Evans #71 sustained to his body last evening  a lie is often difficult to  disprove. Flesh wounds repair much more quickly than the damage done by lying lips in a household or church assembly. 

I suspect how I feel today is correct after being corrected by taking a somber look at what is ahead toward Shavuot and Sukkot and  viewing as dead or spiritually maimed those whom are behind me with no interest of catching down to me. I suppose I  also prefer to avoid the word combo 'caught up' too. When you are in a pit, tossed their by your own family members or fellow citizens against your will, someone has to catch down to you in order for your to be caught up and out of a pit like Yeremiyaho or Yoseph had been rescued so they could continue to do good not evil.

Jewish congregations have often tried to add some party atmosphere to the week of unleavened bread, but ME thinks that party atmosphere  becomes spiritual leaven as bad as Halloween. Very few people even know what a real sealed tribe of Yahudah person looks like or behaves like since the chances of befriending 1 of 12,000 Yehudah warriors on earth now is less likely than being chosen and hired by the United States government to take  pictures as Jarob Ortiz has been selected by the USA government but not by the angel of  Philadelphia.

Here's the results of a physics test I conducted that included electrical circuitry, stress tests, bowling ball velocity and color codes...but not the sound of velcro:

Team G, May 27th scores on Lane 7:                                   Team P, May 28th scores on Lane 2

FELINE FACE           143                                                      RHINO FACE                175 

BOVINE FACE          150                                                      WHITE GOAT FACE    171

FOWL FACE              160                                                       MAN FACE                  147 


Team Scratch Totals: 453                                                                                              493

The WHITE GOAT FACE team is +40  in this tournament.  Think about the white goat  riding on the back of RHINO FACE. There is no satyr in 'Where the Wild Things Are' and Harry Potter is part of the reason for the demise of England's  depraved local lord system.     

A third team will bowl today as this test continues, comprised of  PARTNER OF RHINO FACE, BACKUP  MAN  and WOLF SUITED MAX since 2 others character appear the full moon when the rumpus commenced in outer darkness before the day of Max's tree swinging occurred.     

BACKUP MAN is depicted as being closest to the shore when Max sets off in his sailboat to return to the hot soup bowl as a possible orphan with neither father nor mother in sight.   

Now it's time to once again contemplate ( in the presence of my allies who are not puppets) why samosa is an ideal recipe for unleavened bread after firstfruits is observed in the form of peas and oil was retained for the mixture/  I'm not happy, but neither was Moshe when he smashed the stone tablets. 

My next report will include my anti- Mandella  Gary Player Bell Code 27 sentiments now that I officially missed Jeff Hackett's  53rd birthday party but didn't miss the Jerry Kelly bracket system or the Kraut line of Art Ross's Boston Bruins with Schmidt in it. 

Getting chosen 34th isn't always about Dwight Eisenhower.  

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Consider Max After the Full Moonlight Bay Liner....

 When the wild rumpus starts,  how do the characters of Maurice Sendak line up with the 4 faces that Ezequiel observed?  Non of them have a head of gold, so they don't match up well with Daniel's vision of Mr. Silver arms with the iron shins. However, it isn't much of a strectch to see the face of a feline bowing down to max ( mountain lion, black name it and a lion is still in the feline family, tail included), the face of an redhead man, the face of a bovine and the face of a fowl.... with rhino head looking on in 5th place.

Really, if someone wanted to get a bit of logic from Ezequiel's vision, the wild things near Max are a close connection.  Didn't some biblical beast have couple horns too?  Then the rumpus at the midpoint of the month could be the feast of Sukkot with the wolf -suited Benjamite Max,  fowl face of the tribe of Dan, the feline face of Gad, and I'm pretty sure the bovine is connected to some other scattered tribe connection but I'll leave something for the non-Benjamites to research.

And the sceptre does eventually depart from Judah according to predictions thaat didn't come from  Ben Stein, Torah Hallas and Reese Scripture the mayorette of Clawson, Michigan.  So now it's OK to be anti-Scripture if the Scripture is fallible and untrue.

As I view the book that Maurice Sendal contrived, I do see an odd partial gathering of tribes for Sukkot, and what's missing for Max seems to be a visual vague figure of a 'father in heaven' that most prefer to pray to, but I am no longer part of MOST. Does Mac return to his home just in time to keep the feast of unleavened bread? He could if he's awake and not saturated on drugs or deemed incompetent after caving in behind a face mask for months in fear. 

Rhino face seems to be what Ezequiel might have positioned himself into, readily fitting into the rumpus gathering. Tomorrow, I'll report how the Wild Things did in a bowling competition held in the beginning of this 2nd passover, and the results were far more encouraging that any scenes, real or contrived, with images of Joe Biden's associates.

Month 2, night 21 has started... and day 33 of the omer makes me recall the intelligent words from Dustin Byfuglien when he publicly uttered ' I hate Halloween.'  Yup, Dustin Byfuglien is not only worthy of being a Wheat King, he is worthy of being a leader in many ways that only a few will understand since it takes wisdom to hate Halloween and stop following the easily deceived crowds attached to foolish NBC employee, non-special K. Tappan.  

By the way, if you sold written  information to other people labeled non-fiction, it better have been accurate and true or you get disqualified from being considered as a true and faithful witness.  The newspapers are laughable and more truth and upright attitudes probably came from the lips of Ted Knight  as 'Ted Baxter' than Lester Holt,  Cheryl Hendrikson, CBC's Barton or the Detroit television news crews in the past decade .

Chew on some roasted rosemary, not on your finger nails while you wait for the bowling news tomorrow!