As long as there is so much turmoil already in the triangles of Christianity, how about looking at Matthew 12:46-50 with a neutral zone eye? I'll use common English version of King James characters.
First, what happened to Joseph? Did he divorce Mary eventually or is the mother of Jesus already a widow at this point of disciple gathering?
What happened to the teaching of 'Honoring your father and your mother'? Does Jesus now say the disciples are his mother and his buddies who agree with him are his brothers? It's no wonder why typical Christian families do not stay together and believe the Scriptures together in one accord if this is the example of what the father of Jesus has desired. I surmise that a lot of people collecting wages from Christianity use this Matthew 12 section as a justification of eradicating relationships with family members who prefer the leadership of יהוה to the leadership of their Jesus.
I'm being honest here. Should we be surprised that Jesus cried out 'Why did you abandon me?' after he tossed his earthly mother and brothers aside when they sought him? Another reasonable question has to do with the actions of Satan as they pertain to the 'will of the father that is in heaven' that Jesus refers to in Matthew 12. It seems as though Satan has had access to heaven, at least at the time of Job's testing, but I suppose that could be some other portal place, eh?
Who was it that said if you do not love your brother who you can see, how can you love an 'elohim' or El Shaddai whom you cannot see?
Once again, I wouldn't do what Jesus did in Matthew 12. If my parents and my brothers want to talk to me, I wouldn't turn them away just because they don't do the will of יהוה or because they smell of Nueske's bacon, since it is the will of יה that I treat my family decently especially if they don't reject me after knowing I accept and study of the writings of the prophets such as Isaiah, Moses, Amos and Ezekiel. Granted, many idiots of Christianity classes like Joel Brietzman do turn away people who choose to believe יהוה , but it takes a very hard, cruel-hearted and improperly educated person to deny your own siblings and parents time and talks with you if that is what your family members actually desire.
Deceptions happen in many forms. I only ask you, as a thinking person, to consider what kind of advice unites a remnant and what kind of sword brought by Jesus divides families? Did Jesus lie when he said he did not come to bring peace? Should anyone be surprised that there is no peace in your family for generations now if you and your religious leaders constantly insist on Jesus being your personal lord and advisor while they clearly have rejected the teachings of יהוה?
Thus, when the sword of your Jesus comes through your neighborhood or household, will you cast aside you real parents and real siblings so you can sit next to a Jesuit bishop,a Catholic president, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Billy Graham instead of Reggie H. White, Medad, Eldad, Elisha and Elijah?
I'd choose the company of my real siblings, my real nieces and nephews and my real parents over Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Jr. , a racist Catholic USA president and a Jesuit pope who hasn't had any legitimate children yet want to be called 'father'..
I suppose a hot water war in now in progress rather than a cold shoulder war. 🏋
Start telling people you have common allergies 2021 if you cough, sneeze or have to blow your runny, pollen-filled nose.
🎕 🥀
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