Since it is Hitler's birthday and I have survived 9 years after being swept away from a group of Protestants with the Nazi tendencies of Wittenberg's own anti-commandment man, Shane David Hendrikson, let me try and toss a rod of correction toward Curt Schilling that the Wittenburg, WI intersection game on April 20th, 2021 ( Dallas Stars #29 vs. Detroit Redwings #45) might not be able to rightly divide. Incidentally, Shane's Army daughter Ashley has been known to wear Dallas Stars camo hats mixed in with her uniform showings and her uncle Slade Enos Hendrikson has been known to be a Detroit Redwing supporter. Incidentally, past military training might help or hinder a person in decision making in civilian life even after sports betting has been wisely evaded by that person. ( I won't need to report on the Jonathan Bernier game, since 29 intersects with Robin Lane and Wilson Lake Road in Shawano County but not with Madison's Mohawk bus line; athletic professionals like Curt Schilling or my buddy Michael 'Flannel Mouth' Redmond might actually want to consider which goalie took in more pucks in the Joe Pavelski game.) Trivia fit for a Wheat King, eh?
I used to ask my stepdaughter if she wanted to play 'forest' and she usually wanted to because a bunch of stuffed animals were controlled by us ( her and I ) and they 'talked' with each other to learn about each other. Those actually were really nice times as far as step-parenting was concerned. Now, I'm getting stupid crap with entirely wrong information on it and in it that I have to try to return to Forest, VA so they can keep their vile MARK, and that is typical of USA carelessness when it comes to record keeping and mail processing. AI is kind of like junk mail; it is obvious when insurance and information collection businesses are more careless than the Happy Schnapps Combo, at which time those Forest, VA insurance sellers become a nuisance that deserves to fail. Timing isn't always Swiss.
Most of us have uttered words foolishly and before we had a chance to be corrected by an honest person who actually believes the content of the Torah scrolls to be historically true. Perceive 'Jesus Christ' as a being that controls a circle of space with his sword that does not bring peace. Once at that circle, even Andrew Hoy might agree that YeHoWah also known as El Shaddai is within the perimeter of that circle to bring light unto our world but on the outside of that THIN LINE circle are anti-YeHoWah belief systems such as virtually every existing USA state, county and city government. Like the eye of an hurrucane, the closer you get to YeHoWah the more peace, safety and lack of pressure you have, but the more you insist on staying on the Jesus Christ line and outward toward the despicable Kamilla Harris types, the more dangerous troubles and sin you get tangled up with and often lose battles to.
Curt Schilling should know that a real Muslim with the faith of Abraham is directed by their own books to assist the people that really are followers of Moshe Ben Amram, those people being the true remnant of Ys'rael and nothing like a typical Christian church hireling nor a Catholic Nazi. Enough people repeated the mask-wearing lie long enough to believe it can prevent the flu, and I suspect another huge lie is that Christianity today is 'Ephraim', even though Protestants and Catholics offer menus and home plate dishes that a Nazi would enjoy and a good Muslim who has not denied the way of Moshe Ben Amram would reject.
The 'home plate' is an important premise when looking for scattered tribe renewal and regathering, but the 'away plate' is also important. Curt Schilling needs to decide if the Nazi or the Muslim is more likely to prepare him a dish that any Israelite or Judaic messiah, as Yoseph might have been in Egypt, would be thankful to eat in the presence of his friends or his enemies.
Once Curt Schilling can acknowledge that a Nazi is very different than a Muslim who believes the instruction to assist the Israelite who is faithful to Moshe Ben Amram, he will get closer to understanding the path that Reggie Howard White took or that Bob Thiel is on.
There are billions of people hovering near that thin Jesus Christ circle, not even knowing that they are at the edge of a spiritual centrifuge because they have refused to draw closer to El Shaddai who is known to Moshe Ben Amram as יהוה and not as גד . A code specialist might have looked at the Dallas Stars vs. The Detroit Redwings as the Chippewa Falls/ Leinenkugal intersection split between Dallas 35/29 Detroit match up on April 19, 2021. A code amateur might have looked at that same battle as an Erik Cole split or Team Souray vs. Team Chelios. That battle ended up in a 'shoot in' after plenty of men did shoot outside of the net.
Many amateurs eventually become specialists, especially if they study and learn from the pure, honest and holy.. Why does Curt Schilling matter? Because he needs to admit that an actual Nazi and an actual Muslim are both trained to oppose homosexuality and lesbianism at the same time that the 2021 Penguins under oddball Brian Burke's and Don Granato's team are currently promoting and advertising for homosexuality and lesbianism. The lesbian and homosexual groups are not within the circle that El Shaddai/YeHoWah controls and protects, but they certainly do exist and seem to be gaining power outside of the thin Yeshua perimeter. All the more reason to seek out the historic purpose and the outcome of the Levite known as Abigdor, the brother of Miriam and Aaron.
Thus, keep the hurricane analogy in mind if all seems rather calm around you as you choose to respect and fear El Shaddai, since just outside of your peaceful and safe eye there will be many woes occurring that you cannot prevent, especially if Allah has actually been put in charge of the winds and weather to oppose those who worship NASA and Brian Burke's short power trip. Personally, I wouldn't out a Pittsburgh Penguin hat or a Buffalo Sabre on my head at this time in history, but many people will. We must continue to use discernment in our headgear choices lest we end up taking a dangerous left jab or right jab that sends an unclean into the veins of our hands.
I hope Curt Schilling desires to get closer to YeHoWah (26) and departs from his lack of understanding when YeHoWah shows mercy unto thousands, not unto billions. After all, it wasn't my M.O. to think divorce court is a laughing matter, it was Shane David Hendrikson's modus operandi to consider his divorce a laughing matter 9 years ago as his Las Vegas girlie Cheryl Lee Brown prodded him and his money away toward her.
What if this is the 38th month of the tribulation? Prepare for month 39 as best as you can and know there are differences between Protestant Nazi behavior and studious Muslim behavior when viewing the remnant of Ysrael in progress.
If today you see a Torah scroll, don't force your eyes shut.
A haughty Wisconsin high school salutatorian and great-grandson of a legal immigrant from Poland once texted to me that he understood 'Freedom of Speech' while suggesting that the ongoing wickedness of his gang should not be openly reported or his gang would rebel against he reporter of that wickedness. That same salutatorian and French religious leader seems to have no problem dispersing the wicked reports about the men who crucified 'Jesus' or publicly testifying against a woman who behaved contrary to his Protestant standards when she under the influence of a cruel, lying and cheating husband and prescribed medications that caused horrid front effects.
Jon Hall of 'The Cutting Edge' hovers on the Jesus Christ line and is being disciplined by YOUTUBE, the same YOUTUBE that allows Michael Lyons to exhibit Hitler;s artwork and Paul Stanley's effeminate images. You be the jury and let Elohim be as יהוה is when יהוה judges גד, that is God .
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