Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Is Amber Berling Still Funding Haiti?

 When investments into people or places have no return, more investment into those accounts would seem rather careless.  As another birthday has passed by for Ashley Maria Hendrikson or Wittenberg, Wisconsin and another birthday looms ahead for Curtis Shayne Joseph of the Keswick, Ontario area, I wonder which of those 2 people had more justifiable complaints about their childhood conditions. 

Amber Berling seems to be one of those people who set snares in her  'Jesus' fund-raising/ feasting groups and then after money was collected from donors like me, she disappeared like her central Wisconsin counterparts.  Before I toss her name into the trash I thought I'd make  dishonorable mention of her and her collection agency, yet I suppose my choice to invest in Haitian bananas was better than Phil Arreola's decision to invest in cigarette companies if  motive and intent are weighed into the word 'better'.

The Berlin wall sediment might start talking  before people like Berling and her Lynn Snyder associates would even do anything more than the status quo, and thus I am now coming to the Deuteronomy 5 point of status quo problems.

Reading official 'biblical' documents, it certainly now seems as though the week of unleavened bread is not supposed to be some big party week, but in fact should be a week of recalling that when displaced, laziness and apathy do not bring you a defense plan, food and shelter.  That exodus week would have been very traumatic after being so near so many death of  Egyptian males  and then fleeing for a period of time in with sorrow, concerns of  the unknown ahead and fears of the enemies behind. 

I suspect that this pesach week is  a time that should be very unlike the autumn feast of Sukkot ahead yet still needs to be observed by those who have the spirit of Yoshua and Kaleb with due diligence and a recollection of the danger that exists currently due to billions who prefer lawlessness to moral rules and kind family regulations.  

Since 1835, Dan's been scattered but is still alive as Eric Dan Danson somewhere.....

If the start of a 6th year is an indicator of what's been left behind, I now wonder what Port Huron's 'Levi Link' is really all about.  The congregation led by Moshe Ben Amram was very familiar with what and who they were leaving behind, yet trusting the new holy, chosen and tested leader proved to be problematic for most of them. The billboard I saw for 'Levi's Link' had a bear and  puzzle piece and looked nothing like the banner that I designed that formerly was displayed in the Greenheck Field House, the Mosinee Ice Arena and the billboards on I-39 southbound near Merrill or on Hwy 29 West near Curtiss, Wisconsin less than 2 decades ago.  Back in my days as a business owner, I thought 'Jesus Christ' was something like a goalie, but now I no longer have that impression knowing how offensive that 'Jesus Christ' name has been for centuries.

I suppose the name 'Jesus Christ' is more like a  bouncer that even the remnant of Dan, desiring to be defended by  יהוה ,  have to get past rather than congregating around the unhealed hand wounds displayed to Thomas.

Why would hand wounds be evident on a 'resurrected body' but all the bodily injuries from flogging, sword impalement to the ribs and head wounds from thorns seemingly be gone?  That question should not be a joking matter to actual intelligent people like David Bartholomew and David Amber, but what should occur often is not what will occur.

Jennifer Kujawa might even wonder about the flesh wound repair inconsistency involved in the showing of  'Jesus' hands to the inquisitive Thomas who wasn't a Stigler.

Deceptions don't always come in small packages.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Sewer Grate Reset of Wausau Routes 51 and 52

Now that time is no longer on the Calgary Flames side, let a few of us observe the collision of Sergei Fedorov with Sidney Crosby soon to occur at the G line.  Wausau, Wisconsin has their Masonic Lodge set up more than 500 miles from Stallings, NC yet aren't Freemasons entrenched in money lines that stretch between Russian rubles and Barney Rubble trouble?

Wausau, Wisconsin claimed routes 51 and 52, and currently Sidney Crosby with 482 G's is directly behind Sergei Fedorov's 483 goals...does 48315 matter to the great reset of bowling pins that get racked up at Weston Lanes and Skipp's Ballroom?  Maybe the 483 tie line will cause more entropy than Jeff Richards and Jeff Hackett being  in the same 1954 Alexander Courage musical lines of Duetsch after losing Mickey Manners to  another Klink line.

Will Sidney Crosby come to a complete stop at 483 G's to be tied with Fedorov over the summer OR will Crosby move into Area 51 and let Fedorov become 52nd in a full deck of various cards?   Meanwhile, the Chelios assist  line looms high and inside at 763, and he finished as an Atlanta Thrasher not as a Green Bay  Packer named GARY.  Incidentally, day 763 will close out the Feast of Unleavened Bread for a remnant that isn't interested in spending eternity in central Wisconsin's nasty Rainbow Casino. and that is timing of interest to persons considering today being their 3rd year of  choosing Yahwehism rather than Bidenism. Joseph Biden is extremely  hypocrital for pointing out century-old genocide allegations  while he and his unjust, unrighteous pro-abortion political beasts keep allowing and exacerbating conditions to continue the genocide of INNOCENT INFANTS in the USA in abortion clinics.

Suppose those who are interested in protecting their pension funds designated in USA have activated a system that differs from the prediction of Bob Theil, renowned Air Force veteran who made some interesting comments about Vashti and Esther but not about Hester and Haviland?   Suppose only a few people know that a current vaccine seller  wants to acquire military bases in South America and that those who can resist taking their unclean jab have been trained to resist that type of chemical warfare?  Suppose that many know the state of Israel has so many people falsely called 'Jews' that the only way to see who the true Israelites are to jab away at the people who have taken the name of  El Shaddai in vain?

Suppose that UWSP graduates Scott D. Berrier and Robert Holman, both of whom  gathered wealth working for the USA military, are making errors greater than James Sopa, Kelly Sutherland, Charles Ray and Michael Tice?

Sergei Fedorov will fit in nicely at position 52 if Sidney Crosby makes some for offensive moves after donning his fruity Penguin suit in Buffalo to appease Brian Burke, especially since Psalm 91 is so pivotal when the the wings LITTLE THRASHERS matter. However, I rather see Sidney Crosby wear his fruity Penguin suit if he can learn to refuse to eat lobster and swine while considering the ways of Reed Lebster.

Andrew Smith, referee #51 was not a Milwaukee Tech Trojan and Nb is very different than Te on a chemistry chart.  

I still can toss around thoughts like some people toss around money to abortionists, irrational politicians, Lee Ayers and Nancy Wicker.  What my enemies or my allies do with my thoughts is your non-blind problem or our dark tunneling badger-skin laughing matter that no longer includes French-Nazi Captain Jacques and USA WWII  Pilot  Roy W. Allen.

Dusty Kleiss got your mindset?

B-52's are now identified flying objects.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Owen Sound Mind of Pasque Flowers

 For those who don't believe that the Holy Spirit can be female by nature, are you really pushing a homosexual trinity?  

Timing of barley is not what we can observe in the midwestern states of the USA but there is a plant that is amazing and accurate about the timing of pesach, namely the Pasque flower. Official reports from central Wisconsin have indicated that the pasque flowers emerged last week, not in late March.  Their flowering stage is still ahead, but ignoring the signs from the earth as well as the sun and moon regarding timing of  pesach keeping will result in erring many not 'Unerring One' way. I can remember looking at a tiny Pasque flower in Owen Sound, Ontario when Canada still was willing to accept peaceful, LaW-abiding visitors into Canada during the Israelite spring feasts which Justin Trudeau hates as much as any son of perdition.

How do I know that trusting in  the bodily works of a flogged, crucified man cannot bring peace and safety?  Because the Bible tells me  that a flogged, crucified man declared he was not bringing peace and safety to  households or families.   If you don't believe the testimony of a man who claimed to bring a sword and not peace, you will rely on him in err rather than relying on who that man of Nazareth answers to and prayed to. 

The pasque flowers do not do well in clay soil typical of my current HoUSe setting, but even in the most divisive times it seems as though I can speak kindly to my parents about gardening as long as they are willing to hear from me directly yet.  It would be horrific to be forced to stop communicating with my parents because of conditions I could not change and I'd never want to be so hard-hearted that I refused to find some neutral topic to discuss with my parents as long as they did not MOCK my trust in Yahweh through these times of sifting.

Some people behave as though they are deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to responding to people not of their particular making an effort to reach out to them. Such people eventually will not receive the seal that the elect of YaHoWah will or have received.  

Maybe the next time someone asks me what race I am, I will tell them I am of the Pierogi race, while recalling my first time in the Pittsburgh Pirates stadium.  Until then, I know I never want to become anything like Lebron James or the unholy, unthankful and unrighteous rioters that hate the concept of 'peace and safety'.

To be engulfed by a fish or to be swallowed like a gnat instead of a camel. I suppose I am thankful I know what the word    בלע     means  as month 38  of the tribulation might be in progress. The mind will always break  long before the heart stops beating after an involuntary division from people you have loved occurs.

Minds can be repaired without surgery and without drugs if exercised properly and input is purified and holy rather than continually contaminated with vile behavior and intentional deception from others.

Repairing hearts are a completely different topic that only doctors like Stephen Kream, Herb Coussons or Jason Fung might carefully guide people through after they correctly say 'Cigarettes and abortions murder more people than properly used guns.'

Pasque flower power is as real as Daunte Culpepper.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The True Accurate Gospel of _______ Is:

 "Go and sin no more."   That's the gospel message of redemption when no accusers are willing to step forward.  However, if accusers have been willing to step forward and you have neither 'turned yourself in' nor been caught and penalized severely like Plaxico Burress had been for a minor arms violation, then the message of redemption has to include justified  penalties that do not exceed that which would be allowed by the Hagrite that David put over his personal flocks, Officer   יזיז. which sounds a bit like Yesus/Yezuz.

 Does restoring what sounds like Jesus or Hey Zues have to become a wool horse in Hebrew that isn't Trojan for the gaze effect? 

גז סס

There the G is hard, according to Studylight but maybe not according to someone who utters the G as a soft a J.

Better yet, how about the horse of woes? 

הי סס 

Hy Sus??  Is that the ruler of the Protestant pulpits?

Kind David's Officer Yzyz (    יזיז   ) should have known how to seek lost sheep or protect those that did not stray to a horse in a wool blanket.         

There are so many errors and inconsistencies in  Warren Baker& Eugene Carpenter's Old Testament dictionary that it might seem like trash to some, but it still can be useful when the error is detected and a correction is made like a bit in a horse's mouth.

Consider Strong's Hebrew 3151 when you need a shepherd's mind not a contaminated, filthy loose mask that a nasty female New Haven bank teller tries to unload on you while she exhibits the spirit of demonic private official.  After all, the mask you are being handed in a business is NOT STERILE and might in fact be CONTAMINATED especially for you, the person with a medical exemption or the person with the holy spirit of anti-Biden.

Learn a lesson from the people who didn't get on the trains to Auschwitz.

"Go and sin no more."  📜 That sounds like  a final warning from a good lawyer and a justified expectation of changed behavior  that an obstinate, unrepentant adulteress who got  acquitted due to a technicality in a statute should be ABLE to do.  

Resist the seminary and Bible school graduates drawing salaries as pastors, Catholic priests and anti-YeHoWah missionaries while they are  deceiving you, your children and your family like a pork distributor disguised as a mock chicken leg salesman coming in the name of Greek 🐷  Jesus the unclean fraud.  

How many people will get cut off from Ysrael and the house of David this year because they refuse to reject leaven  and keep at least one holy week of eating unleavened bread?

Most people who call themselves 'born-again Christians' never even got grafted into Ysrael's covenant because the rejected the directives for Ysraelites while in captivity or while they had freedom to choose a religion.

For me and a few others, pesach and the week of unleavened bread is a serious matter of household defense and commences 6 dusks from now.  My neighbor offered to share his family lamb with me this year, and I gladly shall accept part of his roasted lamb 🔥 with gratitude. 

(Indefinite blog post pause in progress again.....)

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

What Could Curt Schilling Learn Today?

 Since it is Hitler's birthday and I have survived 9 years after being swept away from a group of  Protestants with the Nazi tendencies of Wittenberg's own anti-commandment man, Shane David  Hendrikson, let me try and toss a rod of correction toward Curt Schilling that the Wittenburg, WI intersection game on April 20th, 2021 ( Dallas Stars #29 vs. Detroit Redwings #45) might not be able to rightly divide. Incidentally, Shane's Army daughter Ashley has been known to wear Dallas Stars camo hats mixed in with her uniform showings and her uncle Slade Enos Hendrikson has been known to be a Detroit Redwing supporter. Incidentally, past military training might help or hinder  a person in decision making in civilian life even after sports betting has been wisely evaded by that person. ( I won't need to report on the Jonathan Bernier game, since 29 intersects with Robin Lane and Wilson Lake Road in Shawano County but not with Madison's Mohawk bus line; athletic professionals like Curt Schilling or my buddy Michael 'Flannel Mouth' Redmond might  actually want to consider which goalie took in more pucks in the Joe Pavelski game.)  Trivia fit for a Wheat King, eh?

I used to ask my stepdaughter if she wanted to play 'forest' and she usually wanted to because a bunch of stuffed animals were controlled by us ( her and I ) and they 'talked' with each other to learn about each other.  Those actually were really nice times as far as step-parenting was concerned.  Now, I'm getting stupid crap with entirely wrong information on it and in it that I have to try to return to Forest, VA  so they can keep their vile MARK,  and that is typical of USA carelessness when it comes to record keeping and mail processing.  AI is kind of like junk mail; it is obvious when insurance and information collection businesses are more careless than the Happy Schnapps Combo, at which time those Forest, VA insurance sellers become a nuisance that deserves to fail.  Timing isn't always Swiss.

Most of us have uttered words foolishly and before we had a chance to be corrected by an honest person who actually believes the content of the Torah scrolls to be historically true.  Perceive 'Jesus Christ' as a being that controls a circle of space with his sword that does not bring peace.  Once at that circle, even Andrew Hoy might agree that YeHoWah  also known as El Shaddai is within the perimeter of that circle to bring light unto our world but on the outside of that THIN LINE circle are anti-YeHoWah belief systems such as virtually every existing USA state, county and city government.  Like the eye of an hurrucane, the closer you get to YeHoWah the more peace, safety and lack of pressure you have, but the more you insist on staying on the Jesus Christ line and outward toward the despicable Kamilla Harris types, the more dangerous troubles and sin you get tangled up with and often lose battles to.

Curt Schilling should know that a real Muslim with the faith of Abraham is  directed by their own books to assist the people that really are followers of Moshe Ben Amram, those people being the true remnant of Ys'rael and nothing like a typical  Christian church hireling  nor  a Catholic Nazi.  Enough people repeated the  mask-wearing lie long enough to believe it can prevent the flu, and I suspect another huge lie is that Christianity today is 'Ephraim', even though Protestants and Catholics offer menus and home plate dishes that a Nazi would enjoy and a good Muslim who has not denied the way of Moshe Ben Amram would reject.  

The 'home plate' is an important premise when looking for scattered tribe renewal and regathering, but the 'away plate' is also important.   Curt Schilling needs to decide if the Nazi or the Muslim is more likely to prepare him a dish that any Israelite or Judaic messiah, as Yoseph might have been in Egypt, would be thankful to eat in the presence of his friends or his enemies. 

Once Curt Schilling can acknowledge that a Nazi is very different than a Muslim who believes the instruction to assist the Israelite who is faithful to Moshe Ben Amram, he will get closer to understanding the path that Reggie Howard White took or that Bob Thiel is on.  

There are billions of people hovering near that thin Jesus Christ circle, not even knowing that they are at the edge of a spiritual centrifuge because they have refused to draw closer to El Shaddai who is known to Moshe Ben Amram as   יהוה   and not as  גד    .   A   code specialist might have looked at the Dallas Stars vs. The Detroit Redwings as  the Chippewa Falls/ Leinenkugal intersection split between  Dallas 35/29 Detroit  match up on April 19, 2021. A code amateur might have looked at that same battle as an Erik Cole split or Team Souray vs. Team Chelios.  That battle ended up in a 'shoot in'  after plenty of men did shoot outside of the net.

Many amateurs eventually become specialists, especially if they study and learn from the pure, honest and holy..  Why does Curt Schilling matter? Because he needs to admit that an actual Nazi and an actual Muslim are both trained to  oppose homosexuality and lesbianism at the same time that the 2021 Penguins under oddball Brian Burke's  and Don Granato's team  are currently promoting and advertising for homosexuality and lesbianism.   The lesbian and homosexual groups are not within the circle that El Shaddai/YeHoWah controls and protects, but they certainly do exist and seem to be gaining power outside of the thin Yeshua perimeter. All the more reason to seek out the historic purpose and the outcome of the Levite known as Abigdor, the brother of Miriam and Aaron.

Thus, keep the hurricane analogy in mind if all seems rather calm around you as you choose to respect and fear El Shaddai, since just outside of your peaceful and safe eye there will be many woes occurring that you cannot prevent, especially if Allah has actually been put in charge of the winds and weather to oppose those who worship NASA and Brian Burke's short power trip.  Personally, I wouldn't out a Pittsburgh Penguin hat or a Buffalo Sabre on my head at this time in history, but many people will. We must continue to use discernment in our headgear choices lest we end up taking  a dangerous left jab or right jab that sends an unclean into the veins of our hands.

I hope Curt Schilling desires to get closer to  YeHoWah (26)  and departs from his lack of understanding when YeHoWah shows mercy unto thousands, not unto billions. After all, it wasn't my M.O. to think divorce court is a laughing matter, it was Shane David Hendrikson's modus operandi to consider his divorce a laughing matter 9 years ago as his Las Vegas girlie Cheryl Lee Brown prodded him and his money away toward her.

What if this is the 38th month of the tribulation?  Prepare for month 39 as best as you can and know there are differences between Protestant Nazi behavior and studious Muslim behavior when viewing the remnant of Ysrael in progress. 

If today you see a Torah scroll, don't force your eyes shut.

  A haughty Wisconsin high school salutatorian  and great-grandson of a legal immigrant from Poland once texted to me that he understood  'Freedom of Speech'  while suggesting that the ongoing wickedness of his gang should not be openly reported or his gang would rebel against he reporter of that wickedness.  That same salutatorian and French religious leader seems to have no problem dispersing the wicked reports about the men who crucified 'Jesus' or publicly testifying against a woman who behaved contrary to his Protestant  standards when she under the influence of a cruel, lying and cheating husband and prescribed medications that caused horrid front effects.

Jon Hall of 'The Cutting Edge' hovers on the Jesus Christ line and is being disciplined by YOUTUBE, the same YOUTUBE that allows Michael Lyons to exhibit Hitler;s artwork and Paul Stanley's effeminate images.  You be the jury and let Elohim be as   יהוה   is when  יהוה  judges  גד, that is God .

Friday, April 16, 2021

The K=20 Line

Today, I listened to a new friend at a bowling alley and he listened to me. Unlike the people who were kind to me in the Marietta, GA bowling alley in April of 2010, I might actually see this new friend again.

He talked to me like a nephew might speak to an aunt. He told me his mom texted him a very short message every day for a year even though he didn't want her to, but eventually her persistence helped them to reconnect as mother and son after years of being disconnected.

 He suggested I try to do what his mom did and I will try what he suggested, not expecting a favorable response but hoping for an eventual gracious response.



'Who Is My Mother and Brothers?'

 As long as there is so much turmoil already in the triangles of Christianity, how about looking at  Matthew 12:46-50   with a neutral zone eye?  I'll use common English version of King James characters.

First, what happened to Joseph? Did he divorce Mary eventually or is the mother of Jesus already a widow at this point of disciple gathering?

What happened to the teaching of   'Honoring your father and  your mother'?  Does Jesus now say the disciples are his mother and his buddies who agree with him are his brothers?  It's no wonder why typical Christian families do not stay together and believe the Scriptures together in one accord if this is the example of  what the father of Jesus has desired. I surmise that a lot of people collecting wages from Christianity use this Matthew 12 section as a justification of eradicating relationships with family members who prefer the leadership of  יהוה  to the leadership of their Jesus.

I'm being honest here. Should we be surprised that Jesus cried out 'Why did you abandon me?' after he tossed his earthly mother and brothers aside when they sought him?  Another reasonable question has to do with the actions of Satan as they pertain to the 'will of the father that is in heaven' that Jesus refers to in Matthew 12.   It seems as though Satan has had access to heaven, at least at the time of Job's testing, but I suppose that could be some other portal place, eh?

Who was it that said if you do not love your brother who you can see, how can you love an 'elohim' or El Shaddai  whom you cannot see?

Once again,  I wouldn't do what Jesus did in Matthew 12.  If my parents and my brothers want to talk to me, I wouldn't turn them away just because they don't do the will of  יהוה   or because they smell of Nueske's bacon, since it is the will of  יה  that I treat my family decently especially if they don't reject me after knowing I accept and study of the writings of the prophets such as Isaiah, Moses, Amos and Ezekiel.  Granted, many  idiots of Christianity classes like Joel Brietzman do turn away people who choose to believe  יהוה   , but it takes a very hard, cruel-hearted and improperly educated person to deny your own siblings and parents time  and talks with you if that is what your family members actually desire. 

Deceptions happen in many forms.  I only ask you, as a thinking person, to consider what kind of advice unites a remnant and what kind of sword brought by Jesus divides families?  Did Jesus lie when he said he did not come to bring peace? Should anyone be surprised that there is no peace in your family for generations now if you and your religious leaders constantly insist on Jesus being your personal lord and advisor while they clearly have rejected  the teachings of  יהוה?

Thus, when the sword of your Jesus comes through your neighborhood or household, will you cast aside you real parents and real siblings so you can sit next to a Jesuit bishop,a Catholic president,  Martin Luther King, Jr. and Billy Graham instead of Reggie H. White, Medad, Eldad, Elisha and Elijah?

I'd choose the company of my real siblings, my real nieces and nephews and my real parents  over Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Jr. , a racist Catholic USA president and a Jesuit pope who hasn't had any legitimate children yet want to be called 'father'..


I suppose a hot water war in now in progress rather than a cold shoulder  war.  🏋

Start telling people you have  common allergies 2021  if you cough, sneeze or have to blow your runny, pollen-filled nose.

🎕 🥀

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Is There Anything Suspicious About 607-735-1969?


Here's an assortment of miscellaneous  items Alex Trebek won't mention. 📜📜📜

When some fearful and paranoid people you are concerned about or actually love don't want you to find them , you start  noticing kind, unfearful strangers who aren't hiding.

For instance, a bit of research comparing the public information on those connected to Andrei Krivokrasov  leads to names such as Dean Jackson, Adrian Saul, George King and Pierre Rivard. With Elmira's telephone code set at 735, Miroslav Satan comes to mind but low and behold, there is a Jeffrey Zero minding a goalie position with number 31 assigned to him by his hockey Coach Aaron Saul, not by Henry Aaron and suspicious Amber Berlin,.double-minded Dr. Jerome Andres or saxophonist Joel Slezak.

Shane Haviland made the golf and hockey team and so did Mike Zannella;' hopefully they don't try to make the women's hockey team or the skanky women's gymnastics team after being part of such a decent uniform division at golf and hockey displays/

What happens on a tiny scale sometimes ends up spreading to huge scales or dissappearing, depending on which way Fifth Third's Momentum checking might be heading on Slava Koslov's birthday.

Since it is Sergei Krivokrasov's birthday today, I consider it polite to think about his sibling and his family.  Idiots want to divide families in divorce courts, but good humans and decent angels seem to prefer to find a way to reunite family members who aren't afraid to be located by someone other than forensic scientist Jennifer L. Kujawa or thought examiner Christine Apple.

Daniel Dimon might want to discover Dimona someday on Route 25, but he might have to survive some Mitch Haight speeches first.

'Satan's no man, more like a ZERO... slips to the depths when LiFe gets real....'   

I recall my poetry, knowing that an angelic being is more than a man.

Zach Bauer is hooking up with Rico Cortes and some anti-Brunette female, but that's going to be his July problem rather than a good solution to being fearful of being near a city.  Mikell Clayton declared that eating swine isn't a sin to  Bible-readers who don't believe the Scriptures and walk around like Paul Maxwell, and that's Clayton's risky public opinion.

Congratulations to those people who aren't interested in hiding in fear from  opposing religious sects and aren't determined to destroy their own family tree or their NAME with persistent falsehoods and lack of restitution after criminal activities  have been discovered through investigations.

Nazareth ( not in the state of Israel) actually has a hockey team that competes against Elmira.

What is the difference between Eric Faith and Bob Bassen to Derek Countryman now that plus Jeffrey Zero is the opposite of minus Jeffrey Zero at Jeffrey Zillner's offices on this 4/15 Zero day shift?

👟👟                    🥿🥿                     👞👞

What kind of shoes would Todd White wear in 2010 while an  Atlanta Thrasher  and not a childish dirt biker? 

 The current pricing of footwear matters. By the electronic records, Andrei Krivokrasov had 24 points during one Elmira College hockey season, not 0.

 However, do I have to see Andrei Krivokrasov  or Shane Lemieux face to face to believe that they are as real as golf specialist Dennis Fabbri?  

Orders to appear matter.


H1099 means 'nothingness'  in Job 26:7, and looks like blyma in the middle of an assemBLYMAn.


Let us ( those who are not filled with apathy, ignorance and moral corruption)  hope the Fifth Third Bank knows how to protect it's customers and investor's assets better than Shane David Hendrikson protected his employer's assets or his Sunday Jesus ' Christian' reputation. 

Fanduel is a curse, and Brett Favre isn't helping the USA by pushing gambling ads around the globe.

 Don't be a deceiving beast like Patricia Heaton, since she promotes her television whoredoms and adultery and then plops herself into abortion protests on Catholic stages.

Momentum is what some very low pressure hurricanes develop in a short time.

Eric Faith #28  vs. Hope Turner is a reasonable case study for Kenneth Munson and NHL referee Andrew Smith #51 as long as George Michael stays out of the study.

X ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////X

Eli Billing and Chris Allemon  UWSP trivia notice: 3261 innings safely pitched isn't 0 and 2.87 ERA is better than 3.64 ERA.

Even if you didn't I got a few chuckles out of these anti-amnesia emissions.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Day 1819: Did You Vote Against יהוה ?

Word H1818 means blood, not waterways.  Notre Dame site #34 is still a problem that Michael Costello can't fix.  

Words that start with the route of H1818  דם  might include Damrow,  damnation, Damien,  and damsel; I have no use for Jean-Claude Van Damme and  'The Kremlin Letter' fiction flop should have been rated R, not PG in 1970.

Words H1819 through H1822 add the letter Hey, so lets not forget the Ritchie 24 vs. Peplinski 24 in Calgary Flame comparisons.  Duluth is VERY similar to דלת or  Daleth if the vowel sounds are uncertain. 

דמה seems connected to Damascas and maybe Doumalin, but it is the son of  H3458  'Yshmael' ,   Dumah  ( H1746)   AKA  דמוה , that includes the Vav... or the golf iron as I see it by it's ו shape.  

I started getting some electronic mail from 2 contrasting high school classmates other than Joe Paquette. One of them is trying to push a 'Christian' agenda which I can't tolerate and the other one claims to be Jewish yet does not apply the instructions for Israelites to his life so why does he claim to be Jewish?  I can only try to steer those guys to the basis Ten commandments but if they haven't chosen that way yet, what would my advice do?

More hypocritical  and misleading atrocities in television kitchens appear when recipes insist on mentioning 'kosher salt' dumped into unclean abomination compilations that could never be kosher no matter how much kosher salt is dumped in to the mix.  They host of  'Diners, Dives and Drive-Ins' has a notorious way of completing voting against   יהוה   when  he opens his mouth and his wallet.

If you disregard the official signals passed through Moshe Ben Amram from     יהוה  . you are an enemy of   יהוה   and not different than unholy Joe Biden at heart.   Which of the basic 10 commandments are so objectionable to you as a Bible reader, a paid pastor or a human being that you refuse to even try to comply with that instruction?  I happen to fully believe that every one of the instructions written on stone tablets is perfect and the keeping of that instruction will improve your life and your future ability to defend yourself and others against demonic activities.

Billions of people have voted against      יהוה  in word and deed and the results are despicable on earth.  Fiscal failures, work ethic failures, male leadership failures and disease spread are all caused by those who in deed and word have voted against     יהוה  's plan for humanity and his angels.

Who can watch Sidney Pottier as 'Virgil Tibbs' and realize he was not following the "Jesus' plan when he struck the  orchid gardener?  The author of the book of James, King David and any trained warrior would appreciate the reaction of 'Virgil Tibbs' after being struck on the cheek.

What if the 'other' cheek that we are to turn is on the face of the being that struck us first offensively?

I can't defend Christianity anymore because the people in Christianity don't defend the name of  יהוה  , but I can testify to them about my choice to believe  יהוה  .  I can't defend people who claim to be Jewish but live as a heathen Gentile, but  I can try to redirect them back to the starter commandments. 

Strong delusions seem to come in many forms, since even LEVI is hid in a teLEVIsion these days.

What is the name of the deender of the tribes of Ishmael if it isn't El Shaddai?  Let Bill Cloud decide if the tents of Jethro and the blood of Gershom's circumcision is as weighty as the blood of the lamb known as John the Baptist.  Let's consider what an unblemished animal looks like and the method of decapitating rather than crucifying. Let Bill Cloud reveal the sin nature of the son of Elizabeth and Zecharias if he can find his records as easily as he can find an Elk Lodge to financially support.

Of course I am unhappy and do grieve that the parents of my grandchildren, with their religious freedom acts, do not think that at least 5 of the 10 commandments mentioned through the prophet Moshe Ben Amram are applicable to their household. Surely, their disregard of such wonderful, redeeming laws makes it a bit more difficult for me to be cheerful toward my parents who also continually vote against  my brave, true and faithful leader known as El Shaddai to some and Ya Ho Wah to others.  

When choices have to be made, fresh water supplies becomes more important than blood lines.  The governors of California  is so morally depraved that the state of California would be better off casting a vote for a sick, crippled  dog with mange and fleas to improve their future, since even a lame, diseased dog knows not to bear false witness.

Do I believe that James, the son of Miriam and Yoseph, had a 1/2 brother often labeled as 'Jesus the Christ"?  Sure, since I won't deny Roman historical records more accurate than 'Veggie Tales'.  Surely, that Jesus Christ  that was introduced to me by Dean Noonan in Milwaukee did open a door that didn't stop me from getting to and improving my behavior studying the instructions from  יהוה   .  

Consider the role of John the Baptist, slain by 'cut throat' and who it might be that has an official record of his sins.  Consider the Word' becoming flesh on sheep skins rolled into Torah scrolls if you, like I, will be eliminating leaven from your dwelling at one week of time starting in  late April, 2021. Now the Orthodox lamb feasts on May 2nd seem more logical than April 19th  pork ham gatherings unless leaven is still loaded in with the Orthodox lamb roast.  Breathe without an artificial mask to prevent impairing your judgment.  The word on the upcoming Pesach evening on April 27th, 2021  which commences an appointed week's time of unleavened bread for a few that  oddly enough, old Testament reader Artur Pawlowski chooses to disregard, just happens to be H1835 ... which signifies the tribe of Dan and the Danish people or  maybe Don as some might say in San Juan .  

  What do you and your household think about  דן   buggies when lapis lazuli foundations are set in order?   🐍

Please seek more opinions and predictions regarding behavioral sciences from the book of Jude, the book of Joel, the book of Zechariah, the book of Isaiah and the book of Numbers to avoid the making Paul or Muhammed your deity reference guide, especially since  now is the time that Eric Faith the 28th can be found on earth and he's much bigger than a Plochman's mustard seed bottle from a Rod Steiger movie full of Georgia Spartan imitations.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Alert Turtle Report

 The  ' Propaganda Pandas' won't regard the message from a Grieving Turtle, especially when Tur Tel looks like this :  

טור  טל

Indeed, Tur Tel means mountain of rains and dew, and what does a turtle look like? A mound/hill/ mountain that moves and can handle dew and rains.

What is it that people are falling way from in these end times?  After being in a cult before, I no longer wish to limit what I 'hear' to one leader or 1 Bible reading division of Satan, but remind yourself that Satan knows the Scriptures and he does disagree with the vile USA 'Equality Act', though people who don't believe that Satan exists also denounce the Scriptures as much as the Vatican's current Jesuit Easter Ham lines.

The Gordon Avil  history alert:

If you or I do not move when a river is flowing upward or downstream, we will either have drought  problems or drowning problems.  Seeds don't germinate when the ground is too wet, nor do they grow when drought is too severe.  Have you cut off your family  members since you became 'more Christian' than the people of Moshe or Micah who warned of people falling away from their own FAMILY?  Don't expect good or saving results from your 'Christianity' or Freemasonry or Catholicism then, because you stopped being as wise as Roy W. Allen.

The Minnesota State maverick alert:

When men get too bull-headed and only think their 'race' would be willing to do them good rather than harm, they become like Esaac Israel.  Sadly, though this man reads the Scriptures, including the writings of Paul toward  pale-faced Greeks, he has insisted that George Floyd is one of HIS people.  Well, Yahweh would not approve of George Floyd's lifestyle nor would he approve of a female chief of police no matter what her skin tone is so let this be a Mankato State thought unto you.  It is sometimes necessary to listen to or watch what the enemy is saying and doing. Had I not heard Esaac Israel lift up George Floyd to his equal, I would not know for sure to fall away from Esaac Israel, though I still might be in bowshot of him.   Yes, Hagar's 13 year old son was CRYING in shrubbery when he and his mother were ousted from their father's turf. Hagar heard that 12 princes would emerge from her son's seeds rather than a ten-horned beast.  Now the numbers 86 and 99 become prevalent as indicators of age differences in half-brothers from the seed of Abraham. There may indeed be a reason that Arne Sultan used those numbers in 'Get Smart' to represent unequal and differing agents.

The Dane County Buckeye Bus Alert:

As I approached Strong's word H1466 in the G section, GUZ means a wind or a strong current that passes over or through. GUZ ZO could then mean  someone who is able to pass along or pass over things to another point of completion.  Doind word studies in a methodical way does often move at a turtle's pace, but I do believe that Hebrew is the pure language that should be returned to. Thus, though I can's add the 3 dots in as I could with an ink pen, here is what GUZ ZO can look like in Hebrew:

גוז זו     

The name Guzzo is very significant to me and much more important than the name Mangiopane. There is no equality between Guzzo and Mangiopane based on their family OUTPUT which is affected by input.   Brenda Angelo is not a Guzzo, yet for many years Brenda Angelo was a trusted intelligent friend as members of the Guzzo family are now to me.   I also met Diane Glaza, a woman who was kinder to me and did not insult my pro-Scriptural choices as Wisconsin's David Gaza did, and the only difference in their surname is an L.  MAybe that's something David and Doreen Schildt can contemplate with Thomas Fischer someday soon.

The David Lanz keyboard warning:

I don't know who Lane( Wasserman) Pinchard is, but he or she seems to have 2 identities that conflict with each other, which reminds me of  the problem with my son's real father who used 2 names and either of them were JACKSON NORRIS or Nathan Taylor. '' is not Scripture and it can have real problems inserted into it either intentionally or because of sloppy typists.  Eric Benet is Eric Jordan and I know that, but what was Esaac Israel's name at birth now that he created a legal delusion?  Whoever the saxaphonist 'Gabe' is that Bill Cloud heisted into his staged show last weekend had very lewd content in his internet site and was this ignored by Beth Cloud?  Eric Jordan AKA Benet might move with a Hurricane while Mr. Cloud is putting on stage shows that seem too similar to Steve Berg.

If this is only the 25th month of a tribulation count, then it's about day 733 moving toward day 756 next month, when I will be finishing my keeping of the feast of unleavened bread.  If you fell away from a person like me who believes in the teachings  of Moshe Ben Amram and can set aside 'St. Paul' as opinionated but not perfect nor a prophetic meshiach, I can't drag you back to my turtle shell but let me remind you  that a turtle is not a violent swine nor a sluggard who lacks knowledge in self-defense.

In the Ojibwe culture, the turtle does represent truth.  A turtle moves as needed if rain is insufficient or the surrounding waters are overbearing.   Not all pandas spread propaganda after believing liars, and keep that in mind if you think that 86 represents China telephone lines rather than Mosinee Papermaker plates.

🍞  I'm going to dine with some Iraqi Americans and Some American Muslims, where they have not closed their doors to the people who believe in the 12 princes from Hagar and where  a menu good enough for Micah the prophet exists.   I don't want to fall away from  Yh's dietary recommendations and יה=15 not 0.

I suppose this wasn't HAPPY alerts, but alerts sometimes are heard by shofar rather than seen by Amber.   Sure, now I know there are at least 2 people named James Rich, and at one time I was in the same dining area with each of them though the younger Rich at Pocatello, Idaho and the older Rich at Milwaukee, Wisconsin are still hundreds of miles apart.

🐮    What's DDR1693 got to do with a Michigan Subaru in Vikings turf?     Ruth Johnson might know the answer to that coding question.


The Benjamin Altshuler  Penguin Alert:

Finally, if you are only going to rely on 1 leader, consider Matthew chapter 5 vs. 31 and 32 as your own  body's dividing point.  The speaker, if his statements are recorded more accurately that the Marathon County sheriff's departmental reports are,  seemed to be speaking contrary to Moshe regarding remarriage UNLESS he was speaking to a group of Levitical priests who were not supposed to marry a divorced woman even though they had heard out of their own neighbors that divorcing was allowed.

I would never be eligible to be married to a Levitical priest such as Aaron, and I know that. But how many female respondents have been forced into  'earthly widowhood status' because people assumed that the speaker near St. Matthew was addressing a common assembly of covenant Israelites  and nasty unclean Gentiles?  If I am a descendent of G-d, then I am a G-dite and should not be arrested  and imporisoned for saying so, especially in Wisconsin where 'Lumen Numen'  and Minerva nuts seems to be acceptable. Watt the Brian Heck!!!  I could tell a Michigan medical professional that I am a Yahwehist and I wasn't put into handcuffs and drugged against my will in his Henry Ford turf?

When it comes to remarriage, I'll believe what Moshe Ben Amram instructed and not add anything to that nor take away anything permitted for the remnant of Yshrael, which means a divorced woman within the covenant declared by  יהוה  through Moshe Ben Amram can remarry a non-Levite  such as a saved Zebulonite or a redeemed Asherite or someone like Kaleb who was grafted into Judah and not into Charlton Heston's movies.

🖄🌩🚵🌄 ⛰⛰⛰

Maybe the Tetons are in the dark.

Now you know another reason why some 'preaching men' do not escape a SWIFT, painless death sentence like a ram led to a necessary slaughter.   Preaching contrary to Moshe Ben Amram is not what prophets and believers of Abraham's multi-faceted covenant(s) do.

🔊     🐢     🤽

What would Ralph Gallow mutter? He's probably mutter ' Our Strait  A. Trojan gate is Keith on page 90 dangerously close to Regina Henderson, not George  the  singing impurity of Idaho.'