The ' Propaganda Pandas' won't regard the message from a Grieving Turtle, especially when Tur Tel looks like this :
טור טל
Indeed, Tur Tel means mountain of rains and dew, and what does a turtle look like? A mound/hill/ mountain that moves and can handle dew and rains.
What is it that people are falling way from in these end times? After being in a cult before, I no longer wish to limit what I 'hear' to one leader or 1 Bible reading division of Satan, but remind yourself that Satan knows the Scriptures and he does disagree with the vile USA 'Equality Act', though people who don't believe that Satan exists also denounce the Scriptures as much as the Vatican's current Jesuit Easter Ham lines.
The Gordon Avil history alert:
If you or I do not move when a river is flowing upward or downstream, we will either have drought problems or drowning problems. Seeds don't germinate when the ground is too wet, nor do they grow when drought is too severe. Have you cut off your family members since you became 'more Christian' than the people of Moshe or Micah who warned of people falling away from their own FAMILY? Don't expect good or saving results from your 'Christianity' or Freemasonry or Catholicism then, because you stopped being as wise as Roy W. Allen.
The Minnesota State maverick alert:
When men get too bull-headed and only think their 'race' would be willing to do them good rather than harm, they become like Esaac Israel. Sadly, though this man reads the Scriptures, including the writings of Paul toward pale-faced Greeks, he has insisted that George Floyd is one of HIS people. Well, Yahweh would not approve of George Floyd's lifestyle nor would he approve of a female chief of police no matter what her skin tone is so let this be a Mankato State thought unto you. It is sometimes necessary to listen to or watch what the enemy is saying and doing. Had I not heard Esaac Israel lift up George Floyd to his equal, I would not know for sure to fall away from Esaac Israel, though I still might be in bowshot of him. Yes, Hagar's 13 year old son was CRYING in shrubbery when he and his mother were ousted from their father's turf. Hagar heard that 12 princes would emerge from her son's seeds rather than a ten-horned beast. Now the numbers 86 and 99 become prevalent as indicators of age differences in half-brothers from the seed of Abraham. There may indeed be a reason that Arne Sultan used those numbers in 'Get Smart' to represent unequal and differing agents.
The Dane County Buckeye Bus Alert:
As I approached Strong's word H1466 in the G section, GUZ means a wind or a strong current that passes over or through. GUZ ZO could then mean someone who is able to pass along or pass over things to another point of completion. Doind word studies in a methodical way does often move at a turtle's pace, but I do believe that Hebrew is the pure language that should be returned to. Thus, though I can's add the 3 dots in as I could with an ink pen, here is what GUZ ZO can look like in Hebrew:
גוז זו
The name Guzzo is very significant to me and much more important than the name Mangiopane. There is no equality between Guzzo and Mangiopane based on their family OUTPUT which is affected by input. Brenda Angelo is not a Guzzo, yet for many years Brenda Angelo was a trusted intelligent friend as members of the Guzzo family are now to me. I also met Diane Glaza, a woman who was kinder to me and did not insult my pro-Scriptural choices as Wisconsin's David Gaza did, and the only difference in their surname is an L. MAybe that's something David and Doreen Schildt can contemplate with Thomas Fischer someday soon.
The David Lanz keyboard warning:
I don't know who Lane( Wasserman) Pinchard is, but he or she seems to have 2 identities that conflict with each other, which reminds me of the problem with my son's real father who used 2 names and either of them were JACKSON NORRIS or Nathan Taylor. '' is not Scripture and it can have real problems inserted into it either intentionally or because of sloppy typists. Eric Benet is Eric Jordan and I know that, but what was Esaac Israel's name at birth now that he created a legal delusion? Whoever the saxaphonist 'Gabe' is that Bill Cloud heisted into his staged show last weekend had very lewd content in his internet site and was this ignored by Beth Cloud? Eric Jordan AKA Benet might move with a Hurricane while Mr. Cloud is putting on stage shows that seem too similar to Steve Berg.
If this is only the 25th month of a tribulation count, then it's about day 733 moving toward day 756 next month, when I will be finishing my keeping of the feast of unleavened bread. If you fell away from a person like me who believes in the teachings of Moshe Ben Amram and can set aside 'St. Paul' as opinionated but not perfect nor a prophetic meshiach, I can't drag you back to my turtle shell but let me remind you that a turtle is not a violent swine nor a sluggard who lacks knowledge in self-defense.
In the Ojibwe culture, the turtle does represent truth. A turtle moves as needed if rain is insufficient or the surrounding waters are overbearing. Not all pandas spread propaganda after believing liars, and keep that in mind if you think that 86 represents China telephone lines rather than Mosinee Papermaker plates.
🍞 I'm going to dine with some Iraqi Americans and Some American Muslims, where they have not closed their doors to the people who believe in the 12 princes from Hagar and where a menu good enough for Micah the prophet exists. I don't want to fall away from Yh's dietary recommendations and יה=15 not 0.
I suppose this wasn't HAPPY alerts, but alerts sometimes are heard by shofar rather than seen by Amber. Sure, now I know there are at least 2 people named James Rich, and at one time I was in the same dining area with each of them though the younger Rich at Pocatello, Idaho and the older Rich at Milwaukee, Wisconsin are still hundreds of miles apart.
🐮 What's DDR1693 got to do with a Michigan Subaru in Vikings turf? Ruth Johnson might know the answer to that coding question.
The Benjamin Altshuler Penguin Alert:
Finally, if you are only going to rely on 1 leader, consider Matthew chapter 5 vs. 31 and 32 as your own body's dividing point. The speaker, if his statements are recorded more accurately that the Marathon County sheriff's departmental reports are, seemed to be speaking contrary to Moshe regarding remarriage UNLESS he was speaking to a group of Levitical priests who were not supposed to marry a divorced woman even though they had heard out of their own neighbors that divorcing was allowed.
I would never be eligible to be married to a Levitical priest such as Aaron, and I know that. But how many female respondents have been forced into 'earthly widowhood status' because people assumed that the speaker near St. Matthew was addressing a common assembly of covenant Israelites and nasty unclean Gentiles? If I am a descendent of G-d, then I am a G-dite and should not be arrested and imporisoned for saying so, especially in Wisconsin where 'Lumen Numen' and Minerva nuts seems to be acceptable. Watt the Brian Heck!!! I could tell a Michigan medical professional that I am a Yahwehist and I wasn't put into handcuffs and drugged against my will in his Henry Ford turf?
When it comes to remarriage, I'll believe what Moshe Ben Amram instructed and not add anything to that nor take away anything permitted for the remnant of Yshrael, which means a divorced woman within the covenant declared by יהוה through Moshe Ben Amram can remarry a non-Levite such as a saved Zebulonite or a redeemed Asherite or someone like Kaleb who was grafted into Judah and not into Charlton Heston's movies.
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Maybe the Tetons are in the dark.
Now you know another reason why some 'preaching men' do not escape a SWIFT, painless death sentence like a ram led to a necessary slaughter. Preaching contrary to Moshe Ben Amram is not what prophets and believers of Abraham's multi-faceted covenant(s) do.
🔊 🐢 🤽
What would Ralph Gallow mutter? He's probably mutter ' Our Strait A. Trojan gate is Keith on page 90 dangerously close to Regina Henderson, not George the singing impurity of Idaho.'