Sunday, March 2, 2025

Somber anniversary: YCZQAL chapter 32

The French word for a straight man should be similar to  מישר   .  

In the 12th year , on the first day of the 12th month....

Why not study יחזקאל chapter 32 today instead of reading 'Sulphur Man' comic strips? 

I could only see one bright luminary in the sky last night, a planet I could not name; it is as if all the stars were gone yet according to YCZQAL chapter 32,  the luminaries have been blocked out before. When man wicked  decides to generate artificial clouds, those on earth who have allowed such disrespectful atrocities don't really deserve to see the luminaries light up the sky as when they were children. Man kind  is difficult to locate on earth.

4,345 days are now noted with מַכְבֵּר , which is  much more detailed than a E from an eye exam chart heisted by an entity labeled 'Dr. Lindsay Marie' on YOUTUBE.   

Do you need an anti-sinner's prayer?  Try this short prayer:

"Please delegate me the skills I need, יהוה of hosts!   I'm not interested in acquiring luck nor stolen assets."

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