Saturday, March 8, 2025

Esther: the unjust dame of putrid Mordecai

The root of wicked, unladylike women desiring grotesque bloodshed is currently entrenched in the European Union. YCZQAL chapter 18  clarifies that it is improper to force a death penalty on the sons of a guilty father, yet the corrupted Esther worshippers have ignored the prophet YCZQAL's declarations and continue to party perennially like deranged cult members who do not reconsider the facts of a historic matter.  Having someone hate you isn't sufficient evidence to murder them; does the person who said 'Esau I have hated' deserve a death penalty?  People can hate others, sometimes with plenty of justification for that hatred, and never commit a crime against them, choosing rather to discard them from their  social circle, evict them from their household or prepare a barrier of separation to prevent escalation of the hatred.  Read Esther 9:5!  There is nothing righteous about doing as much violence as possible toward a group of people you 'hate' !  The entire society had become infected with generic hatred between ethnicities that resulted in uncontrolled violence rather than a non-chaotic special military operation. 

Asking that ten sons of a plotter get impaled or hanged (translated reports vary) doesn't seem very virtuous to me.   Are the methods of Esther how you want your family members bodies to be judged after they have been killed during a war?  If your father was  a  genocide plotter spewing with hatred for every sect other than his own, did you help him plan his genocide and assist him to partake in his crimes or know nothing about his wicked, racist intentions  and thus should not be accused with him?  If a parent has been a cocaine dealer or seller of vaccines that killed and injured many people, do all of that parent's children deserve to be publicly impaled  and without evidence against them?

The spirit of Esther seems rather haughty, malicious and grotesque to me and in fact seems as depraved  and unjust as  war-mongers  Elizabeth Warren, Lindsey Graham and Kaja Kallas.

The article about Zach Bogosian's treetop and the TONY splitter has had many changes since it was first planted, like a seedling tree that changes shape as it ages.

'Purim' is putrid; Mordecai was not an innocent man while he was grooming Esther for a unholy marriage to a  king filthier than a duck!

Ye ought to obey יהוה  , not Mordecai's executive orders that are truly contrary to what Moshe Ben Amram received.  Partying at "Purim"  is as unrighteous as hobnobbing at "Halloween" and conniving at "Christmas".     If you don't believe the prophets  יחזקאל  and ירמיה ( the pillar of iron) , you won't believe me.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Who's the only decent, sane leader in the European Union now?

Viktor Orban is decent, courgeous and sane; Lithuanian leaders, following the stench of the UK's Starmer,  are wretched and Hitlerish in their desire to use cluster munitions.

He who raises a sign with the word 'FALSE' on it is  declaring that he, the holder of the word 'FALSE' is a false witness.

It isn't only golf holes that have a FALSE front.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Does every shift matter?

 No need to get AsHeS on your forehead as if you tripped into area 51.


^*!*    @$!%#   !!&(


Monday, March 3, 2025

Raymond P. Allison's Roll Up Wheat King pins

Looking for a new 18th hole because Greppi  the Wisconsin Badger is too Italian ?  Healthy and tired of all the Steve Yzerman hoop-D-doo doo?  Not interested in the  antics of Theretha Allison who became Mrs. Robert King? Does comparing  Shade Suess, Michigan high school football icon,   to C.J. Suess ,who shifted from the Jets to the Sharks without Natalie Wood 's permission, cause derision in your sports bar?

Fear some Moore!

Rename a challenging 18th hole the Ray Allison hole  since Raymond P. Allison was a round 1, 18th place choice.  At +50,  Raymond P. Allison slithered from the Hartford Whalers 🎱 to the Philadelphia Flyers after escaping  Cranbrook, B.C.   With 64 G's and 93 A,  Ray Allison certainly is not Theretha Allison  nor a June Allison nor a Geronimo Allison but it seems that Ray '157' Allison has chosen a Wheat King way that other 157's such as Randy Moss or Reggie Howard White or Chris Pronger did not opt for.

Strongs H2591 represents wheat, but there are many errors in the Strongs numbering system.

On March 4, 2025, not everyone can be Robert Scott Smith from Euclid, Ohio. 

March 4, 1959 mattered to Raymond Peter Allison's mother.  Memorize more than your own shoe size.

Allison's bowling team will be participating in the  1st Gerald Jaeck Memorial tournament. Results will be posted before April 15, 2025.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Somber anniversary: YCZQAL chapter 32

The French word for a straight man should be similar to  מישר   .  

In the 12th year , on the first day of the 12th month....

Why not study יחזקאל chapter 32 today instead of reading 'Sulphur Man' comic strips? 

I could only see one bright luminary in the sky last night, a planet I could not name; it is as if all the stars were gone yet according to YCZQAL chapter 32,  the luminaries have been blocked out before. When man wicked  decides to generate artificial clouds, those on earth who have allowed such disrespectful atrocities don't really deserve to see the luminaries light up the sky as when they were children. Man kind  is difficult to locate on earth.

4,345 days are now noted with מַכְבֵּר , which is  much more detailed than a E from an eye exam chart heisted by an entity labeled 'Dr. Lindsay Marie' on YOUTUBE.   

Do you need an anti-sinner's prayer?  Try this short prayer:

"Please delegate me the skills I need, יהוה of hosts!   I'm not interested in acquiring luck nor stolen assets."

Saturday, March 1, 2025

69 NHL Ties to CLQ and clock timing

As I observed Strongs H2505 for the 7th time, it is a word that means 'to divide' or to 'portion', which is exactly what a clock does. CLOQ or clock do not look like Halak, yet the origin of the surname of Jaroslav Halak might  actually be חָלָק  , which is  the word that kick off the 86th month of a 7 year progression .

While choosing to pack it up and pack it in  again , sorting through  belongings at a very relaxed pace, I was thinking of the name Halak and the concept of CLQ work projected into Deuteronomy 4:19, Deuteronomy 29:26, Yqzequiel 5;1  and Yermiyah 37:12.  I only have one toy box with no Tinker toys, and the non-electronic toys in it might only amuse a cordial, well-adjusted child who is intrigued with the aged assortment of my generation's history. When I cleared out the box and moved it to a bin fit for shipping, there was an image of a goalie in the bottom of the toy box and that image  oddly enough was Jaroslav Halak in  St. Louis Blues gear.  

 I'm obviously no Jaroslav Halak;  the years 2010 through 2014 were extremely difficult to persevere through and had it not been for  יהוה,  I would have not accomplished what was possibly predetermined for me to do.  My mind did not fail to function under stress because my tormenter had fled from me;  improper decisions can be made even though the mind is functioning. Can a mind that is malfunctioning make proper decisions? Yes, a malfunctioning mind can make proper decisions in a 'fight or flight' scenario and a malfunctioning mind often disconnects the conscience temporarily.

The timing of this Halak find that I had forgotten about was intriguing and  מצולה as Missoula, because it was unexpected and matched up with H2505 in my day of rest contemplations.

Jaroslav Halak seems to have some rather fiery temperament flare ups, but maybe מישך also has had a fiery temperament.  I wonder why Jaroslav Halak stayed with uniform number 41.

I still intend to load a Scripture verse into the previous post, but there is no rush to do so.