Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Dennis the Snedden mathematics for MYShI-ganders and USAF grunts

If so called 'religious' sects , including Hanukkah-hype , Buddhist buddies, Hindu voodoo and Christmas-cracked up households would be honest, they would admit that all their festivities of December have become the season to do what comes unnaturally. That should make you reconsider and halt your own spending and decorating and partying stupidity, but if you are addicted to the artificial  and unnatural, you'll not have respect for nor seek the natural that would improve your household's spiritual, mental and physical components.  Often the only level of artificial activities that exceeds overspending, overdecorating and overindulging is the horrific practice of artificial smiles that broken families, business associates and unloving relatives often prop on their faces until they get out of the jumbled, token gatherings where nothing truthful, humble or natural would be acceptable or pleasing to the robotic partiers.  Tapping into their electronic devices continually, the lack of etiquette and lack of effort to gather together in sincerity and with any past wrong-doing corrected rather than ignored or unreasonably pardoned, the idolatry and hypocrisy of the start of winter is exists,  but is not naturally alive and certainly  not well.

Dennis Snedden actually came out victorious in the Wisconsin battle of 1967. Not everyone who exits their mother's natural tunnel becomes an underpaid Milwaukee Admiral. 

Here's how athletic team TOKEN mathematics becomes a matter of reality, even if there is no trust involved. 

Milwaukee Admiral #2 - Wisconsin Badger #27 =  Milwaukee Admiral #2.

A Visigoth from Toledo demonstrated why this form of mathematics is helpful to learn  after you leave Eagle River, Wisconsin. 

Are you, oddly enough, halfway to H8674 living on a מֵישָׁע (which could look like MYShI and might sound like only the MichI segment of MichIgan) instead of living on a prayer plant and Canada Dry jokes? 

Maybe 2nd Kings 3:4 and the horrific choices of the king of Moab is far more accurate than any anti-man suggestions in Romans 3:4, but in fact too may families such as that of Lindsey Graham and Kia Kallas are entrenched in pro-war political realms such as Ukraine, the United States, England, Latvia and the state of Israel.  Such families, rather see their sons and daughters in military careers , send others away military gear to get burned to a crisp on their own turf  or on overseas soil that they don't belong on during a war that could have been avoided by keeping agreements, resisting greed and coveting of other nation's assets and being honest business owners. Instead, the wicked steal, break covenants, disregard prior agreements and refuse to submit to a more righteous government.  

H4337 isn't H4339; unlearn most lyrics.  Some hockey 'badger' named Owen Lindmark, not Owen Sound, is very impressed with his father's USAF career choices, but is his USAF father or badger Lindmark impressed with the careers that very loyal defenders of the community suffer through in actual police officer gear or is the Lindmark family more impressed with Gregory Sierra and Tom Selleck pretending to be  investigators and  detectives?

If there's criminal activity or unprovoked violence on my block or in my congressional area, which USAF or USMC personnel should I call to report for duty? The USAF would be unresponsive unless I was calling them from a mansion in Ukraine or a money-laundering zone in Syria. 

There eventually is a final warning in a two-way communication system, and that occurs when either the true prophet deploying warnings dies  or the arrogant rejector who laughed at the tru prophet dies.

When ' Miss Communication' switches to ' no communication', will there be more or less errors in judgment?  Go back and ask Marie Windsor, Ivan Dixon or Alan Alda what you should do next, that is if you can locate them.  Try to stop saying that people 'suck'.   Replace 'vomits' for 'sucks' and maybe you can make the people you do not approve of literally sick. For example:

Jerry Seinfeld vomits; Ray Romano vomits. Beyonce vomits. Eminem vomits. Hunter Biden vomits.

Eric Braeden vomits. Tim McGraw vomits.  Dolly Parton vomtis. Oprah Winfrey vomits.  Dan Campbell vomits.   Most people won't even notice if you utter such seasonal greetings in public, in private or in your semi-private Bible study group.

 Don't try voodoo  doll-style  idolatry.  Saying someone vomits contrasts with saying someone saves.


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