Friday, December 20, 2024

Back out the day and back in the night shift: Isaiah 53 split wounds

The most intelligent children would buy organic produce, reference books or quality clothing items if they got a $250.00 shopping spree at Meijer's with Detroit Police watching their every move.  The child most improperly trained would choose a toy or electronic device he or she clearly did not need at all.

Just because a person buys a non-fiction book to read does not mean they believe the contents of the book are perfect or without bias. For instance, Stephen Pidgeon has deviated from what he claims is his Russian family name and reports to be  in some 'undisclosed location' because he is  actually fearful and a retreater as a typical attorney is rather than qualifying as a courageous leader in a community.   There was a man assigned to the Milwaukee Police Academy named Bernell Kocher, and that man rarely used 'nice' tactics with his students.  he was hated by many, feared by many endnote perfect in all his ways, yet he was a man who was willing to pathos life on the line for the residents of the city of Milwaukee for many years.   

Sometimes when people are too explosive in uncontrolled situations, they set that person into a 'desk duty' or 'classroom setting' where there are not as many enemies in his presence. So it might have been with Bernell Kocher. There was an incident where he screamed an insult at me while we were standing face to face in front of my entire class.  As a female and a mother who had a son that needed food, clothing and shelter provided by me because his paternal side ditched their responsibility as is more frequent in ' lazy black' culture than in David Clarke's culture, I suspected that if I started to cry like I wanted to I would be tossed out of the police academy, or at least not seen as a potentially reliable officer when facing enemy attack.  I didn't cry, and it took a couple years before I realized why Bernell Kocher decided to test me rather than testing the token lesbian or the more unruly black females in our class.

Back out the day someone that now has nothing to do with you or you pension or your rehabilitation after an injury pressured you into accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, claiming that  Jesus Christ would protect you and pardon you like Joseph Biden pardons criminals and obviously evil people. Back out the years you were taught to refer to a man who wasn't your father as 'father' before telling him to bless you because you did wrong, namely 'sinned', which is contrary to the message that Moshe Ben Amram delivered to a a gathering in a desert refugee camp and you will be stupid if you trust the Catholic priest as many children and adults have done or continue to do.

Load in this information regarding what or who ' he was pierced for our transgressions' actually could have been referring to after setting your bias toward Tony Evans, Jr. or Stephen Pidgeon's doctrine aside for a few weeks rather than for seconds:   AYRYH was most likely pierced for  his wife's transgressions., and also pierced because of דוד's  adulterous power play.  Merely being wounded is not the same as being murdered.   So called 'Jesus Christ' was reportedly was not  only wounded, but killed.  Most men were wounded or killed in battle by swords, spears, arrows and daggers before guns and missiles became the Norman 5  and Joplin 23 way of Marquette University money launderers.   If you are pierced by a tattoo artist against your will or pierced by a needle while being assaulted in a drug house mislabeled as a 'health care facility' or a 'hospital', you also have been wounded and pierced due to someone else's lawlessness and hatred  for purity, sanity and natural affection. 

A very haughty pusher of Christianity openly trying to cause division within a family,  insisted publicly that her boyfriend's behavior and manners were all god's doing and that his parents, teachers, grandparents,  dentists, meal preparation units, football coaches and hockey coaches had nothing to do with his condition or manners when she snagged him with her seducing spirit.   Wow, if saying  only 'god' was involved in his upbringing wasn't such an insane statement that maybe only her parents might agree with, it might be laughable, but it wasn't a laughable  statement.   I suppose that means if the children of that haughty  mother  of Christianity  behave like a bitch or a hero, it also can  be attributed to her god  of Christianity and only that god, not to  parents, teachers, siblings, neighbors, doctors, preachers or employers.   Her statements were excitedly worse than Brad Scott of Vernal, Utah referring to people who didn't believe his doctrine as 'pinheads'. 🎳  I'm not an expert on crisping pins.

Christianity's god  might now be equal to a $ which isn't  even enough to feed a sheep dog very long.

 Evil king Mesha thought his son could be sacrificed to negate offenses, and that Mesha doctrine carried over into Sunday Christianity which now teaches people to party about an infant being born who would be crucified so they watch the NBA cheerleaders, lust after NFL cheerleaders, behave rudely toward the elderly still alive in their family tree, send billions of dollars to a Ukrainian pimp and pampered bigot named Zelensky and cheat on their taxes without any consequences in their future.  

If in fact you are arrogant toward or fearful of people who no longer believe in Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior as you do, your  version of Jesus Christ is bigoted, spiritually weak, is a horrible commander and has not trained nor protected you properly for anything other than the next funeral where you'll sing lyrics that aren't realistic and tell others another intentional sinner is now in heaven, contrary to the gospel of the prophet YCZQAL.  Seducing spirits will lure you with comfortable churches, snack bars, musicians, decorative clothing and a token introductory meal  among corporate sales staff which eventually will be priced at 10% of your income as long as you believe the Sunday church doctrine.

I'm  not afraid of the deceivers walking around with little  blue strings attached to their  clothing or a head covering on their head.  There is no need to expound on what or who I am afraid of since. knows אלצליון my natural  instincts as well as my unnatural fears. There is a need for Bible readers to recall that AYRYH the Hittite was not only the husband of Bathsheba, but was wounded and likely pierced because of Bathsheba and David's spirit of lawlessness.

If your LORD won't openly discipline you and get you to comply with his orders, your lord is more incompetent and untrustworthy than Bernell Kocher as a community hero or assembly leader. It has been said that a sergeant has earned his stripes; sometimes a sergeant knows how to repair a broken person.

By 'his stripes we are healed'?   That translation is extremely misleading, similar to exchanging Jerry Kelly for Kelly Chase merely to appease 'Paw Patrol' or 'Tom and Jerry' fanatics. Talented Freeman and disgusting Freeland are not interchangeable Rippington parts.

There should be no U in a translation of  איריה unless you think there is a tribe of  Usher  rather than Asher. 

 Maybe you are extremely angry after reading the details in this advisory. That's your problem and it will affect your demeanor, your actions and your household directly or indirectly.  The truth gets people angry more often than complimentary lies, apathetic departures and Paw Patrol fiction. Back into a stall tactic or back out of any Stahl zone want to now.  

 I think I'll watch Cole Caulfield tonight; at least his father never lied to me. I suppose I might observe Detroit Mercy vs. Wisconsin men's basketball since I've seen both of their hockey rinks already.

 Fiction disables natural instinct .  🕊

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