Friday, September 13, 2024

Menasha H4519: not sealed with a kiss or an absurd sinner's prayer

0.  As Havilah H2341 should be willing and able to do,  read Jeremiah chapters 7 through 9 without asking your wife, mother, boss, sponsor, siblings,  father, husband or children to assist you with translating the difficult content and applying it to your outlook and inward parts.  If you fail to believe or comprehend the content, do not continue to 'I'.  The fact is that if you reject the content of those chapters, you are also rejecting יהוה and  thus millions of 'Jesus' replicas won't be able to correct you, though for a fee or a salary they might try to defend your sinful deeds.   If such vague "Jesus' replicas have diplomas from a 'Christian' seminary and you donate to their continued studies of lethargy as a 'tithe' or a 'suggested donation,  'I ' certainly won't matter to you and the lies you might seem as a light burden that amuses you but also confuses you.  Don't waste your time watching 'Fiddler on the Roof' if the name גד means anything to you.

I .  Do read Yermiyah chapter 10; refer to it as the 'BLACK 10' chapter  even if you climb into Cave #11 or the Colorado Rockies catcher get disorderly because of their own  CO problems.  Do not disregard the sentiments of a prophet who has no permanent interest in observing the wicked being 'blessed'.  I must do this today!

I is now 'TCO' in my household, which doesn't mean go 'to Colorado'.


II. If you reject Yermiyah as the true and faithful shepherd, go behind and keep consulting churches centered around 'failure in falsehoods' and Wittenberg doctrines. John D. Smith and Sally A. Smith of N5265 Cty Rd M, Wittenberg, Wisconsin, 54499 would certainly enjoy being questioned about their doctrine of Jesus.

III. You're not 'minus 3' like Paul Frederick Stanton.  I re-searched the messages to and from the prophet, ירמיה  .    I, as a being that wept through  ירמיה's chapters 10 through 17 instead of laughing while cutting open a natural agate, understand the reason I am not to return to you nor seek you in your haughty position, but you might decide to return to me. 

ש.   Suppose this is 4th down situation.   'Jeremiah' as KJV spells, noted that he is an experienced shepherd , not in idiom form only; he actually complained about wicked shepherds  in his area.  You want 'rapture' news? Read Jeremiah 8:13, noting that I gathered 5 beautiful figs from 2 fig trees I was given as a gift.  Would you prefer to cling onto Paul's message about there being no difference between the circumcised and the uncircumcised? Surely you should read Jeremiah 9:23-25, knowing that part of kindness includes punishing those who refuse to comply with the expected behaviors explained by יהוה. 

Squad 16: Do you need a bit of wisdom from a dental student? Your 2 left side adult wisdom teeth, numbered 16 and 17, may now remind you to return to  ירמיהו chapter 17, verse 16, and continue to study  the history, lessons and warnings from יהוה as well as from ירמיה , who'd I  refer to as the most reliable shepherd of  יהודי and maybe even steering some  of  the חוי ( H2340)  away from Hindu doctrines.

Blasphemers will claim that mercy is only obtained their 'Jesus Christ' , but that is an frivolous and extremely untrue claim that emerged like crabgrass from the 'failures in falsehood' doctrines. 

Now that I've established the difference between Mike Redmond of the Colorado Rockies and Mickey Redmond, Mr. 428, of the Detroit Redwings, do you know that the word CUCumber stems from the Hebrew word for a prickly thicket, namely  חוח ? 

What happens when your pitcher is loaded with wine and attracting drunkards like Esther's heathen king?

The hard C of a ח beats a 'fair' situation which is a nearly failing grade.  A  Detroit Tigers' media mouth recently declared Detroit to be a 'fair city', but fair is actually not good, better nor best. Thankfully, Detroit has not foolishly declared itself to be a 'sanctuary city', since NYC is collapsing like the unholy Jerusalem that Jeremiah warned about. 

There is plenty of mercy, kindness and judgment to be found in ירמיה  chapter 17, verse 14. מנשה  should know where 'Black Earth, Wisconsin' is.   If you prefer a longer sermon from Jeremiah like John&Sally Smith of 54499 need to heed, read Jeremiah 13:15-27. Eating Nueske's pork products is one of many abominations that 'failure in falsehood' churches advocate; wearing one delicate earring in each ear  lobe is not an abomination.

I'm going to research the 14th president of the United States now, namely President Pierce, since he seemed to have very healthy head of hair and never mocked those who experienced the trauma of the Korean War as disgusting Alan Alda has done to his own detriment and to the shame of his heathen admirers.  📏 

III goals do matter in 'big business' world of hockey, but 14 goals also are not to be ignored.

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