Friday, September 20, 2024

What Marquette University won't teach you about black rock spreads

The body of the prior post does not address  HEAD stones.  Get prepared to unlearn Jesuit and Jewish twisting of the term known as  讗讘谉 .  Be patient, since I will be explaining why the difference between a light burden and a heavy burden when black rocks are discussed.  There is no hurry for me to share the knowledge I have freely, and the days might turn into weeks or months before I decide to cast out the knowledge I have been given regarding the ephod and breastplate inserts.

In a way, having knowledge no one else has is a way to delay my death, since  David Coffey isn't going to be able to explain the knowledge I am retaining for a season and a reason. 馃 isn't the same as a  馃Х  .

If the book of revelation is accurate and reliable, the 8th tribe sealed might indeed be  诇讜讬 , but 讬讜住祝 is listed 11th.  When an electronic media releases limited information about David Coffey and Scott Lebeau at the same time, Michigan firefighters local 1635 might be a weightier matter than proton therapy marketed in Kansas City, MO.

'Spreads'  too often have to do with gambling and numbering of sporting events.  When I think of 'spreads', I think of wheelbarrows and road base materials such as granite. Other natural spreads I value are honey and lemon curd and natural fruit jams not tainted with dangerous chemical additives. I don't approve of the gaming pushed by the NBA's disgusting Lebron James or and gambling centers adored by the NHL's weakling Wayne Gretzky that ruin minds and produce nothing that is beneficial to a community.

Flooding in the NATO nations doesn't trouble me; those nations have become political Nazi beds and a larger version of AXIS forces.  Localized flooding isn't the same 'flooding the world' again.

Promises are promises, and facts are only facts when they are not actually falsified information. 

Natural E might need ashift.  

Thursday, September 19, 2024

David Coffey without Scott Lebeau's * : minus 3 way Boston bulb classic

I don't want a Boston globe; globes are too misleading.  Patrick vs. Wilson might occur during Detroit vs, Pittsburgh and such may be interesting to Timothy Thomas SHErWIn, a NFL retiree not named Williams.

Body of report is pending due to  诪住讙专   conditions causing delays with the consent of 讬讛讜讛; consent of  讞讜讬诇讛   is not required to delay the body of this Coffey and Lebeau report. In the interim, you may notice that DEAN #35 has narrowed the Chelios, Hauswirth, Butler #36 and Morton #36 passage with the help of  Tampa Bay Barton #62 馃張 recently involved in a 20 point 'game' against Detroit. 

Surnames in the NFL such as Dennis and David might be in the jailer July scheme and might have restricted the Ware section. What a shameful decision it was for Detroit to go the way of the Dallas Cowboys  harlots when they degraded their team with King Herod's type of cheerleaders.  Bad teams start indecently and remain indecent; horrible teams start well and then become indecent!

Do not try to exchange Dean Morton for Gary Morton.  An * does not equal the ^  during 6th year, 67th month challenges.  A  ^ vs. an * is as balanced as Kevin Hodge vs. Kevin Zeitler while Keith is in % gear.

I also urgently suggest that your 'MUTE' button be used as quickly as possible when the audibles of Kamala Harris are being aired in the media, since I suspect the frequency of her voice might actually cause illness, nausea and life-shortening diseases.  There are healing frequencies, but there also are frequencies that injure the body rather than heal the body being prepared with Coffey and Lebeau parts  included.

Fleet Farm aisle 31: 馃挕  If Tampa Bay chose the combo of David &White, are they in 'Bewitched' 'Larry Tate' mode without Ella Fitzgerald to bewilder them? When 2 bad teams compete, a bad team has to lose if the conclusion is not a tie game.  Brewer 95 isn't Fred Whitehead of Collingwood, Ontario!

Who's the 'minus 3' amigos until further notice?  Port Huron Prowlers practicing as  #15, yellow #64 and #77.

Makar Sokolov isn't  Davey Solokov #823.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Menasha H4519: not sealed with a kiss or an absurd sinner's prayer

0.  As Havilah H2341 should be willing and able to do,  read Jeremiah chapters 7 through 9 without asking your wife, mother, boss, sponsor, siblings,  father, husband or children to assist you with translating the difficult content and applying it to your outlook and inward parts.  If you fail to believe or comprehend the content, do not continue to 'I'.  The fact is that if you reject the content of those chapters, you are also rejecting 讬讛讜讛 and  thus millions of 'Jesus' replicas won't be able to correct you, though for a fee or a salary they might try to defend your sinful deeds.   If such vague "Jesus' replicas have diplomas from a 'Christian' seminary and you donate to their continued studies of lethargy as a 'tithe' or a 'suggested donation,  'I ' certainly won't matter to you and the lies you might seem as a light burden that amuses you but also confuses you.  Don't waste your time watching 'Fiddler on the Roof' if the name 讙讚 means anything to you.

I .  Do read Yermiyah chapter 10; refer to it as the 'BLACK 10' chapter  even if you climb into Cave #11 or the Colorado Rockies catcher get disorderly because of their own  CO problems.  Do not disregard the sentiments of a prophet who has no permanent interest in observing the wicked being 'blessed'.  I must do this today!

I is now 'TCO' in my household, which doesn't mean go 'to Colorado'.


II. If you reject Yermiyah as the true and faithful shepherd, go behind and keep consulting churches centered around 'failure in falsehoods' and Wittenberg doctrines. John D. Smith and Sally A. Smith of N5265 Cty Rd M, Wittenberg, Wisconsin, 54499 would certainly enjoy being questioned about their doctrine of Jesus.

III. You're not 'minus 3' like Paul Frederick Stanton.  I re-searched the messages to and from the prophet, 讬专诪讬讛  .    I, as a being that wept through  讬专诪讬讛's chapters 10 through 17 instead of laughing while cutting open a natural agate, understand the reason I am not to return to you nor seek you in your haughty position, but you might decide to return to me. 

砖.   Suppose this is 4th down situation.   'Jeremiah' as KJV spells, noted that he is an experienced shepherd , not in idiom form only; he actually complained about wicked shepherds  in his area.  You want 'rapture' news? Read Jeremiah 8:13, noting that I gathered 5 beautiful figs from 2 fig trees I was given as a gift.  Would you prefer to cling onto Paul's message about there being no difference between the circumcised and the uncircumcised? Surely you should read Jeremiah 9:23-25, knowing that part of kindness includes punishing those who refuse to comply with the expected behaviors explained by 讬讛讜讛. 

Squad 16: Do you need a bit of wisdom from a dental student? Your 2 left side adult wisdom teeth, numbered 16 and 17, may now remind you to return to  讬专诪讬讛讜 chapter 17, verse 16, and continue to study  the history, lessons and warnings from 讬讛讜讛 as well as from 讬专诪讬讛 , who'd I  refer to as the most reliable shepherd of  讬讛讜讚讬 and maybe even steering some  of  the 讞讜讬 ( H2340)  away from Hindu doctrines.

Blasphemers will claim that mercy is only obtained their 'Jesus Christ' , but that is an frivolous and extremely untrue claim that emerged like crabgrass from the 'failures in falsehood' doctrines. 

Now that I've established the difference between Mike Redmond of the Colorado Rockies and Mickey Redmond, Mr. 428, of the Detroit Redwings, do you know that the word CUCumber stems from the Hebrew word for a prickly thicket, namely  讞讜讞 ? 

What happens when your pitcher is loaded with wine and attracting drunkards like Esther's heathen king?

The hard C of a 讞 beats a 'fair' situation which is a nearly failing grade.  A  Detroit Tigers' media mouth recently declared Detroit to be a 'fair city', but fair is actually not good, better nor best. Thankfully, Detroit has not foolishly declared itself to be a 'sanctuary city', since NYC is collapsing like the unholy Jerusalem that Jeremiah warned about. 

There is plenty of mercy, kindness and judgment to be found in 讬专诪讬讛  chapter 17, verse 14. 诪谞砖讛  should know where 'Black Earth, Wisconsin' is.   If you prefer a longer sermon from Jeremiah like John&Sally Smith of 54499 need to heed, read Jeremiah 13:15-27. Eating Nueske's pork products is one of many abominations that 'failure in falsehood' churches advocate; wearing one delicate earring in each ear  lobe is not an abomination.

I'm going to research the 14th president of the United States now, namely President Pierce, since he seemed to have very healthy head of hair and never mocked those who experienced the trauma of the Korean War as disgusting Alan Alda has done to his own detriment and to the shame of his heathen admirers.  馃搹 

III goals do matter in 'big business' world of hockey, but 14 goals also are not to be ignored.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Yczequiel chapters 7 & 8 re-opening reminder

If you are able, read and consider  讬讞讝拽讗诇 / Yczeqal chapters 6, 7 and 8. Chapter 6 has a remnant notice.  


The Stringfellow family of Michigan's  Grosse Pointe South high school isn't fictitious.  馃張

讬讞讝拽讗诇  chapter 馃幈: day for day, month for month, year for year. 讬讞讝拽讗诇  was only in his early 30's when he was trusted with grievous '6th year' information.

It's the sixth month, 5th day.... day for day, month for month.   A soccer ball and Buzz Lightyear actually aren't good gifts. A packet of non-GMO seeds and a portion of land to plant a vegetable patch are excellent gifts for a child to gain wisdom  and knowledge rather than head injuries and fictional stupidity.

Chapters 7 - 8, lay EM straight.  What if EM is an idiom for 驻专讬诐 and  谞砖讛? 




                                    west  15                                                               4  east    




Chapter 9 mentions sapphire, beryl and fiery  CHArCoAl.   馃 

'Eagle' could be an incorrect translation.  Levis might be equal to Lewis. I'm quite certain those boasting about soccer and Disney and clutching their idiotic electronic device in the palm of their hand as though it is their  personal lord and savior will be affected by  the results of   诪ָ谞ַ注  , which is mentioned in Job 38:15 , suggestions from Proverbs 23:15  and noted in Yermiyahu 3:27 and Amos 4:7.

Many teachers have taught without union bargaining for a salary; other teachers have never asked for a salary.

The driver of Michigan tag EVK2616 ( EVK might be wrong, but the vehicle was non-boat Tahoe, newer model, silvery grey finish) is arrogant, rude, unreasonable and typifies the Gretchen Whitmer administration's lack of humility and abundance of hypocrisy; I'd rather not add a touch of optimism about Michigan before the final period.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

When u as in 'Jesus' becomes untruthful, venue-zoo-aliens compete for turf and seize it

Lying preachers abound and often collect much higher salaries than your local firefighter or distant state trooper. The lying preacher literally curses his audience with false information.

The concept of 'cities or refuge' got replaced by 'sanctuary cities' in the minds of voters because preachers preached a false 'Jesus' and still do.  The Mormons are using huge photos of 'Dolly Parton' as their adverting strumpet to attract money and assets to their 'Jesus'.  A protestant  preacher in England refuses to be corrected  when he is preaching lies  about his childhood and he kept insisting Jesus is a liberal that allows far more sin to continue in his turf than a wonderful father would allow in his household.  Woes in Aurura Colorado?  Before I explain how lack of mercy hurts the innocent, I'll explain how lack of jdiscipline and sheltering and praising intentional sinners ruins a community.

Every person in Birmingham, Engand's 'Gate Church' who have heard sssociate pastor Henrikson preach have heard a concoction of truth infiltrated with lies about his childhood, and the lies might have gotten him some laughs and sympathy, but the lies also were accepted as 'truth' because  they refused to hear from other witnesses about the  allegations brought to the liberal UK pulpit.   I know he lied, and that's why my son isn't my 'pastor', attractive and personable as he might seem to his  financial donors.  I thought about contacting his supervisor, but he's too much like the image of 'Dolly Parton' being used by the 'Jesus Gets US' business.

Compare Ezra chapter 2 tp Nehemiah Chapter 7; the animal census is in agreement but the majority of 'people' counts do not agree. The counts often differs so much it's like the difference between View Fort, St. Lucia and Fort Collins, Colorado. There is evidence there are actual errors in the '66 books' packaged a sold as a 'Holy Bible'. 245 mules aren't even going to be able change the mind of a stubborn paid hypocritical church employee or a haughty, irreverent, unfit, deceiving presidential candidate on any ballot worldwide. Will 245 mules implore you to start considering the weighty matter of  toward your surviving parents and to stop promoting politicians that are financially insane by evidence of the debts they cause and endorse?  245 mules were itemized as a significant detail in the records clutched by millions of youth who won't even attempt to be respectful to their parents or won't shift their eyes away from electronic devices that lure them away from normal, helpful  communication with family.  

Did Jesus approve Chicago and New York and Aurora as 'sanctuary cities' for anyone who refused to make their original hometown a desirable place to remain?  Maybe, since the common 'Jesus' preached doesn't believe in discipline nor expect consistent improvement in behavior; the results of common 'Jesus' are Nancy Pelosi's common 'Jesus' are California, Chicago, New York City and Aurora. 'Sanctuary cities' take in thieves, drug buyers and drug sellers, baby muderers, haters of lawful  parents, sexually perverse undisciplined youths, elderly who never gathered enough companions to keep their homeland safe as well as beautiful and masses of  lazy people who want money to fall upon them from government prostitutes and political whores. None of those types welcomed into  'sanctuary cities' would have been greeted in a 'city of refuge', since a city of refuge was only intended to be a place where a person who accidentally caused a death of another could reside in safely...but not on welfare or the 'common Jesus' theory of no discipline for intentional sins.   Why feel sorry for 'sanctuary cities' who rejected the teachings from Moshe Ben Amram or the prophet Yczequiel or who disregarded the weeping of the prophet Yermiyahu?

Here's how lack of mercy and lack of thankfulness for a prepared delicious meal becomes intentional sin of a Michigan diner.  A male wearing a black T-shirt with "JEEP' on his left breast zone was out to dinner with a rather plain female companion; both had a table with a waterfront view of the St. Clair river and because it was Saturday, the waitress was busy doing what is often best described as health care services. The JEEP man started complaining that he had received his bowl of food but his companion did not; it had been about 35 minutes, nut the hour he declared the wait to be.  After his whining, a plate of deliciously prepared food was brought to his female companion, who then uttered " I've been a waitress for 30 or 40 years, and I know I do not have to pay for this meal!'.  She then rejected the perfectly good food after her waitress claimed she made an unintentional error when delivering the orders to the kitchen staff.  Did the female customer ever error unintentionally in her alleged 30 to 40 year waitress career?

I might have unintentionally sinned when I let my grade school son experience a Milwaukee District II jail cell for a few minutes while under PROPER and reliable male supervision that his father never was willing to provide for him, but my son's sin was intentional sin and he tried to hide his stolen cash....may be something like a corporate embezzler  would do.  Peter Bergman might have decided not to punish his son all and just offered him a few hundred rubbers and some 'Victoria's Secret'  catalogues for his descendants sexual lusts, but I'm not Peter Bergman. Unlike the waitresss who refused her dinner, I tried to make good decisions with the information I was allowed to obtain.

Earlier, the JEEP man had asked me to watch his food for him, but I refused to because he didn't offer me a wage to do so.; I have no interest in being anyone's free security force.  Had the JEEP man been sitting at the table with Cindy Crawford or Taylor Swift, would he have been in such a rush to get away from the waterfront view and be rude and unmerciful to the waitress?  I doubt it.  The intentional sin came when the JEEP man not only refused to pay for his meal selections but also preferred that the delicious food be wasted and tossed into the trash like the bodes of infants murdered by Whitmerists and   comma-LA's California unmerciful voters with no good fatherly guidance in the mode of a haughty waitress demanding  ' no errors' in a hectic situation.  The worst should head toward the JEEP man, not the best in the future. The worst should come to intentional liars who make light of their parents efforts to support, shelter, and  and feed them legally.   Mercy to criminals without justice for an innocent victim results in insufficient discipline and a continuum of exacerbating lawlessness that then become the households of venue-zoo-aliens and cruel, arrogant youths funded by lazy, corrupt political bodies that toss 'common Jesus' into their unclean assemblies to lure the unlearned into their fiscally-atrocious trap plays.

The waitress at Marine City Fish Company might have had to pay for the sins of the JEEP man out of her wages, but the JEEP man should have been charged with fraud upon an innkeeper because he refused to pay for what was delivered to him in a time frame as reasonable as any good cook would take to prepare the same meal at home.  Yes, it often takes a full hour for an experienced mother to prepare a meal for her children, though a 30 minute meal might be able to be provided by an faithful wife cooking for her husband on any typical hectic day, even if that wife couldn't provide a view of waterway nor provide a paid and armed guard on the household perimeter with her non-political retirement  income. 

Illegal searches and seizures seem to be abounding; videos are often so contrived that you should not believe the electronic devices you have been been worshipping, idolizing and insanely relying upon. for 'security purposes'. 

I think I''ll go watch some shotgun formations today; I'm not in the mood for  Dolly Parton's version of 'Jesus' nor will I provide any more warnings for the lazy Gate Church's failure to allow needed cross examination of their paid, untruthful speakers.

H4519 is  诪谞砖讛 ,  not Naphtali Bennett nor a zoo animal. Don't claim that any English Bible is the inerrant word of 'GOD', since 讙讚 is still the brother tribe of Asher. There are plenty of conflicting numbers when Ezra is compared to Nehemiah in the chapters where the descendants of JARKO/'Jericho' that returned after captivity does seem to  be equal.  The census numbers do not even agree between Ezra's report and Nehemiah's report in English version, so what did the Hebrew text numbers report?  123+56 does not equal 188; why so many conflicting translations now that Oakland A's have Hogan Harris #63 and some Holman at '67' varieties?

I am not 'comma LA' material nor would I ever desire a woman as a military leader, for such only proves the lack of truthful, properly-trained, holy and courageous men willing to defend their homeland and households.  I suppose Walz's supporters are now going to wear LA hats on the head as the short form of KAMALA when they are too cowardly  to don 'Harris + Walz' attire or once again, are in their mode of intentional deceptions.

Where's  讬讻讬谉  &  讘注讝. now?   There is not always an equal and opposite reaction to the wind blowing a fallen leave in the same direction as the wind.  There is not always an equal and opposite reaction when a woman is violently raped by a man or when a liar utters falsehoods and the person whom he lied about decides to remain silent and depart from the liar's 'church' rather than argue with his enemy .  There is not always an equal and opposite reaction to an action that is intentional thief, but should there be and equal and opposite reaction to discipline the harm done by the intentional thief?

I see no need for any more sequels to this compilation of opinions, facts and non-fiction assessments . Maybe Hogan Harris #63 wants to start where I am choosing to stop.