First of all, don't be too upset if you can't congregate with a grouped of people genetically tampered with by big $ injection makers. Learn to enjoy your solitude and appreciate the people who do not discriminate against you because you actually understand what a religious exemption would have to include. Sure, the 'Milwaukee Express' already broke the law known as 'the Americans with Disability Act' when they refused to board me even though I have a Michigan 2B exemption from masking myself, but I was actually spared from being surrounded by injected pestilence spreaders with no or slight symptoms. That's my optimist club perspective.
Now for the C section dose of reality. Anyone who has knowledge of Sunday worshippers, organized religions and church building finances KNOWS that Christianity and Catholicism do not officially believe that intentional intake of unclean fluids such as is included the WARP SPEED injection fluids, so seeking a Sunday Christian or Saturday Catholic exemption is not going to be credible. Bolthouse may have a different position than Mormons and the Catholic pope regarding the WARP SPEED injections, but his religion doesn't really forbid the intake of entities designated as UNCLEAN BY Yahweh (H3068) since they aren't part of Yahweh's true followers. Thus, arguing for a medical exemption is also going to be problematic for a person or religion who does not believe in designating animals as clean or unclean. The WARP speed injections could never be labeled as KOSHER or HALLAL, so why did so many lukewarm Muslims and lukewarm Jews fall into Kareem Abdul Jabbar's cult? Those lukewarm do not have the love of Yahweh in them.
IF the New Testament is completely true, then the synagogue of Satan even if given time to repent. according to the islander confined to Patmos. IF the New Testament is true, then the Satan figure who tempted the Jesus figure decided to get behind Jesus, maybe to see what his outcome is after publicly shooing his mother Mary away, telling others he came to cause division rather than peace and telling others NOT to resist evil, which happens to be contrary to the teachings of Yahweh.
Forced UNPAID experimental tampering with genetic composition is a form of slavery and Nazis were not the only group who marked the bodies of their slaves since Freemasons also marked the body of their involuntary slaves. Branding a cow is not even allowed and seen as cruel by true Yahwehists, so certainly corralling humans into a biological bullpen so receive their new identity. An ethical drug manufacturer would monetarily compensate volunteers for an experiment with an unknown outcome, but it is unethical drug companies that are gaining financially like whores who won't give a refund to the Navy sailor who got venereal disease from them.
In order to increase your chances of a religious exemption, be prepared to denounce Christianity, Catholicism, Talmud Judaism and Mormonism and think like an independent, free non-radical disciple of Yahweh. If you are forced into unemployment lines but by providence don't become homeless, incarcerated or starve, it's time to be willing to question what the outcome of Gad's 12,000 vs. the governess of New York's unclean Democratic dictatorship god will be.
Whether is it iron day H1271 or more like H3095 which is the 7th non-Malachite foundation stone, possibly greenish in color, your electronic trail does provide evidence that you have been connected to churches such as Brandon Holthouse who never seem to want to preach about the health risks of intentionally devouring that which Yahweh has declared to be unclean and instead the slip into Panera's category of anti-Yahwehist position where they consider ANYTHING can be designated as clean and allowable by protestant Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism and Kareem Abdul Jabbar's radical Muslim cult.
Now, more than 9 years after being released from the bondage of a my first Christian marraige, the word of my dy is the word for wilderness.desert, namely H3452 and ישימון , with Ysrael andYshmael approaching quickly in the י = Y=10 formations. Yup, even 32nd degree Freemasons will have a chance to repent if they have a hunch that Yahweh is able to contro Satan's moves.
Brandon Hothouse blasphemes against Yahweh if he doesn't insist his pack of Christians learn and obey Yahweh's rules of clean intake unto our bodies. Yom Kippur does cover unintentional sin, and the injections I was forced to get at Ein-Hod, Israel were unintentional sin since the fluids injected into me would not have been approved by a true Yahwehist.
Have a careful 7th month, since babies born in the 7th month are quite strong if their parents are willing and able to gracefully resist murder and thus resist intentionally aborting their innocent child. Injections sometimes cause miscarriages.
🎺🎺🎺🎺 𝅘𝅥𝅲𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅮
When I pass through the WATERS that sometimes become SNOW drifts, I am confident that I am able to resist evil since that is what Yahweh expects me to do and why I won't seek temporary shelter at a Marriott hotel for the high sabbaths of the 7th Ysraelite month now in progress.
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