Matthew 5:39 is not the only problem I detect with thinking that a man who was willing to quote from the prophet Micah's chapter 7 family feud warnings. Why do so many people want to push 1 male into every prophetic utterance?
Did the man known as 'Christ Jesus' to David Carrico ever claim that he would bring peace? Nope. He claimed he was a sword-bearer or possible a pruning shears man, yet even the pruning shears apparently where not his expertise since his image claimed that he was not the gardener some women thought they saw.
Micah 5:5 refers to a man from a Bethlehem- Ephrathite who would bring peace, and 'Christ Jesus' denounced any ability to fulfill that role. A intelligent historian and REsearcher might then look t the life of Elimelech, Chilion or Mahlon as being able to fulfill the prophecy of Micah 5:2, but only after such as researcher agrees that 'Christ Jesus' is unable to meet the requirements of being a peacemaker. Atonement is a necessary part of a peace process with Yehowah.
I intend to study the book of Micah. Micah 4:10 clearly indicates that temporary pain is acceptable for humans, and thus why should we fear temporary pain such as accompanies childbirth or a flu, and even though Rachel was buried in the Ephratah area, not all women survive childbirth and not all people survive the flu or the earth would be even more pressured with too many demands from humanity. Verse 13 of chapter 4 is intriguing from a female perspective, since a iron horn is assigned to a daughter to do necessary works (Yeremiyah 51:33). Sure, it seems like Chapter 6, vs. 9-15 has been in progress, but keep in mind 'Christ Jesus' claimed to be a sword bearer, not a bearer of PEACE AND SAFETY.
What are some initials thoughts on my first overview of Micah? That the 7 shepherds brought together with 8 principal men that are raised up to defeat Assyria seem to be like the 7 lamps of the menorah prepared to shed light that Micah 7:8 requires. (Psalm 37:24).
Is it wise to worship or put complete trust in a man called 'Christ Jesus' who declared he cannot bring peace nor safety and also taught other not to resist evil? Consider what the LORD of hosts really must be able to do. When only the 3rd husband out of three men who had at one time promised to love and protect me wanted me to become homeless or deceased, that 3rd, Shane David Hendrikson of Wittenberg, happened to be the most likely to be seen in a Sunday church claiming he believes that the death penalty 'Christ Jesus' took to save him from future punishment is a guarantee, but I know that type of guarantee is not possible. The other 2 occasional pew occupants decided I and the son that I have loved not only should have stayed together, but that having a proper housing over our heads was acceptable in their departing eyes. I have to think about that fact when I once again realize that 'Christ Jesus' is unable to bring peace and safety and testified so IF you believe the New Testament records.
Additionally, taking a look at the name BerTUzzi, I now do see Uzzi in there which means 'my strength' and describes some sort of swooping ability in Hebrew. Ber means 'pure' in Hebrew, and whether it be a Tav or a Tet in the middle, don't underestimate the willingness of a marred man named Tyler Bertuzzi to resist evil, extremely risky injections that alter our genetic identity. Sure, his uncle Todd Bertuzzi was kind to me when ex-husbands proved their lying lips couldn't build a house nor save their integrity and though I tried quite hard not to like Tyler Bertuzzi, his current demeanor and anti-injection attitude has caused me to look upon him as a leader with more potential to do good than Fauci and Trudeau combined IF he resists becoming another fearful subject of an ongoing biological experiment.
'Pure tet is my strength' or is pure tav the middle strength of the Bertuzzi name? Henry Aaron can't lead anyone now. The real heroes of the NHL will be those not allowed into facist Canada this year after their players union decided to allow clear distinctions between the Biden boys injection plan and the anti-Biden health care plan that requires a reasonable amount of freedom.
319...319 on the left of the Ezequiel countdown. 319 West Virginia street no longer exists in Milwaukee, since it turned into a more dangerous 700 S. 4th Street zone.
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