Sunday, October 10, 2021

A Case For Satan?

Suppose you believe there is a Satan as much as you believe there is a Michael and a Gabriel. Sure, Michael backed off to let Yehowah handle the situation when Michael and Satan were contending over the body of Moshe Ben Amram according to one report, and what if the rebuke of Satan requested by Michael was processed and completed?

The New York legislative body is far more wicked than the role of Archangel Satan, whether you believe the role of Satan to be real or conjecture for parable purposes. This can be proven by pointing out the fact that when Yehowah instructed Satan NOT to murder Job, he didn't.  Natural  rather than unnatural forces eliminated Job's family members but the fact is that Satan is content to remain under the authority or Yehowah in various examples.  Whether you believe Jesus of Nazareth is a man, a prophet or fiction, Satan also apparently was willing to 'get behind' that figure head  when a grudge match emerged during prayer time.  

The New York legislature refuses to be under the authority or Yehowah and thus is so demented, wicked and witch-infested that they insist that murdering a baby in or out of the womb is a medical choice, not a crime. The same state and other states and nations , in the same spirit of total hypocrisy, insist that although it is right of a woman to choose to murder their own baby or choose to let their own baby survive as a MEDICAL PROCEDURE choice, it is not the right of their adults  to refuse the medical procedure of a questionable WARP SPEED injection that honestly might kill them or extend their lifespan. 

The New York legislature is not trying to deceive anyone, they are revealing their wickedness openly via the voices of the female leaders. In Satan vs. New York's governess and legistlative body, I'll choose Satan, who obeyed Yehowah when testing Job.

🦘🦘  The 40 day gestation period of a kangaroo is just as important as a human baby's gestation period that has been known to go 43 and maybe 44 weeks without a C-section being necessary. 

Look up Ruthenium's alliance ability with palladium and platinum.  Yehowah might assist Chip Roy in a battle against medical tyranny, lack of border defenses and the apparent takeover of Biden's spirit by Adolph Hitler's murderous mindset.  

Friday, October 8, 2021

What Orator Brandon Holthouse Won't Admit

 First of all, don't be too upset if you can't congregate with a grouped of people genetically  tampered with by big $ injection makers. Learn to enjoy your solitude and appreciate the people who do not discriminate against you because you actually understand what a religious exemption would have to include. Sure, the 'Milwaukee Express' already broke the law known as 'the Americans with Disability Act' when they refused to board me even though I have a Michigan 2B exemption from masking myself, but I was actually spared from being surrounded by injected pestilence spreaders with no or slight symptoms. That's my optimist club perspective.

Now for the C section dose of reality.   Anyone who has knowledge of Sunday worshippers, organized religions and church building finances KNOWS that Christianity and Catholicism do not officially believe that  intentional intake of unclean fluids such as is included the WARP SPEED  injection fluids, so seeking a Sunday Christian or Saturday Catholic  exemption is not going to be credible. Bolthouse may have a different position than Mormons and the Catholic pope regarding the WARP SPEED injections, but his religion doesn't really forbid the intake of entities designated as UNCLEAN  BY   Yahweh  (H3068) since they aren't part of Yahweh's true followers.   Thus, arguing for a medical exemption is also going to be problematic for a person or religion who does not believe in designating  animals as clean or unclean. The WARP speed injections could never be labeled as KOSHER or HALLAL, so why did so many lukewarm Muslims and lukewarm Jews fall into Kareem Abdul Jabbar's cult? Those lukewarm do not have the love of Yahweh in them.

IF the New Testament is completely true, then the synagogue of Satan even if given time to repent. according to the islander confined to Patmos.    IF the New Testament is true, then the Satan figure who tempted the Jesus figure decided to get behind Jesus, maybe to see what his outcome is after publicly shooing his mother Mary away, telling others he came to cause division rather than peace  and telling others NOT to resist evil, which happens to be contrary to the teachings of Yahweh.

Forced UNPAID experimental tampering with genetic composition is a form of slavery and Nazis were not the only group who marked the bodies of their slaves since Freemasons also marked the body of their involuntary slaves.  Branding a cow is not even allowed and seen as cruel by true Yahwehists, so certainly corralling humans into a biological bullpen so receive their new identity.  An ethical drug manufacturer would monetarily compensate volunteers for an experiment with an unknown outcome, but it is unethical drug companies that are gaining financially like whores who won't give a refund to the Navy sailor who got venereal disease from them.  

In order to increase your chances of a religious exemption, be prepared to denounce Christianity, Catholicism, Talmud Judaism and Mormonism and think like an independent, free non-radical disciple of Yahweh.   If you are forced into unemployment lines but by providence don't become homeless, incarcerated or starve, it's time to be willing to question what the outcome of Gad's 12,000  vs. the governess of New York's unclean Democratic dictatorship god will  be.

Whether is it iron day H1271 or more like H3095 which is the 7th non-Malachite foundation stone, possibly greenish in color, your electronic trail does provide evidence that you have been connected to churches such as Brandon Holthouse who never seem to want to preach about the health risks of intentionally devouring that which Yahweh has declared to be unclean and instead the slip into Panera's category of anti-Yahwehist position where they consider ANYTHING can be designated as clean and allowable by protestant Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism and Kareem Abdul Jabbar's radical  Muslim cult.

Now, more than 9 years after being released from the bondage of a my first Christian marraige, the word of my dy is the word for wilderness.desert, namely   H3452 and  ישימון   , with Ysrael andYshmael approaching quickly in the  י = Y=10 formations. Yup, even 32nd degree Freemasons will have a chance to repent if they have a hunch that Yahweh is able to contro Satan's moves.

Brandon Hothouse blasphemes against Yahweh if  he doesn't insist his pack of Christians learn and obey Yahweh's rules of  clean intake unto our bodies.  Yom Kippur does cover unintentional sin, and the injections I was forced to get at Ein-Hod, Israel were unintentional sin since the fluids injected into me would not have been approved by a true Yahwehist.

Have a careful 7th month, since babies born in the 7th month are quite strong if their parents are willing and able to gracefully resist murder and thus resist  intentionally aborting their innocent child. Injections sometimes cause miscarriages.

🎺🎺🎺🎺 𝅘𝅥𝅲𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅮

When I pass through the WATERS that sometimes become SNOW drifts, I am confident that I am able to resist evil since that is what Yahweh expects me to do and why I won't seek temporary shelter  at a Marriott hotel for the high sabbaths of the 7th Ysraelite month now in progress. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

4 Corners Of the Earth or 5 Corners of a Star?

 As I heard that only 2 million people are federal employees,  those who don't have sense enough  to quit when an experimental biological ultimatum is given to them apparently are like the same people who thought getting put on a train to Auschwitz would improve their working conditions. Let's look at the 5 corners of a star for those who disregarded the officials signals that went out to the 4 corners of the earth. The interior corners of a 5 point star are 72 degrees apart, as are the 'tips' of the equilateral 5 point star.

Corner 5: This group sought out government-sponsored injections due to exaggerated  fears induced by falsified reports of 'cause of death'.  This group didn't wait for any long term results of the spiritual  side effects and unnatural interior effects and probably thinks the government approved horrific events that the movie 'The Snake Pit' was based upon never occurred. 

Corner 4: This group is anti-abortion but somehow got prodded into thinking that the government sponsored injection is not the mark of Lucifer, even though it is OPENLY known as LUCIFERASE possibly because of the unnatural light it emits like Christmas tree lights.  Once deceived into believing that being injected with biological experiments generated from aborted children is not as evil as donating your aborted child to an immoral biological experimentation, they went ahead and got injected with an unclean liquid with informed consent. 

Corner 3: This group thinks that we should have the right to abuse our bodies with tattoos, cigarettes, alcohol and products sold in stores that is filled with so many chemicals it would never be called food by Yehowah. This group also is willing to abuse  children by killing them in the womb or masking them which decreases their fresh oxygen supply  and increases carbon dioxide intake to unsafe levels.  If this group attacks and does NOT defend those who do not want to be injected with unclean, biological experimentation that the judicial and legislative branches of the USA government aren't being forced into, they deserve every disease and side effect they get IF they decided to get injected with Fauci fluid. This group is so anti-HEALTH that they are a danger to themselves in a far troubling way than the person who rather face a virus naturally than become a Luciferase, genetically modified glow worm unable to substitute for a lampstand . This group typically also would rather keep their guns and might fight to the death in 2nd amendment issues but sadly think that the right to self-defense doesn't have to include defending our bodies against government-sponsored biological experiments.

Corner 2: This group is resisting being forced to get injected with 'Fauci fluid' like Roy W. Allen while not surrounded by Jewish people during worldwide unjust manipulation of minds, bodies and currencies.  Not necessarily followers of Yehowah, they have seen enough horrific behaviors from people with too much power to know that if they do not resist the depraved idiots who want to force people to do that which IS NOT THE BEST CHOICE for their soul and body, they will be labeled as cowardly rather than morally strong and of stupendous courage. 

Corner 1: This group is hoping they are elect and are willing to be protected by Yehowah's angelic forces even if those forces seem to behave like locusts without a king to mislead them.  When the 'rapture' scenario is proved or disproved, they might as well believe some sort of rapture is possible since they should already know the earth is more of a disc  set under a firmament than a sphere drawn by NASA. Since this group knows the events depicted in the movie 'The Snake Pit' are historically verifiable, they also know that  freedom to make USA money transactions will survive longer than Kamilla Harris, Joseph Biden and Nancy Pelosi and thus they refuse to panic when facing a search for a new non-government job. Willing to endure hardships or death by infected rather than be like the people herded onto Nazi trains and then forced to take an INTERNAL mark of government sponsored defilement. An internal biological  mark is more devious and wicked than an external mark that POW's received. Oddly enough , this group may have been experimented with by immoral beasts decades ago, but since they did not voluntarily get genetically altered nor did they ever try to defend those that offended them, their soul may be pure as a driven golf ball in a blizzard. It is reasonable to resist  the evil people who forced injections into this group by actually refusing to aid and abet such types and choose to desert their deranged  Fauci/Biden type of  unholy and unmerciful units. 

A boxing platform has 4 corners, not 'Peterkin' or a starfish.  I'd say I am in Corner 1, and if that causes me to be hated by Democrats who want to force bioogical experiments on others after choosing to be pro-abortion and anti-Yehowah, then I'll be loved by people who are the opposite of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamalla Harris.

                                                       ⚝                ✪                    ⚝

An adversary of mine revealed that CC Deville from the band 'POISON' looks like Anthony Fauci. Maybe Anthony Fauci is more like the Nazi retitled 'Ricardo Klement' than Gretchen Whitmer might like to admit, and she should be thankful she never was asked to become Joe Biden's vice-presidential selection.  Yes, it has been tolerable in Michigan, a state that I hope never becomes anything like California or New York where the biggest danger to humanity is government officials, not a flu virus that can has a 99.8% failure rate against a typical human who has not been injected with Anthony Fauci's unclean fluid lines, wrongly designated as a 'vaccine'.

Should I recap what I was forced to do against my will in October of 1994? ' Fight or flight' mechanisms might look like anxiety attacks or outright physical battles.  If Tyler Bertuzzi or Joel L'Esperance decides to flee from the NHL rather than get a questionable, possibly contaminated stick shoved into their brain as though there body is no more important than a baked ham, it won't be an anxiety attack that causes such an employee to flee. It will be a sane decision that leads to a real physical battle against Biden and Trudeau's Luciferian agenda.  

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is not my ruler nor my spirit guide.  As Martin Milner once uttered after a  situation went from sad to horrifying after irreversible choices had been made:

 " It's a little late to ask G-d, mister. Maybe you better ask yourself.'

👮 The USA needs more men like David Guiterrez of San Jose in order for not only our cash system to survive but also for a pro-Creator, safer natural medicine option to be not only available but also be the most honorable choice a sane human can make.  The depravity and biolocigal bondage spread by the inept 'command-in-chief' Biden , the governor of California or the governess of New York has to be resisted by the brave, even if we are WEARY.  What Biden calls 'dishonorable discharge' will be known as  commendable  courage exeplified by an open willingness to defend our  religious freedoms intentionally protected by the Constitution of the United States

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Michigan's (M)(IC)(A)(H) Thoughts with Imlay City and Armada in the Center

 Matthew 5:39 is not the only problem I detect with thinking that a man who was willing to quote from the prophet Micah's chapter 7 family feud warnings.  Why do so many people want to push 1 male into every prophetic utterance? 

Did the man known as 'Christ Jesus' to David Carrico ever claim that he would bring peace? Nope. He claimed he was a sword-bearer or possible a pruning shears man, yet even the pruning shears apparently where not his expertise since his image claimed that he was not the gardener some women thought they saw. 

Micah 5:5 refers to a man from a Bethlehem- Ephrathite who would bring peace, and 'Christ Jesus' denounced any ability to fulfill that role. A intelligent historian and REsearcher might then look t the life of Elimelech, Chilion or Mahlon as being able to fulfill the prophecy of Micah 5:2, but only after such as researcher agrees that 'Christ Jesus' is unable to meet the requirements of being a peacemaker. Atonement is a necessary part of a peace process with Yehowah. 

I intend to study the book of Micah. Micah 4:10 clearly indicates that temporary pain is acceptable for humans, and thus why should we fear temporary pain such as accompanies childbirth or a flu, and even though Rachel was buried in the Ephratah area, not all women survive childbirth and not all people survive the flu or the earth would be even more pressured with too many demands from humanity.  Verse 13 of chapter 4 is intriguing from a female perspective, since a iron horn is assigned to a daughter to do necessary works (Yeremiyah 51:33).  Sure, it seems like Chapter 6, vs. 9-15 has been in progress, but keep in mind 'Christ Jesus' claimed to be a sword bearer, not a bearer of PEACE AND SAFETY.

What are some initials thoughts on my first overview of Micah? That the 7 shepherds brought together with 8 principal men that are raised up to defeat Assyria seem to be like the 7 lamps of the menorah prepared to shed light that Micah 7:8 requires. (Psalm 37:24).

Is it wise to worship or put complete trust in a man called 'Christ Jesus' who declared he cannot bring peace nor safety and also taught other not to resist evil?   Consider what the LORD of hosts really must be able to do. When only the 3rd husband out of three men who had at one time promised to love and protect me wanted me to become homeless or deceased, that 3rd, Shane David Hendrikson of Wittenberg, happened to be the most likely to be seen in a  Sunday church claiming he believes that the death penalty 'Christ Jesus' took to save him from future punishment is a guarantee, but I know that type of guarantee is not possible. The other 2  occasional pew occupants decided I and the son that I have loved not only should have stayed together, but that having a proper housing over our heads  was acceptable in their departing eyes.  I have to think about that fact when I once again realize that 'Christ Jesus' is unable to bring peace and safety and testified so IF you believe the New Testament records.

Additionally, taking a look at the name BerTUzzi, I now do see Uzzi in there which means 'my strength' and describes some sort of swooping ability in Hebrew. Ber means 'pure' in Hebrew, and whether it be a Tav or a Tet in the middle, don't underestimate the willingness of a marred man named Tyler  Bertuzzi to resist evil, extremely risky injections that alter our genetic identity. Sure, his uncle Todd Bertuzzi was kind to me when ex-husbands proved their lying lips couldn't build a house nor save their integrity and though I tried quite hard not to like Tyler Bertuzzi, his current demeanor and anti-injection attitude has caused me to look upon him as a leader with more potential to do good than Fauci and Trudeau combined IF he resists becoming another fearful subject of an ongoing biological experiment.

'Pure tet is my strength' or is pure tav the middle strength of the Bertuzzi name?  Henry Aaron can't lead anyone now.  The real heroes of the NHL will be those not allowed into facist Canada this year after their players union decided to allow clear distinctions between the Biden boys injection plan and the anti-Biden health care plan that requires a reasonable amount of freedom.  

319...319 on the left of the Ezequiel countdown. 319 West Virginia street no longer exists in Milwaukee, since it turned into a  more dangerous 700  S. 4th Street zone.