While I contemplate the argument about Pentecoste being set in the 5th month according to Deuteronomy 32:5&6, verses 7&8 indicated the 'gold, feast and play pen' time were not approved by Yhwh,,,and neither is beach volleyball in the Olympics, which has become an illicit demonstration of how unladylike unholy women demand to be in the Greek stupidity games. The unhealthy, unwise prostitutes that used to do business on 27th and Wells Street in Milwaukee in the 1990's were dressed more modestly than the playgirls in the Olympic beach volleyball settings. Along with it's beach volleyball strumpet sections, I suppose Tokyo earned it's spread of diseases.
While Dr. Barry Awe is trying to insist that it was only the golden calf that irritated Yhwh to the point that he had to disturb their partying with the loss of life, Tokyo doesn't deserve any protection from Yhwh since Japan now prefers beach volleyball to the thinking like Abigdoor being refined in the desert until he was 80 and prepared to compete against the Egyptian falcon face. Regarding the 3rd month or 5th month Shavuot, I already observed that rest day in the 3rd month (June 20, 2021 AD) so I'm not going to double dip this year, but watching Dr. Barry Awe is still safer than tuning in to the Tokyo Olympics.
Some person who has been toying with the concept of a shofar and lampstand with Robin D. Bullock's 'Eleventh Hour' show insisted they, with the authorization of 'New Covenant' theology can toy with those items and disregard the time-keeping of Yhwh, and that person is not someone who I would want to give a tithe or offering to. It's not always possible to observe or test the spirits of a person's identical twin, but testing the spirits is still part of seeking out a proper, undeceived leader on an earth loaded with so many deceivers that even Mark Dice becomes a person of interest as he reveals the ignorance level of people who voted for Biden/ Why have border patrol agents in airports if the land borders at Mexico are so easy to get through? The hypocrisy of people who desire power is what condemns them when harsh judgment calls from the antithesis of their hypocrisy, namely a pure, humble, holy and sound mind, is unavoidable.
I'm thankful I'm not in Tokyo, and fast pitch isn't my softball pitcher style. Now that I denounced the spirit of the Olympics but not Brian Urlacher, I'm prepared to be guided through and do a book report on the book of Yzequiel without Canada's Carolyn Bennett nor Wyoming's Liz Cheney to misguide me. Dr. Barry Awe did assist me to know how to spell שבועות, and I noticed the number 70 between the 2 ו 's.
I'll be patient with me , after the reminder from Habukkuk to try to stay connected with my family members rather than stupidly worshipping the Milwaukee Bucks, Eisenhower coats and Mr. Silver's problem that Chris Paul can't correct. .
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