The properly functioning brain knows how to file, how to refile and how to defile information. Input gets filed, discernment sometimes refiles and output defiles information for others to catch or release into their input.
When you have discernment, you realize that following too close in an automobile is equal to rndangering safety; soneone with a probably Michigan license plate of WDX 2949 ( black truck) endangered my safety today and I had to refile that information. The order of letters is sometime difficult to recall properly, but the numerical sequence of the vehicle with the dangerous truck driver was 2949; that truck decided to turn into a mall on 22nd and Hayes in Macomb county today , not 4th and Hadley in Milwaukee.
Anthony Wickersham couldn't prevent me being endangered today by a token of Jocelyn Benson's carelessness, but I could take defensive actions by letting the idiot who was tailgating me advance toward the east ahead of me; that is not always an option is there are not enough traffic lanes.
What I desire to do now that my countdown is past 386 and David Akers '386' is far more stable than the ESPN codes for Robert Scott Smith (386) and Marion Hossa ( NHL 386) , is to try to advise humans able to refile information to split the spirit of the 46 people reported to be contagious with COVID-19 by Australian propaganda defilers into 1 of 2 '46' categories, which are as follows:
Category Biden 46 DC )Delaware(
Category Spurgeon 46: MN ( ירד )
46 people with an ailment out of 5,000,000 isn't reason to force people into bondage and out of a workforce, but that is the method of the Biden 46 defilers. There is a core word of PURGE in Spurgeon, and purging out liars from your ;church' or 'temple' is equal to vomiting diseased dog meat from your mouth. 'Rex' , Michigan's dead state trooper dog should not have been valued at more than $300.00 in any court that has just scales, since a FEMA area V precedent had been set when my dog 'Elmo' was valued at $300.00 after being killed by a German Shepherd, A dog eye for a dog eye question now arises when it comes to vials of liquid being injected into a human.
If the ingredient list on a CDC approved vial included 'puppy parts' and 'Detroit Lion's urine', would more people then object to 'trying it' than those who have no regard for aborted baby parts and think cloning is harmless to society?
What if Thomas Wahl of Escanaba, Michigan is cloned to look even more like James Thurston Nabors than he already does so he can slip into 'Gomer Pyle, USMC' scenes more easily than Deshone Kizer could step out of Green Bay Packer's payroll? What's going up in Australia is going on in a nation that is willing to bow to England, a man as wicked as Tatum O'Neal in their 'play for pay' schemes while the USA might or might not survive with the idiot dictator Biden spending money that is now his as though he is breaking into my grandchildren's piggy banks without any resistance from a complacent military/
I'd choose Spurgeon over Biden as commander in chief, and that is because I understand the sound of velcro does not always guarantee that a completion has occurred. It's a shame to hear that airline personnel seem to think they deserve more protection or that they flesh wound are more 'valuable' or deserve more punishment than a police officer or a jailer who regularly is attacked in a booking room by criminal suspects while Phil Arreola was pretending to be a leader in Milwaukee. Not wearing a face mask is not a crime in heaven.
Would you know my name if you saw me in Sheol? Sheol might be like a business that sells grey 'Oaks' polymeric sand for 26.90 per bag and sells tan 'Oaks' polymeric sand for 26:35 for no logical reason after claiming that 60 pounds of river rocks really weighed 520 pounds on their unjust scales in Gretchen Whitmer's turf without surf.
I examined H2311, and found Hadley in the line of Ephraim, not Yehudah. Yup, some legitimate humans do object to government leaders putting their own people into bondage though they had not committed any crimes nor did they fail to pay their taxes as required by wicked Whitmer or Biden's beast system.
Refiling information is what SHOULD occur when differences between the Atlanta Thrasher's Marion Hossa and the Detroit Redwings 1st round pick of 'Cossa' become widespread and too far to call rather than a narrow margin as there is between Ernest, PA and Ernest Camera Shop in Port Huron, Michigan. SHOULD is not the same as SHALL.
Do you need to refile Jagr as Hיגר (3025) and ( H3383) יךדן as Binnington 50?
H1584, גמר , seems to be the end of a 'Gomer' matter at hand, which might or might not include a jade club. The 29 degree rule isn't always 'N' as in Eliat, Israel.
Lastly, since Iraqi people might need Q tips, 'Hello' sauce is similar to 'A1' steak sauce. Food chains are interesting to dogs who aren't on a leash.
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