Saturday, July 31, 2021

Wheat King SIEVE : Fran Charles vs. Bob Parker

 Here's a challenge that is rather spontaneous and is not intended to be understood by Harris and Biden but maybe by 'Daniel Joseph'.    Prepare to think of yourself as a REAR GUARD, not a leader. A rear guard ensures that the slowest mover that is still moving with the prophet Zechariah  is not attacked from behind.   If you were standing behind Fran Charles on the MLB network, Dan Plesac would be on the right signaling with his tie, namely a key lime slant formation  On the left, John Smoltz was signaling with his tie, which appeared to be a solid shade of violet rather than a 'PRIDE' tie.

Now, I'll set up a  shrubbery-shaped scheme, but in this matter, I'll put a specific force  at the top:

                            L                               יהוה                                   R


                                       2L    Twix               2R   Ronald Quackenbush

                          3L= John Smoltz      3C =Fran Charles        3R= Dan Plesac 

             ( 4L = C. Davidowski   4L= C. Kasper   4R = Zach Zech    4R =Eli Billing  )

      ( 5L  = 55448     5L= 54455       5C = Brian Hoyer     5R=  48005     5R= 53215)

   Jay Cutler 29   DA21023    Chris Osgood 13       Byfuglien 245    ANCIENT    Paul Coffey 6

/              L   Michigan, USA              Auto Registration Test       Ontario, Canada R

                                                              H  O  H= pure water             

                          R.O.M.E.O.= Respondent Objectives of Marie Elizabeth Ortiz


                   Urlacher 54       Milwaukee Bronzeville  District V=5       Chapman 54

Slava Koslov   David Brown   Charles  Ray   Michael Eaves *    Ralph Gallow   Eric Lindros    

     853             Chicago PD          USCG    Wisconsin Badgers     Milwaukee FD       865

     Hwy 45       Antigo, WI               Jessica McClintock  $  split      Woodward Ave, Detroit     1

I'm not sure if the sire displayed this out as I did in typing class time so I added numbers for a depth chart and letters to establish L as left follower and R as right follower with C=Calvin Ripken, Jr. so you can reset the pattern with the following translation transition  as  faces you, in which case the top line is more accurate than the bottom line, but like an eye chart, the E (East) is included :

                                       E=  יחזקאל                                                 W=   ירמיה   .  

                                             YCZQAL                                           YRMYH

                                              Yzequiel                                            Yermyah

                                              Ezekiel                                              Jeremiah

When the phrase 'shall cause all to receive a mark' comes to mind, those who did resist the mark with perseverance are not part of  all those who received the mark. Brian Hoyer is properly publicly resisting and might be persecuted because of his belief or anti-lawlessness position, or he might become part of 'all' becaus of   $, as many already have chosen the unholy way into Jospeh Biden's depraved dictatorship which will not last as long as    בראשית      .   Everybody can't receive Mark Strobel.

This test might only help Keepers or a Pouncey/ DeLeon line rather than 'Perry Mason' characters now. Gd is the brother or Asher and the son of 'Jacob' and Rachel's slave girl.   Since the word 'believer' has' been defined by  'The Monkees', lets observe , without an M, RNA talk when it splits:

                               Rn   A                                                       R Na

                               86   A                                                         R 11

Now,  I am redefining  86 A   as  Jason Dawe based on a non-random A= MIlwaukee Marquette University map legend codes and his Admiral experience  and classify R 11 as Brian Urlacher, based on his NFL draft number.  

I believe in Satan, so am I a believer?  However, I trust the authority that has power OVER Satan, and that happens to be   יהוה      according to my current level of  serious, non-virtual education.  The prophets at 2L and 2R also trusted   יהוה   .    Daniel Joseph of 'Corner Fringe Ministries'  went lukewarm went he decided to refer to Dr. Scott James with plenty of compliments at the same time Sherri Tenpenny presented her holier than James opinion.  

There is a prophecy from Yeshua, who may have had some Gd  DNA strands in him, about  wars being 'such as no one has seen before'.  I have reasonable cause to believe that prophesied war is occurring now, since now it is the people smiling at you while they experiment with injections that will not prevent you from getting ill.  In World Way II, the Nazi leaders made it clear they were enemies of the people who they were conducting medical experiments with, so there was really no deception  from the Nazi party.  Now, it is people who pretend to be your friend who are pushing you toward lines of human experimentation never before seen in the history of the world, and a delayed reaction to attempted murder by injection then becomes murder eventually.   

I am allergic to polyethylene glycol , but not to Pegtop music. If you have the time, go to Rumble, watch 'Corner Stone Ministries'  March 4, 2021 presentation regarding 'FOCUS' and see if you then have probable cause to believe that the push to inject billions of people with chemicals designed to cause COVID-19 ( an man-made virus) to be accepted into you body is or is not war against your flesh.

Moderna's label indicated that their injections WILL NOT PREVENT ANY DISEASE.  

L379 is in progress, and I hope Daniel Joseph stops trying to imply that anyone called a 'believer' actually has trusted Yehowah's instructions, since most people who refer to themselves as 'Christian believers'  don't believe Moshe Ben Amram and thus really won't believe Yeshua.

Daniel Joseph of 55448 wants you to see 'DONATE' as his first message to you, and that problem is why although he presents some truthful information, he does it in a manner that is contrary to my M.O. on this FREE site that is observed by a few people or a few robots per day.

I don't trust Rich Preston  of BBC nor Michael Lyons of Bemidji, who outwardly tries to embarrass the people who have been eating dog meat is but disagrees with  יהוה and thinks than eating swine is acceptable human behavior while he voices in his opinions of his  puppet voice god.  Though dangerous, alert people often must watch people they do not trust to alert others or increase security measures against liars, deceivers and political money trends.

* There is more than one sports figurine referring to himself as 'Michael Eaves' rather than Mielke Whyte hands, and the hockey coach is lighter than the other Micheal Eaves now getting paid television time on sports networks.

Did you know Yoda means 'thankfulness'? After viewing Armada, Michigan with due caution and respect for their police force, a new fact was displayed before my eye, namely that   a  tornado does much less unrepairable damage than a divorce to a family.    There often are several tornadoes within hurricanes, and there often a several divorces on a divorce petitioner's records. Wouldn't it be much easier to go to marriage counseling than to clean up and do repairs after a tornado divided your property against your will?





Thursday, July 29, 2021

What I Didn't Hear In 1986: "Sidney Rice"

 Sometimes those who have studied the prophets did so in world history class in the same semester they were introduced to the concept of Minerva.  

In order to pass rather than fail  protective seal tests like the guardian of Hadley Street  in Milwaukee who does not want to buy nor sell obscenity which makes you an ineligible receiver of grace, in addition to obvious products not to purchase such as catfish which clearly is an unclean fish,  'Playboy' or 'Victoria's Secret' products, it is now  important not to buy nor sell:

Fanduel products

'1800' tequila 

The above 2 products have obscene and lewd advertising which is a sign of death and hell, not heaven on earth.

Only 384 daily cycles to recall how important the task of Yczqal has been to historians; then a 40 day count will commence.  I do not intend to waste my time with 'Cookie Monster'  cupcake routines with Italian bakeries, since  'Team Cookie Monster' deserted me but the Iraqi bread maker assisted me with his 'Lac Du Flambeau' oven skills.

385 'Yczqal Dawns To Go on the Left: Michael Vernon Refiling Rule of 2949

 The properly functioning brain knows how to file, how to refile and how to defile information.  Input gets filed, discernment sometimes refiles and output defiles information for others to catch or release into their input.

When you have discernment, you realize that following too close in an automobile is equal to rndangering safety; soneone with a probably Michigan license plate of WDX 2949 ( black truck) endangered my safety today and I had to refile that information. The order of letters is sometime difficult to recall properly, but the numerical sequence of the vehicle with the dangerous  truck driver was 2949; that truck decided to turn into a mall on 22nd and Hayes in Macomb county today , not 4th and Hadley in Milwaukee.

Anthony Wickersham couldn't prevent me being endangered today by a token of Jocelyn Benson's carelessness, but I could take defensive actions by letting the idiot who was tailgating me advance toward the east ahead of me; that is not always an option is there are not enough traffic lanes.

What I desire to do now that my countdown is past 386 and David Akers '386' is far more stable than the ESPN codes for Robert Scott Smith (386) and Marion Hossa ( NHL 386) , is to try to advise humans able to refile information to split the  spirit of the 46 people reported to be contagious with COVID-19 by Australian propaganda defilers into 1 of 2 '46' categories, which are as follows:

Category Biden    46    DC      )Delaware(      

Category Spurgeon 46:  MN   (    ירד     )

46 people with an ailment out of 5,000,000 isn't reason to force people into bondage and out of a workforce, but that is the method of the Biden 46 defilers.  There is a core word of PURGE in Spurgeon, and purging out liars from your ;church' or 'temple' is equal to vomiting diseased dog meat from your mouth.   'Rex' , Michigan's dead state trooper dog should not have been valued at more than $300.00 in any court that has just scales, since a FEMA area V precedent had been set when my dog 'Elmo' was valued at $300.00 after being killed by a German Shepherd, A dog eye for a dog eye question now arises when it comes to vials of liquid being injected into a human.

If the ingredient list on a CDC approved vial included 'puppy parts' and 'Detroit Lion's urine', would more people then object to 'trying it' than those who have no regard for aborted baby parts and think cloning is harmless to society?

What if Thomas Wahl of Escanaba, Michigan is cloned to look even more like James Thurston Nabors than he already does so he can slip into 'Gomer Pyle, USMC' scenes more easily than Deshone Kizer could step out of Green Bay Packer's payroll?   What's going up in Australia is going on in a nation that is willing to bow to England, a man as wicked as Tatum O'Neal in their 'play for pay' schemes while the USA  might or might not survive with the idiot dictator Biden spending money that is now his as though he is breaking into my grandchildren's piggy banks without any resistance from a complacent military/


I'd choose Spurgeon over Biden as commander in chief, and that is because I understand the sound of velcro does not always guarantee that a completion has occurred. It's a shame to hear that airline personnel seem to think they deserve more protection or that they flesh wound are more 'valuable' or deserve more punishment than a police officer or a jailer who regularly is attacked in a booking room by criminal suspects while Phil Arreola was pretending to be a leader in Milwaukee.  Not wearing a face mask is not a crime in heaven.

Would you know my name if you saw me in Sheol?  Sheol might be like a business that sells grey 'Oaks' polymeric sand for 26.90 per bag and sells tan 'Oaks' polymeric sand for 26:35 for no logical reason after claiming that 60 pounds of river rocks really weighed 520 pounds on their unjust scales in Gretchen Whitmer's turf without surf.

I examined H2311, and found Hadley in the line of Ephraim, not Yehudah. Yup, some legitimate humans do object to government leaders putting their own people into bondage though they had not committed any crimes nor did they fail to pay their taxes as required by wicked Whitmer or Biden's beast system.  

Refiling information is what SHOULD occur when  differences between the Atlanta Thrasher's Marion  Hossa and  the Detroit Redwings 1st round pick of 'Cossa'  become widespread and too far to call rather than a narrow margin as there is between  Ernest, PA and Ernest  Camera Shop  in Port Huron, Michigan.  SHOULD is not the same as SHALL.  

Do you need to refile Jagr as  Hיגר  (3025) and ( H3383) יךדן as Binnington 50?

H1584,  גמר   ,   seems to be the end of  a 'Gomer' matter at hand, which might or might not include a jade club.  The 29 degree rule isn't always 'N' as in Eliat, Israel.

Lastly, since Iraqi people might need Q tips,  'Hello' sauce is similar to 'A1' steak sauce. Food chains are interesting to dogs who aren't on a leash.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Yczqal: Max Foot Room Testing @ 390

While Mike Taylor of  WXYZ in Detroit was releasing serious information, WDIV was pushing the Olympic stupidity worldwide. While Mike Taylor of WXYZ was  attempting to earn a living as weather reporter toward Detroit, Michael A. Taylor was attempting to earn a living in Kansas City Royal attire. Which of those 2 Taylor people is more worthwhile to watch than Elizabeth Taylor the actress or Timothy Tessler on Taylor Street in Milwaukee?  I suppose both of those male Taylor people are now more worthwhile to watch than Elizabeth Taylor movies, but what about the Tessler's problem?  

Shift now to the mindset of the prophet Yczqal, who saw a vision and was not shoved into shackels and drugged into oblivion because he reported seeing a vision.  He was allowed to reset his mind for seven days, and then on the 8th day after the vision, he began a 390 count lying  on the left side and a 40 day count on his right side, again not typical behavior but not anymore illegal than praying toward a lamp of some sort while under duress in 1994. On the same day I set the name  יחזקאל  with stones ( which I translate to Yczqal)   in my small turf, the weather seemed to erupt around the area as predicted, and my friends in Armada, Michigan suffered loss of power and some structural damage because of a tornado, while the Detroit area again got saturated after refusing to repent of their election fraud. 

There is no longer a Darryl 'Blue' Stanton ( was he #77) nor a Petey Jones #40 of the Alexandria, Virginia area to inquire of regarding how best to remember Yczqal's legend, but I can assure you that the filthy lips of Denzel Washington were PAID to teach lies to a generation of Disney onlookers. What was the huge deception that Denzel Washinton preached while his fake TV daughter and Rhubarb Jones really did not care?

Denzel Washington claimed that cowards desire water, and Denzel Washington is a liar and a paid deceiver, who does not even have a SLIM(844) of being able to discern between Robert Scott Smith of BTN audibles and Jeff Gorton  of the ESPN faces in a 'look alike' contest.  However, if a legend is now split between Ryan Gosling and Alan Bosley #48, it is Alan Bosley who's image got twisted into Ryan Gosling. When sports figures imagery gets twisted, loss of reality leads to Catholic mass confusion but maybe not to atomic mass confusion. 

What I am going to try and accomplish while counting off days as Yczqal was instructed to do is this: determine whether or not the Detroit Redwings NHL draft trades and choices reflected far more than a guessing game when they got a Cossa at  pick 15 rather than a Costa at pick 15 after dumping pick 23. A tedious task but not a diversion intended to deceive others, since I now that brave people choose water and are able to reject Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and liquor.  Since the Chicago Bears have a "Rashaad Coward" from Sheepshead (Old Dominion) on their team, let's hope the courageous Chicago Bears aren't afraid to desire fresh water for their body and maybe even a bit of salt water when bathing some wounds away. Meanwhile, will the NBA players protest the city of Chicago because of all the vicious non-police violence  continuing or will they become more like Brian Urlacher and realize that the sworn police officers are not anywhere near the biggest problem that the people in the USA  have to face occasionally during serious investigations?  People who prefer lawlessness such as Denzel Washington and people who try to turn you away from fresh water and purified, honest holy spirits are wickedness spreading like  horsetail plants in a foolish 5G electronic tower network.

389 is an ESPN assigned number that Jerome Bettis has after previously having number 415.  Does Jerome Bettis appreciate the behavior of martial arts teacher Robert Likes of Wausau or the thoughts of people such as me who knew long ago that the New England Patriot's Krafft family is more corrupt that Robert Graf's camera scenes?  Yes, there really is a person known as Bob Likes that might be aware of the Jeff Sonnentag types near his 54401 neighborhood. After 390 days, most of the people who appreciate Yczqal might all agree it's the 6th month of  the year 5992 while others will see August of 2022 after 390 days on considering what is UP toward the lights of Polaris while lying on their left side.

Which Mike Taylor would you want on your team for 40 days while lying on your right side?


Thursday, July 22, 2021

What Did Tokyo Actually Desire?

 While I contemplate the argument about Pentecoste being set in the 5th month according to Deuteronomy 32:5&6, verses 7&8 indicated the 'gold, feast and play pen' time were not approved by Yhwh,,,and neither is beach volleyball in the Olympics, which has become an illicit demonstration of how unladylike unholy women demand to be in the Greek stupidity games. The unhealthy, unwise prostitutes that used to do business on 27th and Wells Street in Milwaukee in the 1990's were dressed more modestly than the playgirls in the Olympic beach volleyball settings. Along with it's beach volleyball strumpet sections, I suppose Tokyo earned it's spread of diseases.

While Dr. Barry Awe is trying to insist that it was only the golden calf that irritated Yhwh to the point that he had to disturb their partying with the loss of life, Tokyo doesn't deserve any protection from Yhwh since Japan now prefers beach volleyball to the thinking like Abigdoor being refined in the desert until he was 80 and prepared to compete against the Egyptian falcon face.  Regarding the 3rd month or 5th month Shavuot,  I already observed that rest day in the 3rd month (June 20, 2021 AD) so I'm not going to double dip this year, but watching Dr. Barry Awe is still safer than tuning in to the Tokyo Olympics.

Some person who has been toying with the concept of a shofar and lampstand with Robin D. Bullock's 'Eleventh Hour' show insisted they, with the authorization of 'New Covenant' theology can toy with those items and disregard the time-keeping of Yhwh, and that person is not someone who I would want to give a tithe or offering to.  It's not always possible to observe or test the spirits of  a person's identical twin, but testing the spirits is still part of seeking out a proper, undeceived leader on an earth loaded with so many deceivers that even Mark Dice becomes a person of interest as he reveals the ignorance level of people who voted for Biden/  Why have border patrol agents in airports if the land borders at Mexico are so easy to get through?  The hypocrisy of people who desire power is what condemns them when  harsh judgment  calls from the antithesis of their hypocrisy, namely a pure, humble, holy and sound mind, is unavoidable.

I'm thankful I'm not in Tokyo, and fast pitch isn't my softball pitcher style. Now that I denounced the spirit of the Olympics but not Brian Urlacher, I'm prepared to be guided through and do a book report on the book of    Yzequiel without  Canada's Carolyn Bennett nor Wyoming's Liz Cheney to misguide me.   Dr. Barry Awe did assist me to  know how to spell        שבועות, and I noticed the number 70 between the 2 ו 's.     

I'll be patient with me , after the reminder from Habukkuk to try to stay connected with my family members rather than stupidly worshipping the Milwaukee Bucks, Eisenhower coats and  Mr. Silver's problem that Chris Paul can't correct.   .

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Did You Read What I Read?

 Rex Hubbard and Richard Belmore failed to be considerate, and that actually surprised me before it grieved my spirit.  Not so with Robert DeLeon and  a handful of other Milwaukee Tech Trojans such as Thomas Hendricks, David Gilliam, Pilar Gomez and Carmen Ruiz, so I will suppose that Belmore and Hubbard have a pride issue and lack a reasonable amount of humility for some reason. 

If Thomas Jackland saw RaYNe as 137, I suppose could tell the difference between Edwin Jovanovski and 137 Roosevelt Street in Pocatello, ID where a family received news of their dead pilot during WWII.  However, if you ever saw a gadwall at #29 or a chalked drawing of a masked shrike that  neither Jackson nor Dexter had sketched according to school of  'James Coburn' movies, you might have heard James Garner claim 20 boy scout badges and Robert Graf claim only 19.  Such an audible was not random, was it?

Maurice Harvey Bullock can be split into Maurice Harvey the 86th NFL pick and Harvey Bullock the non-Robin without Jimmy Stewart's consent.  Suppose 5991 is a rather accurate assessment of years and April 8th, 2024 does darken the zone of Fort Meigs for a bit after the sealing of the 144,000 has been completed without the assistance of "Edward Bancroft', the named 3rd down of 50 on a dead list heard by James Garner?

H3,375 does have a James Strong tension rod of     יראון     , thus there is a Vav in the KJV  Old Testament' Iron' game after all..  The sealed 12,000 of  Naphtali might not have room for Mr. Napthali Bennett and the 12,000 sealed in the tribe of   לוי  certainly doesn't seem to have any Hendrikson's in it.  

It might be time for another Eric Layne change or a Michael Bennett turn at 245 W. Lincoln Avenue in Milwaukee, based on the following 2 stick readings I saw that splits Dick Bennett lines from Wisconsin all the way to Troy, Michigan::

Crosby 87 =  Crosby Street, a Stevens Point, Wisconsin street name

Kane  88  =  Kane Place, a Milwaukee place name that the grandfather of Autumn-Rayne Hendrikson lived on with his 'Jackson' imagery in the mirror.

I might as well mention Autumn Rayne Hendrikson here since her real grandfather already got plenty of press releases in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal for his swimming reports that ignored his lack of child support toward the mother of his son, Richard.

Now the word INFIDEL does not seem to define the  'Clear Strategy' of Ronald Soreanu, who departed from his Toronto Coca-Cola position in Adar 2 of 5990 for a reason.

 Regret doesn't pay for diapers.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

437 Days of Yzequiel: Chapter 20 Pointers

 Angelic realm willing, I am going to do a series on the book of Yzequeil and in the process, I intend to get a few people used to seeing the י  as a Y not an E.  In the 7th year, the 5th month and the 10th day, Yzequiel could have been the 79th month from a specific starting point in captivity, and many have been in captivity for at least 78 months 2300.

I read the spiritual obituary for many of the people, people who unfriended me and exhibit hatred toward me now due to their desire to be counted as a Gentile rather than as a surviving remnant of Ysrael, and verse 32 directly indicates that Yahweh will not allow his people to live as Gentiles.

" I will make you pass under the rod and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant; I will purge the rebels from among you and those who trangress against Me...."  The rod of discipline does hurt but it  is necessary to  sanctify a person for a covenant positioning with Yahweh. 

Those who unfriended me have been purged, and I do know that those people who had formerly trusted me when I behaved as  Gentile for food, clothing, shelter and medical insurance now continue to welcome abominations and choose to transgress against Yahweh because they did not consider the verse 39 as the indicator lamp of trouble. 

 Verse 31 reveals that Yahweh will not even allow people TO INQUIRE of him if they reject his statutes and intentionally accept abominations.  

Are you from a bloody city?  If you have had or do have abortion clinics in your city, your city can be judged by Yzequiel according to chapter 22.  If your city is the center of ruling that have allowed abortions in your state or nation, your city is a bloody city.... as defiled as Washington, D.C. 

 'Yes, show her all her abominations!' (NKJV)  When sound judgment comes, it isn't gossip since gossip is not able to be verified and sound judgment requires revealing past activities that condemn a person or a place of abominations.  

Parents who have lost their children's minds to unholy leaders that emitted from rebellious Israel and spread like a plague from Jerusalem to the Vatican City to Washington, D.C. are a multitude, not a few.  Those who chose to rebel against the commandments will not find comfort but will find the reason why their children have been misled by frauds from Israel in chapter 22, verse 7:

"In you they have made light of father and mother; in your midst they have oppressed the stranger' in you they have mistreated the fatherless and the widow."  

Those who have really passed under the rod of Yahweh's discipline into covenant as part of ישראל will know they CANNOT reject their parents and if their parents are removed from them, it is because their parents are getting purged too.   In the presence of my Muslim friends, I wept when I read verse 38 of chapter 20 because it read as though it was the spiritual obituary of my son Richard who isn't a Todd nor a Martin. Richard might have rejoiced at the Milwaukee Bucks scoring 123 points against the Suns 119, but because he is not able to inquire of Yahweh based on verse 32, he didn't realize that Michael Wallace is in the variable middle at #121 now, at most as I see that 'final score' in the Phoenix area.

Nigel Hayes is a better free throw shooter than #34 on the Milwaukee Bucks is.  When variable positions occur, not only is Michael Bennett 245th and Ron Dayne 243rd in great rushing words, Kurt Warner is 67th and Robert Smith is 68th  with 6818 yards against many opponents. It takes courage to be a running back.  It takes wisdom and vision to see YRAYN  not as Iron, but as  a rod of  יראין   .

RAY center reminds me of Nitchke now.

Yzequiel was instructed to judge and was identified as the Son of Man.  Judgment is an ongoing matter since the time of Yzequiel's 4th month vision and Milwaukee is one of many bloody cities in the world today.  

Instagram pictures that parents post with their children are not gossip; they reveal your  family disposition like digital marketing strategies that are now worse than Jerry Mathers being barked at in a rabbit suit.

Was Scott D. Berrier really a UWSP Pointer long after the UWSP class of 52 had a tie line in game 4 of the NBA finals?   Numerology does affect the human mind. 

Hit your thigh without an Epipen, clap your hands once like Yul Brynner as 'Chris', beat your fists around each other like Daunte Culpepper if you want to reveal your are learning from Yzequiel's test.  🦂🦂🦂🦂 

We can't all be Vinny Testaverde in 15th place.

Friday, July 16, 2021

The NBA Tie At 52,,,,, Whoa To The Assembly of Michael Jordan

On this the 5th day of the 4th month, I'm listening to audibles from Alexander Scourby as he redeclares the book of Ezequiel, KJV.  Michael Jordan's assembly women think it's the 7th month....July. The prophecy for the children of Ysrael after they afflicted Yehuwah with their whorish hearts should cause those who have repented to mourn, knowing how difficult it is to warn others in order to save your own soul and then watch the majority ignore the warnings.

When evil battles against wickedness, it is the day of trouble and both teams are not spared with protection.  Protective gear includes what we have been given to protect our flesh, but some people discard the protective gear and opt for  openly displaying their affection  for Michael Jordan and Nike marks, which are as whorish as Victoria's Secret at the $ line, as they further afflict those that haddesired their repentance.

Sure, Virgil Smith unfriended me long before he died at the age of 98 on January 27th, 2021. His obituary is like reading his legacy of lack of faith in the Holy One of Ysrael and though it is a defiled list, it still is more complete and technically accurate than the NIV or what emits from digital marketing degrees. I tried to warn Virgil Smith, but he was not only apathetic to divorce, he now seems to have managed to divide his offspring between Phoenix and Milwaukee. It appears as though the son of his ill-mannered son Kevin Smith has gone to Arizona, far away from his 52 year old Uncle Shonn Breton. Shonn Breton didn't seem to want to try to deter Shane David Hendrikson, also now 52,  from serving alcohol to his cousin, Natalie Smith when she was a minor partying without the father of the groom anywhere near Mr. Hubner. Suicide prevented the father of the groom from attending his son's wedding while his mother Colette applauded without remorse. Therefore the Suns and Bucks 1/2 time result of a  tie at 52, like  Wausau collusion, looked like Shonn Breton vs. Shane David Hendrikson and was only something to cautiously observe  rather than to enjoy and appreciate.

So it has gone with so many families that ejected from the horn of Virgil Smith and even when I search for signs of a life truly devoted to Yehuwah in defiled pictorial statement presented by some of the people listed in the Smith obituary, I did not see any signs of holiness and discernment that even John Tavares might be able to scrounge up by now.IN order to remain as neutral as Ezequiel, I tried to find some numerology that might indicate why the Milwaukee Bucks allowed 103 but the Phoenix Suns allowed 109... for Luke Smith' sake. While my son chose to defile himself with a Milwaukee Bucks and chose Michael Jordan for his family's chest protection, I wouldn't want to be caught alive wearing any of those names on my body.  Defiling actually can mean 'releasing that which had been filed within'. The scorpion I have at my waist line is more pure than the Milwaukee Bucks or Michael Jordan's Air pressure, since only from today on will it remind me of the prophet Ezequiel rather than only a honey badger's food supply for which a pass has been named in the state of Israel.  Did I see Michael Jordan's crest on the Suns? Yes, I did see that abomination on the Suns.

I'm not too concerned with rereading the book of Esther ever again in the winter since the book of Ezequiel has more directives within it for those who have escaped the grips of Moody theology and tattoo piercings after knowing those grips are a snare and a trap that Yehuwah does not desire for his elect.  Really, why resist WARP speed injection if you didn't resist tattoo piercings?  Barry Awe seems baffled about what hasn't yet occurred, and I am baffled about Tucker #17's imposed foul calls while Booker seems to get away with many rule violations of a  game no more important than me playing trouble with Nelson Wahl in 2008 . 

Should I speculate instead of drilling for oil?  Ezequiel delivered warnings, and at least a brood of vipers were even warned of the wrath to come, since vipers are no less important than the scorpions that surrounded  the prophet Ezequiel while bread and water were provided. Virgil Smith never lead me toward the sorrows of the prophet Ezequiel, he only led me to a boxed German dagger that he claimed as a prize of war.  Now about the 103 allowed by the Milwaukee Bucks from a James Craig perspective not a Paul Coffey perspective. take a look at the alphabetical index of the people surrounding 113 Nowak Street in Detroit, MI or in Wausau, WI:

103  Kristy Medo

97   Josh and Jenny Graf

69: Shane and Cheryl Hendrikson 

109:Leone Peterson

121 Michael Wallace

181 Todd and Sarah CRAIG

101  Ken Dvorak

Is Dvorak 'Going Home' or going away with TCM and Barbara Stanwyck's fake baby 'Gloria' in the 29th month, on the 840th day of a timekeeper's matter?   Michigan's James Craig might want to think  about Robin D. Bullock vs. Robin Lopez now instead of Arreola vs. Ruiz again, since being a public speaker is SO important to some people who are publically defiling themselves and their family members on international Instagram rather than using chalk in Richmond, Michigan.

There are consequences for lifting up the Milwaukee Bucks after willfully tossing your anti-tattoo, anti-cigarette and anti-intoxication mother away as though she were a pair of Graf hockey pants on  MIlwaukee's Jones Island...where the human dung is more putrid than cow dung used by the prophet Ezequiel.

Numerology affects causes and effects or decisions not only in $ lines, but also in Ysrael's left side 390 and Yehudah's right side 40 Ezequiel leaners. I observe alphabetical filings for a reason, correctly up to 3,010 where field position gets mentions in section Y. 

Chenny (H2607, month 90 not 103) is the father of Heman.  Maybe that fact of Chet letters will assist stray Collingwood KEELS or Alex Smith, formerly of Iowa and help them toward a good G.

Additionally.  Mr. Shonn Breton should consider the opposite of Wisconsin's business code S 089335 as 533980 S.  Does the 80 look more like Pittsville, WI or Andre Rison now from a P51 rather than from a B52?    It is improbable but possible that the USA will recover after all the deadly wounds Joseph Biden's team is inflicting upon his lying, lazy supporters who are as revolting as Mark Gaets' idol, Britney Spears.  

Patricia Hendrickson was 68th 7 years ago in 2014 according to zip area 5440, Truthfully, I wonder who will get the next letter from  Clark Gable's buddy, "Wade Hampton" instead of from me or Todd Martin, who portrayed a military leader well in 'Hogan's Heroes'.  Lying wonders are often as dangerous as a golf ball.  

Speaking of jail bookers, did you know that there is more than 1 Chris Karwacki, since I met the father of Marine man Chris Karwacki yesterday, and he knew nothing about the MIlwaukee jailers known for their ability to be swift early shift bookers? There is plenty of true news that Wray Young and Renee Mizewski don't care about while they sing around their pork chops that didn't pass  Coon Creek's smoked turkey test.

Vlad Namenstnikov, who I did not unfriend, is not a Medo-Persian than escaped Cheshire Connecticut.

Finally, in this non-Berone column, let me assure those who are also mourning the loss of grandchildren to German Protestants or to haughty children that there is time to stop sending birthday cards to grandchildren who are unresponsive and show no interest in you as a their real grandparents, and that is the age of 12.  Autumn-Rayne Hendrikson got her name tossed into Virgil Smith obituary due to legalism and she is old enough to know that grandparents can and do get angry at rude grandchildren, no matter who it was that taught them to be rude and anti-Ezequiel in their Nike and Michael Jordan assembly lines.

What's in your  יגב   position?  Michael Bennett of Milwaukee is 245th in NFL rushing yards.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Daniel 7:19....Whoops at Thailand's King X

 I've heard so many people insist that the 10 horns that come out of 1 horn are European heads of contrary states and varying blood lines that I now suppose those 'many people' could be wrong.

Since King Rama X has now taken a position as a 10th king that indeed have arisen from 1 horn, what might be different about the 11th?  Thailand.'s King Rama X certainly has indulged his body into Europe after training with the debacle from various parts of the UK.  Therefore, since May 7, 2019, is there a front-runner prince in line to succeed Rama X from his own 'horn' line  or would the 11th king of Thailand be very different if Rama X has 5 sons from 3 former wives he will claim as his own?

I wondered why people from Thailand always said complimentary comments about the king of Thailand and I suppose that being imprisoned for 15 years for uttering a non-compliment would deter even legitimate complaints about impure or unjust behavioral tendencies.

NAM SOD an interesting dish if indeed dish communications will increase as prophesied by a Muslim man who did not prophesy good events about his own companions....similar to Elijah troubling Israel.

I suppose I better not try to book a flight to Thailand now.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Did Veterans Post 93 Predict a 40th month of 31 Days?

Since there are no similarities between Jordan Binnington and Joseph Pavelski, the year that they were born makes their recollection very different. Though I have a  male relative in my direct bloodline that is more likely to behead me with a Sawzall than be merciful to me or try to befriend me while I observe new moon details in Michigan, I have been seeing  'Isaiah 40:31' posted on a small Baptist church line recently.  If indeed the end of the 40th month of a ongoing time of testing occurs after 31 days, even I become interested in Isaiah 40:31 codes and indicator lights.

Otherwise, Jordan Binnington ending the 28th month and his 28th year on July 11, 2021 seems like it could ELUCIDATE matters at hand. Men who worked their way through Owen Sound instead of begging their way into Europe do impress me. Since the prophet Ezequiel did have a matter at hand in the 4th month on the 5th day, so might we have an important matter at hand or even at foot when Igal eyes are pronounced 'eagle eyes'.  

It has been more than a decade since someone I loved and cared for through his childhood years has really seriously put any effort into acts of kindness toward me, and that seems preposterous UNLESS I believe the predictions about people becoming unthankful, unholy and with 'unnatural affections' occurring in the end of a troubling era..  Believing a horrible prophecy does not eliminate the pain and suffering caused by those who have become unthankful, unholy and have discarded natural affection toward their one or both sides of their parental sides.

Hypocritical Sunday church people have often suggested that family problems should be private matters and not be exposed reasonably  in public venues such as this AFTER they have decided it was just fine for them to repeatedly read about Jacob's complaints about his sons, Shimon and Levy.  Those hypocrites also aren't willing to lift their foot to send a wayward son back toward his mother that has more faith in Yehovah than in a mustard seed.

Did you know that the Sedin name  possibly can be found at H5466. and describes a garment of value ? Not only that but the word 'swed'  most likely is tied to the Hebrew word  for counselor which could be סוד   since a W is often connected to the Hebrew 6th letter  that looks like a golf club.  

Thanks for the good Owen Sounnd Attack memories, Jordan Binnington. Bearing up during a painful experience might be easier for a team of O Xe N, with 54 in the middle. 830 assists isn't  0.