Friday, February 26, 2021

Will you Continue to Abort Your Parent?

 Catholic theology tries to get people 'comfortable' with the very wrong notion of referring to their clergy as 'father'.  The first step of accepting your living parent is to apply the proper title to them and not another when attempting to revive the parent you intentionally and cruelly aborted.

When a mother allows an infant to be aborted, it will become clear that she repented of that wickedness when 2 signs emerge, or 2 'witnesses', namely word and deed.  When a mother actively speaks against abortion AND  takes a proper course of action to never again 'choose' abortion, she can be forgiven because she clearly has repented of her sin, most likely done in haste and with the consent of wicked, unloving people.  Her own holy, aborted child will be a witness for or against her, I suppose.

It is obvious to others if you have aborted your parent, and wicked evil  people will consent to that type of behavior and permit you to cast out those from your core that actually love you enough to tell you the truth.  Like an abortion salesman, the typical Sunday church gathering denounces the authority of Yah's rules and makes up their own set of  legislation that marks you as one of their anti-Yah gang.  Every day that goes by that a child past puberty intentionally displaces the parent who has not denied them, that child commits another intentional abortion of a person who deserved a chance to behave as a parent and not as a false, lying clergy person.  Thus, the child who aborts a parent is far more wicked than the parent who stopped seeking an abortion after their 1st child was murdered, since the outward signs of aborting a parent that did not reject you are refusing to hear from her, refusing to speak to her and refusing to reasonably assist her in her duty to resist suicide and be pro-life.  Aborting a parent  leads to  hatred and war, not honor and peace in a family that can occur only after the 2 signs of repentance are displayed, namely speaking AGAINST dishonoring parents and openly caring for and maintaining proper contact with the parent you have sinfully aborted  WITH the consent of wicked counselors.   

Even an incarcerated parent could be honored by a child who suggests, by letter, that they use their time of incarceration to learn how to start being a commandment-keeper retrained by Yah rather than a hoodlum of lawlessness not properly trained by 'society' nor self.

 A truthful parent is not always a good parent, but a truly good parent must become truthful about the past and the present, though they no not the details of the future.

 Even  one full year of a daily decisions to rid your core, that is 'abort', your mother or father that provided for your childhood needs, is so wicked that an aborted baby could not even conceive of doing such harm to his or her family. Thus, those 'clergy' or companions who condone or encourage anti-commandment behavior and are not openly vexed by adult children who have discarded their mother or their father, obviously do not have a holy spirit guiding their way.

I suspect it will be quite awhile before I can try to redirect a sinner away from wicked 'clergy' who condone or encourage aborting an infant, the real  mother who learned to hate abortion or the  father that supported the real mother of his children.   If you don't believe Moshe Ben Amram and יהוה,  you   will believe the Sunday morning  wide deceivers.

In conclusion, I suppose writing a short, decent honest letter to a parent at least twice a month and visiting them at least annually seems like a way to honor them, especially if speaking to them by telephone is no longer  the best option due to  current communication problems .  I am duty bound to suggest that as a preventive remedy to prevent aborting your parents, since they agreed not to abort you.


  🍷 A narrow receiver with a sound mind is already in the narrow gate.  🐝🦋

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