Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Paul Maurice bowling split

Chris Paul  vs. Maurice Harvey is a reasonable example of dividing Paul from Maurice during literal bowling warfare rather than in  'Paul Regret'  fictional Texas ranger systems.

      Olivia DeHaviland did not type this report nor did she invent Leslie Howard.

Wireless addition for something or subtraction for Smothers


The state of New York is rather despicable now due to   it's unrighteous governing body.

Clean  LaSAgNa is an N 131 but only  northern tribes who dial 7 for Russia potentially  comprehend why 7 is jacinth , a formation of zircon .

Dan 'Gary' Plesac+ 96 W's  = Johan Hedberg

5370-0 is 537 according to Viktor Koslov fans in zip area  54471 . 🟥

A beef & cheese burger is actually an anti-Talmud גד burger ; actually very few  Semites are practicing Jews.

Have an astounding tribulation and recall Benton Murray's WWII experiences.

Monday, May 20, 2024

YCZQAL chapter 24 waddles into Wisconsin duck mode

If a human would read one chapter of Yczeqal per day of the counting of the omer it might be more educational than reading about the 50 states of the  USA per day, though conditions during both times were loaded with treachery, treasonous figure heads a abounding horrors of immorality.

What I never saw exhibited in any of my former male spouses was faithfulness through  sickness or enduring love that was promised by the promise-breakers was exhibited by a natural male duck. I did not see the vehicular homicide of a female duck near the Wisconsin River, but I did observe a male duck obviously mourning the loss of his ducklings mother.

I stopped riding my bicycle and watched the male duck sit quietly near the dead body of his female companion. It was obvious there was a natural and beautiful relationship between the live male and the dead female duck who's live ended as quickly as the wife of YCZQAL as depicted in chapter 24. I chose to move the body of the female duck to the shoulder of the roadway so that she would not be assaulted again by a vehicle, but surely she will become part of the food chain of other predatory birds, insects and maybe a mammal. 

I suppose it is probable that the male duck will find another female mate rather than become a homosexual duck nor will the intelligent male seek a insane scientist to  convert him into a female duck. Since I am not a male duck, I do not know if that which is probable is possible with a male duck who saw his companion female duck get killed with one stroke, one blow from a vehicle's frame.

The male duck seemed to object to me moving the dead body of the female; the male duck might have hoped  his companion female duck was not dead and was only I injured and thus the objection again exhibited the literal concern the male had for his chosen female. Such love as the male duck had for his companion female is common, normal and yet precious, yet that type of love for the mother of a human male's children is now extremely rare to observe in public or private venues

It's now 5 months until another day of atonement; The next 5 months won't feel like a day nor like a year.

Yes, Milwaukee and Mosinee are mentioned in the Scriptures and have not been done away with.

MLWKH is in the book of Daniel as H4410, and thus Milwaukee is mentioned in prophesy. Studying one word per day, in alphabetical sequence until I reach the age of 75 is not a vain and useless task like mowing inedible grass sprayed with toxins.

Where does the connection to a rubber ice hockey puck really stop if it doesn't stop here?

                                     H3977           <    James Strong   >            H4410

                                      CWA                                                           MKE

                                      Mosinee                                                   Milwaukee

                  מלוכה          🦆    .     מאזנ


A perfect leader's rear guard should be a defenseman superior to the perfect leader's opponent or the perfect leader will likely be attacked, maimed and possibly destroyed due to lack of proper paramilitary preparation and improper selection of guards..

Perfection, good works and strength is frequently hated and foolishly despised by the careless and lazy  maimed who were previously attacked and justifiably defeated.

Authority should always be earned;  whether you love or hate the dispenser of your authority is proven by your works.

I love the prophet יחזקאל, and that serious love does not diminish nor eliminate the concern and respect I am commanded to have toward my parents .

What wickedness has done away with the the reports from   יהוה delivered by Moshe Ben Amram? Certainly אלעליון does not represent wickedness.

Not loving and living like male duck yet? Than as Ephasus material, you are not a reliable leader nor a decent head of any household.

"But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love that you had at first..." 

Is this a 2/11 in progress, Mathieu Roy style? A non-abandoned,  protected babe  typically loves a protective mother and a providing father first; Curtis Shayne Joseph was not a typical babe.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Thomas F. Grant Post 62 COLANDER Challenge" Sieve yourself.

 Don't 'hit the post', and remember that when  'chanuk'= חנך, it could mean finished business.

Now for the unfinished hobby unit leaders in a  'Tom Nickel' colander formation!


    Grant Hill          Grant Geissman                 Tom Grant               Ryan Grant

              🏀                          🎸                         🎹                           🏈

                 Sean Hill                  Zach 'L= 50 ''Tom              Ryan Wagner

                      🏒                                   🏈                             🥅

                      Wisconsin Badgers          10              UWSP Pointers

                           🏈    Watt                  LOVE           Zimmerman    ⚾  

                                  W= ☆            " Audrey Jordan"        B= ★

                        Jeffrey Brezovar           Patrick Roy         Tyrone Rice 

                                  53215                         321                  53214

                                 Trojans                   Canadiens            Raiders   ..................................................................................................................................

                                   Squad 62.             Squad 63             Squad  64.   

                                           50 G's      Chris 🌩 Chambers.   185 A's   

                             North 22nd Street      Milwaukee           West Chambers Street    

What's the challenge on. this  unique  טעם  day at the end of month 100?

To determine if 'Tess'  the  beagle of Miranda Stroik  OR Timothy Tessler is causing Sheldon Souray more problems than Sheldon Dries.   Timothy warnings might be more controversial than 'Miranda warnings'.

If you are past 62 YOA, are you really post 63 yet? 


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

New Jersey automotive type casting: non-fiction! 'Dark of the moon' tunnel devil' closer!

There is a non-fiction incident included with a parking spot and ink blemish question. Maybe Gordon Lightfoot  will be connected to 'enter number 2' until the dusk of a new decade, but indeed 'If you could read my mind' should be a contemplative song even if you are not a cigarette smoker like 'Rocky Balboa'.

 2 males decided to be occupants of a sedan with New Jersey license plate H33-RDC. One of the males was extremely muscular, appeared to have no tattoos nor earrings, had a pleasant disposition and seemed intrigued enough with a large image of Roger Federer in  'plain view' to take a photo image of the IMAGE of Roger Federer; this no-tattoo muscular male reminded me of Police Local 21 guy, Mark Walton. Incidentally, dude & guy  both looked healthier and more attractive than Cindy Crawford to my I system.

The 2nd male, a passenger in the vehicle tagged by New Jersey, had earrings, tattoos and from the rear only, reminded me of Firefighter's local 215 dude Robert Skaradzinski due to hairdo and  his slanted shoulder formations.  

I complimented the muscular, non-tattooed guy for his rejection of tattoos rather than insulting the weaker tattooed dude with earrings. 

Eliminate the concept of 'good, better and best' and 'bad, worse and worst' before you try to answer the following question:

Who is devilish, who is angelic and who is a keeper of peace when the only choices are guy, dude & I as defined previously with no race nor religion indicated for said  guy, dude & I?  

Consider the New Jersey vehicle plate to be coded as ' Hill 33 - Robert Deleon Christianity', and twist the question toward or away from 'Aiden  or Hanley' as many times as you want to.  If so inclined as a sorrowful ostrich mentioned Lamentations 4:3,  maybe you'll experience a serious '2nd passover in late May of 2024.

                       Traveling pairs can't all be Ralph Waldo Emerson and Laura Ingalls Wilder. 🏀

                  Consider the questions that agent 2214 and officer 2215 might utter to a bird hunter:

                  " Got quail jerky sticks without pork or does only ostrich parts mix well with swine?"

                                                                        זרב  זרא

Sunday, May 5, 2024

What could 'GOD is IN CONTROL' actually mean?

Since I know that neither God  nor Hashem is  the higher than    ,  in order to prevent mocking God some non-God  must decide what God's role actually is now that Go'd name his used so carelessly and thoughtlessly.  If God is only 'love' and love is in control, love certainly seems to allow for way too much wickedness and lack of proper punishments, so describing God as 'love' is  extremely shallow.  For example of contrasting styles,  it shouldn't hurt you to watch and hear what James Daniel Tabor has to say about doctrines and history, and if you disagree with everything he teaches you shouldn't abuse him or ignore his existence.  James Daniel Tabor is a different version of Bradley Debrska or William Gielow; he is willing to share what perspectives he has and maybe you can learn from an older generation that doesn't revolve around Taylor Swift and vain repetitions such as 'God is in control.'


There so many youngsters that think they know more the older generation of survivors, so as a parting gift I now present you with a mom quiz, not a pop quiz since I don't pour Sprite into Christmas tree holders.

What could 'God is IN CONTROL' mean:

A) God is not a drunkard.

B) God lets humans do what evil they want to do and he is so passive he never loses his temper.

C) God is employed by 'IN CONTROL TECHNOLOGY' and works for earned taxable wages with circuitry rather than begging for donations and ignoring Torah.

D) God controls IN, which is short for Indiana.

E) God does not overspend like a arrogant polictians or a manic father in a gambling casino.

F) God as a vague sound is able to control only what belongs to God,  even if God only owns a hockey stick.

G) God is a perfect driver in all weather conditions.

H) God controls Indium, the 49th element but only if God is In control.

I) God controls iodine and nitrogen in the IN formation; this is not a simple task.

J) God , not Gad, is competing with  Gad during an IN CONTROL match being orchestrated by  גד.

K) God does not wander about like ANTIFA thugs protesting because chaotic  protests are not In CONTROL.

L) God does not have a leaky bladder condition, even when God is laughing at all the people in trouble who he refuses to respond to.

M) God has been grafted into  the historic 'Get SMART'  anti-KAOS team  that includes  Agent 99 ,Barbara Feldman and Agent 44, Victor French. 

N) The Brooklynns Tabernacle Choir perspective: God is working, he's still working. God is working somehow... and while working he is well behaved and responds properly to his superior deity.

O) All of the above could describe situations where 'God is In CONTROL'

Since I know GOD is very generic term used by many very wicked and cruel people, I'm not afraid to speculate about the broad possibilities if 'GOD is in IN CONTROL.' like Jan Markell keeps claiming.

Yin my opinion, you should have chosen yesterday whom you would serve,  even if it wasn't your  mother or  who is so IN CONTROL that she didn't waste her time reaching out in vain to obstinate, unmerciful and erratic adult children who actually are not God and are often not in good control of their own temperament, have lost control of natural senses, have trusted strangers rather than family who wanted communication and ultimately impaired their  instincts when they believed too many false compliments.

Don't expect a happy 'Mother's Day' if you think ' God is always in control'  because evidently you believed too many experienced liars. After all, there are thousands of ladies who are adult enough to tolerate a mother-in-law they dislike for at least a few hours per year while other families are shipping their children between the homes of their divorced parents.

You may now attempt to control yourself financially, physically, emotionally,intellectually and spiritually.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Numerology for comedians and 'True Temper' wheelbarrow enthusiasts

Chapter -0:  Go to chapter +2, 'Bob Bassen'.

Chapter -46: There was a certain woman who accomplished 4  lawful defensive tasks in a random manner. She was charged with disorderly conduct and made an appearance in court to contest the penalty associated with the ridiculous disorderly conduct accusation. She questioned the accusing state officer  and asked " what order  should I have completed those lawful tasks in?" The accusing state officer uttered ' I don't know the answer to that question' and the state charges of disorderly conduct were dropped. 

Chapter '15 for at least 2':  When  lane 15 opens up at a grocery or department store without Pius Suter in sight, exclaim ' 'Gambler Sheldon Dries' if you are in Wisconsin, 'Brunette Bart Starr' if you like J.T. Miller and Ohio,  'Erik Cole Caufield' if you are in Michigan, ' PEY king duck' if you are ducking into P rather than F class, 'Billiard ball Recchi'  or '  Sudbury Sean sheepdog!' to utilize special S words instead of 'Special K' ingredients .  🏡 "Tyler German' can be your default exclamation if you also want to bark like a pointer.

Chapter 298: Random acts of unkindness against innocent babies and against legally employed adults are increasing in popularity and are actually encouraged by the Obama& Biden regime; prepare your necessary defenses against such unrighteous unkindness accordingly.

Chapter 54: If you can't find a comedy club, look for a serious club to defend yourself  against invasive needles or to ward off treasonous occupiers of local, state or federal government positions. If you made it to 54, you should have started planning for the worst in 1970.

Appendix 27: Vlad Namenstikov is currently a 2987, not a 8121.  T-Mobile doesn't  actually care how you view a ץ  or if you want to stand on a book labeled  'Word of God' .

Chapter 52: The better case scenario is sometimes a sturdy leather brief case; expect to be unhappy with the worst case scenarios and do worry when you rejected an opportunity to choose what would only have been a bad case scenario such as reasonable paying child support to the mother of your child instead of going to Sunday bible classes or Saturday church services.

Chapter 1: A new form of a Bowling Green slider has been spotted in Michigan bearing historic tag 216234.  Why is 216234 historic in Michigan? Because it is a Curt Schilling (216) Eric Boulton  combo with no hyphens included. The Corvette has nothing to do with the term 'slider', the Schilling has a lot to do with a slider.

Chapter 2:  When ordering an Italian product like Sixto Lezcano, ask for Product 174 and see if Andrew Brunette appears before a glass of CHAmPAgNe.  If the CHAmPAgNe is served to you, it might not be a Brut beast liquid.

Chapter 3: When refusing to celebrate anything on December 25th, do celebrate something on May 3rd and yodel out a autumn song such as 'Early Autumn' in memory of the southern hemisphere seasonal upheavals.

Chapter 4: If Jackson Hinkle graduated from high school with a 4.1 GPA but it was impossible for Kenneth Munson or Robert 'Bob' Johnson to graduate with a 4.1 GPA because the standards weren't lowered to A=5 points in 1979, is Jackson Hinkle smarter than Romeo high school student Jackson Swords but not as smart as a valedictorian?

Chapter 5: When traveling through zip code 49781, decide what non-numerology figure should replace 81 to reduce the numerology to 497 (________): 

                             0. 497 Megatron

                             1. 497 Randy Moss

                             2. 497 Miroslav Satan

                             3. 497 Ryan Daisy

                             4. 497 Dakota Joshua

                             5. 497 Japan

Chapter 6:  If you cannot discern between Prince Fielder and Bob Bassen, you should be able to.

Chapter 1135: Do not confuse unkept  campaign promises with champagne in the ass. 💝

Chapter +2: Bob Bassen had 88 goals; this is end of month 88 for this 8th year heading toward +96 Vyacheslav Koslov figure 13's. 

Chapter -39: Strongs H2930 does mean unclean and defiled, but how could Milwauke District V ever be clean and undefiled if it is being utilized properly? Let this be a Cole Caufield lesson unto Kelly Norris, the magazine gardener who looked silly in a bright pink shirt.

Chapter -5: יהו is not son of a 26'er named מגוג nor Gomer Pyle, USMC.

Chapter 29: If you do not want to be improperly labeled as some sort of a Jewish man or practicing Israelite , blow a 'gadwall' call or sound a harmonica instead of a blowing a shofar like  Robin Bullock and so many other hypocrites do in this dusk of an old era. Sure, this is a wartime strategy of survival, but it's difficult to endure until the end of an old era if you are murdered by an unjust murderer.   Real holy women who are alert should never want to be labeled as a 'Jewish man' but might not be afraid to be labeled as a Yahwehist or a non-Semite.

Chapter -1:  Kyle Kluck minus Lyle Waggoner = Kyle Kluck.

Chapter +3: USA's  Shawn Chambers 235 is +3 points over Canada's Bob Bassen's 232. 

Chapter 1532:  Saluting an  frog or a cicada is a sign of intelligence; saluting a treasonous president is treasonous.

Chapter 33: If you cannot decide on a name for your local mourning dove, call the dove 'Randy Falk the 33rd' and treat the mourning dove with respect and kindness as you would treat your aged grandfather or the mother that maintained your dwelling when you were confined to her womb with the intent to be delivered someday.

Chapter 🎱 ; Go ahead and have an extremely unhappy recreational boat landing; struggling, honest working taxpayers actually don't care if your uppity yacht or expensive toy labeled 'Mastercraft' sinks.