Amateurs are often much more intelligent than professionals.
What a 'pro' wants and easily obtains is often prostitutes, cocaine usage, tax evasion, desertion of children, domestic abuse activities, extortion, bribery and indulging in oversized, ego-centric dwellings and then those wretched 'pro' people are happy while committing such immoral and/or illegal activities. Loose rats are 'free', piranhas are 'free' and cockroaches are 'free' , locusts a 'free', all typically only doing what makes them 'happy'.
If a semite rapes or dismembers Jill Biden, should Jill Biden refuse to press charges against the semite because she would then be anti-semitic?
What if being anti-Democrat and anti-Ukraine makes a 'pro' happy, but then they get arrested and are not free? AT&T is pushing an evil doctrine.
Is a turtle happy when it pulls into its shell because a bird is trying to abuse it or devour it?
David Clarke must be abhorred at 2 blackish or brownish men pushing such a self-centered, undisciplined atheist agenda, namely the false doctrine of 'whatever makes you happy sets you free'. Jeffrey Dahmer did what made him happy, but did it make him free?
Doing what makes you pure, honorable, angelic, honest, subject to אלעליון and holy should build your defenses but might not make you happy...... initially.
What if Psalm 37:4 isn't true? Then can Psalm 91 people be responsibly and peacefully anti-semitic?
It made me happy to write this article.
🟢Making unleavened bread and avoiding leaven for 7 days is easy; being truthful is often difficult.⬥
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