Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What do impure tattoo joints and Novi mean to 'diss'N' formations'?

What did the sick bay horse mumble to Mr. Ed?

 "Let the vomiting begin; dry heave offerings are light in comparison."

Maybe contrived or photos of discarded family members and plastic  toy figures  start mumbling 'Glue me, glue me...'  before liars start speaking the truth in anger.  The USA is too morally sick and financially wounded to help any other nation improve, and it seems as though the majority of USA politicians only wants others, including anyone who opposes their deranged plans, to get destroyed with it.  If your homeland is sick, weak and diseased it must cure itself of it's woes before it can help another nation heal. 

It is unlikely the USA will recover, and those receiving body parts and tainted blood from the USA military body will become weaker, more depraved and as immoral as the body of their  donor.  It's hypocritical to condemn another nation for killing civilians during war when your own pro-abortion nation is murdering millions of infants though the politicians didn't officially declare war on it's own homeland. 

When this article is concluded, another timeline will start; as a 12th year concludes for one male, a 53rd year commences for another male.   It's time to consider the book known as Enoch and the angels of chapter 69 and stop focusing on 'Rolling Rock' centurions or Jesus the Nazarene semite. The phrase 'Keep your eyes upon Jesus' is so irrational unless you can actually see a living being rather than a crafted statue which never reacts  to a problem since it is a useless idol .  When this article concludes and my well of information dries up due to lack of pure replenishing water, millions of articles might continue to emerge with previous and devious output from tainted and artificial sources. 

Who's diss'N who now?  Is Joe Carter superior to Paul Coffey, Sergei Bobrovsky and Dave Keon and thus can take over Squadron 396?  

Maybe Mickey Mantle replaced radio  code KSA536 on behalf of Thomas Fischer or Calvin Ripken, Jr.


A polka lips technician sometimes works with trumpets and rarely knows how to construct a beer barrel.

Diss'N has long been a slang term for a truthful uncomplimentary remark or  an insult  that is true and thus not slanderous. 

Example:  Satan disclosed Joshua's state of filthy attire during a period of diss'N formation.

The earth needs more diss'N formations.

How can USA politicians and tax collectors who support funding of foreign nations and do not punish thieves nor 'trespassing visitors'  to become equal to the term previously limited to  'illegal aliens'? Lump them all into a category of  'aggravators of lawlessness'.  

Michigan is not pure, and in fact is extremely impure,  contaminated, loaded with wide deceivers and unsafe in many of it's districts.

Novi means 'the people of  Χ Χ™Χ‘'.   Consult 1st Samuel chapter 21 for historic traits of Nov/Nob.

Refer to your cribbage rules or Strongs H5011 for 'Nob=Χ Χ•Χ‘' significance; nibs, the community turned up J on top of the undealt cards in a cribbage distribution, is worth 2 points to the dealer and 0 points for the non-dealer. 

Joel Ward is not a Slezak nor a Billy; Dallas Stars #15 labeled SMITH is not  UWSP German #15 ; this is a common Trudell vs. DeBoers caution for semi pros. 

'Gus Mackeral' replaced ancient Dagon in Thomas Klusman & Joshua's non-Michigan Morrow units who have noted the tendencies of  WWII icon Virginia Hall.

When I intentionally displace a  Χ© figure  today, I am done adding to any and all dreidel pots.   

Beware of Kevin Stevens syndrome if you get assigned to room 329 rather than to room 431 somewhere. G frames are nothing like A frames except in  Edmonton Oiler code scrambles and elimination procedures.  


The country of Nevis is not the city of  Novi; accept this as fact . 

Newmarket trivia: Wisconsin Badger goalie Brian Elliott has  279 W's, 167. L's and 54 T's in his NHL totals, not 0 W's. 0 L's and 0 T's.

Since I found a loaf sourdough bread in my basement freezer yesterday that should have been ejected during my pesach preparations; am I now legally cut off from the Israel  after an unintentional  infraction of abode rule H2219 even though I did not eat leavened products this week?  

Since Palestine, Texas  clearly has Palestinians, why can't USA citizens be pro-Palestinian and study Texans like Sam Houston, Seth Jones or fictional characters such Paul Regret? Offensive  NFL runner Adrian Peterson is actually a  Texas Palestinian, even if you consider the term Texas Palestnian to be a defensive term.

'Defensive terms are often relabeled offensive terms in error.'  - Lake Mendota neutral zone mascot  πŸ—½ 

November is connected to Χ Χ•Χ‘ , even if Mexico's residential rapture enthusiast Steve Fletcher  doesn't think at all tomorrow because on April 30, 2024 Steve Fletcher's adoring number 111  and admiring  a dead rabbi   .    


πŸ”˜FLuFFY WRaPPEr 397 is now officially over and out of the C.Y.O. & St. Lucia pool games after passing Dave Keon and Paul Coffey on Squad 396.  I wanted to write a letter to my grandson, but his UWM.ORG missionary church leaders in England with headquarters in Charlotte, N.C. won't allow me to communicate with him even if the letter or  birthday card I'd write to him would be cheery and perfect. 

My adult son's sermons certainly aren't perfect and in fact have included untruthful reports, similar to his M.O. when he was a inaccurate child at St. Jude's catholic school in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.  I don't think that any hero would want to be murdered intentionally so that his disciples could support lying tongues, but that seems to be what has occurred based on the amount of people who 'accepted Jesus as their personal lord and savior' and then choose to speak lies to family and church-goers for payments.

I wrote to nobody in general and covered many topics I'd not discuss with a child unless his parent was present. Here's some more 'diss'N' formation:  it's so unreasonable and anti-family to separate children from parents during sermons and send them off to be subjected to the speech of non-family members on a sabbath day when real families should be together as in the church days of Charles Ingalls. Maybe the child sent away from his parent(s) will eventually come back with an ugly tattoo and his unprotective parent(s) who support body mutilation businesses can then applaud their child's hazardous decision instead of weep and mourn the intentional mutilation on the body of a child who was unique and loved.


There is nothing pure nor holy within a tattoo, but there seems to be much pride connected to a tattoo.    

       When does   ** + !$$ = @#@ ?     Ask Bob  Bassen of Jeffrey Pucel for  their 'retiree' guess.                                                                     

I'm going to  listen to some of James Ingram's historic melodic messages until I cry; I already know how to smile at cameras if I am expected to.  Stealing a 'David Akers' Eagles jersey in the USA is as wicked as stealing a Darren Sharper Vikings jersey in Israel, yet SCOTUS personnel won't care if any jerseys gets stolen from peasants, widows or infants as long as they can keep wearing their ugly robes and their right to refuse to be injected with medical experiments.  Since I  actually spent more time in Vyaslava Koslov's presence in Georgia than I was ever allowed to spend with my grandson Levi in Wisconsin, I think I'll celebrate Vyaslava Koslov's 53rd birthday today and seek some safe pain reduction options on May 7th, 2024.

Do I need a conclusion to set beneath a body? Cursed is  every  son (or daughter)  who is applauded, promoted or paid for inflicting unnecessary pain unto  a parent who was prevented from obtaining a good conversation goal but was handed a certificate of divorce ; it is that son's own audiences  and employers that are doing  far more harm than good,  but that grown child is too numb to feel the distortions in his mind caused by his own lies and the coercion of  Paul's  religions .  

What I expect to occur is unlikely to occur anymore.  'Maresha's Minutemen' might be hoping for a second month week of unleavened bread in late May to strengthen them like Frank Gore or the Pittsburgh Steelers secondary.

Enoch chapter 62 might be true; Ill ponder that chapter like I pondered psalm 91 and the 2  Χ”'s in Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  .

63 points is greater than  0.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

What NHL number does JOSHUA and SATAN have in common?

Now that the USA invasive species also known known as erratic political slobs have eradicated more of our privacy and desire to know everything that we think, suspect, recall or react to, I suggest limiting your comments on Youtube or other semi-public sites to '0' or 'oo' or a simple # to ease withdrawal symptoms as you change your reaction to internet materials to audibles only.  You'd think even Bill Watterson would understand a shocking response such as '#$^&*(#' to internet output.   I will try to follow my own advice as any typing teacher or quarterback should do.


It seems strange that Milwaukee Hamilton, Milwaukee Bay View and Milwaukee Riverside both have a feline mascot when there have been so many other forms of life that could have been selected. Since Hamilton was from the Caribbean, Milwaukee Hamilton could have chose to be Hamilton  Bananas or the Hamilton Coconut Pickers.

Now, back to the title question of this article.

Dakota JOSHUA and Miroslav SATAN both have jersey number 81 in common.  81 is the calling code for Japan, highway 81 goes into Bristol, Tennessee and Michigan state route 81  is in Emmett county. The G matters of 372 include Jonathan Toews, Dany Heatley and Eric Lindros, but the A as in assist team does not have to revolve around a women's bra cup size of A.

This concludes the comparison of famous surnames for the evening of 3633, which involves a temporal concept of Χ›ַּלְΧ›ֺּל .  When topics or locations become 'Rubble' , it's only 'Paw Patrol' level. 🟨

Before I care enough to continue, be advised that the chemically-induced weather manipulation is a worldwide form of witchcraft, 'pharmacia' gone rogue upon multitudes.  The Pentagon and similar  terrorist groups  are  bureaus of witchcraft that want to deploy arsenals of  dangerous potions to destroy life and dilapidate communities rather than defend life and improve conditions.  In a nation where abortions are applauded and encouraged,  government officials won't condone public objections to the mass murders of children in any nation, including their own nation in peril.   Start referring to the USA Pentagon and it's rulers as a bureau of witchcraft run by cruel, demonic  warlocks to prevent your own tongue from lying about the word 'defense'.

2nd Corinthians is problematic; the writer elevates himself and admits to robbery from churches. This seems worse than the deeds of Judas Iscariot, who was deceived by his fellow 'semites'. Once you learn it is acceptable to reject some or all of the writings of 'Paul', you should learn how to trust the prophets of earlier generations, including  Χ™Χ—Χ–Χ§ΧΧœ & Χ™Χ¨ΧžΧ™Χ”  .

If an angel is actually capable of transforming into an angel of light, why assume it is trickery rather than correcting a position or accepting a promotion?  An angel named Satan had been trusted with the body of  Χ™Χ•Χ‘ and did not go beyond the parameters of testing an extremely wealthy man with a mediocre wife . When it comes to Pergomas, it is the teachings of Baalam and the fake Jews in the assembly causing trouble according to reports with no  second witness to confirm the accusations.; pause and research what the teachings of Baalam had been; if those 2 issues get corrected and the fakes are ejected, that assembly of Satan can be improved just as the problems in other assemblies  such as Sardis and Ephasus and Thyatira could be corrected with proper leadership installed.

According to reports, JOSHUA's garments weren't clean and were allowed to be improved eventually after Satan pointed out his inappropriate attire directly to his commander Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”.

Michael in the middle of the revised south side 700  system known as Milwaukee Bradley Tech might as well be Michael Hanizrwski, Michael Korducki or Michael Crivello, and let those wise athletes decide if Dakota Joshua is more beneficial as a squad partner than Miroslav Satan.  When a natural woman thinks less with her heart, let the natural man think more with his brain.

"Advertising Michigan as pure is false advertising." - Michigan taxpayer who sees the chemical toxins being heavily sprayed into the skies  on the evening of April 28, 2023 with the consent of the same wicked, lazy heathen state and federal politicians who wanted everyone to get injected with government-sponsored blood-altering experiments

"When the FACE is removed, all that's left is the bass clef system." - Trojan quip suitable for David Chyla


2201 is a month 75 word; that was never my Cudahy Tower apartment number in Milwaukee.

You may now worry, be fearful and fret far more than I ever will again, since I have delivered a Χ–ַΧ’ַΧ§   many times to an unresponsive entities sometimes labeled as 'in-law' but more often labeled 'lazy sluggards' and arrogant, haughty overpaid  Bible thumpers .

                               πŸ‡*🟀🟀🟀🟀. " 4th down is pivotal.  " - the K team

                                                      * Rabbit dung makes an excellent garden patch fertilizer.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Don't believe AT&T doctrine.

 Amateurs are often much more intelligent than professionals.

What a 'pro' wants and easily obtains is often prostitutes, cocaine usage, tax evasion, desertion of children,  domestic abuse activities, extortion, bribery and indulging in oversized, ego-centric  dwellings and then those wretched 'pro' people are happy while committing such  immoral and/or illegal activities.   Loose rats are 'free', piranhas are 'free' and cockroaches are 'free' , locusts a 'free', all  typically only doing what makes them 'happy'.

If a semite rapes or dismembers Jill Biden, should Jill Biden refuse to press charges against the semite because she would then be anti-semitic?

What if being anti-Democrat and anti-Ukraine makes a 'pro' happy, but then they get arrested and are not free?   AT&T is pushing an evil doctrine.

Is a turtle happy when it pulls into its shell because a bird is trying to abuse it or devour it?

David Clarke must be abhorred at 2 blackish or brownish men pushing such a self-centered, undisciplined atheist agenda, namely  the false doctrine of 'whatever makes you happy sets you free'.  Jeffrey Dahmer did what made him happy, but did it make him free?

Doing what makes you pure, honorable, angelic, honest, subject to ΧΧœΧ’ΧœΧ™Χ•ΧŸ and holy should build your defenses but might not make you happy...... initially.

What if Psalm 37:4 isn't true?  Then can Psalm 91 people be responsibly and peacefully  anti-semitic?

It made me happy to write this article.

🟒Making unleavened bread and avoiding leaven for 7 days is easy; being truthful is often difficult.⬥

What's the Timothy Thomas Best opposite of 'pass the pigs' in game wars?

 Fail  all of  the pro-Biden politicians;  Louisiana's Mike Johnson is a pro-Biden, anti- Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  politician by choice not by birth orders.

If humans won't have the right to be anti-Semitic, they also won't have the right to be anti-Nazi, yet it is clear the both groups have multitudes of shameful behavior.  As soon as you choose not to become __________, you are technically anti-__________. 

 I'll never be a semite, so does that mean every United States citizen has the right to hate me? Only an insane person in Hitler mode would pass laws that forbid being anti-semite and then allow and promote  being anti-mother, anti-atheist , anti-Danish, anti-Hispanic, anti-Russian, anti-Asian, anti-Muslim, etc.

 It's beyond nonsense , it is actually extremely immoral and anti-Creator to try to punish a nationalities who are not semites and legislate orders to worship or prefer an international  race or religion identity.

Again, I will never be a semite'others have said they will never be a baptist  nor a semitebecause they prefer to be a Catholic or a member of JW.org, which is a group that will never be Jewish. Freedom of religion must allow a religion to be contrary to an opposing religion; the Pilgrims understood this, and the Pilgrims were not pro-semite.   Most semites have chosen to live an anti-Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  lifestyle, so as anti-Yahwehists they're unpopular, not admirable nor defended if they try to intimidate the dwellings of  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” 

Maybe shirts or hats should be updated or sold with the following information:

                                                             I am not a semite. 

I approve of my parents.

   I love the 2nd amendment. 

    Appreciate me or unfriend me.

 πŸœ  πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–   🌊🌊  πŸ¦ͺπŸ¦ͺ.  Oyster beds are for unclean oysters; an oyster bed is not a 'crib'.

             Sows have a purpose and real pigs never endorse  nor promote deficit spending.

Is Hurricane Anderson v. Islander Varlomov actually  Ashley 31 vs.  Richard 40 in Hendrikson gaming?

if so, Ashley is ahead 3 W's  to 1 W.

Age of former dependents  is a serious social security matter.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Lessons that Harry's badge #2211 never teach

The skies often have become unnatural, ugly brown  due to geo-engineering terrorists;  the mourning doves are beautiful, feathered with natural grays and browns, with admirable instinct that few will notice . 

I'll recommend reading the writings of the prophet Χ¦Χ€Χ Χ™Χ” as your prayer during your meal of haste  if you are keeping the feast of pesach on the evening of April 23, 2024, which is the night of the full moon. The state of Israel does not fit the definition of Χ™Χ©Χ¨ΧΧœ in chapter 3 , verse 13 thus the USA and United Kingdom's version of  the state of Israel clearly has no protection from  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”; Ukraine is no better than the state of Israel.

A lengthy seder meal away from your household does not match the instructions of  a pesach meal.

It seems protection from Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” is limited to the rare, scattered households of the humble, truthful and obedient who do not ignore nor intentionally disregard the commandments that were etched with the finger of YHoWH (Strongs H2801). 

When a scorpion senses danger,  it raises it's defense system rather than fleeing. 

When a mourning dove builds a dwelling, she picks up sticks alone and is not surrounded by pompous 'worship teams' or lying children; she is beautiful and helped by her mate, yet often appears to be lonely while she does that which she is purposed to do.

The 'thief on the cross' apparently deserved to be crucified rather than mercifully jailed for  30 minutes....and he was crucified according to unofficial reports. Woe unto the unthankful  thief  who told his church gang that a  sample jail cell experience for a brief time of less than 30 minutes during his youth was unmerciful  rather  than telling his gang he should not have been stealing and grieving his mother.

I do comprehend the closing verses or Yermiyahu chapter 4 as well as chapter 5. 

All lifeguards are capable of drowning; that which is improbable can occur while unnoticed by multitudes.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Isaac R. Brush for Ronnie Woolfork: Refrain from wicked POTUS utterances *

Political numbers during votes keep changing like the betting lines in Las Vegas. Raising the Ukraine flag might as well be considered having the mark of a beast in your hand since Mr. Zelensky is a beast who is storing up in his own 'barn' while his countrymen's blood is being shed to amuse  senator  L. Graham as though the humans getting killed in Europe are nothing more than electronic figures to disgusting beast L. Graham.

The unrighteous judge that claimed Joseph Biden is not capable of committing a crime is an intentional paid deceiver.  Joseph Biden is capable of committing crimes, and he has committed many,  using his son as his drug-worshipping criminal trainee.

I AM furious because most of the government units within the United States of America are too wicked to receive the benefit of my trust or ΧΧœΧ’ΧœΧ™Χ•Χ 's mercy and favor; it is legal and sometimes beneficial to be furious, but do not sin while warring against intentional paid deceivers and the government employed felons that laugh while loose when they should have been mourning during intentional punishment.

* I'll provide a serious recommendation to those who do not want to hand their bodily power over to Joseph Biden, and it is this:  do not ever again refer to Joseph Biden as POTUS, but rather only as loose felon Biden, catholic Biden or ex-senator Biden.  If you do not believe that your speech can be heard by unseen spirits, you'll keep handing your mind over to wicked Biden every time you refer to wicked ex-senator Biden as POTUS.   What you utter absolutely does affect your body and subjects you to spiritual beings that you might not see.  This paragraph contains a crimson thread of information in a year when putting the blood of a healthy slaughtered ram over your door is not required.  I'm going to refer to George Washington as POTUS in my home during my passover meal on the evening of April 23, 2024 and pray for his resurrection; President of the United States George Washington did respect the name of Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  , which puts him in probable sainthood category. Spiritual warfare requires different strategies when conditions are obviously deteriorating in status quo mode.

Sean Bennett, Mark Walton, Odessa Turner, Jim Beaver, Carlos Polk, Bryce Love, Tony Savage, Brandon Whiting, Fred Marion, Greg Scales, Larry Rakestraw, Ernie Barnes, Fabian Hoffman and Ronnie Woolfork all have the NFL in common at #112.  Damian Rhodes with 99 W's is a unique #112.

Eventually only 21 USA congressional representatives are R as is RIGHT  because they refused to worship the image of  dictators and  the anti-election  beast of Ukraine,  Zelensky the haughty.  21 has no 0 within it. 366 hog-snouted beings who voted to fund wars and demolish other nations rather than rebuilding the USA are clearly not good as Mr. Good, as cautious as Mr. Tiffany, as sane as Mr. Gaetz or as courageous as Ms. Taylor-Greene..

Several words are aligning on April 23, 2024 that might make you think of grape leaves swaddling a remnant of lamb mixed with rice, not plastic chips:

word            ΧžΧ›Χ‘Χ”                   ΧžΧ’Χ“                   Χ›ΧœΧ™                 Χ™Χ’Χ˜                  Χ˜ΧœΧ”               Χ—ΧŸ

  day             2581          2922                  3271              3627                 4022                    4374

month.            88     <     100        <        112       <         125.          <      137          <         149    

text:    ZKRYH6:14   YShIYH40:11   YshIYH61:10  YRMYH32 :14   Deut33:13-16    YShIYH 23:18

                                                                                                                                       Leviticus 9:19

A sentence can be constructed with the above order intact such as :  The fats that cover the finest vessel are wrapped like grape leaves around a lamb that is selected. "

I remember Ben Chen #3  of my favorite hockey team in an excellent way; I suppose his hard-working mother is too intelligent to want him to have television roles on CBS alongside Michelle Stafford or tossed into HGTV heathen zones of Obama queer flags,  immorality and lasciviousness.                         

The lead word, H4374, is quite important, but it  the tail word, CHEN, that should cause a person to consider why Isaiah chapters 13 and 14 prophesy mentions specifically in 14: 12-20 that it is a being known as 'the son of the morning'  who lifted himself up , an abominable branch ,who gets a sword in his side and who is cast out of his grave, not being worthy to be buried with the holy.  YShIYH even mentions the lowly porcupine. 

I didn't invent the text of Isaiah chapter 13 and 14, so I suggest you pray for discernment and read it with the spirit of neutrality before you too commit the unforgivable intentional sins that 310 congressional representatives, many of whom profess to believe in Jesus Christ,  committed against their justifiably angry employers who are not corrupt Ukrainian government officials but are USA taxpayers such as myself.  If people who claim to believe in Jesus Christ are labeling a nation as an 'axis of evil' that has more moral laws intact than the USA has, that "Jesus Christ' is a failure and has not done his advertised duty, namely to rend his followers as without sin and blameless.  Other religions are fraudulent too, but the continual misconduct of USA's  anti-Russia political gangsters is now so reprehensible that such gangsters only want to expand LBGTQ, abortions, thefts, adultery, gambling, drug addiction and pornography on earth without being bothered by poverty or tragedy in their own wicked and wretched household; I hope those wicked gangsters get what they DO NOT want on an increasingly frequent basis.

What does the month 75 word 2195 have to offer: furious displeasure; ZIM/זגם as in ZIMbrick and referenced in YShIYH 66:14, Psalm 7:11 with or without a bpearthwatch or Indian accent,  MLAKY 1:14 and here .   I suppose 366 USA congressional employees really don't want people like me to put on a happy face and dine in restaurants as though the USA is not in a crisis....but the USA is in a crisis because 366 corrupt, unthankful employees are misbehaving as Shane David Hendrikson did when he shoved earned family money toward his smirking Las Vegas whorish companion, a dishonest divorce attorney and filthy casinos as he  rejected many warnings and openly and arrogantly condemned and opposed the writings of the true prophets of Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”.

If I would not have shared this information on a limited platform, kidney stones might have caused screams of pain to occur rather than the blessed silence of kidney beans quietly preparing to reproduce after their own kind in the presence of my friends, adversaries and enemies. 

    🧸 & πŸ„ will graze together according to YShIYH chapter 11:7, even when wood becomes gray.

Ask Scott Joseph Lachance if his 31 G's + 112 A's as a defenseman is adequate credentials for him to lead or seal 12,000 into the tribe of  Χ™Χ‘Χ£  or if it's only enough to get him to read and dispute Psalm 143 like a Virginia baby that got shipped to Bristol , Connecticut instead of going to the movie roster of 'Bancroft, Edward' & 'Cavendish, Dennis' with James Donald.

                  Area code 414: Cadmium has a listed mass of  112.414 if  chemistry matters to Squad 48.

                   Address 116:  Cerium has a listed mass of 140.116 if squad 58 matters to chemistry.

 If a miracle deployed by a deity tosses pain upon liars until they become honest,  delivers personal catastrophe to thieves who have not returned what they stole with interest or rolls sudden death to pro-abortion homosapiens ,  it will be perfectly helpful miracle that, if possible, should be induced by holy angels to reverse the wickedness 'now trending' that has been spreading from Anthony Blinken's body.  

Let the creatures on earth question if  any good occurrence is possible with  Χ’Χ“, or if that phrase 'all things are possible with G-d' actually means G-d can't prevent anything  with his a 'new testament' loss of Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” .  Certainly sane creatures do consider results after proud boastful claims are made.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

E's as muddled by ESPN now teeters over billiard ball 3

I decided to expound on some  matters because on 4/17  had a nightmare that involved Jason Arnott.

Which NHL player has 853 points instead of 853 goals? Hint:NFL's Cleveland Gary is the wrong answer.

Elimination is represented by the lone letter 'E' in ESPN semi-public code systems.; this is according to terms of NHL playoffs in 2024.  Many teams are not yet represented by an  "E'. πŸ’©

Dung gates have a purpose.  James Reimer now can keep the week of unleavened bread with his family if he wants to rather than being shipped around like a blood sample from state to state.  It seems as though Mickey Redmond put the curse of 'Dolly Parton' on the Detroit Redwings; Ken Daniels made so many errors in the past season when he yelled 'it's a goal' when there had only been a 'shot on goal' that he should have his cognitive skills tested.  The lighting director of Little Caesar's Arena should be more frightening to my son than I am, but my son would more likely be attracted to a pro-tattoo person than to an anti-tattoo person.

What does Jaromir Jagr think about tattoos?  Waashington Capitals, New York Rangers, Boston Bruins, Florida Panthers and Dallas Stars didn't get an E  as in elimination yet; I'm haven't been paying attention to Calgary. Pittsburgh Penguins(88, 89 or 90 points) and Philadelphia Flyers (87 points) got their wild card  E on the same day.  Huge $ revolves around professional sports; ignore all professional sports if you don't think that $ matters anymore. 

Try to find an anti-pharoah , an anti-Fair or a fair Rowe.  There is no E in YHoWH.  I know of a dog that used to howl 'HoW, HoW, HoW' as if the dog know  about  the core  of  Y HoW H.   

Ho-Wah!   LaURa is Squad 237 now.

Psalm 50 clearly defines YHoWH as being in a GOD/judgment/ruler position but not as tribe of Χ’Χ“ position; do not ignore this Psalm of Asaph, lest you be deceived by he who has been called 'apostle Paul', the questionable man who has broken up more families than he ever started or provided for.  The arrogance of a writer who instructs his followers to eliminate those who disagree with HIS doctrine after they have been 'warned' twice not only exhibits lack of patience but also demonstrates a lack of understanding the roles of non-Benjamite tribes.

Psalm 50 has been rejected by Catholicism and rejected most protestant churches who have selectively discarded the instructions of YHoWH and created their own politicized forms of anti-YHoWH religious sects.  

The pasque flower, a perennial, will be blooming next week in Wisconsin; it did not bloom in March. For those who do not live in spring barley areas, the pasque flower ha a remarkable timing system that I observed as far north as Owen Sound, Canada. Barley growth has never been  a 'double witness', and is tainted and corrupt in the sight of a sincere Ysraely  if it was planted during a sabbatical 7th year!

The so called 'body of Christ'   does not represent  the body of Meses nor YHeWH. 

Do you still want to play the body of Christ?   Here's your Indiana  FedEx tag variable progressive  translation:

                            47           43.5           40

                           ?            BUSH     Reagan

                   PPG     'Monkey Madness'   Baker Mayfield

                           64           OKRa       115  

                            G            2019           C

                       1602        'channel'        bass

                        father          2017           son

                       ESPN          bass           coach

         Michael Eaves  < anti-Parton >     Michael Eaves

           Michigan      <  Patrick Eaves >     Texas

                      Canada       USA         Mexico            

                        3/15 >James Madison< 210                     

                  James Reimer  4   Henrik Zetterberg

                             D.O.B.   $   draft position


                                  FedEx truck



                                 Chalkhill, PA

        communication    < chalk >   illustration


                           MI           ⚾         WI

                         Vest           19          Yount

                    Cleveland     psalm      Milwaukee

                                 Q         Χ§        K                          

                                34   PLESAC    37

                        J     πŸ’     Toews      πŸˆ   L

                                 E        W        E




As of April 18, 2024 which is the 9th day of the pasque flower year, where is the 'redeye brewing company' dishwasher, regardless of who or what brand the dishwasher in Marathon county is?   

 This concludes my line of easy questioning.  Richard Artisan is not artisan and Robert Craft is not craft.    


Ask Stephen Basting, Thomas Stigler,  Todd Tretter,  Jermaine Jackson, Shannon Wahl or Coy Sawyer for assistance if necessary to answer simple  geography/location questions about dishwashers.

 I have no idea why 'views'  here jumped from 67 to 601. It's also strange but not impossible that I decided to buy a good wire cutting tool for gardening , then Steve McQueen came to mind on the same hours before I knew  'The Great Escape' was airing on TCM on April 19, 2024; I think I'll watch Gordon Jackson and James Garner again instead of going to a midwest USA casino.

  Malfunctions happen; ask sheep in a cop shop.  πŸ‘    September 16, 2024 should be ΧžΧ›Χ©Χ”   day 4519.

  Why is ΧžΧ Χ©Χ” listed 6th in  'sealing' order of 12,000 ?  Ponder that difficult question for 5 months.




Thursday, April 11, 2024

How to tell if you have had a regular '87' stroke without Anne Bancroft

Augusta, Georgia has a red flag event going on that they refer to as 'The Masters' not 'Robin Masters'. I would never pay to play the 15th hole, nor would I want to attend that overpriced 'red flag' event.

Logos are not a joke.  There is no ABC television network that I know of , but there is an abc television network that still likes to schedule the Anne Bancroft&Charlton Heston experiences in the spring. Anne Bancroft isn't the 'good gal' nor a Galloway in that movie.  I suspect even fellow Milwaukee Trojans Doug White 🎺 & Ralph Gallow πŸŠ have seen Bancroft and Heston scenes during their childhood.

When you hear 'joined at the HIP', which humans witht a memory  thinks of USA Today's crossword puzzle answer 544 on April 28 a few years ago for their 544 variable as in 54401 through 54499?  

H+I+P = HIP           B+ Ra+ I + N = BRaIN

1+53+15 = 69          5 + 88+53+7= 153 

I prefer to conclude with golf course mentality, but that mentality differs if I think of Teton Pines or Whistling Straits.  ('In the rough media Bathgate reminder: 'Lady Stanford will make a repeat appearance on METV as Sergei Gonchar completes his 505h year! 🚰 

 Now. consider Q as in QUANTICO questions. 

Q0: Where is exit 153 on interatate 69?  

AKC hint:  'AXEL' is a German shepherd, not Tyler German, UWSP pointer  #15

Q1: Has Brian James Lavender ever been to the flower hole 16 at Sentryworld or would he rather try to get a guided tour of Krueger Wholesale floral company? 

Q2: Did Mariusz Czerkawski  have city of Milwaukee and/or  Polish Roman Catholic Union   outside information when he matched the Milwaukee firefighters local number, namely 215 in goals, while using the police union local number on his jersey, namely 21?

Q3: Did the Detroit Redwings choose Christian Fisher because of his April 15th birthday or because Michael Dubis wasn't available?

Q4: Has bedtime for Bonzo  been later than bedtime for Lance Link and earlier than Donna Douglas's chimp Bessie while being more necessary than lunch hour for an already stuffed Curious George ?

If I add anymore Q's, pinocle  jokes would sprout. If I remove 2 Q's,  chess set trivia would emerge. 

My all-time view count as of April 11, 2024, whether human or inhuman,  is up to 99997.  Whew!!

Q5: Did Michigan wolverine 'WARREN' #77 take that number because of Leslie Ann Warren's role and the number of 'LuLa'? 

Q6: Since Frank Skinner's musical score from 'Bedtime for Bonzo' isn't part of  the 'He Gets Us' business,  does She get Usinger's sheep casing franks?

Q7:  Where do the usurpers go  if "He" of the  'HeGetsUs" business can't handle usurpers?

Q8: Since Bonzo was too smart to go to Yale University, which  3 residents of the United States White House  weren't too smart to go to Yale were they wouldn't learn to be honest, wouldn't learn to resist war and  wouldn't be learn to be trustworthy?

A8: George W. Bush, Hilary Rodham and William J. Clinton were all less intelligent than  'Bonzo' since those three untrustworthy mammals went to Yale University and were trained to be more dishonest than Bonzo, less peaceable than Frank Skinner and more conniving than Ronald Reagan.

Don't believe  George Strait lyrics; try believing Psalm 15.

Goalie Caron #62 isn't Mr. 298. Maybe Masonic Lodge #62 in Davis, Michigan or St. Ignace Legion 62 confused a matter of mistrust in the Boston University & Denver state  CO/MA split  that occurred where the Minnesota Wild things are kept . Managing cooperative humans is much more difficult than managing a  hockey puck; uncooperative humans are as difficult to manage as a  golf ball at Fort Leonard Wood's 'army' golf course.  Indeed, there are matters that include plenty of mistrust. 

You have had a  regular stroke if:

1. Your golf ball moved after you struck it with a golf club while trying to get from the tee box are to the golf hole, regardless of the direction of it's path  This is known as a golf ball management stroke.

2. Your ball didn't move but you did actually try to make contact with the golf ball by swinging your golf club toward the golf ball;  very few golfers actually count this as a regular stroke and prefer to claim it is a practice swing that never became a regular stroke.

3. Turf was displaced within a club head's distance from the golf ball, typically within 4 inches of the golf ball you are trying to work during you shift as a golf ball manager.

Penalty strokes can be explained by compatible leopard and goat units that fulfill the prophesy of the 11th verse of Χ™Χ©Χ’Χ™Χ” in chapter 6 .

Sidney Crosby reached 1591 points on the same date that Bryson DeChambeau had 65 strokes while walking 18 holes of golf at Augusta National; 65 planned strokes is not considered a 'medical emergency'; the golf ball is utters nothing while it is bearing a regular stroke. Meanwhile, 2 guys from Atlanta decided to try Eagle power skating against Sir Duke of the Michigan Wolverines.

 πŸ†> Where's jacinth hole 11Milwaukee District 1?  

 πŸ> I'm looking for ΧžΧ Χ©Χ” hole 6 near Menasha before a robin stuffs it with sardius.      

                                                  ⛳< 5 hle


Morning gallery talk: "Regular uniform cops should know that regular is 87, not 89, 91 or 93 octane. Sidney Crosby wears a regular uniform."

Mike Weir doughnut box chatter :" Being assigned to unspecialized duty requires expertise in several areas and includes some actual benefits."

                                PA's   Oakmont Bakery    >  πŸ©πŸ© <.    Grebe's of West Allis, WI   

    What CHURCH did you crap in? πŸš½ TOTO isn't a Mansfield.                                    

Listen to 'Eres Tu'; though it is borrowed music,  it makes me think about my parents, my hero, my unseen defender and the angel purposed for me that helps me to survive and thrive. If it ever describes my betrothed, I shall be blessed indeed.   

 Blue lace agate is a natural form of אמΧͺ, and it is old.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Looking for Wisconsin Badger signs between 34 and 79? Check 'Sweet 16'.

Steve Martin played the good cop/bad cop switches. In heaven, there is only good cop, better cop,or best cop options. Was it Daniel that conducted an investigation involving Susannah or Dan Uggla that started Columbia bowling ball rules of sequence and consequences through Tennessee to  a final National home run in 2015? 

Good cop, better cop, best cop..... where did Dennis Justus or Robert O'Grsoky go after he was seen at Miller Park in Milwaukee?  Recognition codes don't have to be 'Phoenix' at $363.47, unless 363 represents Ed Jovanovski's A team that climbed up from operation: Hannibal MO', from whence much fiction has been dispensed.  1st round action doesn't mean there's never  15th round split decisions. πŸ₯Š Right hand punches are unlikely to come from a right-handed person during a moment of self-defense IF the person has been trained properly with firearms, batons and RISK training. When you see IF, try to see 96 in USA currency combo of Minneapolis and Atlanta. Book of Luke 'Raven day' 2,876 should be near month 96 by sequence. Consequence  is to contraction as sequence is to traction. 

2178............2911; did the raven become Odell Beckham Jr. now that Joe Flacco became a Brown?

11th round action doesn't revolve around lot number, does it?  Ignore Tiger Woods, not David Weir dough.

(Hint: 11th goal action in the NHL might be getting pulled between Lyon and Lavarnway because of Yale problems, but since Sweden won a tug of war in 1910, few Hedberg's have become Atlanta Thrashers after tasing through the Detroit Vipers.} 

Men such as Barry Richter and Brian Rafalski would remember the OCTOPUS car wash that used to be in Madison, Wisconsin , south of the campus area.  Thus, when an octopus is tossed onto the ice in Little Caesars, it is a Bryan Little badgers sign, not the sign of the Beatles. Honestly, after viewing the loads of tattoos, the body piercings attire and lack of modesty the female that was hired to do the lighting in Little Ceasar's Arena, I'd never want to subject my body to her electronic gaming.  Yet, when I watch Alex Lyon and see the number 34, I am reminded of how little anger I had when I was unable to have a victorious outcome in Knowlton, Wisconsin on a lot #34.  When you are a respondent in a divorce and did not commit perjury nor lie about finances  and then have to make difficult financial decisions, there is no reason to be angry at yourself for releasing a possession that was not necessary to survive.  The anger that is within only exists when the lying petitioner does not seem to be disciplined nor rebuked by his  partying, gambling  buddies from his extremely tepid church .

  Leaven thrives in lukewarm temperatures, not in boiling hot waters nor in ice cold waters.

What benefit did I obtain from being hated by those I had loved in Wisconsin? I had the privilege of celebrating a tenth year anniversary with a couple who moved to the USA from Thailand; they work hard as a couple in a Thai restaurant, having seen the worst and the best behavior from their customers. They have a beautiful daughter who is also my friend now, and she is in her 4th year of life in Michigan. I'll have the privilege to teach her about Wisconsin Badgers and tell her about my college years, something my own grandchildren have never even inquired about because they are too busy learning about 'Jesus' that loves Zelensky and Biden and anyone who does plenty of sinning rather than being like a non-prodigal son.  My friends from Thailand are Buddhists by tradition and are celebrating the start of a new calendar year as well with me. They work 6 days a week and are honest, unlike the majority of the illegal immigrants and people who beg for money to support their laziness as unethical, immoral 'visitors' worldwide.

Would I have liked to celebrate anniversaries with my son? Of course, but my son's version of GOD has deemed that as 'impossible', actually proving that all things are NOT possible with  his GOD  and  nullifying the theories of  Paul the Benjamite.  Evidence considered objectively after exiting a dogma house of fiction becomes as refreshing as kiwi.  The favor, hospitality and spirit of humility  shown to me by the Buddhist Thai couple is a comforter to my heart and draws out the best qualities from within me.   We agree about the historic lesson of Noah as we speak near a figure of a man lifting up a large boat; my friends from Thailand know about  Moshe Ben Amram and that Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” has impacted  my cuisine choices.

How sad was it to hear that a Florida man in Polk county who claimed to love his mother decided to stab his mother to death because she wanted to spend time with him.   That event alone has reminded me to  be thankful that Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” has caused my enemies to flee from me; even so, it hurts like a multiple stab wounds to know that your own descendents would choose to be an enemy.  The Florida schoolteacher who was murdered by her son was described as a 'perfect mother' by some Floridians, but her USA educated adult son did not see any qualities within her worth protecting nor defending.  How horrendous it is for an adult son to be so incoherent, self-centered or spiritually disabled that he cannot see any qualities in his mother that are important, precious and  worth honoring!

Is stabbing a woman 70 times similar to flogging a man? How can a woman stabbed 70 times be declared 'without spot or blemish' at the time of her death?  It is insane to believe that the murder of a decent person who was undeserving of a death penalty can eliminate a record of offenses by others. Since the son who murdered his mother confessed to murdering his mother, he is worthy of a death penalty. YCZQAL chapter 13 indicates the horrific results when a person who did not deserve death is murdered by a wicked criminal is not sentenced to death.  A woman named Yael  who trusted Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” executed  a very vile person to halt the demise of their community; is it any surprise that at the start of the 7th year, the 7th commandment is accentuated when the word of the day is  Χ–Χ Χ•Χͺ ? 

I wonder if the commandments were taught in the school that the murdered mother taught 2nd grade students in, but I suspect commandments were declared eliminated as they had been done away with in central Wisconsin's Woodlands Church by Brian Berg and those who have slithered into his doctrine pit.  

There is always patterns occurring, as sifting also must occur before the MILLSTONE action takes place.

Here's an NHL pattern involving Alex Lyon that differed from the NHL's  Buffalo 1/12/23/ Detroit 34.

                    Detroit                        (A's)                              (G's)                        Washington  

       allowed 2  < 34                           49             πŸ”΄                  64                      79      >   allowed   1

          Barry Richter             Paul Stanton                    USS  Wisconsin              Brain Rafalski 

                                                                                        [Iowa class]


 I've seen a huge millstone near  Berea, Ohio; the millstone does what it is designed to do if it is controlled and powered properly.  With no motion or force applied to it, the millstone is silent and still.

Month 100 (year 9)  is starting for those who remember the inward parts* of the  Joe Louis Arena, as I do.                                                                          

                                                         * H2910    Χ˜Χ—Χ•Χ˜

                                                            H2911     Χ˜Χ—Χ•ΧŸ 


A sliver of  renewed moonlight is far more wondrous than a solar eclipse; Psalm 81 tells me so. πŸͺ”  The 16th verse of Psalm 81 is 'sweet' as honey; thus, I'll refer to Psalm 81 as 'sweet 16'.

What was the miracle I heard today?  My 4 year old friend looked at my  Atlanta Thrasher Brian LITTLE jersey and said Little was  'TWELVE' 3 times when asked about Brian LITTLE's number! 

From the lips of toddlers pure and innocent words can be heard. 


Monday, April 8, 2024

Who could be between 1 and 34 ?

There are multitudes of military rookies and actually very  few seasoned veterans of war anymore. Referring to anyone who has been in the military as a 'veteran' is a lie that too many people have believed.

Strongs word of the day: dog/Χ›ΧœΧ‘.  I suppose the Connecticut Huskies represent dogs, not veteran factory workers.   The content of this article will become more historic is you continue to the bottom lines.

In Ottawa, Ontario,  site 1 is the Parliament building, site 34 is Notre Dame cathedral and site 23 is the 'natural history' museum; I don't know what site 12 is in Ottawa, Ontario if it's not 'bumblebee' the huge bell of the'Peace Tower' perched on a continent where there is a lack of peace.

It's an equidistant matter  to consider now that Buffalo Sabres G1 has opposed Detroit Redwings G34.

D0    W11  W22* D33

G1    C12   C 23   G34.  The age of  Χ™Χ—Χ–Χ§ΧΧœ's reporting years matters, yet he was prepared during youth.

D2    W13  W24   D35

G1 allowed 3 pucks, G34 allowed only 1 puck;  Mr. Levi of the Sabres was not G1, and Mr. Reimer of the Redwings was not G34.   Lot 34 isn't Lot 1; choose to build, repair and restore rather than to demolish , destroy and impoverish your family and community. 

If days become years, the day is 29 and the year completed is 29 since 1995, of course.

Post 2024 will be completed expediently and since I don't believe 'Big Judah' nor 'Big Levi' assumptions, it's clear enough to be outside during the eclipse today.  I'll trust the actual rather than the camera and video version, since distortion is what the film and video industry currently excels at.

If the year completed in only the 14th since I last saw Bryan Little and Johan Hedberg's face, lazy occupants of the United States expecting some sort of reparations AKA underserved bribes  should be expecting more woes than helpful 'pay-offs' experiences.

Those in the idiotic mindset of YOUTUBE's 'Big Judah' who belief that money should be handed over to their lying bodies would be better off if they had indeed worked for a mule and 40 acres after idolatrous customs including voodoo and witchcraft that they learned in other nations before their deeds became punishable by being subjected to heavy burdens and tasks.

The book of Yczequiel makes it clear that in the true judicial system of  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  , no person that has confessed, repented and accepted punishment, whether merciful or harsh, in the past is to be punished for another person's sins, witchcrafts, whorings , adulteries, idolatry and murders.

Psalm 7 differs greatly from Psalm 40. Psalm 40 pleads for an examination of character and proper discipline to purify the body and spirit.  When Tampa Bay Lightning #7 crashed into referee #40,  Steve Kozari, it was evident that # 7 was careless and not aware of the location of Steve Kozari, his supervisor' while #7 was deployed on the ice.

Sadly, many children are as thoughtless and unaware of their CHOSEN parents as Tampa Bay Lightning #7 was of his CHOSEN referee.  It is ΧΧœΧ’ΧœΧ™Χ•ΧŸ who chooses our natural, heterosexual parents, which is why there is a family-assisting commandment to be respectful toward your  natural, chosen parents. It could be that the love of a child mends the heart of a parent, but the hatred of a child will never improve a parent nor a family nor a household.

Nevertheless, 'honor your father and your mother',  known as the 4th commandment has not been done away with even though the executive branch of the United States government and unholy cults abhors and wars against such  ΧžΧ›ΧœΧœ  commandments.

 63.55 is listed as a relative atomic mass of copper; copper is needed according to the scrolls of 'Exodus' .

JW.ORG books have 'copper socket' listed as item #8 in their incorrect rectangular concept of a tabernacle

I'll recommend 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak because that book acknowledges a mother who cares for her sometimes unruly yet courageous child, 'Max'.  I'll recommend the book 'Agate' by Joy Morgan Day& Nikki Johnson because it acknowledges the beauty of stone colors and connects them to the animals  which BOATMAN Noah actually cared for deeply.

Yczequiel 13:19-23:" Χ• you have profaned Me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to put to death beings who should not dies and to keep alive beings who should not live by your lying to my people who listen to lies. Therefore, thus said Judge YeHoWaH: see, I am against your pads by which you trap the beings there like birds and I shall tear them from your arms and shall let the beings go, the beings you trap like birds. And I shall tear off your nettings and shall deliver my people our of your hand and they shall no longer be as prey in your hand; then you shall know that I am YeHoWaH.

W22*> *Because with falsehood you have made the hearts of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad and you have strengthened the hands of the wicked so that he does not turn back from his evil way while you keep him alive. therefore you shall no. longer see false visions, nor practice divination and I shall deliver my people out of your hand so that you will know I am YeHoWaH."

Yczequiel's notes on the middle of the  7th year, 2 years after his initial vision by a riverside, do not commence until chapter 20, so Yczequiel was only in his low 30's when he was trusted with such serious messages as is in Χ™Χ—Χ–Χ§ΧΧœ chapters 11 through 23.

I'm hearing as though the ears of the prophet Χ™Χ—Χ–Χ§ΧΧœ  are nigh unto me. .... I'll be seeing through my own eyes, weak though they may be.

 BRYSON #78 is currently on Don Granato's team; Terry GRAY had been Pittsburgh Hornet #9 in an aged jersey I gifted to a European chess player. Bryson Gray is rapping away and at home.

Be diligent and perfect at 195 and platinum 78. Joel Otto isn't Sergei Krivokrasov, and CalGARY isn't HunGARY. 🧷  The Ford Motor company's version of 'platinum' labeling is reprobate.

11th year teachers might want to let 'Ezekiel chapter 26' refresh their memory regarding historic 'on this day the  first of days' reports.  Maybe humans  actually should study and appreciate rather than  burn the writings of the prophet  ׳Χ©Χ¦Χ™Χ”  

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Castle 5, Purdue 15, Connecticut 32, Rafalski 515, Byfuglien 525...

What 'leaven' did I rid my house of? Henry Kissinger's book and 'The Works of Shakespeare' are gone.
The old Shakespeare book was from a Miss Halverson that went to Augsburg University, not Auburn.

Another 51532 mystery combo is going to include two huge NCAA basketball players, namely Purdue's #15 and Connecticut's #32.... and then split into  5, 153 & 2 unless Brian Rafalski keeps the 515 together to oppose the theory of 'Ben Hur' as 32.

I've been to Bristol, Connecticut and it wan't labeled 'site 97'.   

Has Zach Edey studied the 'hospital block' listed as site 15 during George Harsh's WWII conditions?

I live on an earth loaded up with excessive ignorance and an abundance of pride, greed and arrogance that might disappear shortly. As Jon Levi pointed out, the Great Wall of China is beautiful, elegant and stable, yet the weakest nation in on earth, overtaken by laziness, impoverished government and lack of fiscal intellect, can't even complete an ugly barrier between Mexico and the USA. 

The intelligent parasite should not destroy nor intentionally weaken it's host, but sometimes it does when the parasite becomes the bearer of disease and illnesses .  So absurd  it is when wicked scientists maim and abuse mosquitos  to try to spread more diseases to an already weak and beggarly world population are then surprisingly killed by sucking in blood tainted by  MRNA or other toxins that a mosquito never sought from it's host. 

It most likely won't be the reliable, gorgeous moon that blocks the sunlight on April 8, 2024. 

Which NCAA basketball team has CASTLE numbered as 5, rather than a Wahl or a Jagr?

Would a PAINTER see that  Castle 5 as a black Castle, a brown Castle, a red Castle or an  ivory Castle? 

Some people only pay attention to brackets, even if they are not named  Χ›ΧœΧ™  .

Though it is unlikely to be a bon nuit , au revoir

 ⚫ [Is RAHU the sun that has been darkened ?]

Enoch 72:37 should be considered.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Bernard Berrian level: black horse with no rider

A person I know chose 6111 as their  business telephone option.  I looked at that 'Little India' number without dashes several ways and finally saw the code for in it, along with a 4 digit  combination of 3261 familiar to a Milwaukee adversary, Robin Michael Ortiz, who has a 'family court' record of loving buff-colored cocker spaniels more than Baptists or  step-children who usually had  been respectful to him.  

Numbers without dashes are like comparing 'Willie Larkin' to 'Harry Morgan'; neither of those names is the original name of an actor who was on 'Dragnet' and on 'MASH'.  When fabricated identities get shifted around between actresses and actors like poker chips in a New Jersey casino, there is no reason to believe most paid actors or paid actress when they are 'off duty' either, unless they only took honorable roles and never were getting paid to commit adultery with some other person with their  immoral 'swinging' spouse's consent .

Now, let the IQ fights get started. H4432 is Molech, and the 44th president of the United States is a 'Molech' figure because he wants as many babies murdered brutally and without end.  Real  Muslims are supposed to be anti-abortion, so they should be opposed to 'Molech syndrome'.  Look carefully at your 'church affiliation' before you think about 1 as 'Judah' and 11 as 'Joseph' in a seal process that is theoretical until proven by completion.  Foundation setting, such as jasper going from 12 to 1 is also mentioned in 'Revelation' chapter 21, but might not be mentioned by 21st Degree Freemasons.

1                    6               11

jasper       sardonyx     jacinth

1          5869      3261    11 

      πŸ‘   Χ¦ַΧ™ִן                                                         Χ™ָΧ’ָΧ”         Χ¦ַΧ™ִן πŸ‘

If a normal person has only 2 eyes, which eye formation got  (H3261) 'exiled' ?  Do you view literal right  as the jasper to the right of sardonyx or is it 'stage left'?  Whether you are behind the sardonyx leader or facing the sardonyx leader matters in right or left; even Noah West should know that.

"If your  _______ eye  is bad,  pluck it out."  Whether left or right doesn't really matter to the  "Jesus'  of Christianity figure who suggested a rather irrational eyeball advice.   

Telling someone to pluck their eye out is not the type of advice I'd give anyone I  care about; I'd be more like to tell someone to put a patch over their eye if they can't stop sinning with  one of their eyes or go to an optician to see if the eye problem can be corrected.

 I'd be likely to say '  an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a shitzu for a shitzu, an infrared sauna for an infrared sauna, an ice box for an ice box." 

Who has sung 'the fight ain't over, it's just begun....'?  

MC Hammer time isn't in a bottle.  ' 92 The Square' can be considered  as an  historic address constant for 'Hotel Bedford' in Goderich, Ontario; I was there in a former eclipse year of 2017. It seems too many people don't want Reggie Howard White to be their constant at '92', and that is why the world is getting more depraved by the day. When Marathon County, Wisconsin decided to order that all addresses be changed on rural routes because there was more than one 'Mary Lane', I suspect they were trying to cover up their own sheriff department crimes by adding confusion to record system , but covering up or trying to 'toss away' your crimes and sins as though you are a magician means those intentional crimes and intentional sins can never be forgiven because they were NEVER  ADMITTED TO. 

Those who are actually loved  are adequately but rarely perfectly disciplined by a parent, a step-parent or a person who has authority over them.  Hunter Biden isn't loved by his parents, and Jospeh Biden isn't loved by the United States judicial system.

If there is a heaven of properly sifted and 'sieved people', there better not be any 'Joseph Biden' nor "Barack Obama' pro-abortion, pro-liars, pro-adultery, pro-thief  people nor any who rather dishonor, lie about and abuse their parents rather than honor and show kindness their parents in some manner..

In other words, don't be a Colin Rand Kaepernick nor a J. Biden if you desire any privilege from Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  .

Drew Brees vs. Russell Wilson is Purdue vs. NC State, isn't it?  πŸˆ

Brad Marchand is a superficial, immature minded 'captain' since Brad Marchand claimed on ABC television  that 'winning games is all that matters'.  Wasn't that what a Marshall University's football coach said before his team's plane crashed?

March&_________ ? Use caution when shifting the 7 to 'and' signs. 

March&ERS? March Anders Lee?  

Not cheating, not lying, not murdering innocent  humans  in or out of a womb and heeding the life-embracing commandments brought to out attention VIA Moshe Ben Amram  matters far more than 'winning'  a useless trophy  or contest , in or out of court rooms. Some might claim that 'Job' lost far more than a game when his house, family and health were removed during a period of testing.

Reject Bidenism, don't support illegal immigrants and learn to rebuild a 'no cheating' mindset  to choose an improved form of life on earth and build a safer future on the planet that allows wonderful internal combustion engine to proceed within  automobiles that have human, sober & sane drivers in them.


 An important drum section does not have to be shoved into a depraved, queer church or government controlled 'worship' team of overpaid musicians. 

Have you earned rather than stolen  water, proper clothing coverage and HEALTHY  food?  Stolen property, whether clothing, cash, camper, vehicle, tangible assets or a house, is not acceptable coverage and is a curse that not only prevents grace and mercy in your 'future', but also prevents true peace and Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”'s safety for your mind, body and associates. 

Your clothing might become your shelter; maybe you'll be able to afford a suitcase if you seek honest employment instead of pushing your thumbs into gambling games, illegal voting and unconstitutional excessive, taxation and hateful sanction leverage systems against nations that are far more honorable than the USA is now .

Schools don't need 'Barcelona' hurdles nor track teams; the earth does not need absurd Olympic gaming.

Choose  intelligently and don't despise that which is natural on earth; beware of that which is created in laboratories to maim, destroy and distort beautifully created species. 

 A functional ship for Noah's  family wasn't built by wolverines, wasn't built FORD weak nor was it designed to haul  Boyd's fabricated fake animal figurines; it was built by Noah's natural family members.

Splitting 'Henry Blake' For Rob and Camille




It's clear as Danny Cleary: www.pierre-biscuiterie.com  cares more about upholding a good reputation and being polite to grandmothers than  UWM.ORG. employees.

Maurice Sendak has written a wonderful book also called 'PIERRE' which is suitable for Milwaukee's veteran detective Gerald Books to investigate before Late July chips in with another Χ“Χ•Χ“=14 perspective.  πŸΏ

Rob Blake isn't Camille Henry, however in this case, Rob and Camille are two men that aren't from Milwaukee. 


 Kenwith, Herb's substitute typer 

Post eclipse 2024 chain of events test: Seymour I or Les Brown U?

 Does Brad Seymour look more like RICHARD Seymour (NFL)   or Jane Seymour ( Quinn fake) now?

 (Hint: Brad Seymour is a real Wisconsin male.)

                     Masonic Lodge 215                           robin                       Tyler Seguin  91                                                                             

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               Wally's Seymour Bowl                 Wisconsin the XXXth       Jackson Point Sports Grill

                                        Seymour                        πŸ‘πŸ‘                       54165

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                        (Seymour πŸ— split clue: there is an I formation in RICHARD, not in Brad nor Jane.)