Monday, November 6, 2023

Reopening 'Black' Switches: ExChange Bill Smith For Anson Carter!

Milwaukee's William Smith resembles Anson Carter; Carol Starr might concur about the Carter&Smith resemblance as would Tommy Stigler. Unnatural selection does occur.  Myles Garrett isn't a Morris or a Lepak  There are millions of unnatural brunettes and millions of natural grays.  Metals have a fatigue point to failure which fail when Levi Watts wouldn't have failed to complete a task at 245 W. Lincoln Avenue in Milwaukee.

Don't forget to remember facial features, even if the city of Milwaukee police chief no longer wants to be correct about gender identification anymore. Change does not always improve a condition, religion or position.   Many of us had 'moral privilege',  meaning our father remained faithful to our mother and provided EARNED wages to provide for his household; such privilege is never based on skin tones, but rather on love, responsible leadership and/or vow keeping.   Believing the contents of the 'New Testament' SHOULD lead to resisting the evil of welfare and unearned money heisted from working tax-payers to encourage the laziness of irresponsible sluggards that then 'endorse' Gaven the wicked governor or 'defend' rather than indict Biden the cocaine-snorting sluggard.

Try to immediately stop trafficking artificial intelligence! Too many humans have been automated in and out oaf alleys.  IF you are still a human with a free will to choose good or evil, you can stop clicking apps,  stop ignoring your parents and stop getting sucked into vain, Christmas rituals by HOA's like imitation creme brûlée tainted with nasty human Hunter Biden's sperm .

When a blog tally loses a member, there is room for a replacement without exceeding a  blog limit of 1920. I deleted a post to load another, and not yet have a post #1921.  Ingenuity is not always intended deception.

 I suggest you try to locate 'Tungsten 74 W' on Youtube and then find a playlist titled ' How about those September 17, 2023 horns' as if you were Christopher Chu, Jordan Fader or Aaron Repp. Writing info on a rough tombstone  is not always an option.

Clint Black had a tune labeled 'Who I USE to Be'.  Although it may have been a misprint on the compact disc paper jacket,  'who I used to be' varies extremely from 'who I USE to be'.   We seem to be forced to USE others to exist, but USE doesn't have to become ABUSE.  The current United States political system typically abuses it's USA population to exist now that it has become a huge beast with an extremely wicked head attached to it.  

1st Kings chapter 6 describes a 7 year project that began in the 4th year of Solomon's reign, 480 years after his predecessors followed Moshe Ben Amram rather than hesitating at pyramid builders. People claiming to be Jewish evolved from Talmudists, not from the instructions from יהוה delivered unto Noah the ship-builder or יחזקאל  the difficult prophet  .

Thus in the 487th year of reformation, a new structure was completed. The root ofישי  has many branches, and it is unknown if any members of Masonic lodge 369 or  American Legion 62 or your local political elected official  has been grafted into the tree of ישי .  

YShYH Chapter 45 makes it clear what the name of the Creator is, and that is יהוה (H3068) , not Hashem( H2044). Those with a wicked head on their body will be too stubborn or ignorant to make the verbal and written adjustments to conform to the will of יהוה  as a true servant titled ישראל should and will do, no matter where or how small they are able to rebuild a dwelling place that not only excludes unclean animals from the menu but also does make room for 'mommy', not only 'daddy' and where sisterly kindness is not discarded to idolize 'brotherly love'.  

Prophet Zechariah had expounded upon an 8th month message from יהוה that can co-exist with this sober message on a rainy Monday that  actuallyis getting me up rather than bringing me down. It's not a manic Monday induced by liars, drug sellers and lack of a trustworthy, loving head of household.

Many lyrics ought to be forgotten, but Isaiah chapter 45 ought to be believed and remembered to counter the team Jesus VS.  team Hashem madness where both teams are untrustworthy, prepare themselves for bad works which they then complete in their irrational arrogance.

H2026 is the 69th month word.  If you desire to test a sequence, here is a non-Bengal SAMPLE of numbers to research:

7th year day 2,412

8th year day 2,753

9th year day 2,753/  חורי as in Cory

10th year day 3,450

11th year day 3,853

M day& post D-night 4,215

Try to establish which מזרה position  is strong and true, even if not free. H4214 is within Isaiah 30:24 and  15:7 of   ירמיהו , and מזרה certainly seems to be connected to the English word miserable.

Is winnowing fun to ⌚? 

Winnowing is hard to do, but preparing the soil for non-GMO seeds occurs months before winnowing is even possible to complete.  Without favorable weather conditions, winnowing procedures never becomes an option.  

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