Baker Mayfield and Chad Pennington are currently tied at 102 touchdowns; month 102 word is ידוּתוּן . There's somebody in Mayfield, not NOBODY in Mayfield.
YCZQAL 33:30 mentions חָד , not ידוּתוּן in which the 2 'raptured' floating 'golf balls' are with the '6 point' letter ו.
It seems to me that Eric Cartman has much in common with Ukraine's Zelensky...including the 'chapeau' colors.
🥌 ✂ 📎
Rock. scissors .... where did the paper go? Into a box of Shreddies or your loaf of bread with cellulose?
The unstable, bizarre minds that contrived 'South Park' chose the number 3991 for their bus, which in Strongs concordance for Hebrew links means 'deep darkness'; such is no coincidence and seems to apply to the lack of a lamp unto their feet. A firefly makes less errors than AI or humans with improper guidance systems. I'm not going to support movie theaters to view 'Sound of Freedom' since I already believe the facts behind the plot and do not want to support businesses that display trash much more disgusting than vile 'South Park' characters. Movie theaters are smut houses running R rated movies as though they do no harm to the mind or don't influence humans toward depraved sexual conduct and violence.
'South Park' is often disgusting, but so are Biden's crack cocaine houses and most crime scenes that men like Daniel Teske or Bodo Gajevic often had to investigate before trying to obtain an official c felony or misdemeanor complaint with an often uncooperative, lazy liberal district attorney.
TRYING is the only it is possible to complete good works and righteous deeds. Trying to get cooperation from a person preaching imaginary, vain doctrines that claim all their sins get washed away no matter how many they continue to do or from a relative entrenched in self-adoration and idolatry around dead evergreens in December eventually become futile. A scorpion is less dangerous than a unrepentant liar.
H3991 is clarified within Yermiyahu 2:31. The UK monarchy is idolatry and too disgusting to ever defend or align with during times of non-comical war.
Want a 1 to 3 witness about bus 3991 not using a random number? Strongs Greek 3991 means 'fifth' and one form is used used in the writings commonly known as 'Revelation 6:9' ; the second form of 'fifth' is used 3 times within the same parchment writings. James Strongs should have used different code numbers for the differing forms, but he didn't.
A person who coaches high school tennis in lower Michigan decided to lie to me several times, maybe because of the improper training he obtained in the USA Army. He claimed that the United States currently has the best military in the world. That ridiculous statement was like me claiming that Milwaukee Trade and Technical high school improved after becoming Bradley Tech. He indicated he's all for the transgender movement of Rachel Levine by his statement of anti-Biblical beliefs. He also lied when he said that anything found on the public school property where he works belongs to the public school when questioned about abandoned tennis balls that some affluent tennis player was too lazy to retrieve. If those tennis balls are 'school property' as he claimed with his 20 -year Army tongue, then who owns the school if not the taxpayers of Michigan? If anything on school property, whether abandoned or tended to become school property goes into effect, is his Mercedes vehicle school property when it is parked there more carefully than the abandoned tennis balls? I suppose he won't admit that he lied after claiming he his USA Army experience was in logistics.
That should be frightening to any of his students that he considers anything on school property to be the school property, yet that is exactly how the anti-parental agenda thinks in wicked Whitmer formations.
I's hope that some of the Macomb deputies and legal Michigan voters might differ with the opinions uttered from the boy with 20 years of USA army experience. I certainly don't agree that the USA military is currently the best in the world, and neither do many of the men and women who were drafted in earlier generations, those who decided not to re-enlist or those who decided to leave rather than be injected with derivatives of aborted baby parts and experimental genetic modification concoctions because they were considered to be equals with post office employees, federal judges and politicians who were allowed to say no to WARP SPEED injections without any punitive consequences being inflicted upon them.
What if the expensively trained tennis coach was as careless in his thoughts and speech as Michael Pence when he revealed that the trouble in American cities is not his concern? Are there angelic beings who could hear our outdoor conversation and then report to the leader or secretary of their πέμπτος division?
If you participate in school sports, don't leave the equipment behind in at-large places among all the other garbage and school yard trash as though a tennis ball is nominal value and essentially not worth the effort to retrieve without getting paid a coach's salary to do so.
Perfect intentions sometimes get thrown over bus #3991.
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