Monday, July 24, 2023

What Can Eugene Keefe Robinson do?

Steve Alley and Wayne Thomas were a Wisconsin Badgers as was Steve Reinprecht.

 Eugene Keefe Robinson was a Green Bay Packer who observed differences between teammates Darren Sharper #42, Ryan Longwell #8, Brett Favre #4 and Reggie White#92.  Watching Super Bowl XXXII is not always an option.

Why did someone with acmes to NFL statistical reports apply the notation (The Prophet) to Eugene Keefe Robinson?  

Isaiah chapter 34 seems to be in progress, but where did the voice of Eugene Keefe Robinson go?

This is a partial re-write, and call it 1921 if you want to; technically, it's still  post 1920, not  American Legion Post 62.  I know what it feels like to get physically attacked by criminals, toxins  and in-laws albeit surviving is not always an option ; getting financially attacked by politicians and Obama's Ukrainian thugs  also is  not always 'survivable'. 

Judicial, fiscal, spiritual and physical atrocities are occurring worldwide.  How many sane people aware of 'Ninevah syndrome' would  be vexed or troubled if Gavin's version of California or Lightfoot's version of Chicago gets obliterated by a nuclear attack from North Korea, given the current daily criminal atrocities occurring in Gavin's California and L. Lightfoot's Chicago? Asking a question is often what an attorney does worst. 

Dead Don Edwards was a 'country music' player .  Dead William Donlon Edwards was married 3X and chose to be a piece of the California Democrat's overpaid retiree pawns. 

Living Don Laurie Edwards knows how Stephen Harper's mindset against criminals is contrary to Justin Trudeau & Joseph Biden's expanding ' double yeast beast' roles of financially rewarding criminals and endorsing mass murdering of Canadian citizens from womb to pre- tomb.  Had I not looked up '89th' picks, I would never have been exposed to the sorrows, anger and justified shame of  'Canada 2023'  that Don Edwards has now. 

Psalm 89 is not  Walt Disney's laughing 'CARS' irrational stupidity nor 'Toy Story' tossed into a London, England  carnal NFL attraction. When you feel nauseated from the spread of pro-abortion 'neighbors' and people loading huge mansions onto tiny parcels of land it's because you know that putting a huge mansion in on a small lot in Macomb, Michigan is a financial debacle and suburban anti-humble choice  much worse than putting a small house on a small or large parcel of land where fresh dandelion leaves can be harvested.  Macomb, Michigan influx of overbuilt mansions on tiny parcels of over-taxed property is starting to nauseate me, and the content of Psalm 89 might prevent vomiting. 

Vomiting is often helpful to the body. Violent criminals and political thieves being catered to and protected in any community is as unrighteous as over-taxing and proudly overbuilding on a piece of land that agriculture and livestock won't be kept but useless barking dogs and excessive electronic devices will be idolized within.  Lack of safety in a community often begins with the adoration of a television set or a 'computer app' emphasizing perversion, lewdness, debt and  drug experimentation and festers into  dangerous, deadly conditions that the television set and security cameras don't prevent.

George Harding Lovie will be or has been loosed in Canada????   Jeffrey Dahmer's victims the desired depravity he had lured them with.  The parents of Don Edwards weren't similar to the sexual companions of Jeffrey Dahmer.  

I also acknowledge  how repulsive the USA has become while Biden's anal sodomists and wicked Whitmer's toxic injection pushers play CARLOW games inside outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania while Forbes keeps rolling around in digital deceptions and lunatics want to elimate carbon and natural beef products from the earth's production lines .   I'm not in the 'tricking' business, but I do have a spiritual and physical role to fulfill while there is no evidence of anyone else in my portion of MIchigan even attempting to align with the content of Psalm 89.  Turn 68 upside down and it's 89.  Those people who want to get to '0 carbon emissions' can go ahead and decapitate themselves or stab themselves to death to prevent their own vile body from emitting carbon dioxide and anti-agriculture wickedness. Mercy has to include letting the wicked destroy themselves as quickly as possible so that the non-wicked can attempt to re-establish a system of justice that eradicates thieves, adulterers, pornography producers and unsafe drug manufacturers.  The PDR indicates almost every 'prescription drug' is unsafe while some reports have suggested that the next batch of injections being begged for by people afraid of dying from a flu has only been tested on 8 mice!   

Meanwhile, Steve Fletcher is tucked into Mexico and hasn't given up on the claim that 'Jesus Christ' is LORD and some sort of rapture event in or out of Bevent.  I know that 'Jesus Christ' is not  יהוה   , and the flock clinging to the crucifixion (G4167) of 'Jesus Christ' as their deferred penalty has become depraved, undisciplined, arrogant and superficial in all their anti-commandment  Sean Fine & Alex Sosnowski literary, physical, electronic and spiritual ways.

Pittsburgh, near Crabtree, PA isn't Crabapple Junction.

'Bass 52'  lost his courageous balls when he apologized for a Toronto Bluejay paycheck.

 Lacrosse Union balls don't deflate like tennis balls.  When the 23rd of Av arrives in this perennial cycle, will Pittsburgh Penguin Gary Roberts's approximate day of conception be considered or Mathieu Roy's reception in 1983 be weightier in historical non-fiction?  I finally remembered Irma, Wisconsin as a location I had chosen for a prophet Isaiah  scripture reminder and  goalie 'save' concepts only because I. met a lady named Irma this week. Irma, Wisconsin and Irmo, South Carolina are not identical no matter how many times Tony Romo gets confused with Robert Morris University's mascot. 

On the 5th of Av, it should be about 385 days or roughly 13 months past the 5th day of the 4th month correlating to Yczeqal's vision. With the 7 day delay of his 390 day left side messaging, the end of the 390 day count should have been on about the 16th or 17th of the 5th month in mid-summer, not in the month known as May.

Would Yczeqal have been in his 32nd year or the final 'wisdom tooth year' when he completed his assignment?

The completion of Yczeqal's 430 day remembrance cycle was held on or about September 12th or 13th, 2023.   I have no idea why some people are focusing on September 23, 2023, but at least those people are not an American Pennsylvania senator idiot  a state of opposition toward prophetic warnings.

Go behind and  watch Owen Benjamin's Rumble post 1737 from July 21st, 2023 and view that as post 1921 if  electronic numbers don't mean anything to you.   After listening to Owen Benjamin's controlled outbursts, I have decided that I should never vote again in the United States since I am not a male and I believe that James Madison was smarter than  the liars courting votes from women who want  to kill their own babies with permission of apostate liars.  Certainly Owen Benjamin is correct to be properly opposing all forms of 'oral' and 'anal' intercourse, and very few men or women come to that pure opposition because many men and women do reach a condition well-known as ' total depravity'; conscience-searing might be like Strongs H4168 in progress and it takes repeated intentional unholy actions to harm the conscience beyond repair.

Go back to November 18, 2022 to consider the revision of a dartboard for Gary the goat of Idaho.  Maybe Elijah the Tishbite was far more like  Owen Benjamin than I could ever be without  genuine encouragement from my descendants to  assist the agenda of יהוה rather than King Charles of England.

I'm healthy and weary. I think I'll go ride my old bicycle that Eric David Hendrikson did't steal, though his father wanted him to steal it from me. 'Malkin Eve' celebration was wonderful, much more encouraging than all the fake crap that gets pushed around between shallow, fraudulent  sales departments who rejected the non-instant message known as the prophet Yermiyahu.

It's is traumatic to have your bicycle stolen by people who hate to earn their income honestly and ethically.  It's more traumatic to lose a family member to a 'Jesus Christ' that won't correct or demand  commandment-keeping.   Losing family members to an injection whether by needle , knife or bullet that was intended to mutilate or prevent proper bodily functions  is sometimes labeled 'suicide' and rarely labeled unacceptable in disgusting regimes that Jill Biden, Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, beast Zelensky and shameful Trudeau have processed into their turf.

Eugene Keefe Robinson should pick up the remnant of Reggie Howard White and try to restore proper coverage on those who never pierced anyone with NEEDLES loaded with OPERATION WARP SPEED fluids never intended to assist the human body function.

Did anyone pierce Eugene Keefe Robinson with a needle against his will in the state of Israel or the state of Wisconsin as I hd been pierced against my will?  Being pierced with needles against your will is the needle bearer's assault, and there have been billions of humans who fit the prophesy of being PIERCED as mentioned in Zechariah chapter 12:10 .

Resist evil.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Yczequiel's Month 17&18: 'Double Trouble' C.P. Goalie Split

 Mathieu Roy, AKA 'VIRTUOSO' in Valspar systems and the 9th round pick #215, can now represent the 40 right side of the prophet YCZQAL.  🦘

8/10/1983 must've been a pivotal day in spiritual warfare history.   

Trying to straighten out a trombone section is less possible than straightening out a paper clip without Josh Gad's approval. 


A vague 'Mathieu Roy', supposedly from Amos, Quebec,  is not a verified person of 1986 interest and thus is no different than Derek Roy in gambling rinks.

Be alert at Roberts, Wisconsin.  'Paw Patrol' isn't a reliable color guidance system and dogs are too often worshipped and pampered while the elderly in the family are being ignored and abused.


It might be difficult to decipher between siblings Chet Pickard and Calvin Pickard until you look at their draft positions. Chet was chosen  1st round and18th and has Milwaukee Admiral experience; Calvin  Pickard is not Calvin Hall, Kevin Smith Fraser Rice, Bruce Baker nor Bruce Cassidy.

When it's no longer shifty and occurrences seem almost automatic, it can get drafty during the 18th month of   יחזקאל   right side inclinations.   Chet might  VIII, but ח as in YZCQAL's C =  C as in חגי .  🦒

8/18.2023 should be the start of months 6,18,30,42,55,67,80 ,92.  92 months occurs during the 8th year.

Face the west at evening, not the east like habitual robots. Observing and appreciating the moon is not 'worshipping' the moon; witnessing  Yehovah or Yehowah does not automatically create works describing proper worship of יהוה-שלום.

Gd, Asher, Naphtali and Ysschar surely are not 'Jews', yet some of those tribes will be chosen to be sanctified and protected while Sermon #22 does nothing to prevent wickedness on his Philadelphia Eagle field of strumpets labeled 'cheerleaders'. 

ATA has decided there are 18 tae kwon do motions to a purple belt formation, not a white belt.

THERE'S NO 'G' IN Strong's H5804

What trickster decided to translate IZH (  עַזָּה ) to Gaza?   Maybe  the wizards of ooze and shepherds of goats thought tossing a  G in Gaza would make the masonic lodges more willing to war over that post WWII state of Israel turf.  "Gaza' more likely is tied to H1491, to deliver a child from a mother's womb as Psalm 71:6 depicts in an anti-abortion sense.  

Strongs H5804 has no  ג = G .

The 3rd hole, blue tee at Sentry World golf course, is listed at 149 yards.  Garnet Lake, MI is on route 149.  Once November 11, 2023 is reached, there will be less than 149 days until the solar eclipse the following spring and 300 days until I reach the name מֽנַשֶּׁה . I suppose יסף chose his wife carefully, unlike slimy, serpents claiming to be 'POTUS' recently.  Ohio's immoral majority has chosen to become more depraved, going the way of Hunter Biden in the voting booth. There never has been a prophesy that 'many' will be saved by a holy protector who's name is יהוה  , the ruler who does not protect the wicked  nor those who have tossed away that ruler's instructions and then opted  for vague, confusing contrived sects of obvious heathenism, Catholicism, Christianity, Buddism, Islam and Talmudism.  Almost every child in the USA has been exposed to the 'Old Testament', but have even ten males been trained to be obedient toward יהוה   in North America  yet ?  When protective coverage seems rare, it is because the unprotected have ignored the roles of  יחזקאל and a מנזר .

The 77's are עֵז  class, not 0's. or Ty's stuffed weird toys.  Goat herders are typically more protective of their flock than your local union representatives and goat herders always more protective of their flock than political party leaders. 

'Gaza' seems to be a source of extremely wrong information.  Real goats are not dishonest, though they may be troublesome at times.

Wrong information about me abounds on the internet, and that is the internet's transgression of the natural selection laws and the internet's often intentional devotions from integrity.  site with any wrong information should be deemed ' unreliable  sources'.

Need more CoDy MoLiNe pointers for Squad 148?  I suspect Ryan Maguire the UWSP goalie does not own a bar in New York....yet.  Ryan Maguire the ice hockey goalie has been told a $15 brick oven pizza is 'expensive', but I suspect he didn't hear that from Jerry Kelly the senior professional golfer.

........................................................................ Does the lunar eclipse of autumn, 2023 matter to internet falsehood suppliers?..........

Once September 10, 2023 trolls around, it will be about another 211 solar cycles until the eclipse of 2024 AD. However, look at such an eclipse as occurring in the 75th month as the prophet Yczeqiuel might have done after completing his 430 day side-to-side moves and another 7 months passed to complete the 6th year of King Yehoyachin's captivity.

Just a couple prior to the start of the 75th month in 2024, the eclipse of Little Egypt will occur. going from month 74 to month 75 will only be considered worth noting by as few people who considered going from  pick 74 to Jim Peplinski in the NHL's 4th round decades ago. A remnant might see 'Peplinski 24' as nothing more than  sporty curtain material, but it will be the legend I choose to remember month 75 will commence a Jubilee 50th year if we, as a troubled earth dwellers, survive month 74. 

Did the NFL choose the black anthem in Missouri's Arrowhead stadium to remind others of the upcoming solar blackout or choose it to display how intentional obesity  is a lack of self- control shame in the USA?   No one gets to be obese accidentally.  The 74th month of a 7 year cycles won't happen accidentally either.

Yermiyah chapter 44 explains why so many fallen, apostate Jews and their improperly trained Christian counterparts do not call upon YeHoWaH  and contrive other weakened terms such as 'god', ' hashem' or 'adonai'. 

Who will explain  Sterling Heights Stevenson high school's policy of treason and anti-choice apostasy of refusing to accept United States currency to purchase a ticket to a high school football game in the United States?  Not every venue will force you to away from  honest currency use, but wicked venues will attempt to force you not only into masks but also into trusting in credit cards  which leads to credit card worship rather than credit card use. Beware of all school boards with anti-currency DOCTRINE!!  Currency and coins have non-fiction history information to remind us we are not all in this wartime situation together.

Cameron Ward and Lincoln Victor aren't 'Mr. 701' , goalie Cam Ward .

In Mike Cerneglia Jr.'s trivia of non-chance, Wisconsin Badger's 22 and Washington State Cougars 31 looks like Dan Boyle 22, Shane Battier 31.... but that was yesterday according to September 10, 2023.

7 does not equal &;  Shane Battier does not equal Paul Coffey. Quarterback Victor 5 isn't goalie Carey Price.  Jordan Turner isn't Hope Turner nor Jordan Fader.   Are you getting my non-fiction pointers?

 ז appears 20th in the scrolls placed within the Ark of the Covenant.


Q: Which CHAmPIONSHIP winner was chosen 1 before goalie Jaroslav Halak in the 9th round of the 2003 NHL draft contrived in Nashville, Tennessee?

A) Kevin Harvey in the 270th position

Q: Which college championship goalie was chosen 20 after Jaroslav Halak in the 2003 NHL draft contrived in Nashville, Tennessee?

A) Brian Elliott in the 291st position 

CHAmPION without a SHIP is Mr. 185, Chris Chelios, not Mr.  0 with a stupid Bayliner.

A computer chip becomes irretrievably broken easier than a marriage becomes irretrievably broken. it takes a lot of effort put into  hatred to cause a marriage to be irretrievably broken, especially if there had been genuine efforts to be affectionate, reliable and truthful when the marriage was confirmed.

A computer chip can be disabled quite easily, but the human body resists becoming disabled if the owner of that body takes heed, precautions and resists risky, dangerous activities such as surgeries that mutilate, acquisitions of tattoos and 'extreme' sports such as NASCAR or computer gaming which actually  is designed to  maim natural, healthy brain function.   Th evidence of electronic gaming maiming the gamer's ability to defend his or her body is overwhelming, while the alabaster box of Robert E. Lee has not harmed any viewer but rather makes their viewer consider history, love and unfavorable conditions on 'home' or 'away' turf.


I'm lacrosse checking.

 I suppose POWEr 165 must be Sean Garnet Whyte, the KING of Sudbury, Ontario. He could have been conceived this time of year, such as the 5th of Av.  People who are pro-abortion should never celebrate birthdays of anyone including their own birthday. They should regret the day they were born with so much hatred toward infants in their wicked minds.

Useful 'Tower Chicken' parts  from Milwaukee aren't the useless 'Tower of London' parts of 'Bonnie Butler'; beware of fiction.

The S.S. Badger is not the Arni J. Richter ferry . Know your bodies of White Bear Lake, Lake Elmo and the roads of Sunrise, Minnesota that don't intersect with Chadbourne Street in Madison, Wisconsin.

Got  מיכאל  ?

#21 Enthusiasts: ERNE is in always within INTERNET.

ש will never become a ג.

Outlets often resemble inlets.

Justin Fields isn't Jim Bagley.

Volvo isn't Toyota.

Hockey's Fraser Rice isn't football's Sidney Rice.

5 points isn't 5 stars.  Points are not luminaries. 

Oak Creek isn't Oakland.

 The  scattered 3 state mail-code combo of MINErVA isn't  the 2 state abbreviation solution of the east coast MANY.

Wisconsin's tag UR DONE isn't Michigan's tag BUDDE2.

Adam Erne the Edmonton Oiler #21 isn't Ken Werner, though ERNE is in WERNER and  INTERNET. 


Not all deliveries are considered 'special'.

Professional sports matter to computer chips and gamblers; professional sports actually lead more people to depravity than those occupations that produce helpful products such as natural gas appliances, revolvers and shotguns for household defense and Cutco cookware.  Computer chips can be disabled, even if that task is nothing but difficult. The moonlight will still be predictable, reliable and beautiful without any electrical cords attached to it.

Some institutions want to retain their PoWEr  at all costs; some departments want to deploy helpful POWEr with reasonable costs.  Evil administrators want to force people into 'electric lines only' within their houses so they can isolate,  manipulate, control and abuse those preferring not to live as the Amish do.  Dump the Biden family out of the 'White House' and force them to live in a tiny house with only electricity before those new Biden versions of the Jezebel family keep ordering that which proves both their insanity, their depravity and their despicable intent to cause murders, riots, sodomy and drug abuse in the USA..

If PoWEr = 226 and POWEr = 165, the difference is 56.  Since Er = 68, W is weightier @ 74.

If this has been as helpful to you as a partially used can of 'Canada Dry' not properly disposed of, then you have more work to do in month 5, 17 or 29 than canned product 07811403. 

It's not always business that is taken care of (TCO) with due diligence.  When a unit gets accidentally shattered or intentionally divided, there is matter of the הַדָּם  of  Daniel 2:5  that is sometimes considered and recovered but more often neglected and ignored.

Some disposition of physical projects or  spiritual duties are  sufficiently labeled as TCO. It's not my duty to divide between 1,918 and 1,925 or between David Gaza, David Justice, David Ortiz and David Taylor. Valleys of indecision and mountains of decision can be treacherous zones that drug money, a Motorola patch or a speedy baseball runner   WALL #73  won't protect you from when the WILLIAMS WALL combo is not longer Minnesota Vikings due of hefty brothers known as Kevin Williams and Pat Williams but has become WILLIAMS 38 and WALL 73  split between Milwaukee Brewers and Atlanta Braves.

Detroit's Zach Short 59  had an interesting slow-pitch performance for one inning, didn't he?

I didn't get canned like  addictive, unhealthy high fructose corn syrup within unit 07811403.


Regarding the 102.5 place of  עקרבים  between  Dave Keon@102   and  John Tavares@103  : TCO

Nobellium and Lawrencium  are completely different matters.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sun Blossom 149, Scorpions & YZRIAL: Paul F. Stanton V. Daunte Culpepper

Consider Hosea 1:5;  rethink spelling of Israel to Jsrael  to be as  consistent with the J as in Jacob and Jezreel. The best option is to translate Jezreel to YZRIAL and see how your computer reacts when 'Israel' is still  linked to Idonije , is falsely linked to Esaac Israel the hypocrite who contrived his surname. Israel is a heathen government body that oversees Tel Aviv and other debacles of the Talmud traps.

Carefully try to be part of YZRIAL's role (  יזרעאל  ) in prophesy.  The English translations are so intentionally confusing and inconsistent that they'll never be banned in churches where lack of agreement is popular in heathen power plays.

There will be  5 months between November 8th, 2023 and the eclipse of April 8th, 2023; such is the lifespan of many locusts.  Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana has no idea what it mans to be a friend of  יהוה ; do YOU?   

Ideally former Marine John Warren  'Jack' Bergman  knows that watching youth hockey at 'Little Bear Arena' is much more intelligent Han watching 'The Masked Singer' or  the character 'Jack Abbott' portrayed by Peter Bergman. 

There seems to be too much AI trafficking and not enough natural intelligence being rewarded properly. Seriously, who is doing more important works now,  Michigan' s congressman John James or musician James Block releasing his simplified version of 'Psalm 41'?

What if Roberto Gallo is doing works more reliable than Mr.  James or Mr. Block?  The lord of hosts has to appreciate those that are hospitable, not overcharging for their services and goods and who are more flexible than a computer screen when information between goalie #95 and goalie #31 has a median icy red line of 63.  Chicago Blackhawks and New Jersey Devils seem to be teetering their goalie 40 and  goalie 41 somewhere around 4001 W. Hemlock street variables in Milwaukee, while Illinois, Michigan and New Jersey's governors have less integrity  and are more untrustworthy than a red plastic basket made in Gurnee, Illinois in area 60081.

This post has been like the post office.  As a matter of testing the electronic impulses I removed 'Thrasher' from the title and slipped in 'Vanguard' of Florida. I might have multiplied or divided by causing that change to occur.  Spurn Owen Benjamin if you want to but when he mocks the theory of 'everything is forgiven' he is mocking a lie that evangelical Christianity has preached through their blasphemous tongues, yet Owen Benjamin still has some trust in Gd, whether or not he accepts the fact that Gd is a tribe  that has a purified remnant dispersed on earth and prepared as  הון   . 

Enjoy more details of possible conspiracies or links to numerology?  83864 has 386 in the middle, and 386  has been  the ESPN # Minnesota Vikings #26, Robert S. Smith.  Deception and diversion differ. Deception might be covering used to protect and diversion might be covering used to attract.   The typical prostitute  who often is attired like an NFL cheerleader is a diversion trying to lure you away from sanctification, morality and family love.  

Owen Benjamin will post #1762 on RUMBLE;  ESPN posted Daunte Culpepper as #1762.   Meanwhile, Elul 6 in '2023 AD'  will occur much differently than D-Day in 1945.  Culpepper's Eatery in zip 63301 isn't Sudbury's version of Culpepper.  Daunte Culpepper's 149 TD's are not Paul Frederick Stanton in the NHL draft.  Deception is not always a crime, but soften deception  is used to commit crimes and to intentionally sin. Not wearing a wedding ring when you are married is not a sin, but if removal of that ring is a diversion intended to attract an adultery connection, then that diversion is more evil than wearing a ring to make it appear as though you are married to deter  fornication events.

The ת matters, and is 6th letter to appear in the scrolls that had been tucked into the ark of the covenant. Dividing is often a more difficult task than multiplication because the more you divide, the less chance there is that you will have chosen the direction that sanctifies rather than defiles your lifestyle, your rectangle of friends and your choice of bodily input.

Brad Culpepper and Daunte Culpepper both were Minnesota Vikings; Brad is a DT that finished as a Chicago Bear,  Daunte is a seasoned QB and cousin of Kenny Clark...supposedly.

Both Daunte  Culpepper and Brad Culpepper completed their NFL teams with teams that did not have cheerleaders, so they made  holier team choices when their NFL career was waning rather than waxing. 

 I noticed a few years back that if you look at the Hebrew date  of the 3rd of the 5th month of Av or 5/3, about 40 weeks later May 3rd actually rolls around and is seen as 5/3 by the USA, though it is seen as 3/5 by most other nations.

If you were received into your father's arms at about full term of 40 to 42 weeks according to a Gregorian calendar, it's rather uncomplicated to realize the time frame you would have been conceived is the correlating month and day on the Hebrew calendar.

An infant's outer appearance on February 14 would most likely have been been conceived at the beginning of the '2nd passover' time in the middle of the 2nd Hebrew month.  

If that  isn't amazing to you as the 65 saves of Dan Please or a huge peewee hockey player labeled LADYMAN 65, you also probably don't believe the contents of Isaiah chapter 65 vs. 1-4, and you prefer to provoke Yehowah with abortion clinic and bowls of pork sausage jambalaya. 

Haste does not always make waste. As a matter of historic fact, haste made survival possible for those who departed from Pharaoh's military.  I like the Hebrew word for haste since it has a puck in the letter פ like this: חִפָּזוֹן.

 Month 91 and word 2653 does not roll around for everyone, but when basketball pole & backboard combo starts looking like a  ף from a side view, you are well on your way to understanding that H2653, חפף   , as in chapped or maybe as in copper means a protective cover. Your lips gets chapped to protect tender burnt or dehydrated skin beneath the surface of the chapping. Copper also makes a good protective cover for many tools such as cookware and copper sockets of the tabernacle.

1-311-555-236🎱 has a 236 in it intentionally.  I didn't cause 'The Rockford Files' to display that number, but it is interesting to me that it did since Strongs H2368 is the number for a seal and a signet ring. ☎

Don't forget Evgeny Malkin's reception date of July 31 is connected to a prior conception at the end of  7th Hebrew month in autumn after the feast of Tabernacles had been observed by a tiny percentage of earthlings.  MALIN 95 isn't MALKIN 71.

On Veteran's Day of November 11, 2023 there will be about 149 days until the solar eclipse that hovers darkness over Little Egypt and much of the United States for the 2nd time in 7 years.

 Michigan's Garnet Lake on Hwy 149 should matter at least as much as a garnet ten of diamonds in a deck of marked cards or a turquoise jack of hearts stuffed into the same coded papers, but does Garnet Lake matter to fools smoking cigarettes and watching casino trash for hobby?

Apollo the cat might be missing, but 19062981752 will always have 298 in it.

Loosed cats  such as 'Apollo' are not more important than Sean Hill or Paul Coffey when a defense system needs to be tested at ^ 298 .  If at 6 you don't succeed, there's usually 12 more hole on the golf course to try to succeed on.  Acceptable success typically requires completion of a task that improves your body, your household, your family connections or your financial security without breaking any commandments of. יהוה in the process of 'success'.

Confused?  Take a baby step and start being consistently anti-abortion to prevent yourself from having a seared conscience.

Many of the 'free' will not be accepted and protected by יהוה  due to their pride, arrogance and iniquity.

Be careful at 'Broadway Lights' if Benjamin Moore is your color wheel guide but of course, not your  lifeguard when you are passing through the waters without James Block singing to you.  Blue hole 3 is 149 at Sentry World, but white hole 3 is listed at 130.   Yes, many masonic lodge members contrive god course numbers for their own points of reference in a manner similar to listing Strongs H2026 from a particular  James Strong angle.

Locusts don't add to or take away from written non-fiction during their designated lifespan of 5 months.     

      🌻 🦂  Do scorpions murder their own offspring?  Rarely, and during the scorpion's 18 month pregnancy period there is not any cruel, self-destructive instinct to destroy the many baby scorpions within the mother scorpion.  Rats are more wicked and will try to kill and eat the anti-abortion scorpion.

Lots of USA politicians and voters have evolved into packs of rats, and that is why the USA is  in huge trouble.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Cheddar Olds & 2300 News

 I have a concrete lion that I do not worship and not named YShShKr or  J.C. Penney.  The lion had no name until today, and his name is FRaNCIScO the 78th.

In 2300 uniting news from Habukkuk 1:8 and YCZQAL 21:9-11, the base of the word cheddar is חָדַד, not Toronto Maple Leaf  milk.

When arriving at the 1st day of month 79, ask yourself if you are keen, alert and fierce enough to respond properly to  your own needs as well as the needs of those whom you claim to love.  My conclusions might differ from Desmond Ford's 1959 letter to the 7th Day Adventists, but that proves human minds should not become robotic.  I don't if a cloned beast would sign his or her name in an identical fashion as the uncooperative natural version of the clones beast.  It is just to be uncooperative with a cloned beast designed to mock you and deceive others.

What Desmond Ford and I might agree upon is that a 2300 day prophesy cannot be proven unless a person is willing to count up to 2300 days, and on a natural lunar cycle that takes about 78 months to complete such a count of 2300 solar cycles.

When some angel has declared that he makes all things 'new' is the specific reference to 'Chadeshah' as a common point of reference tied to low country in Judea where olives might grow on any mount?  There are mounts covered with olive trees in many locations and focusing on the wrong mount can leave you stuck in a horrible world of safari lovers where cruel hunters murder animals that were doing no harm to them or others.   Warren Rivette views a mount in a dead way; and I view a mount in a living way.

I might endure long enough to get from month 65 to month 78, but is that probable? If it's not possible for me to endure another yearly cycle to get from day 1914 to 2300 again, at least I reached word 2300 for the 6th time year and finally realized it has been wrongly applied to writings compiled after the beheading of John the Baptist.

Month 79 starts with a keen, intense&sharp point of view toward 2322 in the upcoming 3 week cycle of weekly sabbaths. I met a relative of Gadite leader גּאוּאַל mentioned in Numbers 13:15 this week; he did not have the levity of Ashe however the Gadites aren't known for their sense of humor.  The skies look angry in Michigan again, and meteorological favor is not something I can deploy though I yearn for it. Sighting the lunar  crescent from a mount  near Romeo, Michigan and sounding a shofar was not impeded by a deputy in a reliable internal combustion engine vehicle, but hit would have been prohibited by Zelensky the beast of Ukraine since my religious practices don't conform to his pro-cocaine religion of brutality, dishonorable truce-breaking and his weak and beggarly military

Squad 92 is not Squad 29.  Counting through 2300 nights like Daniel takes much longer than counting 390 left and 40 right days like YCZQAL. 

A 'factory unfresh' artificial plant can never meet the definition of a new chicory seedling starting to emerge from the ground. The chicory is beautiful and essential to the earth's botanical system, the artificial plants are often hazardous, unnecessary as fake evergreens and useless fake evergreen wreaths yet they have lured buyers and profited sellers at Krueger Wholesale for a few decades.

I'm compelled by natural instincts to deposit my fake, unposted flowers into the dumpster since they remind me too much of the fake roses I had received from a congregation that willfully eliminated and openly opposed instructions from  יהוה  each time they aligned with the Vatican on Sunday morning.  

The hail has past,  the winds have subsided and the few unrealistic, fake flowers I have had on display are going into the garbage cart so the chicory becomes a more pure focal point in my garden logistics, courtesy of the hand of יהוה.

The lunar crescent is silent and amazing, yet fools trying to impress crowds and offend יהוה  invest in dangerous, useless, expensive fireworks as an example of their besetting rebellion against natural, silent lights in the firmament.  

Robin Olds did not evolve from a lump of cheddar cheese flung down from the Minerva.

To some, it is only the top of the πέμπτος   signs that are sometimes as realistic as Daniel Withrow's Marshall University bus trips,  vague as Seth Klink's 🏈 connections or as clear as Carey Price's 79 tie NHL competitions. 

Brandon Wheat Kings are not Donny J.T.     It seems like it's the 29th month of a peach tree trying to do it's duty in a zone hostile toward innocent babies and affectionate toward artificial flowers.

Monday, July 17, 2023

End of Month 78: H2297 V. Josh Gad & South Park Bus 3991

Baker Mayfield and Chad Pennington are currently tied at 102 touchdowns; month 102 word is ידוּתוּן . There's somebody in Mayfield, not NOBODY in Mayfield.

YCZQAL 33:30 mentions חָד  , not  ידוּתוּן  in which the 2 'raptured' floating 'golf balls' are with the '6 point' letter  ו.

It seems to me that Eric Cartman has much in common with Ukraine's Zelensky...including the 'chapeau' colors.

    🥌             ✂                 📎

 Rock.  scissors  .... where did the paper go? Into a box of Shreddies or your loaf of bread with cellulose?

The unstable, bizarre minds that contrived 'South Park' chose the number 3991 for their bus, which in Strongs concordance for Hebrew links means 'deep darkness'; such is no coincidence and seems to apply to the lack of a lamp unto their feet.  A firefly makes less errors than AI or humans with improper guidance systems.  I'm not going to support movie theaters to view 'Sound of Freedom' since I already believe the facts behind the plot and do not want to support businesses that display trash much more disgusting than vile 'South Park' characters.  Movie theaters are smut houses running R rated movies as though they do no harm to the mind or don't influence humans toward depraved sexual conduct and violence. 

'South Park' is often disgusting, but so are  Biden's crack cocaine houses and most crime scenes that men like Daniel Teske  or Bodo Gajevic often had to investigate before trying to obtain an official c felony or misdemeanor complaint with an often uncooperative, lazy liberal district attorney.

TRYING is the only it is possible to complete good works and righteous deeds. Trying to get cooperation from a person preaching imaginary, vain doctrines that claim all their sins get washed away no matter how many they continue to do or from a relative entrenched in self-adoration and idolatry around dead evergreens in December eventually become futile.  A scorpion is less dangerous than a unrepentant liar.

H3991 is clarified within  Yermiyahu 2:31.  The UK monarchy is idolatry and too disgusting to ever defend or align with during times of non-comical war.  

Want a 1 to 3 witness about  bus 3991 not using a random number?  Strongs Greek 3991 means 'fifth' and one form is used used in the writings commonly known as 'Revelation 6:9' ; the second form of 'fifth' is used 3 times within the same parchment writings. James Strongs should have used different code numbers for the differing forms, but he didn't.

A person who coaches high school tennis in lower Michigan decided to lie to me several times, maybe because of the improper training he obtained in the USA Army. He claimed that the United States currently has the best military in the world. That ridiculous statement was like me claiming that Milwaukee Trade and Technical high school improved after becoming Bradley Tech.  He indicated he's all for the transgender movement of Rachel Levine by his statement of anti-Biblical beliefs. He also lied when he said that anything found on the public school property where he works belongs to the public school when questioned about abandoned tennis balls that some affluent tennis player was too lazy to retrieve.  If those tennis balls are 'school property' as he claimed with his 20 -year Army tongue, then who owns the school if not the taxpayers of Michigan?  If anything on school property, whether abandoned or tended to become school property goes into effect, is his Mercedes vehicle school property when it is parked there more carefully than the abandoned tennis balls? I suppose he won't admit that he lied after claiming he his  USA Army experience was in logistics.

That should be frightening to any of his students that he considers anything on school property to be the school property, yet that is exactly how the anti-parental agenda thinks in wicked Whitmer formations.

I's hope that some of  the Macomb deputies and legal  Michigan voters  might differ with the opinions uttered from  the boy with 20 years of USA army experience.  I certainly don't agree that the  USA military is currently the best in the world, and neither do many of the men and women who were drafted in earlier generations, those who decided not to re-enlist or those who decided to leave rather than be injected with derivatives of  aborted baby parts and experimental genetic modification concoctions because they were considered to be equals with post office employees, federal judges and politicians who were allowed to say no to WARP SPEED injections without any punitive consequences being inflicted upon them.  

What if the expensively trained tennis coach was as careless in his thoughts and speech as Michael Pence when he revealed that the trouble in American cities is not his concern?  Are there angelic beings who could hear our outdoor conversation  and then report to the leader or secretary of their πέμπτος division?

If you participate in school sports, don't leave the equipment behind  in at-large places among all the other garbage and school yard trash as though a tennis ball is nominal value and essentially not worth the effort to retrieve without getting paid a coach's salary to do so. 

Perfect intentions sometimes get thrown over bus #3991.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

SmIrK Caboose #158: Stevens Point Blinky Blast

I'm not part of Israel nor Jsrael... oh myopia!

Don't mistake a SmIrK for a 'well done, good and faithful offspring' speech. What parents have tolerated from unthankful, rebellious children isn't the same as approval deserving of congratulations, and so it goes from well to septic from generation to generation.

Make sure you start referring to the location of Tel Aviv as JSRAEL when entering information into computer piles to ensure the. formation is consistently questionable as the J in Jerusalem, Jacob, Jospeh and Job since the Hebrew י never should have become a J nor an I.  

Every living son would learn to understand the lyrics from Il Divo's 'Mama' if they became literate enough to become employed, had food, clothing and shelter provided at least in part by their mother and were encouraged to become a straight, adult male by their mother.  Jesse Lee Peterson might be able to convince grown men to forgive their mother's lack of perfection, especially if his mother was forced into 'head of household' status when papa decided not to behave as a helpful parent.

When contemplating the importance of USA currency use as opposed to 'no currency' stupidity, I'll provide a San Francisco  test for students of the letter L. This test provided me with an option to retain 1 of 2 San Francisco dollar bills, and I didn't memorize the serial number of the dollar I left for 'Taylor' at the Brown Iron Brewhouse in Washington, Michigan plunked into Blankenburg turf between Michigan tag teams known as Shelby 90 squads and Romeo 74 squads. 

No corrupt AI machine can alter the numbers on USA currency after they have printed, but electronic figures are easily manipulated and sometimes dissappear like a father who should have been paying child support to the woman he chose to wed.

There are more than 2 ways to view the following serial number, but I'll limit it to 2 options; social security numbers typically have more longevity than a typical USA $1.00 bill but the USA dollar bill will not change it's serial number like criminals try to alter or illegally obtain their social security number .

Miroslav Satan's drafty 111& Jake Guentzel 59 NHL copper 29 way:   L51112959F

Lynn Swann's nifty 51 & Myles Garrett 95  NFL magnesium 12 way: L51112959F

Goalie #32 Jeff Hackett isn't from  N. Farwell & E. North Avenue in Milwaukee. False flagstones look terrific while the Biden's transgender & queer flag will always look ugly and profane to every single or married holy, natural, sane, ethical straight heterosexual person of any race, creed or color. Once again, Ray Stevens is wrong since clearly the Biden queer transgender abnormal scheming flag is NOT beautiful.

What's the heterosexual flag color scheme now? Solid  pewter gray with 'Greenfield Pumpkin #40' borders  or gorgeous mourning dove grey with perfect olive  green accents? Gingham or calico kitchen towels could be the international flag of straight, courageous anti-debachery  ladies like Queen Vashti and a solid scarlet flag could be the international flag of straight, loyal commandment-keeping gentlemen.

As far as my verbal codes go,  'Net Zero' is Mark Recchi, not the blasphemous Biden's crack house cooperating with Ukrainian criminal Yvgeny Boris and Zelensky's agenda of over-indulgent millionaires who would have to limit themselves to living in a teepee without any electricity and no access to gasoline automobiles from now until 2050 for them to be forgiven for their decades of pride, arrogance and lack of proper responses to book of Nahum believers.  

It's not a sin to destroy USA military drones since they do not have a pulse and are not innocent as a baby in a womb..

George Washington's image is not the mark of a beast, but Biden's name is not what I want on my forehead in hat form or in my hand in unconstitutional, dictator executive order forms.  How stupid or intelligent is MLB getting when the Detroit Tigers are testing a  52 White Rogers 34 combo without White Rodgers thermostat controls while Seattle is playing games with the surname FRANCE rather than INDIA?

Anti-stupendous, queer, corrupt, greedy and uppity government officials are often unaware of 59 F relating to the '9th of Av' final upcoming challenges of the 'faithful steward' concept.

Has thy nickel gained ten nickels HONESTLY and if so, which 10 cities will  thou dost rule over?

Humbly concluded and דידי as uncut jasper, 

Questioner of Luke 19:16 and an admirer of  Daniel's companion, מִישָׁאֵל


                        ( 🦂 295 is always less than 298. 🦡)

Friday, July 14, 2023

Salisbury, N.C. & Farwell, MI Dummy Competition

Salisbury, N.C. and Farwell, Michigan are both known for their football dummy production.

Football dummy numbers vary.

J.D. Farag's Ezekiel 15 message  v. Michael Lorenzen's Detroit pitching isn't a dummy battle, but do either of those pro-Christ men have serious regard for Malachi 4:4?  

Learn the lesson of 2nd Samuel chapter 20 if possible, but continue through at least 2nd Samuel chapter 22 to see how the conditions that preceded Psalm 18 came about.

The definition of ידיד  is contrary to any 'Net Zero' plan.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

July 15, 2023: Medusa Falls the 1st time?

 Strongs Hebrew 4098 is Medusa, Strongs Greek 4098 is pipit which means to descend.

That is an interesting combination.    MedUSA falls. 

If you won't take me seriously, take me humorously.

No Reply At All? "Michigan' jacket not required.

Get used to not hearing any verbal response from people when you utter a token greeting. After all, how is the hearer to know if their response might make the initial 'speaker' feel threatened?

Get used to not responding to people you do not know at all; in states such as Michigan silence  toward a stranger shouldn't get you fined nor jailed.

If someone gets angry at you for not responding to a token greeting, will the angered person get fined and jailed for making the unresponsive human feel threatened?  

I suggest your upper body be covered in something stronger and more conservative that the UK's 'PINK' apparel.  My suggestions are often ignored by the type of people I won't be responsive toward anymore.

The more punitive legislation that occurs trying to forbid honest emissions from human vocal cords the more often it will be advisable to utilize a right to remain silent.

I suppose I need to get a hat that says ' I have the right to remain silent'.

Since German is becoming so popular, here's a Anaheim Duck post-dawn version of 'Silent Night':

Silent day, where's Souray?

Rolling with 44 or clay*?

Has Sheldon Souray gone astray?

109 G's  are not 109 A's

Obama must be disqualified

Since about his birthplace he LIED!

 *Strongs H2635 Daniel 2:33-35 reference for month 90 teachers

Lifting up images of a Siberian tigers has always been wiser than lifting up images of Barack Obama who falsified his way into the USA presidency with the assistance of extremely unintelligent financial supporters.  

Be healthy and tired enough to enter into regular sabbath day's rest. Refuse to declare yourself as sick and tired  while getting physically strengthened! and morally corrected.

Shirts that say 'I'm not under the influence of Biden and Whitmer' would probably sell quite well.

Gear that somehow states "I'm under the influence of Russia' might also be beneficial. 🍣

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Vermont Flood: Predestination Clause?

Vermont can cast their  post-flood complaints toward their 2 United States senators or toward Germany's lesbian representative Becca Balint, not Moses Robinson. 

East Palestine, Ohio didn't deserve the lack of  proper FEMA response that was imposed upon their residents, but surely Bernie Sanders and Vermont needed a flood to see how FEMA responds to their  recent Vermont castings of predestined rainfall.

Midland, Michigan already had the curse of  invasive species Gretchen Whitmer  several years ago but it seems as though not enough voters have learned their anti-abortion lessons in the USA yet.

In Michigan, if the weather forecaster makes residents feel uncomfortable or threatened by his  tornado warnings or speech about storms, maybe the weather reporter will be fined or jailed if another idiotic bill protrudes it's way like a used condom into Michigan.

I thought I'd insert the topic of predestination into this post for Jordan Binnington's  2.78 GAA's sake. Cynicism can alleviate excessive levels of humor when being flippant isn't an option.

Strongs H2291  is within  platinum month  78, which is nearest to gold, not 'The Golden Girls'.

Owen Benjamin isn't the only appalled citizen who sounds opinions unlike Retief GooseN.

When N doesn't equal 50, Jordan Binnington means 73 L's.

In memory of Anna F. Doerfler's math teachers, here's some subtraction exhibits:

601-515 = 86

163-79   = 84

Daniel Boyle can't become Brian Rafalski, no matter what the weather predictions are. 

"Non-special effects of decisions can cause non-chain, isolated reactions."   former Milwaukee science partner of retired police detective Ruben Burgos

I'll expound on the above quote without Charles Spurgeon's slant.  Sentry World's insurance hole 12 decided to be portrayed as 163 yards during round 2 of the U.S. Senior's Open in 2023.  163 yards on hole 12 is not 163 NHL goals by a highly compensated defenseman, though 163 = 163, not 191.

DB intersects with X not L,G,B,T or Q near Sentry World's golf course. Pavement can cause flesh wounds.

Maybe you finally caught on to a civil engineering code.   🗽

P.S. I laughed out loud when I saw the unreal characters of 'South Park' straighten out a paper clip to illustrate how possible 'becoming straight' is even if you don't know how to repair a trombone.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Strategic Warning to the G&G Diner Hearts of 15690 & Zip Code 53401

James Chad Pennington has his version of the 'Book of James' . David M. Frank as 'Kraus' in 'Hogan's Heroes' episode labeled 'The Swing Shift'   looks a lot like like Evgeny Malkin.  Looking differs from listening, and some people cannot do both at the same time.

Now that FOX News has decided to suggest Gavin&Gretchen are the democrats aiming for the presidency of the United States,  it's time to practice self-restraint in electronic media comments while asking yourself why the people in the area of Highways 97 & 102 in Michigan have lost the influence of  holy, honest & protective  covering gets  provided for those who comply with  יהוה rather than Jesus and 'Bad Bunny'.

If you knew cigarettes were going to become illegal in a few months, wouldn't it be wise to reduce or cease your smoking addiction now? Once FOX intentionally indicated they are pushing Gavin&Gretchen's    regime plans, no pizza from 'Fox's Pizza' can retract their folly nor the folly of those who have raised up  international criminals, pro-abortion politicians and cocaine users into seats of temporary power.

I've seen power lifters do extremely stupid activities, but eventually some decide to restrain themselves from pushing their body to the limits and toward complete failure. J. Biden and  K.Harris are  pushing the USA toward financial collapse and keep pushing their immoral arrogance into the minds of young children as well as into the failing minds of the ailing elderly.  When a scale tips to one side or another, there still is a point of stability in the middle that sees what is occurring to the left and to the right while being immoveable in the center.  

How does a sane, moral person conduct themselves when surrounded with insane, overspending politicians on the right and murderous immoral employees such as Lindsey Graham on the left?   First, you have to learn to improve the foundation beneath you and remind yourself that when scales are set as libra,  the scales metal arms extending from platform to platform need to prevent being overloaded on either or both sides because the arm of scale judgment also then could fail.

False scales can be corrected. Broken scales can be an irreversible disaster.  Reptiles have scales and some might argue that some reptiles also have fins such as an iguana.  Other than by observing their actions, I've never been able to get any information from a reptile nor a camel.  I've also never been able to get information from quarterback Troy Woodbury.

When you're alone and lost, you have to answer less questions than when you are found and with your captors or your rescuers.  Joe Pittman probably has read about Joseph in the book of Genesis.  Alex Ovechkin can never be 17 years old again, and if I were him or any other NHL hockey player from Russia, I'd return to Russia to  counter Zelensky's oral mockery of Russia.

Professional sports tie up much of the USA economy.  If Russians in the NHL say no to giving their tax dollars to the USA, they will be heroes in the eyes of billions of people instead of worshippers of the USA $ and idols of a few thousand gamblers.  The best advice isn't always 'fight or flight' options during an anxiety attack or in the midst of on ongoing conflict.  Shame your opponents by departing from their presence intentionally, peacefully and calmly until your opponents conduct is humble and moral enough to be worthy of your advice, talent and presence.

Sepp 'Tick' Straka left the John Deere Classic with a final round of 62.  Austrians have learned to dial 43, not 36 & Nitschke when important contact isn't centered around 'Golf TeeMo' and the number 1457.  (In was of non-emergency needs that Jordan Peterson won't handle in Canada or for non-golf-course of action figures related to costs and expenditures, maybe contacting  Ernie Below @ 416-873-4212 might be more helpful than contacting NOBODY  #11, talking to a volleyball or trying to get professional pitcher Duane Below to check IHOP batters. 😁 Custom printed business cards aren't nominal value.)

Josef 'Sepp Tick' Straka didn't want a 60 as his 4th round total. Intentional double bogeys happen.  Austria gets influenced by Straka like Germany gets influenced by Langer.  The Fedorov family can split up as easily as the Costa, Jackson, Rhodes, Jewell, Rhodes, Wahl and Ortiz families have been split up   Real life rarely occurs as portrayed by Jack Webb and Martin Milner in  a Goff movie about Pete Kelly's jazz band.

Yes, it's bowling split day 7-10 but not Yom Kippur.  Adults, do you know where your firearms are?

Joe Pittman has been in District 61 and his office staff treated me kindly. Squad 62 in Milwaukee might be unaware of Sean Hill's NHL Hurricane adventures.  What if the descendants of Adonikam are the Zelensky&Kissinger thugs or Brandon Holthaus&Gavin his governor?  

53,400 Asherite minds must have known something about military men who never wanted to become arrogant 'Miss Netherlands'  even if they never could have predicted trouble in Racine, Wisconsin, the birth of Raymond Trudell or  flaky kringle's being shipped out of zip area 53401.

G&G diners understand that dish communications might increase, but sometimes need to decrease. 

Has derision arrived?

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Michael Tice & Gasoline v. Louis DeJoy & Electricity

100% electric vehicles is a stupid idea that Louis DeJoy succumbed to according to unverified Wikipedia reports.

יסק and 85201 might get connected to Mesa, Arizona according to Joseph Schobert fans & U.W. Badger technology reports. 52701+32500=85201, with Menasha having an advantage during 6th seal time frames. If this information seems irrational or not interesting to you, please excuse yourself to go watch Sesame Street, Channel 13 or examine Cherry Creek Golf Club's disorderly cart order of  67, 57, 58, 63 and 51 going from north to south until it appears orderly to you. Specifically, Yoseph is not mentioned in Numbers chapter 26 so this paragraph is merely trivia with actual  facts included.

I'll imply that the center of a remnant of the descendants of  יַצְחָק  moved to Schaumburg, Illinois ( zip 60173), closest to Hoffman Estates where Scott Dryer and Bradford Scott pitched their ideas with Tony Robinson slipping into boxing gloves with 'Rocky' tunes playing in the background. Bradford Scott is dead and refused to help me contact  my camel riding companion , יששכר  .  

 Strongs H3327 is used 108 times according to  most Bible reference sources.

10% remnant of 601,730 healthy male troops counted after a plague a few thousand years ago  is only 60173.   

Add 1 or 2 to the troop numbers in Numbers chapter 26 and see where the USA zip code trails go for every tribe except לוי &   יששכר .  YShShKR's zip ties seem to be only in Germany and France.  All the USA zip codes  closest to the numbers listed in Numbers chapter 26 are areas east of Temple, Texas and west of Arlington, Virginia. with 22201 being very near 'Pentagon City'.  Incidentally, the tribe of Simeon has not been known for reasonable behavior and only 12,000 being protected Simeonites is only about 1 out 662,650 people being sealed in 7th place. Of course, only 1 out of 662,650 people will be sealed of any tribe, so don't expect to feel like part of the 662,649 who didn't even try to behave obediently enough to get sealed and protected from the Abbadon units.

Michael Tice should win in this re-opening of an Islip wound to see who's actually not willing to bow down to irrational, overspending Democrat donkeys like Louis DeJoy decided to do when his vehicle purchasing wisdom and budgeting skills got eliminated from his weak mind.  

If you can't resist an overspending Democrat, you can't be labeled as a competent leader, trustworthy employee or reliable rear guard. 

I could reveal my mapping data of the tribe zones, but I surely won't do so in this insecure electronic media site.  However, once again there is a pentagram sign within the code order with Gd in the Lexington, Kentucky area in 7th place.  

Mapping stars isn't my area of interest.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Strong's Number of the Rebellious IS....?????....coded.

It seems famous, renowned men rebelled against Moshe and Aaron; it seems H7148 is not a complimentary condition. How would 7148 split between Sheldon Souray @71 and Mark Messier @48 or Poland@48 if 714* is disconnected from Russel Wilson, who really isn't an asterisk and Joe Friday is flopped in at 714*?  Does 14 in the middle of 7148 matter to Tom Plekanec?

The chicken of Bristol was made famous by Monty Python antic, but Sit Robin reportedly slayed the chicken of Bristol.  The book of Numbers chapter 16 isn't very sweet news and contains important information regarding the good, the evil and the rebellious in which the names are not fictitious as a Monty Python sketch.

Before thinking about YCZQAL's 390 left and 40 right days, it is imperative to count up through 4 years, 4 months and 5 days to prevent confusing darkness with light.  According to some reports, in the 605 BC captivity, YCZQAL remained in Jerusalem until his displacement by Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC.  When you're forced out of your home for over 5 years and then are given specific instructions that are obeyed, you become the anti-thesis of the illegal immigrants forcing their way out of their native country to ruin rather than rehabilitate the country they infiltrated illegally.

Ezequiel's 430 day assignment would have been completed after about 1,955 days in captivity and the 1525 days preceding his 390 L/40 R directives do not have details about his living conditions but do indicate he had been preparing for priesthood duties properly.

Don't confuse Jerry Greenfield & Ben Cohen with Jerry Jaeck and Sidney Cohen;  there are so many coded audibles and distortions of 'JESUS' being passed around that it's tough to know who is on YHOwH's side.  For instance, Romeo, Michigan high school has spot 268 masked JESUS with a painting of a rabbit's head and the words 'BAD BUNNY'.  A youngster informed me that 'Bad Bunny' is a deplorable rapper. Another parking spot has 'Jesus Take the Wheel' advertised it but Carrie Underwood is a nasty, unholy, unladylike example of why calling upon 'Jesus' is not a successful, foolproof route of sanctification nor salvation.

The number of YCZQAL's name is 156; was it an accident that I decided to add up the letters of YCZQAL on the same day I was wearing LALIME jersey who represents the 156th pick of a Pittsburgh Penguin draft?  Maybe the zirconium crown mouth in my mouth affected my brain frequency, eh? LALIME my have profited with Marie Helene but it is unlikely Patrick Lalime would ever be faithful prophet material as YCZQAL was.  Unlikely differs from impossible.  

The USA, at all levels of government,  has a multitude of elected and appointed government employees that are worse than despicable while they intentionally try to provoke Russia by making Ukraine's whorish Zelensky richer and  honest working legal USA citizens poorer.  Why would the people of Detroit or Michigan who voted for G. Whitmer the wicked be angered when a father murders his 2 year old daughter and not be angered when a mother murders her infant by abortion? Such hypocrisy about caring about a 2 year old and tossing tiny infants body parts into scientific bins is what entraps a community into a downward spiral of violence and subsequent government approved lack of proper punishment of those who maim and murder innocent babes.

Day 1902 occurs in about month 65; if you haven't started preparing your body like the prophet YCZQAL did after being displaced involuntarily, you won't understand why he chose to obey rather than to disobey the specific instructions from  יהוה  in the decades after his 5th year in captivity .

It's my last time going through the H words such as הָגִיג as used in Psalm 5:1.  The only post I plan to return to and complete for probability and statistics purposes  is the 'Dicky Pride v. Charlie Pride' post with Sentry World implications.  Since it is July 8th, I have heard that about 99% of the earth experiences daylight at the same time on this day; Anthony Bear is loved by some and hated and mocked by many and so it goes with the courageously honest versus the brutally deceiving.

Heathen Seinfeld's writing staff  is extremely wrong; zips codes aren't irrelevant. Who put 807 in the middle of 48074 or 65 at the end of 48065?  Could it have been the same group of people who slipped Masonic Lodge 61 into Menasha, Wisconsin, American Legion 62 in St. Ignace, Michigan or the same computerized system that depicts Highway 80  through Pittville, Wisconsin and Interstate 80 through Cleveland, Ohio?

I won't forget that the number of YCZQAL is 156.  Will Patrick Lalime believe his wife if she disagrees with יהוה 's ongoing plans to save and protect only some because of their faithfulness?   Not all will be saved since evidently not all are willing to be on the side of  יהוה.

יהוה  should have no objection to internal combustion automobiles but surely יהוה does not approve of the use of cluster bombs, and who other than Biden's beasts are insane enough or utterly diabolical enough to approve the use of cluster bombs or cocaine in any conflict?

Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1, 2023: Third Day Completion Reminder

 Ezra 6:15

... and the  בַּיִתָה   was  יֽצַא  [H3319] on the third day of Adar

H1005 has a feminine form  according to Ezra 6:15.

Consider the role of a  female womb.  Night 3,319  arrives during the 10th year.