Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Who Actually Originated the 'Own Nothing and Be Happy' Message?

These excellent lyrics to sing toward Klaus Schwab's gangsters such as 'King Charles of England' :

" I wish you double destruction, I wish Schwab double destruction, liars deserve double destruction and corrective rebuke!'

A baby in the womb is a tiny person that should not be murdered or intentionally maimed by anyone; Joe Biden is extremely wrong and extremely wicked while he grips onto  his  policies to murder babies in a womb with Tony Evers and Gretchen Whitmer. 

Luke 18:22 and Matthew 19:21 indicate a suggestion that selling everything and pwning nothing is required for improvement; I strongly disagree with that 'own nothing' theology and it certainly is not part of the instructions in Exodus or Leviticus.

False prophets were sent out to test the tribe of  יהוה . 

Huggers of the Jesus who reject. יהוה צדקנו , how can you say you agree with Luke 18:22 and Matthew 19:21 and then be appalled by and fearful of the concepts of those such as Klaus Schwab who imply and try to prophesy that ' you will own nothing and be happy?' 

I don't agree with suggestion presented in Luke 18:22 and Matthew 19:21 since I cannot find any instructions delivered through Moshe Ben Amram from Yehowah that would justify the suggestion to sell everything and  intentionally become the poor.  Speech tricks are tougher to stop than hat tricks. 🏒🏒🏒

As the 7th month is closing, here are the words that emerged:

H1648  גרשון

H2034   הריסה *

H2376   חזו

H2763  חרם *

H3478  ישר...> ישראל H3476

*Some might claim it's doom and destruction day; let those of ישראל hope the liars get destroyed and doomed with their anti-יהוה שלום  fiscal theology and communist agenda.

Jon Pounders prefers to reject יהוה-שלום in order to embrace 'Jesus' of Luke 18:22, but I am opposed to Jon Pounders and Klaus Schwab's disciples.

This has been a voluntary report in order to test the concept of the ישר  gate    .


Purchasing something you cannot hold is purchasing nothing; electronic gaming  is a sample of nothing.


לבוש  is something important to  purchase and own if you are protecting a female body by preventing nakedness and harlotry in your household. 

Phil Kessel is not a good role model, since he chose, for $,  to represent the spirit of Las Vegas Golden Knights.

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