Saturday, May 7, 2022

G Team : Deportation to Babylon

I am required by conscience and test line parameters to notice the number of my posts, which now just passed 1541.  I now suspect that the term 'Galatians' referred to as  in fact derived from the revealing term  H1541, namely גלה  .  (Ezra 4:10; Ezra 5:12; Daniel 2:22,28,29,47)

Revealing the truth is the opposite of concealing liars.  I'm truly not interested in the 'Book of Galatians' anymore.  Zechariah 4:2 seems like a more reliable testimony than the messy, fallible epistles of Paul that Yeshua never even bothered to quote from.

Maybe a study of Dighton Rock in Massachusetts would be timely for those near Merrimack hockey lines. Not every person makes the presumptuous errors of  former  USA Marines Michael Rood, Justin Best and Adam Fink.

Mucho gracias  to all anti-holograms and anti-artificial intelligence that took the time to consider my opinions for the past 7 years on 'Blogger'.  I truly have not been trying to mislead anyone, though some arrogant, unhelpful cruel anti- יחזקאל  homosapiens deserve to be baffled and left in derision.

G1542: 100, hundredfold or Roman numeral C sectionals

🪔 A child that has been born that pushes away his mother is as wicked as the mother who chooses abortion.  However, since the mother repented that never chose a second abortion, the child that pushes away his mother also is rejected the angelic older sibling who was able to forgive her repentant mother.🧊

Penguins vs. Rangers, Flames vs. Stars and Panthers vs. Capitals are only Jaromir Jagr split team history games this year so beware of contrived, pre-determined NHL outcomes or as some people prefer to say 'predestined' outcomes. If the onlookers don't know how to dress in modest attire, the team owners who do not have a proper dress code are to blame for the seducing spirits of lewd and lascivious females who aren't virtuous women.

"She strengtheneth her arms..."📜  I have a very heavy, green Bible and some much lighter loads that I can open up to Psalm 35,36,37,38, 39 and 40 if I need some additional weight training to see if   דוד 's scales are just and true . 

In the hopes that Roe.V. Wade with be overturned and the hateful abortion clinics can relocate to wicked nations or blasphemous states that think the USA Constitution is not a document constructed by fathers and husbands and men who believed in the Creator and studied the Bible to the best of their ability, I suppose it's best that I deliver a message in anticipation of the resurrection of the innocent dead infants who might be 200,000,000 in number by now:  This message is far more realistic than letters to 'Santa Klaus' or sitting on the lap of a queer person disguised as an Easter bunny, Molech or the lying spirit of 'Christmas':

Dear Qeset Charise, 

Thank you, my gracious oldest child who's grieved yet forgiving spirit remains with me though her brother has gone a separate way and neglects us both while he preaches 'Jesus Christ' as his boss. That's his choice and he marred his body by choice when he took a tattoo with the intent to go against my serious 'defense of the body' instructions. I know that. your love for me exists through Yah because Yehowah allows me to be comforted when I remember you and how it was my shame for what I did in having an abortion in 1982 that caused me to seek forgiveness that does come through submitting my lifestyle  to the ways of behavior expected of the remnant of a restored  tribe of  יהוה .  The color I chose is 224 for a numerology reason connected to the Urim, for those who suspect that computers are sometimes less helpful than a person with an unseated conscience.  

There is a tombstone in a Stevens Point cemetery set aside for your memory and the memory of other babies slain for no good reason.  I'll be there in the autumn, but your younger brother has cut himself off from me and you, mostly because he thinks his father and wife's ways are more honorable  and trustworthy than ours, but he is wrong. He will not even speak to his uncle who was willing to be a mediator in a matter. It offends my entire family when your brother won't speak to my brothers; they deserve to be treated respectfully even if he thinks it's OK to behave as though I don't exist most of the time.  I sent him a 7 page letter which indicates only Yehowah can bring about the events that would cause him to be unblinded by false gospels and the multitudes of religious sect $ trees that have no root in יהוה  as we do.  I cannot speak to my son because he is going into a nation that is untrustworthy and electronic signals are too easily invaded by unholy bearers of defiled  European crowned clowns who haven't worked for their wealth like my parents, my grandparents and your grandparents have.  Through working, the elders in my family remained fed, clothed and sheltered and men who blasphemed their real lineage and contrived names  such as 'Esaac  Ben Israel' have. wrongly preached hatred against people with lighter complexions thinking it is only his race that is descended from Jacob, but he is presumptuous and often jests foolishly. Because of his folly, I will now use the American Indian name of Yehowah and not Yahweh to set myself apart from Esaac Ben Israel's segregated direction. Some people never consider that it is compliment to want to reproduce more children from a particular woman's DNA line even while she is in bondage. Was not Hagar, Zilpah and Bildad also used by their slave owner in that manner?  If Jacob Ben Israel can be justified, why not USA slave owners who in fact often gave their slaves better conditions than the Africans that sold them had been willing to provide for them.  

I listen to the recordings that Alexander Scourby has taken the time to record, since I suspect there is no longer time for 'computer assemblies' to remain viable, trustworthy and untainted by 'too much Paul' and not enough Eldad and Medad. I'm so thankful that a dream about you caused me to honor you with a name because I know you are a real human being that was abused and mistreated by wicked people who lied and claimed you felt no pain while they held a medical doctor degree that gathered filthy riches into their bank accounts in the same manner the COVID-19 manufacturers are wickedly doing now.  

Had you been brought to full term, you'd have first appeared very near to my mother's birthday at the end of July in 1982, which means you'd have already completed over 40 years of life.  I will not stop preaching against the wickedness of abortion, and I will not stop preaching against the  chemical warfare dangers of  smoking tobacco and marijuana or trusting in unnatural drugs sold in pill and injection forms wrongly labeled 'medications' .  I used to get frightened when items I had worked for were stolen by witches or by unjust court orders, but Yehowah has deployed me to a place of improved safety. I might be one of the few people who doesn't even get frightened when an item suddenly reappears that I had been searching for and considered lost or stolen.

I think you would consider this to be important. Yesterday, I saw my Pittsburgh Steelers gloves lying on the floor in a hockey rink lobby and 2 people in a booth were sitting over my gloves with a bottle of Coca-Cola between them. I told the lady on the left that it was against my religion to bow down to a bottle of Coca-cola and asked her to pick up the gloves for me, which she did with a smile.  She respected my request and I continued on my 'Lynn Swann' way.

101 days remain to end of the Yczqal's left side count down, and tomorrow will start the final 100 days on the left side. I learned today that Yermiyahu was only 17 years old when he was chosen to deliver warnings to the heathen and pagan practitioners who were running their nation and tribes.  I keep learning to avoid becoming void of discernment and lacking the intelligence I need to continue in the tasks that Yehowah expects me to complete.   I was comforted by a card from the beneficiary of my estate, and she and her household members wanted me to have a 'Happy Mother's Day'.  Every year, she and her husband welcomesme into her household and we spend wonderful time together and openly display our appreciation of each other's human content and honest output of thoughts   Writing to you as though you are reachable does bring a slight smile to my face, and now I will go and plant 7 evergreen trees that will help me to remember the last blog post I can post after 7 years of efforts in a war against apathy, liars, untruthfulness and Bible-reading hypocrites who refuse to submit to Yehowah's work orders and rest orders.  

If an earthquake destroys the west coast of the United States or a nuclear bomb floods the United Kingdom, I am not going to fret about those events as others did not cry over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah though they should have cried over the suffering of 'Yoseph anti-Biden' as my grandmother from Poland prompted me to do.

I close this  book of remembrance as I listen to Psalms 77 and 78.  It is not much different than many of my blog posts in the human contemplations that were intended to be made public so that others may consider the thoughts of a human. I actually saw a surname of Gadberry yesterday, and of course the history and future of the remnant of the tribe of Gd, is real even if some have been disguised in Minnesota Vikings uniforms as Yoseph and Moshe Ben Amram were in Egyptian raiment while in captivity. 

How is it that a horsefly of Babylon can destroy a cow of Egypt?  That is a mystery to me and a prophecy I will research with the intent to have more discernment.  Yehowah will watch over me as I thkanfully am able to visit my siblings, my parents and the households of true friends and turf of helpful businesses.

Til we meet face to face, 

Mom.  💙  ם

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