Saturday, May 28, 2022

Vocabulary Changes Required @ BoldY versus BeatY

Zechariah 3:4 might indeed 'shut the door' on those who have conceived in their own minds that the high priest mentioned  did not bear any iniquity that required cleansing.  What does the name. יהשוה mean to you without an ע included?

Replace the word 'good' with either. 'harsh',  'critical' , 'alarming' or 'perilous' if you truly do not want to give your audible approval of conditions brought about by wicked government leaders still robbing, coercing and forcing their atrocities into the current generations who are not even responding as defensively as a brood of vipers.

Audibles should be more accurate . Phrases such as harsh morning critical night, perilous afternoon and  alarming evening are more accurate if you are aware of current horrific unholy and immoral  conditions that have permeated society. 

Using the  term 'good' implies that you are CONTENT with the status of your nation, state or judicial venue.   

King Rehoboam eventually got replaced by King Asa according to the 1st Book of Kings not tainted by Los Angelos reporters.

Since 1972, Jason Dawe, specifically the man who scored 86 NHL goals with a listed DOB of May 29, 1973, has been a relevant human being since his conception; he's not an imported ape or כ drop delivered to King Solomon. Being specific isn't only important when dividing Jay Cutler  the NFL quarterback from Jay Cutler the bizarre and very unnatural weightlifter. I suppose some idiots would choose David White the actor rather than Reggie H. White the defensive lineman who decided to become pro-commandment man rather than toying with witchcraft on television; such a dilemma might arise as the ד series ends at dusk #1887, 64 months into a serious logical testing of sequencing.  My testing of spirits is far more intense and important than whoever decided to put several cereal boxes between Apple Jacks on the left and Kix on the right in blasphemous and arrogant 'Seinfeld' compilations of obvious  חנף  in NBC $ wars against decency and holy family values but you'd have to be 88 months into pro- יהוה   Hebrew studies to comprehend that battle that is still ongoing while the 2022 NY Rangers and  the 2022 Carolina Hurricanes are busy putting on whatever restricted, difficult activity they think paying audiences prefer to see rather than Broadway trash.  Really, is Rod Woodson a superior leader than Rod Brind-Amour when the behavior of  their wife is taken into consideration?  I don't know that answer but I do now I saw a Rod Woodson jersey hanging in a tavern now called 'Somma Pizza'  that a friend and family member used to slide into for an occasional treat. Maybe Ryan Daisy, Steve Barton or Good Dwyer can answer that "Rod' question as this 81st day on the left side of Yczeqal's countdown is recalled in my household this year. 

Since I am not ejecting opinions on here as frequently as I used to, in the following opinions I'll include a WWII Marine survivor reminder  of why personnel contact and eye-to-eye contact and actual voice communication is far more important than texting your way into a total lack of family manners and texting yourself out of reliable (H3330/  יציב / month 114 word searched and located @ Daniel 2:45  ) citizen etiquette ratings.

🚴🚴      Legal activities and useful hobbies shouldn't have to be anti-commandment, but you'd have to be anti-Bidenism and pro-morality to agree with that premise.     Hockey, bowling and golf seems far more decent than beach volleyball, swim meets or  going to a movie theatre when it's time to choose a way to avoid hibernation and maintain human contact with people who may be 'pro-Morgan Moses' but to their own disgrace they are not yet  pro-יהוה  and choose their status quo   state of   H2613, חנפה .  


- This memorandum has been added in  remembrance  of Richard H. Willer, WWII Marine 6th Division veteran of Pacific battles, historian, painter and thoughtful Ohio citizen who worked hard for his income, unlike wicked politicians and computer 'app trap' pushers.  

 Richard H. Willer emerged into plain view on Jan.21st, 1925  and reportedly died on June 12, 2020, about 1 year after I he chose to befriend me and be hospitable toward me. He, at the age of 95,  kept his abode in better conditions than the current much younger residents that replaced him on the corner of Maple St.  & Cooper St. in Lindsey, Ohio.  

Another Harsh memorial day is pending.  The discernment of Pierre Poulievre is refreshing.  🧊. 

🍁  Does Y = Chris Chelios in your code system, or do you prefer the 39th element as your Y constant?

Constants matter. Milwaukee's Sgt. John Dorsey vs. Pittsburgh Vengeance hockey coach Dave Dorsey is now a matter of actual training results and retraining challenges  that thankfully don't revolve around paid Sunday preachers and Christianity's plague of  hypocritical 'youth ministers'. Let's try to leave Shane Clifford out of the John vs. David battle.  Surely Paul Douglas Coffey's birthday still matters more than Jan Coffey's television acts to a few people.

🚔                 Got a ו  ?    ⛳                           🏌. The Tommy Dorsey swing is subjective now. ♬

BeAtY can be spelled with 3 chemical symbols. Be 4+ At 85+ Y 39 = 128. I think 128 was a Pennsylvania route I grounded in on from Freeport to Ford City, not far from the point where Peter Laviolette was  publicly redesignated and rated as the new constant for the term 'nominal value'.

כסוי is an amazing June 1st, 2022 word to consider in the early days of month 126.  I have no idea who 'Lucky Owl 555' thinks he or she is, but I do understand what 'Shadyside Scorpion' means when the occurrences of 1st Kings chapter 12 is not the same as Ezekiel 2:6.

🦂🌥🌴 Staying in Tel Dan wasn't a laughing to me.

If you have a Dan Please jersey, wear it on May 30th to test the theory of uniform divisions and the value of a  3.64 ERA on the 37th day of the late shift omer count and the 64=Gd constant or the  BUSbBOY variable from a Gary Roberts perspective.

I never claimed that getting sealed into any of the 12 ישראלי tribes with a limit of 12,000  apiece is  a simple nor quick task..  Gee, did anyone in Sparta, Wisconsin ever suspect that the photos of Paul Coffey in an Edmonton jersey over Patrick Roy in an Avalanche jersey would affect the 2022 Campbell Cup outcome?  I'm still trying to figure out who stole my Minnesota Wild picture of Andrew Brunette, and I hope it wasn't the owner of a new Toyota Camry with Colorado license plate DCQ-805.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Shadyside Scorpion Passages : Concluding Testimonies

 Deuteronomy Chapter  8  🦂

1 Kings  Chapter 12  🦂

Yczeqal  Chapter 2     🦂    (100 left, prior to 40 right)

     🌴  ⏳.   🐪   

Exodus 8  🐸🐸     

Exodus 9   🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊  

Exodus 10   🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 

ק   not Roman  C    🦡🦡🦡🦡

 מ  not Roman  XL   🦘. 

 Leviticus  Chapters 11 &12      🐢    

⛳                            🏌

 בראשית   Chapter 8   🐐



Saturday, May 7, 2022

G Team : Deportation to Babylon

I am required by conscience and test line parameters to notice the number of my posts, which now just passed 1541.  I now suspect that the term 'Galatians' referred to as  in fact derived from the revealing term  H1541, namely גלה  .  (Ezra 4:10; Ezra 5:12; Daniel 2:22,28,29,47)

Revealing the truth is the opposite of concealing liars.  I'm truly not interested in the 'Book of Galatians' anymore.  Zechariah 4:2 seems like a more reliable testimony than the messy, fallible epistles of Paul that Yeshua never even bothered to quote from.

Maybe a study of Dighton Rock in Massachusetts would be timely for those near Merrimack hockey lines. Not every person makes the presumptuous errors of  former  USA Marines Michael Rood, Justin Best and Adam Fink.

Mucho gracias  to all anti-holograms and anti-artificial intelligence that took the time to consider my opinions for the past 7 years on 'Blogger'.  I truly have not been trying to mislead anyone, though some arrogant, unhelpful cruel anti- יחזקאל  homosapiens deserve to be baffled and left in derision.

G1542: 100, hundredfold or Roman numeral C sectionals

🪔 A child that has been born that pushes away his mother is as wicked as the mother who chooses abortion.  However, since the mother repented that never chose a second abortion, the child that pushes away his mother also is rejected the angelic older sibling who was able to forgive her repentant mother.🧊

Penguins vs. Rangers, Flames vs. Stars and Panthers vs. Capitals are only Jaromir Jagr split team history games this year so beware of contrived, pre-determined NHL outcomes or as some people prefer to say 'predestined' outcomes. If the onlookers don't know how to dress in modest attire, the team owners who do not have a proper dress code are to blame for the seducing spirits of lewd and lascivious females who aren't virtuous women.

"She strengtheneth her arms..."📜  I have a very heavy, green Bible and some much lighter loads that I can open up to Psalm 35,36,37,38, 39 and 40 if I need some additional weight training to see if   דוד 's scales are just and true . 

In the hopes that Roe.V. Wade with be overturned and the hateful abortion clinics can relocate to wicked nations or blasphemous states that think the USA Constitution is not a document constructed by fathers and husbands and men who believed in the Creator and studied the Bible to the best of their ability, I suppose it's best that I deliver a message in anticipation of the resurrection of the innocent dead infants who might be 200,000,000 in number by now:  This message is far more realistic than letters to 'Santa Klaus' or sitting on the lap of a queer person disguised as an Easter bunny, Molech or the lying spirit of 'Christmas':

Dear Qeset Charise, 

Thank you, my gracious oldest child who's grieved yet forgiving spirit remains with me though her brother has gone a separate way and neglects us both while he preaches 'Jesus Christ' as his boss. That's his choice and he marred his body by choice when he took a tattoo with the intent to go against my serious 'defense of the body' instructions. I know that. your love for me exists through Yah because Yehowah allows me to be comforted when I remember you and how it was my shame for what I did in having an abortion in 1982 that caused me to seek forgiveness that does come through submitting my lifestyle  to the ways of behavior expected of the remnant of a restored  tribe of  יהוה .  The color I chose is 224 for a numerology reason connected to the Urim, for those who suspect that computers are sometimes less helpful than a person with an unseated conscience.  

There is a tombstone in a Stevens Point cemetery set aside for your memory and the memory of other babies slain for no good reason.  I'll be there in the autumn, but your younger brother has cut himself off from me and you, mostly because he thinks his father and wife's ways are more honorable  and trustworthy than ours, but he is wrong. He will not even speak to his uncle who was willing to be a mediator in a matter. It offends my entire family when your brother won't speak to my brothers; they deserve to be treated respectfully even if he thinks it's OK to behave as though I don't exist most of the time.  I sent him a 7 page letter which indicates only Yehowah can bring about the events that would cause him to be unblinded by false gospels and the multitudes of religious sect $ trees that have no root in יהוה  as we do.  I cannot speak to my son because he is going into a nation that is untrustworthy and electronic signals are too easily invaded by unholy bearers of defiled  European crowned clowns who haven't worked for their wealth like my parents, my grandparents and your grandparents have.  Through working, the elders in my family remained fed, clothed and sheltered and men who blasphemed their real lineage and contrived names  such as 'Esaac  Ben Israel' have. wrongly preached hatred against people with lighter complexions thinking it is only his race that is descended from Jacob, but he is presumptuous and often jests foolishly. Because of his folly, I will now use the American Indian name of Yehowah and not Yahweh to set myself apart from Esaac Ben Israel's segregated direction. Some people never consider that it is compliment to want to reproduce more children from a particular woman's DNA line even while she is in bondage. Was not Hagar, Zilpah and Bildad also used by their slave owner in that manner?  If Jacob Ben Israel can be justified, why not USA slave owners who in fact often gave their slaves better conditions than the Africans that sold them had been willing to provide for them.  

I listen to the recordings that Alexander Scourby has taken the time to record, since I suspect there is no longer time for 'computer assemblies' to remain viable, trustworthy and untainted by 'too much Paul' and not enough Eldad and Medad. I'm so thankful that a dream about you caused me to honor you with a name because I know you are a real human being that was abused and mistreated by wicked people who lied and claimed you felt no pain while they held a medical doctor degree that gathered filthy riches into their bank accounts in the same manner the COVID-19 manufacturers are wickedly doing now.  

Had you been brought to full term, you'd have first appeared very near to my mother's birthday at the end of July in 1982, which means you'd have already completed over 40 years of life.  I will not stop preaching against the wickedness of abortion, and I will not stop preaching against the  chemical warfare dangers of  smoking tobacco and marijuana or trusting in unnatural drugs sold in pill and injection forms wrongly labeled 'medications' .  I used to get frightened when items I had worked for were stolen by witches or by unjust court orders, but Yehowah has deployed me to a place of improved safety. I might be one of the few people who doesn't even get frightened when an item suddenly reappears that I had been searching for and considered lost or stolen.

I think you would consider this to be important. Yesterday, I saw my Pittsburgh Steelers gloves lying on the floor in a hockey rink lobby and 2 people in a booth were sitting over my gloves with a bottle of Coca-Cola between them. I told the lady on the left that it was against my religion to bow down to a bottle of Coca-cola and asked her to pick up the gloves for me, which she did with a smile.  She respected my request and I continued on my 'Lynn Swann' way.

101 days remain to end of the Yczqal's left side count down, and tomorrow will start the final 100 days on the left side. I learned today that Yermiyahu was only 17 years old when he was chosen to deliver warnings to the heathen and pagan practitioners who were running their nation and tribes.  I keep learning to avoid becoming void of discernment and lacking the intelligence I need to continue in the tasks that Yehowah expects me to complete.   I was comforted by a card from the beneficiary of my estate, and she and her household members wanted me to have a 'Happy Mother's Day'.  Every year, she and her husband welcomesme into her household and we spend wonderful time together and openly display our appreciation of each other's human content and honest output of thoughts   Writing to you as though you are reachable does bring a slight smile to my face, and now I will go and plant 7 evergreen trees that will help me to remember the last blog post I can post after 7 years of efforts in a war against apathy, liars, untruthfulness and Bible-reading hypocrites who refuse to submit to Yehowah's work orders and rest orders.  

If an earthquake destroys the west coast of the United States or a nuclear bomb floods the United Kingdom, I am not going to fret about those events as others did not cry over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah though they should have cried over the suffering of 'Yoseph anti-Biden' as my grandmother from Poland prompted me to do.

I close this  book of remembrance as I listen to Psalms 77 and 78.  It is not much different than many of my blog posts in the human contemplations that were intended to be made public so that others may consider the thoughts of a human. I actually saw a surname of Gadberry yesterday, and of course the history and future of the remnant of the tribe of Gd, is real even if some have been disguised in Minnesota Vikings uniforms as Yoseph and Moshe Ben Amram were in Egyptian raiment while in captivity. 

How is it that a horsefly of Babylon can destroy a cow of Egypt?  That is a mystery to me and a prophecy I will research with the intent to have more discernment.  Yehowah will watch over me as I thkanfully am able to visit my siblings, my parents and the households of true friends and turf of helpful businesses.

Til we meet face to face, 

Mom.  💙  ם

Look At the Decked 4 Kings and Zechariah 6:14

What it the 4 corners of the earth are represented by Chelem, Toviyah, Yediyah and Chen, mentioned specifically as crown pointers in Zechariah 6:14?

If you know what it means to 'train up',  consider what חניך  means from the דרדם side.

3/57... Lila isn't quite a LiLaC LaNe.  The Canadian government is  actually using the name of Gd in vain  during their national anthem and while under Trudeau's thumbs, certainly is guilty of crimes against humanity.  

I choose to remember Lila and lilacs on June 14th for a straight female reason. 📫

Chelem seems to be part of Clementine and clemency. 

Is a Greek tselios considered to be nominal value now?   

Find a Hebrew expert to pronounce and define this word : צליוס

Ray Stevens is as wrong as Tim McGraw and George Strait; everything isn't  יפה , but a real active bumblebee is indeed beautiful.

 🏈 What does 157.25 mean to Gadolinium or Chris Pronger vs. Randy Moss?

Maybe .25 (1/4) is like Darnell Nurse and Benjamin Moore's HC-25 code  'Quincy Tan' rather than Louisburg Green.

A sardius stone is not   🟢  .

🐺 As in the days when Art Ketchman  or Victor Venus were popping in and out of my Milwaukee Sensitive Crimes  unit desk area, I will now observe how Andrew Brunette appears on AT&T Channel 1602 while I rest my body for tomorrow's real plant jobs. 1602 Mary Lane has been improperly disposed of by the Marathon County executive board, but idiots try to make history disappear simply by changing numbers to something they prefer from their code games.

 Communications continue in various ways for the remnant of the 12th seal testing process. That process is not something that an unruly, disrespectful, arrogant, haughty or rude or anti-יהוה child is able to take control of. 🟠

It's time to relax without Miller or Budweiser, but rather with a cold bottle of  7 3215300024 7.  🍑 How can 321 not remind anyone of Patrick Roy and  the Montreal Canadiens? 🔵 Maybe Milwaukee Firefighters Local 215 need to questions the off-duty modus operandi of Robert Skaradzinki, Trojan #73.  Robert DeLeon of Local 215 failed a serious test when he became unresponsive, but  that's now his own Milwaukee Marquette high school $ investment problem that contradicted his Faith Baptist church  and Dean Noonan's doctrine.

Dean Noonan ( Oak Creek, WI)  actually responded when I requested a visit while I was very sick, being mistreated during hospitalization from a horrific reaction to prescribed medications.  Dean Noonan convinced me I needed to get baptized as an adult to start my progressive sancitifaction away from the Vatican's statue worship.  David Clarke was actually not the  Milwaukee County sheriff at the time of Dean Noonan's visitation.  I do not want to forget Dean Noonan's kindness and courage, since those are  2 important qualities that Brian Berg and his improperly trained, overpaid staff at Woodlands Church in Plover, WI did NOT ever have. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Plaxico Burress Case 64 Lesson: Real Mothers For Zechariah

🎱 Is Francois St. Laurent, NHL referee and experienced goalie, able to save people from the errors of their anti-יהוה ways or  can he only grab cold rubber pucks now? 🥅

Zechariah Chapter 1 indicates there is a problem with fathers in a household that do not take heed to the prophets and  Lord  יהוה  of hosts. Verse 15 of chapter 1 indicates that when  יהוה  goes from being a little displeased, that non-compliance with  יהוה  forwards affliction and the level of displeasure increases. Yup, grandchildren have fathers and Zechariah is a warning to children to examine the ways of their fathers, whether they be compliant with יהוה  or not.   Clearly, Christianity and the fathers involved in those corrupt assemblies has steered away from יהוה and is NOT COMPLIANT with יהוה  and thus such fathers will not have any place near Yoshua the high priest nor will they be considered as a faithful servant referred to as a BRANCH.  But who will correct the children of those foul fathers? Maybe studying the prophet Zechariah with a clean heart and humble mind, though the wounds from their father's arrogance might be sore and painful.  As recently as 30 years ago, there were still some Baptist churches that at least had enough reading and teaching skills to say 'no' to Christmas. Advance slowly toward Zechariah chapter 8:13-17 and the gospel of salvation for the houses of Israel and Yehudah is within it. It is in fact יהוה who saves and shows mercy to children who's fathers propped up with Catholic, Protestant and Muslim money bags rebelled against  יהוה  and his chosen prophets such as Yeremiyahu and Moshe Ben Amram..

This may be too flippant and 'Elijah style' for a shallow, wordy Milwaukee Buck fan to handle. However, I am compelled to cover my cow not anyone's ass with the following assessment of a debacle in progress induced by a 39 year old who thinks a telephone call to his uncle in a non-emergency situation is some sort of major inconvenience that is too huge of a request within his boss's realm; his boss  clearly is not on Yehowah's side.

This had only been a draft, but because some people who call themselves 'Christians' are using trickery while texting, PERHAPS it's best I post this sooner than I intended. The trickery apparently came from my  son's telephone and someone texting and claiming to be 'rich'  has now been unwilling to confirm by VOICE to another family member that indeed it was my  son who had texted and as usual, is now unresponsive. I don't want to speak to anyone who claims to be my son, claims to love me yet has not bothered to spend any time with me while on trying to raise funds for his next vacation to England.  Donating to UWM.ORG is equal to donating to Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi, because that organization is so  'anti-natural family' that they smell worse than the annual police union Christmas parties I used to go to. At least there if the husbands were gambling too much, the copper's spouses complaints were taken seriously by the union board and the parties were no longer held on payday.  

My son who has not yet even had the courtesy to advise me of his address, though I've abided by his 'keep away from my rental' demands for  over a decade, is now heading to England to try and make people believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to get saved and once he saves you, you can disregard any and all serious suggestions or complaints from your natural parents. According to a graduate of  Moody Bible school, hearing a recorded voice message is proof of the user of the phone.  I've had phones stolen and then couldn't text from them.  According to that same graduate asking a son to call his uncle to confirm a connection is considered such as grievous request it is considered being asked to 'jump through hoops' and the man schooled about Jesus won't do such a considerate task to clear up a possible conflict while he clearly has no desire to do anything to make his mother smile and prefers to agitate her past tears to anger. .   I had an indirect message from the Creator  this morning while in tears and in prayer and that happened to be 'It's not just you your son is contrary to, and unwilling to cooperate with, it us. He clearly rejects the perfect Law  (Psalm 119:103)and the prophets too.' 

There are people released from prison in a few weeks after doing far more damage to their families than I ever thought of doing and their families often welcome them back asserting the fact that they were punished.  How can any leader of a family go overseas to supposedly teach other young people how to behave when his BOSS has not first ordered him to address and improve the relationship with his Old Testament believing mother?  People who believe that UWM.ORG stupidity and HYPOCRISY are easily manipulated by 'contemporary' couples plopping themselves into countries that had access to the 5 Books of Moses and the prophetic writings for centuries now. 

Like any follow-up to a crime and intentional trickery against a family member, I'll post another time if in fact my son confirms that it indeed was him who referred to me as 'Marie' and not mom by text before he launches off to England NOT at his own expense.   The coded number and now suspicious texts came from is 1-&!%-$(^-$)&( and consider this equal to any other open records report of suspicious telephone texts or questionable impersonal recorded messages.  It's not that easy redirecting dog food mailings intended for Cheryl Hendrikson from Michigan to 5318 Lakeshore Drive, 54401 but hopefully even 'Chewy' dog advertisers are interested in proper community relations, which is not part of UWM.ORG's business. T-Mobile still doesn't have the technology or expertise to get a wrong name of their mailing list, but that's the Las Vegas Knight style, isn't it?  T-Mobile has lot of. hype and no good results when corrections are asked to be made. 

Isn't it sad or depressing to anyone other than me that a dog supply business is more interested than working through a problem with me than representatives of and evangelical Christian church representatives? That's very sad to me and one of many reasons why I no longer ever want to be labeled as a "Christian'. Was Noah labeled a Christian? Did he, his family and his zoo mobile get saved without Jesus Christ? Yup, Noah certainly did get saved without accepting Jesus Christ. How in heaven or on earth can a  so-called BEGOTTEN son be the same as the Creator? The Creator of the animals instructed Noah, and I'm not going to argue about what name you refer to the Creator as, although George Washington's religious assembly raised up the name of   יהוה .  

Sure, someone may have had a laugh over the texts to me as the typical representative of Christianity Cheryl Lee Brown did laugh with her petitioning boyfriend  Shane David Hendrikson in a Wausau divorce court. I'll report on every suspicious telephone activity and mailing I get, so don't bother trying to push me over some 'lack of reality' edge with WXYZ in Detroit.  If UWM.ORG is going to have my son represent them, his boss better find out who it is that's so unprofessional or rude that they won't even take the time to contact a family uncle to confirm that my text messages went to my son and not to some imposter playing cruel games with his telephone.  

When your method of transportation  has been ignored for a long period of time and necessary repairs were not done in a timely matter when it was possible to do the repairs,  there most likely will come a night when what you ignored no longer works at all for you because it has become seriously disabled, whether that transportation is man-made or a natural animal which had previously been strong.  It was never the desire of  anti-Disney methods of transportation  to become unable to respond when electronic connections are no longer operable. 

Older vehicles sometimes get chosen and repaired back to good working condition when the owner is willing to invest time and money into what had been devalued and not properly maintained by the person previously responsible for that vehicle who eventually stopped caring about the future of that vehicle. 

When serious repairs need to be done, those repairs cannot be done from a distance.  If it were possible, the vehicle would speak to the title owner to report specifically what needed repair, but the title owner would have to get close enough to listen and trust that the method of transportation that hadn't gotten important repairs wouldn't attack like an angry, abused sled dog.

Is it really jumping through hoops to call an uncle when you won't visit or communicate directly with your mother, Moody Bible teacher ands students? 

There had been a stupid production named 'My Mother the Car'.  Most mothers are  actually more like horses, camels, bears, donkeys, deer or kangaroos because they do not rust, they do cry when injured and they can become silent when it is clearly senseless to communicate to a being they cannot see  When in survival mode, silence because a defense mechanism when they suspect it would do more harm than good to let their injury , whether fresh or nearly healed, be exposed to and injured again by a hunter, cruel stranger or arrogant, uncaring enemy trying to pass through the wounded mother's  area. When silence is necessary, the injured  female animal who must be silent actually hurts far more than the hunter, stranger or enemy that is  actually moving along to their  next chosen target rather than being interested in caring for the wounded female.

Silence isn't golden, especially when it is self-imposed as part of a  very sad but necessary self-defense  plan to prevent being maimed again by an uncaring, unfriendly party or team in progress to their next goal which has no room in their  hearts for the animal they pressured into silence and clearly did not want to hear from under any condition.

Love  actually seems to be quite conditional after all.  I'm not the one who uttered "If you love me, keep my commandments.'   George Strait has been as wrong as Tim McGraw. The people who love you the most are willing to try and teach you very difficult lessons, including disciplinary actions, which often are delivered at the teacher's expense.  

From what I understand, children are never supposed to attempt to discipline their parent(s).  I don't regret choosing to air my grievances here since paid missionaries don't have the time to listen or care. I don't regret that I choose to reject pills to alleviate my heartache.  I may not have been a perfect parent, but there are some horrific women calling themselves 'wife' that do enjoy dividing their husband from his natural family in the realm of pagan religious practices; King Solomon was lured into that same sin by women who pulled him away from יהוה and perfect Torah instructions.

 Nobody in the United Kingdom or UWM.ORG needs to know what I do from now until their paid missionaries contact me in person. I wouldn't accept a call from the U.K. because I don't trust their lines of communication; such is the way of a locust-minded guide. Nope- UK code 44 is not going to be dialed nor received by me. If you consider superstitious that's your problem because I'm a lot like my father's wonderful mother. 🥖 🍋 🍪 🦆

Psalm 39 has 13 verses and will be my defensive psalm of choice for this possible 39th month of the tribulation. Count your sieves; there should be 13.  How do I love  יהוה   ?  Let me display some ways.

A is for Curtis Shayne Joseph or Boston cash if your prefer Secret Service codes rather than a 93%-100% correct answer result on a test.

🏌 GET LOST due to the Creator's drive.

🎳 Get found and learn from the perfect law that is a lamp unto my feet.

🏒 Get to work 6 days a week and rest on designated sabbaths.

🎱 Get solid as an agate.

🏋 Warn people whom I care about or who I am expected to warn, even if they disregard the warnings as though they came from an official sign set in place by a injured police officer. 

🧸 🧸 D.A.R.E. bears can handle quite a load of weeping and travel time. 

After getting another  TEXTED 'absolutely no' answer from my son regarding a willingness to contact his uncle until I can speak to him again, the dream I had  last night is worth revealing. He only texted me this week about a message to him a month ago about wanting to talk once month, but his plans to exit the USA make that idea foolish now and I am too discouraged to speak at all.  In the dream that caused me to wake up in tears,  I could hear my child , about 10 years old in the dream, screaming out for help in a muddy area a long running from me, and I ran to try and help him because I recognized his VOICE which wasn't recorded.  When I got there, it was too late and the people he had trusted to be with beat him up while he was far from me and left him face down in the muddy pond and thought I lifted him up out of the mud, I could not revive him.

My thoughts can surely be in a bloody red color. I miss my son that I tan to try and help so much, but the man he is now is completely different than that child. When I was a child, a red delicious apple was something  wonderful and every time I'd see one in my father's lunchbox that another co-worker had gifted him, I'd get a smile on my face. The Creator's mark was on those apples and they were not genetically modified in the 1960's. However, once a group of unethical people decided to alter and change the make-up of those apples to make them become easier to be shipped around and extend their time in storage, the apples became foul, lost their sweetness, lost their texture and they were no longer sweet nor a gift that could put a smile on my face. My son used to be like that natural apple that made me smile, but a group of people conspired together to change him so much that he no longer is anything like a natural original gift from the Creator. I have to admit the person I long to see and speak with, my son formerly known as Ricky Xavier and Richard Ortiz and high school Richie Hendrikson, is a good memory to me. However, I can't long to see a person who totally ignores and disrespects my entire family members including his cousins, aunts, uncles because those people are part of me and they are not crucified dead bodies. They are people with reel feelings and they all shake their heads and wonder what happed to Ricky Xavier and Ricky Ortiz? What caused their formerly thoughtful nephew/cousin to become so aloof and professionally modified? I know the answer to that question, and Joseph Pavelski is not the young man who caused so much alteration to the mentality of my son that my son no longer wants to be part of his mother's family. He has a disease that I cannot cure and I can only see that the symptoms haven't gone way since he got married to a woman who despised my entire family while seeks popularity in Europe and in staged church assemblies. 

A lengthy letter explaining honestly why a monthly overseas chat with a person who has not recently even indicated that his goal is to visit me, whether on  or off of a deathbed like his tobacco-smoking, swing-eating father-in-law had been. He texted me without compassion months after I sent an email that merely said 'Please call me.'  His wife approves all of his moves away from my family, and his church assembly has had symptoms of anti-Yahweh protocol for centuries.  He insisted that calling his uncle is too harsh of a request from me until I am able to speak to him by telephone.

The letter I sent to Richard Isaiah c/o my parents is 7 pages long and is neither cold nor loaded with deceptions.  What got was this from Mr. Rachel Hendrikson's family line is this: "Is this Marie's number?'  Does that seem like a text from a son?  The following texts were 'No?'  "Perhaps this is the wrong. number. Sorry "    No parent with any cognitive skills would suspect those test actually came from their son and I still have not been able to confirm that subsequents texts I received came from my son since I have not heard his voice and he does not call me to hear mine for whatever reasons his father, wife, social club and boss inserted into his adult years. I responded 'Who is trying to contact Marie?"  Text back to that question was 'Its rich'. Could something from HGTV's electronic trick bag be trying to contact Webster Marie, the male  real estate agent portrayed on 'House Hunters' from the West Indies? 758 signals do occasionally get crossed or tested after code 809 split. 

You be the judge, and I do not know who 'you' are. IA has plenty of access to the most recent text exchanges after I chose to believe that it was possible my son was finally reaching out to me. I received  the words in orange from an unconfirmed source using a electronic device; my texts, including a repeat of  my spelling errors, to that unverified electronic device is in green:

"Its rich"

I will be sending  a letter to my father for you to consider. I lost the courage to speak when I was told you are leaving the usa before you had given us a change to meet somewhere. it hard to admit I can't handle a 'one and done' call. I thought we could talk and have a good goal of an autumn visit but that is not possible now. if you feel the need to get a message to me in an urgent situation, you can call my brother John and he will pass the info to me. I make too many errors by email and perhaps we'll do better with paper mail. I am so sad now I can't talk by phone though I had been ready to do/complete that good goal until I heard you are going to be unreachable. I love you and miss you so much: get the letter from my dad next week and again, call John if needed since he loves me and understands my sorrow.

"Ok. Thanks for writing back. I love you. I'll go through uncle john with any urgent needs."

call John tomorrow evening to confirm sit is actually. my son who sent and got these texts. I have some doubt since I have been deceived and misled many times'

(No response received; 2nd urgent message sent and remember, the tester agreed to go through uncle John.)

John is expecting a call from you this evening. if he doesn't get the call then we'll assume a companion of rich was doing a cruel prank like a dagger in the heart. I respondf with integrity to the vague text. if you need john's # call me today.

(On the same day I sent the letter I referred to from Michigan, the texter supposedly in central Wisconsin, responded in a manner indicating he or she did not comprehend nor bother to read and understand the serious nature of the prior 2 texts I sent what 'getting a letter from my father' meant and then he or she started referring only to a month-old email from a insecure site.)

"Hi. I read your letter. I am ok with talking once a month. I thought it was reasonable but I won't be jumping through your hoops. So if you want to talk we can set up a date to chat. You know its me because you heard me voicemail message voice."

(Again, the response came from an unverified source. The sender of that text could not possibly have read the mailed letter to my father that he was supposed to receive this weekend. A recorded voice does not prove who the holder and operator of a device is. If that were so, the John Banner and Robert Clary have been using my cell phone, but their recorded voices don't indicate they are with me. There have been hostage situations where people have used other people's telephones to lure loved-ones or associates into a snare. Know you know I do. not believe that a recorded voice verifies possession and use of a electronic device, but 'rich' does. I know evidentiary procedures, 'rich' does not.)

voicemail doesn't confirm anything regarding the user and the handwritten letter was sent today so you could not have read it: connect with John if in fact this is my son to be decent and let him now when you get the mailed letter you could not possible have gotten already; that's not a hoop

"I meant the last letter you wrote. A month or two ago. Look. Talk to me or don't. No need to go through anyone else. If I have to do just as you say this won't work. If you want to talk to me. Set a date and a time. Ill check to see if works for me too. If yes, we will talk then you'll know its me. You heard my voice on the voicemail as well. Stop complicating things. I want to talk once a month. I'm not going to fight you for this."

(Fight or flight happens. That possibly will be the last text exchange between me and person who never was willing to properly identify himself  in a reasonable, current family-friendly manner. Real mail still works if the words 'I love you' now need PROOF beyond reasonable doubt and proper actions to reflect that love isn't displayed by words punched into an insecure, fallible electronic device.  Scales aren't always on a fish or weighing a 63 inch fish; snakes also have scales as Stephen Pidgeon knows. )

 🟦 Did you notice the inconsistency in the style of sentence structure in the texts received from &!%_$(^_$)&(   ?   I certainly did and wondered why the quick change from going through uncle John being ok to no longer being ok. It's possible that while in France, my son was so altered by experiments he no longer is behaving as a human and has become robotic in a sense and no longer thinking things through logically or with normal human emotions. Drugs might also be a factor in erratic and I don't know if someone that has access to his intake has been mistreating his body with chemicals that caused his behavior and genetics to be altered toward AI behaviors. Anyone who thinks this scenario is not possible is too unrealistic about heir wars. Thus, the unconfirmed user of a electronic device wants me to set up an appointment with them BY TEXTING and that same user won't make a human call to the executor of my will. 

Privacy is not an expectation on electronic devices. Mailed letters do have more privacy. I am not an idiot because I insist on verifying who it has been that has been texting me, questioning me  as 'marie' instead of mom,  and being so anti-family he or she will not contact my brother.  The idiot is the person who thinks I'm going to insist on speaking once a month to a person who refuses to make their identity known to working professionals who also is a reliable family member that can also detect the difference between 'Mrs. Richard Hendrikson' , 'Mr. Rachel Snyder' and his actual nephew.  

Fact and constant: the K of  ❤'s  has no mustache; 2 Jacks have mustaches, and 2  Jacks do not.

What if this becomes a Jeffrey Chase vs. Jayne Cler matter Milwaukee Custer matter long before David Ortiz is even brought into question?  How about Gord Dwyer& JuJu Smith-Schuster vs. Robin Yount & Jonathan Toews reviewing the accuracy or errors of Psalm 19?

This has been written voluntarily to attempt to draw others who are willing to speak to me in person or  to my trusted affiliates by telephone into an ongoing investigation and subsequent PUNISHMENT  of  those aiding, abetting or actively planning  crimes by medical science experimentation, by organized  anti- religions and  current worldwide political power abusers. My attempts to have good success in lowering the chances for a disastrous event are sometimes hindered by those unwilling to do good works.  

There is no drought in Michigan, but housing prices and taxation are certainly escalating.  I didn't forget Robin Moon's important role in FEMA zone V. 🚰

It's Bob Bassen's birthday.  Maybe I should read the input he gave to Michael Gartner's book regarding the topic of Christianity 20 years ago. Eventually, I hope to show the texts I received to my brother in the same manner I showed the written diary of Shane David Hendrikson to family members who then realized how much danger I was in and the plans he had written about to commit adultery and break his Christian marriage vows. The Marathon County sheriff's department said they were interested in the content of those threats to my family until I was injured or crimes were committed against me.  

A profound prophecy reminder that the words deployed by the ישראלי prophet Isaiah in chapter 43:2 were not quoted by nor referred to the being referred to  as Jesus Christ. Ralph Gallow is more likely to appreciate that fact than the person who profits from selling experimental pharmaceutical injections to governments or selling false witness testimony to a judge and jury.

I've been injured and crimes were committed against me. Deputies often don't care about anything more than their gun and their paycheck. We'll see what kind of transition going from Richard Artisan (63rd Milwaukee County Sheriff) to Rich Belmore (Squad 23)  to David Clarke  (64th Milwaukee Sheriff) has on Anthony Wickersham vs. Joel Breitzman or Dan Bauer vs. Merrill's 'Deaner'Hauswirth. How about a  hot case of Pabst code 220741 vs. 'Red Bull 55' where  the number 74 now matters in the W=Tungsten sectionals or a cold case of 'Iron City ' Beer  vs. a truckload of 'Coke Zero'?  I'd choose the Iron City Beer as a mild sedative as opposed to the chemical warfare Coca-Cola has targeted against the emotionally weak who haven't believed in the benefits of drinking distilled water and resisting dangerous chemicals intentionally spilled into bottles and anti-Yahweh's very own FDA approved containers?

Five 6, pick up sticks. 🏌 ו = 6

Now, I move forward again to music appreciation as I tune into 'Oceans' recording of 'Ridin' the Tide' and I recall the excellent behavior  and professional expertise of  Detroit Redwings Draft pick Fred Berry,  Menomonee Falls'  Chief Waters and Germantown's  Chief Snow. I have to plenty of good works to complete today though there is no sunshine to be seen on this gloomy spring day. That album reminds me of the Steel City Renegades and Captain Landgraf.  🥅

🎵♪♩♩🎵   📓



In another horrific anti-conservative decision, AT&T dropped OAN news and only now offers 'news' from liberal reporters that only a fool would take the time to observe or believe. Maybe Daniel Bell, Daniel 'Mr. 3.64' Plesac , Robert Scott Smith or Dan Hampton can get more accomplished than  Dan Ball could.  Keeping a cautious 'left 104' eye on sports is one of the only ways that I can discern if some of my codes and division works are being activated properly as Benjamin Moore's historic color ' Sussex Moss' code 109 has been. 

Retaining AT&T is one specific method I can use to see what wrong moves the enemy of decency and modesty is making since acquiring Matt Stafford instead of Drew Stafford. 


Ten 4, 88............🎹

N.Y. Ranger Gaborik isn't N.Y. Ranger Panarin, though both have been labeled with a '10'. Does 10 now equal Hebrew Y,  Roman X, the stone of the tribe of לוי if you believe the 'Book of Revelation' chapter 21 or 'Ne' as in neon which is a chemistry table reality point that even Christopher Jaeck and Thaddeus Raczek should be able to identify as  a gas heavier than helium and lighter than argon?  Whose natural intelligence you insult too many time might no longer choose to assist you in your staged computerized presentations and  will openly condemn you acts of unrighteousness toward those natural relatives who worked hard rather than becoming weak and beggarly folks preferring the lazy way of welfare checks and collections from elderly church people to provide food, clothing, transportation and shelter when you were their legal dependent and not classified as a 'dog' or 'whoremonger'.


Go back to reading the book of Zechariah, look in the mirror and ask yourself 'Am I father who has forwarded affliction against the LORD of hosts and his representatives on earth by rebelling and being misled by Catholoc, Protestant, Talmud and Muslim teachings which have abused the  the prophets of  LORD  יהוה and tossed around his title  in vain?  

Yes, there are lost sheep of the house of Israel in Muslim places, and unless they seek the teachings of יהוה   and repent , they will be devoured by carnivores and birds of prey. 

H543. What does. אמן mean to you now?  Maybe the battle that belongs to יהוה  of hosts is going down to the Gord Dwyer.

🦓🦓🦓🦓   Zebras mattered when the doors of the ark got shut on after many years of dry land practices.  Grevy's zebra has gestation period of about 390 days, as does certain types of camels, giraffes, donkeys and whales.  103 days to go on the left in my Yczeqal remembrance counting of 390 days, and I am remembering Beverly Vukosich, my 2nd grade teacher in a Milwaukee private school.  I'm thankful to both of my parents for caring for me and encouraging me to excel in education including reading, writing, arithmetic, history, sciences and music. That gratitude causes me to continually desire to spend time with them, speak to them, hear them out when they have an opinion that differs from mine and not try to burden them with unreasonable demands.   I refuse to abuse my mother and father with intentional withdrawal from their household, intentional silence toward their ears that can still hear and intentional withholding of my smiles from their eyes that can still see.  

Should I or any person who trusts in the LORD of hosts reject a reasonable request from a mother or father that a child is physically capable of doing?  Certainly not.  My parent's actually understand why I think 'Mother's Day' is a shallow and stupid $ game instigated by people who refuse to enter into the rest of the weekly 7th day and them reject the seal of the Creator by taking it lazy on a typical Sunday. My parents know I love them, I honor them with telephone calls, perennial visits, thank you cards, gifts that are useful and helping them with annual housecleaning  and yard work chores.  While doing those good works, they know I'm not doing them in the name of 'Jesus Christ'.   I'm doing those works because of my faith in יהוה  which my parents have not deterred me from  nor tried to punish me for.

🦒     🧺     H 1478, Month 51   גוע    🏀  Zechariah 13:8

Should this be tribulation month 64 ( refer to Gd on the chemistry table),  the Trevor Daley word is  H 1861   דרבן, which is a goad, not a toad nor a gnat. There is a substantial difference between Interstate 64 and Wisconsin Route 64 that Plaxico Burress would clearly be able to notice since he is not an amateur at discerning routes.  

Of  🏌course, KJV students tend to link 64 to the Book of James, not Jude. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

H5496: Redirecting the Yellow Puck

Soothsayers are not known for their integrity As a matter of fact,  what sounds like 'sooth' in Hebrew really means 'to seduce, to take away, to entice'.  2nd Kings 17:30 had some entity named "Nergal'  (H5370) that had a significant role in some spheres of influence and was thought to have power over plagues, which rarely seduce or entice people.  Seducing spirits are often beautiful on the outwardly but inwardly are so reprobate that they will not repent of their selfishness nor will they humble themselves, so when disaster strikes them, they are unprepared to recover from it.

A lady was taught to garden, and she learned to love the challenges of working with soil, preparing  places for perennial flowers, and carefully choosing shrubs that birds could play in.  Dividing and transplanting perennials became much easier than growing anything from seed, yet the time came when growing vegetables from seeds became a priority, and she thought 'If only I had learned more about vegetable gardening from my grandparents instead of complaining about the shriveled apples available, edible but unattractive.  While struggling to understand how to provide more crops for her household when the worldwide government leaders were plotting wickedness, she received news so grievous she had not choice but to cry out to          . While waiting for a response, she realized that people who don't know anything about geology and stones will be seduced toward a rock that will eventually crush them. While claiming that they built their house 'on a rock', in reality they might not even have had to try to protect their house from rising waters. While the lady who gardened trusted in a foundational stone that seemed to get bigger and stronger, that foundational stone actually never changed but becsuse so few others remained on that foundation stone, she had more space which made that stone seem bigger and able to uphold her easily.  She suspects that the seducing spirits will keep drawing others toward their rock that is weak, which once had been large but has been eroded away so much that it now is no more than a pebble which could not even uphold enough soil to sustain a good grain of wheat or barley that would fall upon it.  When the lady was young, she was raised up 🍞 like a non-modified grain stalk and she gave much to her community. However, seducing spirits tampered with and intentionally altered some of her grain offspring so intensely that  no one in their right 40 mind would ever recognize the fact that before being altered, the grain that fell from her head was healthy, cared for and helpful to others in his real family. When people  who have deliberately turned away from, resisted and chosen to be contrary to the natural grain that begot them become so busy building their ego on a pebble no stronger than granite, they don't realize their foundation is going to get crushed by a stone still intact and  uncut, maybe Sardis or jasper tough.  Indeed, a stone-warm lady cried out today to her maker יהוה and it doesn't matter if she has no ears 🌽 to hear as long as her maker can now prove he heard her cry in sorrow and anger and responds according to his faithfulness and covenant .  Not all stones are cold, since stones can also retain much heat.

I suppose those 'seducing spirit' type of people do reproduce after their own kind. What's in the middle of our identifying electronic numbers does matter but does not prevent us from seeking a foundation that  even thee prophets Yeremiyahu and Yczeqal  would trust in  to uphold them and restore them through years of sorrows and devastating circumstances that were not coincidental nor minor.

From 107th and Vlad Namestnikov to 105th and Eddie. Shore, I suspect many will have to take it difficult, not easy. When יהוה causes his enemies to flee from you or from me in fear, those enemies prove they are fearful and unbelieving of the truthfulness which HAS to come from the lips of  those who submitted to יהוה by choice.

📞. Disconnections happen, especially when people are enticed away and flee when they should have been establishing and reinforcing their position that didn't require bowing to false monarchs. 

Crying out for help only works if someone who cares is willing to hear you and then assist you. I've got tasks to persevere at and of good works to do, including celebrating with the amazingly thoughtful and gracious families of the Steel City Renegades  at about the next full crimson moon. Some people consider that to be the '2nd Passover' and mention of that event stirs up controversy while discussing observance for those who didn't feel it was appropriate to observe the feast of unleavened bread in the month that is being completed tonight. 

What is the opposite of a lack of hospitality, a lack of thoughtfulness and a total lack of communications? I suppose that would define 'unfriending' a person or group of persons who represent something so vile or contrary to a pro-יהוה  beliefs that disconnecting from them is the holiest option, even if that procedure causes severe pain and grieves whatever remains of a heart of flesh. 

Now I need  to go back the ice for retraining purposes. 🥅.   The name Jesus Christ truly isn't good and reliable goalie material, though I had previously trusted that English name.

😢.   I am a  part of  ישראן and 390 days on the left has 107 days remaining to be remembered before 40 right can begin .  Psalm 25 is not a laughing matter, even if month 14, 26, 39, 51, 76 , 88, 100, 113 or 125 has begun.

Squad changes happen. 🚨   Getting pressured into silence is grievous; when you spiritually or physically muzzle a human for an extended period of time against their will , it's eye contact that becomes a necessary survival tactic.  It actually is somewhat shocking to find out that when someone finally decides to unmuzzle you after several years, an inability to speak has actually occurred and  that injury could only have been prevented by those who wouldn't allow you to speak.

I have no idea how long it might take for my inability to speak to convert to an ability to speak to a person who actually desires to hear me speak gently and mercifully toward him.  I suppose it's somewhat like forcing a person into a wheelchair for years when that person had been quite able to walk with you or toward you and the result  of confining a person to a wheelchair when healthy induces a total loss of an ability to stand or walk. 

😶  My eyes can read signed hockey jerseys, roadway signs and hand-written letters on paper that have truthful statements and don't express something as unrealistic as 'happy Mother's Day'.  At least that's  something  a dog, fish or pig can't do.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

1475 Strongs Avenue 50th Month Closer


44 starts Avon, Ohio zip ties; 44 is tucked into central Wisconsin codes and finishes Macomb, Michigan zip code. There are many 44's much better than wicked Barack Obama. 

109 NHL goals nor 109 NHL assists is as low as 0. Do your own research about the number 109 if you think 'Sussex Green' is a Benjamin Moore laughing matter.

Yczeqal's 107th left side day will be observed starting on the eve of May 2nd through the daylight hours of May 3rd, 2022.

Vyaslava Koslov matters, especially while he was an Atlanta Thrasher.

125th month people might notice the word  כןִ has similarities to a gnat or tiny bugs of the 3rd plague. That seems peculiar to me.

Not very much  in the world is looking חנון  nor יפה currently, and thus it is an appropriate time to זצק .