Friday, September 10, 2021

The Autumn Recall of 1996

 In 1996, I decided I was not longer feeling safe living in the city of Milwaukee for various reasons which included a very unjust mandatory 72 hour incarceration of humans who may have only been having an anxiety attack for a valid reason. Yes, sometimes anxiety attacks occur after people around you contintually mistreat you.

I left my rented flat in Milwaukee to try and improve my life and health in a central Wisconsin home which now is labeled 203781 Hollyhock Lane, a home that sat upon 10.24 acres of land that my parents gifted to me.  I really could have used some help from family members cleaning up the house that was often unoccupied. but even upon request my cousin Maggie Raczek refused to help at all.  Maggie always made it clear that she did not believe in the Bible  recommendations and on that day 25 years ago, she practiced what she believed and refused to be helpful to me when I was struggling with health matters.

A few days ago, cousin Maggie took a bullet in the head without informed consent, and she now might have to try to counter the same kind of fears that I have had to after being involuntarily drugged numerous times in Wisconsin.  As a high school biology teacher in Portland, Oregon she is a city employee in a city that has disdain for the career I had as a police officer, and now I know Maggie Raczek will not be asking me for help cleaning up her house while she is recovering from an involuntary injury. 

There's plenty of other family members who have chosen to do nothing or to do more harm than good for me while I was negatively affected by severe asthma from 2nd hand smoke and had horrific side effects from prednisone. Looking at the bullet hole in Maggie's house on 64th and Woodward in Portland certainly did not look like a stray bullet hole in my opinion and Maggie may have been targeted by someone as cruel as certain members of the staff of St. Michael's hospital in Stevens Point, who didn't seem to understand why I didn't want to be forced to take an injection that would  make me very unable to defend myself. After 12 years of making my own rational health care decisions without Shane David Hendrikson trying to destroy me with his 'plan' to cause me mental collapse, as if stealing the 10.24 acre land parcel that he quickly resold (though it had been gifted to me) wasn't enough, I'm thankful to say I've never had any disease other than short-lived flu symptoms which I do know how to safely treat even without being a biology teacher.   The perjury of Shane David Hendrikson in divorce court assisted his unjust acquisition, which my son, like Maggie Raczek, wasn't troubled by.

According to the Portland, Oregon news reports, Maggie Raczek is going to be 'OK'. Really? She may have lost an eye and she certainly will have mental instability, maybe for the duration of her life. That doesn't sound like an 'OK' outcome, even for a woman who didn't have enough love her cousin  to help with a bit of household cleaning in 1996.

I suppose the men who competed in the FDNY vs. NYPD hockey game last evening might appreciate my honesty more than someone who has developed an unnatural resistance to the Truth.

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