Kirk Cousins, Andrew Wiggins, Josh Archibald, John Harbaugh, Mr. Blackwood the goalie and Tyler Bertuzzi might now become pivotal courageous leaders, since such men cannot be complete 0's to me anymore. A few million others who don't like the type of Martin Bormann pressure being inflicted on people who don't want to be genetic experiments might also admire the Tyler Bertuzzi plan if he doesn't 'fold' like souffle with no spine. Sure, there won't be a purple triangle or a yellow star sewn onto Tyler Bertuzzi's jersey, but his courage will cause him to be discriminated against publicly. If the Redwings allow him to be that courageous man, they are setting an reasonable John Harbaugh???????? Yup, Harbaugh seemed to have come to the defense of Lamar Jackson, and that makes me not be antagonistic toward John Harbaugh, though his brother Jim is still highly disliked by me.
Here's what most colleges and professional sports teams owners really believe though they haven't yet written it in an official document, yet here a written description of their blatant hypocritical attitude:
" We, as professional sports teams owners and college sports recruiters, don't really care if our recruited entities take unreasonable risk and get venereal diseases, AIDS from heterosexual or homosexual activities, multiple divorces due to immoral behavior, multiple children with multiple people they don't love enough to marry, permanent brain damage, loss of an eyeball or lifetime migraines from head injuries We actually expect them to get joint injuries that permanently disable them to a slight or extreme degree. We don't even care if they lose every tooth in their mouth because they won't wear a hockey cage or full mask. What we won't permit, mostly because we are extremely anti-Yahweh and anti-freedom, is for our students and sports participants to experience a flu virus naturally as a responsible adult and thus we must demand they become subjects of risky medical experiments sponsored by greedy people who are clearly not ethical, moral or willing to be hold themselves responsible for short term obvious damage or future long term 'to be determined' damage to the body's natural intelligent design. Our position is immorally much like Mr. Martin Bormann of Germany's Nazi party now."
If you are pressured out of the grips of such colleges or professional sports teams, maybe a local high school with non-dictator policies could use you as a coach or going into an important trade such as electrician, carpenter, plumber, auto technician, roofer, architect. metal fabrication worker, welder, concrete work, security guard. small family farmer or grocer is the best long term choice for an ethical human being with enough assets to launch a business or learn a trade. ♦♦
What did major league baseball actually decide to do with their employee policies? Do I now need to mention how hypocritical any government or religious system is that expects their military or paramilitary to be willing to be killed or permanently disabled as targets of bullets and brute beast forces aimed at them, yet their leaders are pretending that they don't want them to spread or be temporarily sidelined with COVID symptoms even though the gene therapy does not stop anyone from becoming contagious with a natural or man-made virus? Who's really stupid enough to believe the intentional lies of the injection pushers after considering my very true facts?
We all will die of something unless we exit miraculously like the prophet Elijah. Such reality has been made clear by John Harbaugh. Dying of the flu is not as bad as dying from most cancers or multiple strokes that impair the body for years prior to death. Why will I still watch sports? Because I want to know who actually still thinks that money or college sports participation is more important than freedom to choose our own health care plan and more important than retaining a healthy, holy spiritual conscience so we don't end up as mentally impaired and physically impaired as the current president of the USA. I also want to know who it is that is incapable of being a holy and strong leader that would rather quit a lucrative job than become part of a Martin Bormann's follow-up experimentation. I haven't yet got a name for all those spiritual losers who folded rather than resisted biological tyranny in their workplace, but it won't be 'Deacon Blue'. Since they are as fallible as an unfaithful spouse, I suppose they are best described as unholy followers of anti-Yahweh who put their faith in Joseph Biden, not in the designer of their baby parts that weren't aborted.
Let's build up a front best, since trying to build better surely isn't going to be good enough to pass an inspection from the Creator who has expectations that need to be met. After all, what if this is day 1,989 of a 7 year period of testing? If you are fortunate enough to be working in a place that isn't shoving sticks that could be tainted or actually could be causing real damage into your brain tissue area on a weekly basis or an unrighteous dictator who is demanding you become a biological experiment subject, thankfully tell others that you are not a servant of anyone that is following in Martin Bormann's footsteps. More concisely, declare that your boss doesn't have the spirit of Martin Bormann, even though demented Joe Biden apparently has the unholy spirit of Martin Bormann.
Cam Newton should actually start a chain of grocery stores or diners that refuses to serve the people who decided to get genetically altered due to Joe Biden's unconstitutional orders.
I suppose I'm going to pray for Tyler Bertuzzi, the only man with biologically pure courage on the Detroit Redwings roster. Hey, how about putting a blue square 🟦 on the jerseys of those who refused to become biological experiments since they are tougher mentally, physically and spiritually and plop green circles 🟢 on the jerseys of those who took the easy path into unconstitutional conformity and bent the knee to Joe Biden's anti-freedom plans that still include the abuse and murder of innocent infants yanked out of a womb?