Thursday, September 30, 2021

Medical Hypocrisy of Colleges and Pro Sports Emerges at WARP SPEED

Kirk Cousins, Andrew Wiggins, Josh Archibald,  John Harbaugh, Mr. Blackwood the goalie and Tyler Bertuzzi might now become pivotal courageous leaders,  since such men cannot be complete 0's to me anymore. A few million others who don't like the type of Martin Bormann pressure being inflicted on people who don't want to be genetic experiments might also admire the Tyler Bertuzzi plan if he doesn't 'fold' like souffle with no spine. Sure, there won't be a purple triangle or a yellow star sewn onto Tyler Bertuzzi's jersey, but his courage will cause him to be discriminated against publicly. If the Redwings allow him to be that courageous man, they are setting an reasonable John Harbaugh???????? Yup, Harbaugh seemed to have come to the defense of Lamar Jackson, and that makes me not be antagonistic toward John Harbaugh, though his brother Jim is still highly disliked by me.

 Here's what most colleges and professional sports teams owners really believe though they haven't yet written it in an official document, yet here a written description of their blatant hypocritical attitude:

" We, as professional sports teams owners and college sports recruiters, don't really care if our recruited entities take unreasonable risk and get venereal diseases, AIDS from heterosexual or homosexual activities, multiple divorces due to immoral behavior, multiple children with multiple people they don't love enough to marry, permanent brain damage, loss of an eyeball or lifetime migraines from head injuries We actually expect them to get joint injuries that permanently disable them to a slight or extreme degree. We don't even care if they lose every tooth in their mouth because they won't wear a hockey cage or full mask. What we won't permit, mostly because we are extremely anti-Yahweh and anti-freedom, is for  our students and sports participants to experience a flu virus naturally as a responsible adult and thus we must demand they become subjects of risky medical experiments sponsored by greedy people who are clearly not ethical, moral or willing to be hold themselves responsible for short term obvious damage or future long term 'to be determined' damage to the body's natural intelligent design. Our position is immorally much like Mr. Martin Bormann of Germany's Nazi party now."

If you are pressured out of the grips of such colleges or professional sports teams,  maybe a local high school with non-dictator policies could use you as a coach or going into an important trade such as electrician, carpenter, plumber, auto technician, roofer, architect. metal fabrication worker, welder,  concrete work, security guard. small family farmer or grocer is the best long term choice for an ethical human being with enough assets to launch a business or learn a trade. ♦♦

What did major league baseball actually decide to do with their employee policies?   Do I now need to mention how hypocritical any government or religious system is that expects their military or paramilitary to be willing to be killed or permanently disabled as targets of bullets and brute beast forces aimed at them, yet their leaders are pretending that they don't want them to spread or be temporarily sidelined with COVID symptoms even though the gene therapy does not stop anyone from  becoming contagious with a natural or man-made virus? Who's really stupid enough to believe the intentional lies of the injection pushers after considering my very true facts?

We all will die of something unless we exit miraculously like the prophet Elijah. Such reality has been made clear by John Harbaugh.  Dying of the flu is not as bad as dying from most cancers or multiple strokes that impair the body for years prior to death. Why will I still watch sports? Because I want to know who actually still thinks  that money or college sports participation is more important than freedom to choose our own health care plan and more important than retaining a healthy, holy spiritual conscience so we don't end up as mentally impaired and physically impaired as the current president of the USA.  I also want to know who it is that is incapable of being a holy and strong leader that would rather quit a lucrative job than become part of a Martin Bormann's follow-up experimentation.  I haven't yet got a name for all those spiritual losers who folded rather than resisted biological tyranny in their workplace, but it won't be 'Deacon Blue'.  Since they are as fallible as an unfaithful spouse, I suppose they are best described as unholy followers of anti-Yahweh who put their faith in Joseph Biden, not in the designer of their baby parts that weren't aborted.

Let's build up a front best, since trying to build better surely isn't going to be good enough to pass an inspection from the Creator who has expectations that need to be met. After all, what if this is day 1,989 of a 7 year period of testing? If you are fortunate enough to be working in a place that isn't shoving  sticks that could be tainted or actually could be causing real damage into your brain tissue area on a weekly basis or an unrighteous dictator who is demanding you become a biological experiment subject, thankfully tell others that you are not a servant of anyone that is following in Martin Bormann's footsteps. More concisely, declare that your boss doesn't have the spirit of Martin Bormann, even though demented Joe Biden apparently has the unholy spirit of Martin Bormann.

Cam Newton should actually start a chain of grocery stores or diners that refuses to serve the people who decided to get genetically altered due to Joe Biden's unconstitutional orders.

I suppose I'm going to pray for Tyler Bertuzzi, the only man with biologically pure courage on the Detroit Redwings roster.   Hey, how about putting a blue square 🟦 on the jerseys of those who refused to become biological experiments since they are tougher mentally, physically and spiritually and plop green circles 🟢 on the jerseys of those who took the easy path into unconstitutional conformity and bent the knee to Joe Biden's anti-freedom plans that still include the abuse and murder of innocent infants yanked out of a womb?  

To Those Forced To Quit Their Job Like a Respondent

 Being forced to quit your job because you care too much about your own body to let another person's costly experiment be part of your future will cause as much pain and suffering as being divorced from a person you had trusted, but then they decided to become cruel and overbearing.  A divorce typically causes loss of assets, reduction of income and often relocation which happens to be the most likely outcome of walking away from a horrid employer before you get seriously injured due to their demands.  

Words of consolation rarely come to people who have gone through a divorce, and suspicions arise about the cause of it. However, the faithful person somehow tries to carry on with integrity though mourning is expected and difficult. Words of consolation are not going to come from a wicked government when a person cares enough about their own body to protect it from genetic experiments designed by demonic pharmaceutical  scientists and their owners craving money while hating the Creator or natural remedies at the same time. 

As it is after a divorce, it is getting more and difficult to find a kind, humane, honest and faithful replacement for an employer as it is find a replacement for a parent that ditched his or her children and spouse. If you do find another employer willing to accept you as you were designed rather than with you full of experimental designer injections, you will appreciate that employer as much as a remarried person would appreciate their spouse who actually keeps their vows.

Wicked employers don't care if their employees are slutting around with others, having abortions and killing off their own family members with hatred or desertion, yet those employers then demand you become an injection experiment to remain with their team?  Leaving that type of employer voluntarily is like not contesting  divorce that a liar and adulterer has requested, and unless you let plenty of tears get released after realizing how much your employer decided to hate your integrity and your choice to not become an experiment that the current occupants of  unholy Israel seemed to flock to, be thankful you made a reasonable and sane choice, like so many health care professionals in New York and some law enforcement professionals and other highly skilled laborers will now be choosing to do.

We can't stop divorces from occurring, nd maybe a few of us still had hoped that our former spouses would repent of their unfaithfulness and cruelty, but such repentance is rare. When businesses start collapsing because their completely vaccinated workforce doesn't outlast those who chose a more natural defense against disease, don't shed a tear for those businesses. 

Cutting expenses, relocating and downsizing is still better than working for an employer who is behaving like dictator Biden or the dictators of California and New York. As it is after aa divorce from a person who decided to hate you though you had been faithful to the family, so it will be for those  forced from jobs after deciding their body has not been designed to be a voodoo doll for wretched, greedy drug buyers and drug sellers. As it is after a divorce, you might be fortunate enough to have some loving family members help you through as tough financial stretch but that also is a rarity in nations that spend more money on electronic devices than they do on investing in the most healthy, pure foods that are still available on grocer's shelves.

Although I despise the unjustified deranged people and dictator types who are pressuring others to be experimented with and are taking away the privileges of those who won't submit to their evil, it is a thread of hope that reminds me that when my or their life ends, I will never have to be with those type of inhumane people again, even if there is no heaven or hell as former USA Marine Justin Best now supposes. That Justin Best received plenty of shots and injections that may have caused him to  be as erratic as his is now. Others of us who have resisted being drugged into an altered state of mind or altered state of genetic make-up certainly have more respect for our own bodies than those who seek abortions, smoke cigarettes, slut around into sexually transmitted diseases or over-indulge ourselves into obesity and other serious, deadly diseases.

When Rocky IV came out in movie form, was it not the USA boxer who preferred a natural workout nd bodily discipline rather than the Russian who was the token multiple injection sample of  government tyranny? At the end of that movie, the injected person realized how foolish his trust in his  government had been, but that forced injection government is now typified by the majority of the anti-Yahweh, lying, greedy USA democratic government officials and their arrogant government counterparts in other wicked dictatorships now also making their unholy power pushes in also in Nigeria, France, Italy, Australia, Israel, Canada, etc. 

The faithful remnant has been promised a way of escape, and the only election that might be untampered with is that of the 144,000 sealed true Ysrealites that ideally will prove some prophets to be true.

321 wins didn't come easily to Patrick Roy and neither did ending up +322 like Jaromir Jagr.  When the root of Jesse splits, which side of   ×™×©×™ (320)  will you be on: Jesse Raczek of Knowlton, WI, Jesse James of the NFL or Jesse Smith of Rhinelander, WI?  Jesse Raczek's father, Bob Raczek the football coach. always told his team to appreciate their mother and to speak kindly to her.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Another Day 1,260 or 323 for 18 At Heather Hills?

🦂'Time Passes By', a tune by Orleans, is about decent people remembered. Petr Sykora ,might be a decent person with a decent family, but it's Heather Miller of Sudbury and Heather , the daughter of Deborah Westphal that seem to be 2 points on 1 line out there, somewhere in North American history.

When a person decides to provoke another family member, neighbor or in-law unto dislike of them, that provocation starts with intentional cruelty or intentional rudeness and continues with intentional unkindness. When the person who provoked anger toward them has achieved the desire of their heart, they often insist their household think and behave as they do toward the person who they provoked unto dislike of them, and the person who knows not Yahweh will not resist that type of evil which then prevents any peace or safety for the household they align with.

My blog is not an official police report truthfully submitted to paid officials to attempt to correct an unjust action, nor is it an official signed false complaint intended to ruin another's option for freedom. I have submitted truthful reports to paid officials where there never was a matter of correction imposed on the people who stole from me or injured me. I also have had official signed false complaints against me filed by Shane David Hendrikson and those falsehoods were then intentionally repeated by those who chose to believe a casino-lover and hater of Yahweh.  The provocation that Mr. Hendrikson started spread like a wicked disease that some people resisted; those that resisted have seen me as a hurting adult with a large child who has provoked me, like his father and wife, to dislike of him.  That was his option, but why do I not have it in me to intentionally provoke my parents unto dislike of me? It must be Yahweh, because I cannot say that I have seen 'good results' from the 'Jesus Christ' gangs, which publicly happens to include wealthy collectors of money known as Kat Kerr, Brian Berg, Joe Biden and Robin D. Bullock.  Bullock seems to think that his god is most concerned about stopping abortions, but my 'FE' Creator wants to stop liars, thieves, adulterers and idolatry that often centers around a staged 'church' presentation as easily at it can center around center ice or the 50 yard line of a football field.

I've been listening to Justin Best, former USA Marine, trying to sort through years of information input and his struggle now is real.  I understand his willingness to dump off the New Testament writings because of nonsense such as Matthew 5:39, which seems like something wicked Joe Biden wants the entire USA House of Representatives and his opposition to believe and in such a process, Biden is ruining a nation quickly rather than building back holier and stronger. If the book of Revelation is untrue, then many people are in a panic over something that will not occur, though many people will try to make those bad situations occur. I'm not going to say whether the book of Revelation is accurate prophecy or not, and let it prove or disprove itself.

What I do believe is Yeremyah chapter 36:1-4 as being an accurate way to forgiveness of sins rather than waiting around for a flogged, crucified person to prove his death can forgive my sins. 4 years into a situation, and Baruch did his duty when Yeremyah was imprisoned and limited by an unjust government. Reading into chapter 38, a message from a person whom I believe to be a truthful prophet was rejected in the 5th year by a king who wasn't concerned about the lineage of David's throne nor Mr. Key of the San Francisco 49ers.  Yup, it took over a year for Baruch and Yeremyah;s message from Yahweh to be openly opposed by a person not desiring forgiveness.... a man who preferred to be disliked by people like me rather than be part of his anti-Yahweh household.

A vicious line doesn't always end up in a vicious circle. Sometimes the distance between 2 points gets much wider when the line breaks off due to use of force.  I have hoped for many years that my son and his wife would at least show some etiquette and keep some line of communication open. but that that is not their mission. What did YWAM teach Richard Isaiah Hendrikson? What did UWM.ORG pay people to do?  Preachers of the Jesus theories have departed undearly from the people who turned to Yahweh for advice, and they continue to beg for money on a regular basis rather than openly steal it like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden with their unconstitutional, anti-Yahweh strong arm robbery methods.

Simon Bourne knew the efforts I put forth to try and create a memorable 1st anniversary for my son and his wife while he was their 'Christian' boss in Nantes, France. The record is clear that I did not want my son nor his wife to dislike me even before grandchildren became an issue of blood lines, even though he provoked me with his tattoo crews.   I want to forgive him because a true SOBER ( not under the influence of drugs or anti-family plans) mother really has a true deep concern for her children, but he has to seek forgiveness.  

There is a huge problem with religious groups that only preach about a 'heavenly father', since the judgment calls or testimony of a true, pro-Yahweh anti-abortion mother may in fact be very weighty when testimonies are not a laughing matter or a televised delusion in a contrived fictional show.  I can go and think about staying sober and in control of a situation while golfing 18 holes at beautiful Heather Hills today, and it is my enemies that think such a demonstration of sanity and good etiquette toward a neighbor or stranger is not important.  Petr Sykora seems to be a wiser man than Joe Biden and those who salute that foolish,  pro-abortion member of the Catholic church, the same church system that lifts up their crucified images and that helped a Nazi leader escape to South America and become 'Ricardo Klement'.  

I suppose today while on the course of club and ball action, I'll think of Larry Hovis and Harold Vick, 2 very different men who survived situations in WWII where they were provoked to dislike the people who hated and mistreated them and their friends by choice.

H2686, tied to October 3, 2021 in a 92 month situation tied to  chicken dinner line in Armada, Michigan, seems to be important as   ×—צץ.   Maybe the Armada line won't use so much force that it breaks off like the king who rejected the messages from Yereyahu.  A biological warfare injection doesn't inject hope into anyone, it only bring Barack Obama's pagan, distorted anti-holistic agenda into their system like Hitler's spiked evil-doers marching into the north shores of France. 

Mark Sikora is not Petr Sikora, and Michael Shane Campbell of New Zealand isn't Michael J. Campbell who was interested in forensic details after retiring from the Milwaukee Police Department and then dyed at age 67.  Ideally, my heart will stop beating with more dignity than a cigarette smoker who acquired brain cancer named David Snyder, the father of Rachel A. Snyder, who happened to openly claim that his daughter always got everything she wanted. Some people might be opposed to this last paragraph, but diseases caused by cigarette smoking do kill far more people annually than the COVID virus does and Barack Obama. Phil Arreola and David Snyder all have been more attached to their cigarette lines than to a bottle of activated charcoal that absorbs bacteria safely to resist internal trauma.

If you read this blog but didn't bother to contact me in the past 2 years to change my 'dislike' of you to a 'like', I suppose you are only a stranger openly seeking another opinion of the numbers 323, 18 and 1,260.  I hoped my honesty and  opinions assisted you as much as Harold Vick's honesty about Camp McDonnell assisted me. I now would never buy a Mitsubishi.

Day 323 on the left now recall the prophet Yczqal before Ed Belfour gets recalled for his 320 L line on October 2nd, 2021 in a city named Richmond, Michigan  under David Teske, that is selectively opposed to and fearful of chalk dust.

What is the difference between Jim Roberts and Don Raleigh at the NHL goal line of 320? I think it's really interesting that by either providence of choice, the 18th hole at Heather Hills is 323 yards from the white tee, since that sounds like a Petr Sykora combo based on the fact that he was chosen 18th by the New Jersey Devils and finished with 323 NHL goals.  True trivia won't hurt Jimmy Carson, Jimmy Graham, Shane Battier, Xavier Crawford or Zach Zech. However, biological injections can do more harm than trivia to someone like Jimmy Graham who chose wealth rather than protect his personnel health and moral choices like San Jose's police officer hero,  Sgt. David Gutierrez, chose to do.

Don't be similar to or support a Joe Biden, Vincent LoCicero or Nancy Pelosi if you know what's good for your future judgment. 🦂 If we as legal citizens of the USA can't get to our banked money unless we take an injection as Nigeria is doing, woe unto the wicked people who withhold our money as they are Macomb County's Vincent LoCicero.  Let's hope at least 10 people in each of our local areas, be it Legion 93  or IUPA local 21, don't belief Matthew 5:39 and actually do resist the pushers of needled biological experiments AND protect our right to retain and have access to our savings and future earnings. In the meantime, try to keep or build up a  5 month supply of cash for expenses out of your  bank and in your control.

2 scorpions must have gotten on Noah's ark, eh? Hole 18 got changed to 339 yards from the white; reminded me of Viktor Koslov.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Darkness Of What Month?

 Month 6... or maybe 31, 43, 56, 68,80, 92 or 105.  Was it a miracle or plenty of non-toxic bodily  preparation that caused a severe bout with the flu to hinder me for 2 weeks and then depart?   

Former Marine Justin Best completely denounced any belief in Moshe Ben Amram and Yahweh recently. but really most Christians including my son's family have done the same on a daily basis in churches worldwide decade after decade. How and when the end of all the stupidity on earth ceases is a mystery, but I hope that mystery arrives abruptly. since even I no longer have encouraging words to deliver to a stranger, a friend or a loved family member.  No, I think it's time for the earth to make it's closing statements.

The life of Uriah the Hittite seems worth recalling.  I don't see or know of any truly holy leaders in the USA or any other nation, and with a shortage of purified, holy leaders, sudden destruction should be expected.

How can a new heaven and new earth be brought about when so many people, without the desire to repent,  are so intent on making matters on the current earth worse than ever before?

330 days still on the left in the middle of the 6th month better have been a necessary hard count before 40 days on the right became an issue of Ezequiel. 

H1254... to create 

  H1639  ro reduce, to diminish, to remove  

 H1980 as in Halak. and something seems to be moving along with plenty of darkness included

Certainly, I now feel extremely diminished, so maybe it is month 56 in progress. I need a determined holy redeemer or a death certificate now since my output is ceasing. After all, how many times can Trinity Benson #17 be contrasted with Austin Hedges #17  during Freemason and cigarette company wars?

🦓  Does Scott Driscoll have any good ideas for Squad 68 now?

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Autumn Recall of 1996

 In 1996, I decided I was not longer feeling safe living in the city of Milwaukee for various reasons which included a very unjust mandatory 72 hour incarceration of humans who may have only been having an anxiety attack for a valid reason. Yes, sometimes anxiety attacks occur after people around you contintually mistreat you.

I left my rented flat in Milwaukee to try and improve my life and health in a central Wisconsin home which now is labeled 203781 Hollyhock Lane, a home that sat upon 10.24 acres of land that my parents gifted to me.  I really could have used some help from family members cleaning up the house that was often unoccupied. but even upon request my cousin Maggie Raczek refused to help at all.  Maggie always made it clear that she did not believe in the Bible  recommendations and on that day 25 years ago, she practiced what she believed and refused to be helpful to me when I was struggling with health matters.

A few days ago, cousin Maggie took a bullet in the head without informed consent, and she now might have to try to counter the same kind of fears that I have had to after being involuntarily drugged numerous times in Wisconsin.  As a high school biology teacher in Portland, Oregon she is a city employee in a city that has disdain for the career I had as a police officer, and now I know Maggie Raczek will not be asking me for help cleaning up her house while she is recovering from an involuntary injury. 

There's plenty of other family members who have chosen to do nothing or to do more harm than good for me while I was negatively affected by severe asthma from 2nd hand smoke and had horrific side effects from prednisone. Looking at the bullet hole in Maggie's house on 64th and Woodward in Portland certainly did not look like a stray bullet hole in my opinion and Maggie may have been targeted by someone as cruel as certain members of the staff of St. Michael's hospital in Stevens Point, who didn't seem to understand why I didn't want to be forced to take an injection that would  make me very unable to defend myself. After 12 years of making my own rational health care decisions without Shane David Hendrikson trying to destroy me with his 'plan' to cause me mental collapse, as if stealing the 10.24 acre land parcel that he quickly resold (though it had been gifted to me) wasn't enough, I'm thankful to say I've never had any disease other than short-lived flu symptoms which I do know how to safely treat even without being a biology teacher.   The perjury of Shane David Hendrikson in divorce court assisted his unjust acquisition, which my son, like Maggie Raczek, wasn't troubled by.

According to the Portland, Oregon news reports, Maggie Raczek is going to be 'OK'. Really? She may have lost an eye and she certainly will have mental instability, maybe for the duration of her life. That doesn't sound like an 'OK' outcome, even for a woman who didn't have enough love her cousin  to help with a bit of household cleaning in 1996.

I suppose the men who competed in the FDNY vs. NYPD hockey game last evening might appreciate my honesty more than someone who has developed an unnatural resistance to the Truth.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

@JC Tretter: Don'T Buy or Sell Anything Marked 'NHL'

When Cole Caufield signed a NHL contract, did he give them imminent domain over his bloodstream and all his personal medical decisions?  Maybe he should sue the NHL for breech of contract is it is not stated that he must abide by their tainted chemical orders which actually might result in many recipients of the risky gene modification injections becoming obviously CHEMICALLT IMPAIRED eventually. Sometimes there are no early signs of the damage in progress.

The NHL officially made itself into a beast problem by demanding all team members and 'close workers' get jabbed with a formula that HAS MANY RISKS included, in addition to no product liability.  Really?  Did Eric Lindros push for this or is he no longer the NHL Players Union leader?   If you want to avoid spiritual morbidity, quit your NHL job or take a leave of absence until the NHL facists are no longer in control of the league.   

Now as far as clothing goes, do we stop wearing the 'name' of people who are going along with this FORCED BODILY EXPERIMENTATION?    That might be a wise idea, so unless you have jerseys of people who are out of the league and retired, I regret to inform myself and others that wearing the name of people who are actively refusing to resist forced experimentation on it's employees could be more than a spiritual debacle.

So what's the NFL plan? The NFL will only punish teams financially that have an outbreak of temporary disease among people who made a medical choice to refuse experimental injections, but if the outbreak of disease occurs among it's voluntary rodents then there's no obvious punishment. Here's the most interesting prophetic demand that JC Tretter seemed to be unable to prevent:

If an NFL employee who has not been injected with an experimental liquid deposit that has NO product liability, they will be locked up for 10 days.  Those 10 days most likely will be in very comfortable surroundings, so go ahead and endure those 10 days while proving to others you are not USA rodent material and are more intelligent than a mole who has been captured as a laboratory specimen.  Indeed, you will not be prevented from an hour of testing, but your willingness to protect the INTERIOR of your body will be commendable in the sight of good angels and real anti-facist educated living saints who also are willing to openly resist being the intended receiver of  products generated from murdered innocent babies.

I suppose the NFL in general is less unreasonable than the NHL, although once again Las Vegas has proved it is the most unholy, unrighteous NFL team that wants to align with the mayor of New Orleans and the team who really are blaspheming when they refer to themselves as a  unit of SAINTS.

Anthony Sherman , formerly of the NFL, did  give audibles that were more true than unbelievable when the matter of labeling MEDICAL CHOICES by color codes.  Who's going to place a certain color on a woman who got a tubal ligation rather than choosing abstinance to prevent bringing another child into this corrupt world?  

I hope Tim Peel realizes he got out of a NHL league that now has devised a covenant/working contract that does not lead to a holy, pure lifestyle and also apparently has not chosen to allow their employees to be in command of their own flesh anymore..... or will there be moral and medical exclusions for those who want to resist the NHL beast?   I have now made a choice not to WEAR the jersey of any active NHL player or known active team owner such as Mario Lemiuex, and that is a uniform division decision that matters in the sight of my friends, enemies and adversaries.

Since I S O La Te does add up to 186 in chemical numerology, the NFL workers who have to '186' themselves for 10 days are to be signs of strength and good courage rather than weak and beggarly elements who will do anything to get a substantial paycheck.


Monday, September 6, 2021

Day 1,239: Time To Investigate And Plead For Purifying Mercy

 Until today, I had the wrong concept of what showing mercy to another is and thus, I confused lack of punishment with mercy.  I was told a lie long enough from childhood on, and I believed a lie until I was corrected on a day and hour that might be the 42nd month and day 1,238 in a timeline that cannot reverse itself.

Showing mercy to another has to mean refusing to sin against that 'another' who you are commanded to love . Withholding proper JUST punishment after that 'another' failed to show you, your community or your nation mercy because that 'another' continued to willfully sin against you is not only unjust, it is the opposite of true mercy.   In most uncivilized nations such as the USA in it's current unmerciful condition, punishment is often absurd and inflicted upon people who have not actually sinned, such as fining people for not wearing masks or eliminating them from fair business practices because they do not want to get experimented with by their government agencies who bought and sold injections containing not only aborted baby cell lines, but also many other unholy toxic chemicals.  In deranged San Francisco, mercy is not being shown to the community when thugs are allowed to sin against their neighborhood businesses BY STEALING without punishment.  No, mercy has been withheld from the USA and other uncivilized nations such as France and Canada and I would prefer if Yahweh would start revealing what true mercy consists of.

When mercy starts to outflow from the warriors selected by Yahweh, not only will they not sin against their neighbor, their community or their bankers but they also will have to insist that punishment no longer get withheld from those who have been willfully sinning after centuries of access to biblical writings.  When the bowl judgments start to progress, mercy will be in progress to protect those who have repented and intentionally try NOT to sin against others. 

Some Georgia senator who had been in the Navy, along with Dan Ball on a television show, weakly suggested that Nancy Pelosi and  Joe 'the crow' Biden  resign. Resigning is not JUST punishment for treasonous public servants, but the death penalty after 2 truthful witnesses testify against those treasonous, wicked public servants is a just course of mercy for treasonous HIGHLY COMPENSATED politicians who have been willfully sinning against our communities by not only spending money as though they are in a state of uncontrolled mania sitting in a temple as though they are 'GOD', but also by lying to other continually and  most recently supplying wicked Taliban enemies with ammunition and drugs.  

For those few who believe in the words of Yahweh, it is time to plead for mercy from Yahweh in maybe a form such as this:

"Almighty Yahweh,  we cannot survive unless you show the earth what true mercy is as you did in the days of Noah when wickedness was eradicated and only a few under the leadership of a courageous father were spared from death due to their good works.  Please let true mercy emit from your core of power, and do not eliminate righteous penalties including death against those who have refused to stopped sinning and thus have refused to be merciful toward their honest neighbor, their struggling community and their anti-fraud/anti-theft financial trustees who do actually matter in your sight. Prepare our minds to observe your mercy that includes righteous anger and completion of the promises you made to not forgive the unrepentant, but rather to prove that you are not the Wicked One who refuses to show mercy to the church of Philadelphia remnant scattered on earth in diverse places.

Yahweh Almighty, please stop refusing to display what purifying mercy is and hear the plea of a person who survived your discipline in order to be able to testify to others that it is best to choose to stop sinning rather than to be continually unmerciful toward your own body."

Mercy means refusing to sin against yourself, your neighbor and your righteous judge who may in fact be referred to as Yehovah-Yrah at when the timing is perfect for such a title to be more fully understood. (H3071).   Another new moon sequence is about to signal a few into action....🌑🌒, and the desire of my heart is to observe what purifying mercy is, now that I and my fellow students know mercy is NOT a lack of punishment after intentional sin keeps reoccurring in our uncivilized nations.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

H3068 VS. H1966: Yahwehists Vs. Luciferians

My behavior  and communications skills are much more perfected than Frank Sinatra's fake role in 'The Joker Is Wild'.  I also am thankful very few people have access to my necessary honesty on this site.

Expensive injections won't keep Michigan safe. Stop sinning if you want to keep Michigan or your state safe.  Television reporters aren't working indoors with masks on during their displays, yet those same heretics keep pushing visuals of masked juvenile students who will be more severely damaged internally and mentally by forced gagging protocol than they would be if they had a bout with a flu and then  naturally improved their immunity.

Weather disasters such as flooding might indeed be caused by human beings, who continually increase their immorality and anti-Yahwehist behaviors as in the time of Noah's ark production line.

What ABC, NBC ,CBC and CBS are rolling out of their studios is loads of unforgiveable sins in my opinion, since they prefer to  intentionally spread lies about the WARP SPEED injections being able to prevent the spreading of flu viruses, and in fact it cannot prevent the spread of the any flu.  Some people may wonder why Esaac Israel and Rob Skiba have both developed harsh symptoms of disease, and I might suggest that they lost their protective cover in 2 different ways. Esaac Israel of Stone Mountain, GA decided to be unresponsive to people who rebuked his elevation of Kobe Bryant and skanky pictures on his YOUTUBE broadcasts, and I would say that Rob Skiba developed the wrong affection for a show called 'The Chosen', which is a mockery of reality.  When I see others become unprotected while some others remain able to resist harsh symptoms, I am not afraid to attribute a necessary rod of correction to their attitude.  Like I recovered from harsh disease symptoms, those 2 men might also recover and then rebuke their own behaviors accordingly. Not all 'Israelites' are Hebrew Israelites, since the true Yahwehist knows that any human being can get grafted into the Yoshua Tree system, regardless of genetic components BUT allowing yourself to get  genetically modified by injection aligns you with Luciferians, not Yahwehists. Sure , the w in Yahweh could be a v or even a u, but the number of Yahweh's name is 26, quite a bit different than Judith.

The masked people are really starting to look like a combination of Michael Jackson the paranoid and Patricia Hearst, the woman who was clearly not willing to defend the USA constitution NOR was she willing to be a decent member of her family once the H1966 disease spread into her anti-H3068 mind.

Many unfit parents rather mask their children than work hard to provide healthy food for them. Many unfit parents rather mask their children than take away their computer games and force them to do household chores and bodily exercise to boost their immune system.  

Masked people aren't making me sick, they are making themselves sick and paranoid as the mentally instable, deceased Michael Jackson, brother of strumpet Janet Jackson.  

Even if you think this could be the 42nd month and only H1239 timing of Peter Stastney's R40th test, prepare to decide of H3071 seems like the best choice when compared to H1966, which sounds a lot like the word people used to say before Hitler, namely  'HYLL'.

Some people will be sounding shofars soon, and others will wait until it is officially autumn and not summer in the inner radius the stems out from the guiding Northstar light, which IS NOT the morning star H1966. H1966 could be the start of a 68th month, which actually made the William and Mary Tribe Vs. Virginia Cavaliers a rather interesting football clash of the Sharper brothers collegiate systems within a Scott center. It appears as though Harry James Sharper may have had a Don Majkowski advantage rather than a Mike Tomlin curcifix.

Did you  know that snow leopard seals prefer to be in very small groups and aren't afraid to do their duties alone? 🦂    Scorpions don't bother snow leopard seals, but they might bother feline leopards.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

3 Times And Your Simon Bar Jonah?

 There clearly was a seed of disbelief within the person many refer to as St. Peter.  A denial of association with a prophet or a keeper of Yahweh's lawfulness did lead to a death sentence for Peter, not a position of safety an protection from persecution.  

Now as I see millions  or maybe billions of people choosing to 'trust' corrupt pharmaceutical corporations deny an anti-abortion position  and also deny the concept of terrific natural resistance as they CHOOSE to claim the have weak immune systems and thus they beg to be on the Biden plan which is evidently anti-goodness by design.

Shot 1, shot 2 and a booster? 3 times unholy government leaders want you to PROVE you trust them more than you trust the Creator of the heavens, earth, water sources and natural vegetation and thus, you cannot claim your choice was involuntary nor something you believe should be repented of.

After Simon Bar Jonah decided to deny knowing the man who taught him for many months when Roman government leaders frightened him,   he not only started pointing fingers at Judas but eventually was tortured rather than departing in peace like Moshe Ben Amram and Elijah.

Surely I don't understand all the audibles from the person called Jesus of Nazareth, but I do know that Peter chose to lie ( false witness) rather than admit he was acquainted with  his Judean teacher whom he dined with after that teacher was taken into custody, according to written records

Who can stop after 1 chemical injection to prevent being a cowardly, unfaithful Peter in public  like the majority of the occupants in the grips of unholy men such as  Napthali Bennett, Justin Trudeau or Joe 'the crow' Biden?   Maybe a few can and will.