Saturday, October 31, 2020

What Has Been The Primary Problem of King Shinab of the Anishinabee People?

 In Hebrew, 'mukwa' means a burn or mark on the skin that leads to disease. In Ojibwa, 'mukwa' refers to a bear.

In Hebrew, Dalet+Beit= a bear.... dub as in dubious, Dublin, Dubay, Dubois, etc.  In Hebrew, 'mukwona' means a tand or pedestal such as is able to hold up light as a lampstand. Now, Is Mukwanago more of an Ojibwa word or a Hebrew word in its compilation?

Marquette high school in Milwaukee has had Michael Dubis as it's security director, the Milwaukee Public schools had had Acquine Jackson as it's security director, and I am familiar with both of those men. Based on results, is Jackson or Dubis better at protecting their 'flock' of students and teachers?

Daniel Matt is trying to sell books and trying to lead people toward a system of mysticism, but Mr. Matt continally misuses the term Gd as do most people engulfed in forms of modern Chrisitanity. Gd is neither Alpeh Tav nor is Gd the same as Yehovah, since Gd is now similar to the last statue of his father's 12 that Abram left with an ax in hand after the other 11 statues were unable to defend themselves against an ax in Abram's hand.  Like Edwin Layton, go ahead an put the following system being deployed to audiences by Daniel Matt to itching ears:

S                    R                       D                    P

The above are the 4 letters which Daniel Matt claims will lead to  'padres' and possibly right back into Marquette's St. Ignace anti-Yehovah delusions. If indeed P is most shallow as phosphorous, then S and sulfur is quite deep going back to Genesis chapter 14 with a 'mentionable' tie in the book of Yasher.

Daniel Matt likes to speak in vague terms, but I prefer to attach real people to Hebrew letters, and will the 'kaballah' system collapse or be strengthened by their PRDS system that might as well go all the way back to 1983 where Carla Derringer was luring people with music at Captain's Steak Joint maybe as Karen Dubis is trying to lure people to her police band now?

Sergei Krivokrasov(P)  to Michael Richter (R) to Brett Lindros(D) to Sean Garnet Whyte (S) is not the same as Sergei  Krivokrasov (P) to Rob Deer (R) to Eric Lindros (D) to Sean Garnet Whyte (S). Thus, 1 four step path might fail but there is a 'back-up- trail that does not rely on a 'B'..... a container as Daniel Matt would refer to the first letter of the Torah scrolls. 

Does this building code system hold up under pressure better than the system of Karen Dubis?

                       Sean Whyte ( Samech) of Sudbury

           Rob Deer                 (Resh)         Michael Richter 

          Brett Lindros           (Dalet)         Eric Lindros

                   Sergei Krivokrasov (Pey) of Angarsk


                               Psalm 91  as the ;grain of wheat' in good soil       

My ex-husband's son  decided to disgrace me rather than embrace me during the recent autumn feasts, and that was his unholy choice.  I suppose too many males don't think that Zechariah's warnings about lousy fathers apply to them or whoever it is that they have chosen to call 'father'.  Even so, I must continue to try to make choices that are good and holy and righteous, and that includes spending time with my parents, embracing them rather than disgracing them.  If there is a female component to Daniel Matt's 'God', it won't look like a crystal skull but that motherly entity would try to continue to walk after being seriously wounded by her children who have rejected the instructions delivered through Moshe Ben Amram's secretarial system.


 War zones usually do not result in a paradise loaded with wheat, barley, cattle, cheese wedges and baklava. Indeed, how can any military system 'win' that is improperly fed, gagged with masks and lacking the physical wisdom to walk away from a computer and return to their mother or their faithful father who is not buried in St. Ignace, Michigan surrounded by Jesuit haughtiness and  highway 63 casino naughtiness?

When people retreat to lean on 'God', the brother of Asher, it is not the same as being joined to Hashem the Gizonite, but neither Hashem nor God are ever listed as the angel of   יהוה    .

Daniel Matt is as vague as Maurice Sendak at times, but indeed the monster that rises out of the sea in 'Where the Wild Things Are' did not prevent the young boy from spending time at home with his mother's provision.  If today is day 1310 of the tribulation, you got a message from me, Marie' not from Edwin Laton and Richard 'Dick Best', a French Mirage. or an Air Force drone.

Doors will open, doors will be closed. Abigdor isn't Thor.  If your hero is a computerized entity devised by wicked Bill Gates or a Disney studio, you have no defense against deceptions that Ignatius, Marquette and UWM.ORG are deploying with their financial pool.  

I do not believe that any rabbi should be held in 'awe', especially those  named Benjamin who have difficulty hearing the name Zebulon.  

Brian Link isn't Adam Fink, but both have helped me think and behave reasonably when trying to accept a grieving period INDUCED by a son unwilling to embrace his real mother even for a few moments. When a human resists grieving after a person who she has prayed for and hoped for then openly, intentionally and PUBLICLY rejects her and the Feast of Booths system that  she represented,  the person unwilling to greive and mourn is like a robot or an electronic figure as dangerous as a hologram with no signs of proper healthy non-toxic emotions.

Wearing of masks will indeed induce oxygen shortages which typically can lead to lung damage and brain damage.  MANY wicked people are trying to cut off our oxygen supply while other wicked people are choosing to destroy their family tree while they try to sustain concrete idols, cigarette companies Coca-cola addiction, trophies and computerized violent games in their household all in the name of anti-Hashem.  

Which 'aged testament' prophet was it that declared that the children are not to do what their wicked fathers have done?  The prophet Zechariah is more reliable than the Wall St. Journal, since many greedy fathers have bred greedy, lazy thieves.  Go ahead and read the serious warnings in  that didn't come from smooth talking book salesmen such as Daniel Matt or Curtis Shayne Joseph or the authors of 'People' magazine.

I'm not participating in Halloween activities and Christmas activities are not an option for those who prefer to be defended by the angel of   יהוה  .

From what I have heard, the Anishinabee people have been accustomed to eating rabbits like Joel Breitzman and his diseased wife. Joel Breitzman didn't beieve that the writings in Exodus applied to him, so he chose to toss me out of his Egyptian home school about a dozen years ago/

Isaiah 3 :12 indicates that the state of Michigan. like many other zones, has been cursed with Gretchen Whitmer. I don't vote for females in order to respect the warnings from the prophet Isaiah. Whitmer wants to order restaurants to earn money without sufficient customers in the same way that wicked Pharoah of Egypt ordered the Hebrews to try to make brick without sufficient straw. Wicked health departments demand excessive compliance to ignorant 'COVID' ordinances yet allow the sales of far more dangerous items than a typical restaurant sells such as such as cigarettes, artificial breast implants and artificially colored foods and horrific videos which lead to depraved minds.

I suppose it might be suitable for everyone in the state of Michigan to sign in as 'Jack Doe' or 'Jane Buck' at their local eatery and list 'Rhinelander 4287' as their contact tracing number to adhere to the deceptive spirit of current Michigan ordinances, since it is not an official ON-DUTY police officer requesting accurate identification at the typical Michigan restaurant trying to earn rather than steal a living wage.  After all, is there really any difference between Boyd the 29th Viking and Rhodes the 27th Colt other than their family tree, their employer, their education, their DNA, their IQ, their dietary intake, their moral standards and the jersey numbers?

Eventually, those opposed to Moshe Ben Amram were defeated,, including a generations of Ysraelites who refused to respect Moshe Ben Amram as a prophet and a representative of   יהוה  . It is not wrong to test what Daniel Matt is teaching nor is  wrong to check into the book of Mormon or the book of Yasher, but make sure your leader is neither a woman  nor a prophet who teaches contrary to Moshe Ben Amram and against יהוה if you desire to be part of the 12000 of  לוי that are sealed in 8th place.
