Friday, February 21, 2025

Gideon and Asaph's wringer in the middle

                                          13th year

Psalm 75:8                         מָצָה                             Judges 6:38 

                                       Isaiah 51:17

To draw out is to wring out; eventually there is no more moisture that can be extracted  or anger that can be outpoured by physical hands on pressure  of a human.  Eventually a water pitcher or vessel of liquids appears to be empty but is not instantly dry.

 Wind and air can complete a  moisture draw.  When the last time you cried real tears?

Two silent witnesses: February 22, 2022

 There is not  an exit wound when  a ring of flint becomes a symbol of anti-artificial intelligence. Water came out of a rock,  unique rings were needed to carry the ark of the covenant . Thus, a silver ring with a flint stone certainly seems to be more appropriate than tossing a crucifix on your neck that Barabas didn't use.   As far as the testimony of the 'thief on the cross' goes,  where was his demonstration of righteous works before he died?  He makes a statement,and he dies being a thief who deserved a death sentence. Thus , the thief's  declaration from Luke 23:41-43 does  equate to the justice system  able to condemn or justify declared by יחזקאל   chapter 18 .  

Hear what the thief testified to.  He actually testified about  יחזקאל  (Yzequiel)  chapter 18! The thief did not say that his evil deeds should have expunged or gone without punishment.  

As far as the idea of 'paradise',  when the body feels no more pain, no more warring and death wins,  some might describe that as paradise. This term 'paradise' is as problematic as translating כות to 'Iron' rather than to "KOTt' or KUT in Joshua 19:38. The amount of inconsistencies in English Bible translations is astounding and should compel a competent person avoiding deception to become an  investigator with למוד skills.

Seven, eight...lay EM straight on February 22, 2022.  What if H2885 is as a 'rear guard' with Exodus chapter 36 being pivotal regarding the term 'coupled as one'?

Year 7, day 2496: חַלָּמִישׁ as in Deteronomy 8:15, YShIYH 50:7 and Psalm 114/flint

Year 8, day 2885: טַבַּצַת as in Exodus 25:12, 35:22 and 36:29 as well as בראשית  chapter 41:42 describing a ring.  ZKRYH chapter 1:7 -2:6 is you prefer history to comics such as "Reality Check' by Dave Whammed  that tossed the Flintstone characters into  today's edition.

                                             🦭          Л   T   ת           🦡   

                                     L   ט  Tt

  41:8 of יקזקאל has a one time word used to define a foundation; it took 12 years to reach H4328. The topic is 'side chambers' dimensions which enlarged a 'house'.  


Thursday, February 20, 2025

ESPN lying legion: '4 Nations' disgraceful groupies

Disney and ESPN are scripted groups that like to align with LGBTQ,  prescription drug sellers and gambling syndicates. Their highly paid commentator wrongly stated that this was a chance to prove which nation had the best team, but without Russia being invited, what they claim they are going to prove will not be proven at all.

All the 4 Nations tournament 'proves' is that ESPN and Disney aren't capable of being truthful.  In my opinion, whichever team has the least penalty minutes for the tournament is the most impressive team of the 4  countries invited to the NHL invitational.

Study H2988 if you are able to; יָבָל  refers to a stream of water and seems to be similar to the name EBLE tossed onto a Wisconsin hockey rink. I don't think Isaiah 42:1 was referring to 'Jesus' because  Isaiah 42:2 says the anointed servant of יהוה   will not cry out.  When a man claims that a prophesy has been fulfilled by reading from a book of Isaiah in a temple already defiled by the Talmud ring of businessmen,  why isn't it possible that some 'abomination of desolation' prophecy was fulfilled then?  Actually, it is possible since Isaiah 42:2 excludes the man labeled as 'Jesus Christ' who cried out in agony claiming to be forsaken, who had rode in peacefully to many zones  and who's image has been sold by metalworkers and statue makers worldwide. Incidentally, it was the prophet יחזקאל  who was told not to cry out when his wife died suddenly and he did not cry out.  

When you slowly back up with a vehicle and hit an object, rarely is there anything more than property damage. When you keep going forward at a high speed  and collide with an object or oncoming vehicle, more damage is likely to occur than in the back-up accident.

Part of bringing justice to nations  and individuals therein includes destroying those who deserve to be destroyed because of their wickedness.  

Not seeing any Russians in the NHL's invitational tournament  in 2025 is like not seeing any blacks at the front of a Milwaukee city school bus in 1988;  the NHL as a whole isn't gracious enough nor courageous  enough to oppose Joseph Biden, the United Kingdom's military leader and Kaja Kallas's international racism.

The permanent  family surname  on the back of a players jersey is much more important than the name on their temporary  team name on the front of their jersey.

 A nation with 61 active player/ employees in the NHL, namely Russia, wasn't even invited to the NHL invitational in 2025, but it's only like being excluded from a birthday party where the pig  sausages get tossed from the western Christianity pizza into the mouths of their anti-ישעיה religious group. Finland only has 51 player employees in the NHL now.

The book of Daniel does mention that   ירמיהו is an actual prophet who was not involved in lying signs and deceptive wonders.  Earthquakes in divers players does mean earthquakes in sea basins, since G2596  followed by G5117 does mean deep sea places similar to the swines dive team mentioned in Matthew 5:32, not diverse shallow places.

If you have been careful, you never jumped into media platform labeled X since  Elon Musk, a by-poduct of Bill&Melinda Gates computer idolatry,  is not an advocate of 'saving flesh'.

Brian Bouncher  lied when he said the 4 Nations tournament was important, but surely said tournament revealed the pro-gambling shame of Wayne Gretzky again alongside the disgraceful  anti-Russian racism the NHL is adhering to to appease Disney's LBGTQ gangs and Jill Biden's bigots.

Did you know that President George Washington freed his family's servants when he died?   Thomas Jefferson was not as gracious or thoughtful  toward his slaves when he died and caused more families to be divided like an arrogant divorce attorney who is only interested in his financial gains does now. This about these history facts, knowing that George Washington attended a church without statues and with the name יהוה lifted up in front of the congregation.  

February 22 is an important date for me to remember, but so is the 24th day during the 11th month that the prophet זכריה thought was important enough to leave a written record of, and that day will occur on February 22, 2025 according to my understanding of lunar calendar recognition.

You could've watched  St. Lucian chef Richardson Skinner vs.  Mrs. Stuart Skinner's excessive belly exposures instead of focusing on my opinions in serious matters that involve discernment and discretion.

'Project Esther' isn't my method of operation.  "Operation VAsHTi' seems like a safer plan to depart and shift to reduced exposure to unrighteousness demands from absurd political gaming administrations..

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Glass houses: deception and Deuteronomy 17:18-20

Which glass is least likely to deceive a person as much as Billy Joel songs have deceived people?  

1. Ned Glass in 'West Side Story" and 'Hogan's Heroes'

2. Ron Glass in 'Barney Miller'

3. Becker glass in hockey rinks

4.  Corning glass made into a paper weight

5. Cody Glass, a Penguin who is not from Wyoming

6. windows of agate as mentioned in YShIYH 54:11-13

7. basketball backboard glass

8. all of the above

Hint: 2 is  probably not the correct  answer, but 8 could be correct if Ron Glass is less deceptive that Billy Joel

YcCZQAL  chapter 17 mentions a riddle being supplied; UW-Superior  hockey chose a Riddle who isn't named Nelson.

This might be a wonderful year to learn how to make your own bone broth as YCZQAL did according to chapter 24.

Zechariah's mention of the 11th month, 24th day should be recalled on the evening of February 22, 2025. I guess such a date is more important than offering wedding anniversary kindness to a couple who  disregards official messages from a person who is not offended by the gospel of the prophet יחזקאל which clearly indicates that works do matter and forgiveness can be achieved without drowning in the blood from a tortured man who never met the qualification of Leviticus 22:22.

Deceptions believed become deceptions preached.   False prophets were sent out to test the listeners knowledge of the original Scriptures that were supposed to be copied in full by every king of ישראל.  Deuteronomy 17:18-20 is not a vague rule.  Where is the copy of the Torah scrolls that were written by Jesus of Nazareth?  I suspect there isn't such a text and there is indication that Jesus of Nazareth wrote in sand; wouldn't reporting his writing of a copy of the Torah be very important detail is he was to be viewed as a 'king'?

For those who have been sickened and deceived by those employed in the business of religion, do not forget that 'pastor' means cooked pork in the Spanish language, not clean animal bone broth.

English H translates to an X in both Spanish and Russian.  

I suppose asking anyone who claims to be king of  ישראל  to show you a copy of the Torah which they wrote and have with them would eliminate a multitude of imposters.  Now you know how YOU can prevent being deceived by a false 'king' who might claim to be 'King of kings and LORD of Lords.'  Surely the required hand-written copy of the Torah a genuine king of ישראל would have would not be shoved into a tiny box and be hung from a hat.

You may now head to tank #93 advertising Prell shampoo in 'The Twilight Zone' and head to Custer, Wisconsin or Custer, South Dakota to search for the Marie X. AcUTe pane or Ricardo Greppi's Italian dressing at the 18th hole.   ⛳

Monday, February 17, 2025

Rebuilding point tune up, ZKRYH's south side story

This is composition # 2,169, not a telephone post ; remember the lifestyle of a זֶמֶר .  🐐

ע can't look ahead through  Lincoln,  Nebraska's goalie Lentz #30.

Who told a NAPHL goalie named 'ENGLISH' to put  number  44,  the UK's telephone code,  on his back?

I don't think Andrew Bush, a terrific shoe merchant,  told English to put a bowling shoe size on his back.


There's a place for us

Somewhere a place for us

Peace and quiet and open air

Wait for us somewhere 


There's a time for us

Some day a time for us

Time together with time to spare 🎳

Time to learn, time to care  


Some day, somewhere......



I'll try a new way of living ; I'll read  יחזקאל chapters 18-24 many times and study  ZKRYH  chapter 9 as well as 1st Samuel chapter 14.

Who'll find a way of forgiving if he  or she doesn't actually believe זְכַרְיָה ?


Many young athletes in NAPHL's Dixon Cup  hockey tournament from different teams openly prayed  together in Michigan's icy cold neutral zone.  There wasn't a paid, professional pastor asking for donations nor fictitious Disney character's interrupting their strength training; their  youth ministry is  very costly. 

I wonder why NAPHL's Madison Capitals #28 had no name on his back, but #2 had SCHULTZ.

I wonder why so many members of the Car Shield NAPHL team prayed together even if Car Shield has sordid rappers in their commercials and they don't pay to repair Bryan Rust; then I noticed a speedy MICH as in MICHELIN and I thought about my valuable 4 DEFENDERS and was thankful my recent years included good, better and best decisions with יהוה as my guide .

MiKMaS Is mentioned in YShIYH 10:28; it has no ש  .  



Saturday, February 15, 2025

WIAC hockey prayer showtime: zero or 6 to 4?

Below is a list of public university home ice public prayer participants in February of 2025.  This is viewed as 'showtime' by some and humility with religious fervor by others.  No coaches took a knee  to pray openly with their students, but not praying openly doesn't mean 'won't pray at all'.  I've seen men like Daunte Culpepper and Michael Bennett of the Minnesota Vikings do the FCA type of prayer time with players from the opposing team. Michael Bennett eventually was punished for committing some type of loan fraud and I have no idea how he did after that punishment.  Whitney Houston's supposedly called on 'Jesus' but 'Jesus' didn't seem to punish  nor correct her nor her father which should trouble those who trust only in 'Jesus'. 

 3, 17 & 23 were common to both teams in the prayer showtime group but that's only a probability and statistics observation.  Eventually I will fill in the roster names.


   UWSuperior mens hockey          coaches                     UWStevens Point  mens hockey

   2025  Yellowjackets                         0                                     2025 Pointers

                 3                                                                                        3 Junker

                13                                                                                      17

                16                                                                                      23  Hart

                17                                                                                      72. Proctor



+  on February 15, 2025:  





I happen to think the above list is interesting, but if they are unwilling to occasionally speak with their parents or grandparents or communicate to them by letter with respect while they are alive, the public prayer really is nothing more than showtime.    

3 more hockey athletes joined in to showtime  bringing the Yellojackets up to 9 participants without exceptional drummer Will Kennedy; Bryson Gray singing 'Pray for my Enemies'  nor James Block singing Psalm 91 were not heard at Superior, Wisconsin's center ice .                                                                         


Thursday, February 13, 2025

RaRe Russian semi-conductor XOPH roll call

When  RARE EARTH  minerals are being discussed, it's actually a Detroit-generated code from Motown records' only successful 'white  male ' band.  It takes a lot of mineral deposits to make a quality drum set with cymbals.   Gilbert Bridges might be able to translate a bit more for you than I am able to.   When RARE  EARTH division is discussed, the semi-conductor of a musical band matters since it is a semi- conductor that trucks the bands equipment around.   If 70% of  RARE EARTH assets are on Russia's white side or current geography, slither your mind toward Detroit's RARE EARTH band members and do some research to understand the language masking the actual topic of white males and musician survival skills coupled with a precious ability to  'Get Ready'  'Under God's Light'. 💡

The locusts work in bands and have no king.   

           I just want to celebrate another day of living....   🧀

As I'd say in  Pskov,  Columbus , Angarsk or Milwaukee

" The H becomes X, the R becomes P, the N becomes H, and the V becomes B."

  The Z becomes З.   For instance,   HORN becomes XOPH if it doesn't become HoRn.

Try not to feel too stupid if you think  the recent 'rare earth' hype is actually literally about scattered mineral deposits in Europe typically obtained by strip mining which won't be permitted. 

 I used to think  musician/singer Rick Astley was a tall black male until I saw one of his videos.

Miss Coffey, hit records? Ukraine hasn't had a legitimate election since illegal Obama and criminal Clinton propped Zelensky's sordid penis into their key piano section.  In contrast to the dictator of Ukraine,  the recent legitimate presidential election in Russia was actually  86 % for President Vladimir Putin, not 63% for a Bratt and 63% for a Marchand and 63% for Paul  F. Stanton.  Got LNG?

                                                                  🍲         🎹       🚰

                                                                   🔥    Хорошо    🦆